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What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online)

08-31-2010 , 01:11 AM
when ever i feel bad about a beat i come back and read some of these beats and all the sudden i feel
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
08-31-2010 , 07:44 AM
Played £35 deepstack the other day at my local casino. (Balla I know but it's good money for me). It usually takes about 10-12 hours to finish.

Played to the right of a hyper agro guy all day, getting the better of him most of the time. Was good fun.

Made it to the bubble, 8 handed, dealt TT on the big blind. I had average chips, about 50k. Same as this hyper agro dude. Blinds are 500/1k with a 200 ante and folds to him in HJ and he raises it to 4k, I make it 14k with 36k left with the plan of snap calling if he shoves. He shoves, I snap call. He has 63o

Needless to say the flop was 634 and blanks on the turn and river. There goes 10 hours of my life to the bubble lol. Yeah I had been playing for 10 hours up to that point. I handled it pretty well though, just got up said bye and left with a smile on my face, thinking "poker lol". I saw someone else get crushed, AAv22 and a 2 hits the river on the bubble + 1, he took it very well as well which was kinda impressive actually.

The most entertaining hand of the day though made it all worth it, BB with J3suited, UTG raises to 2k and about 4 callers, getting sick odds to call 100bb deep so I call, flop JJ8, I check, he cbets, all folds to me, I raise, he re-raises, at this point I'm thinking wtf, I call as it's a small bet, check turn to him, he checks and im thinking wtf, river is an ace, I check and he shoves massive which made me think ffs, seriously considered folding for ages, his line was so whack though and he said "so you don't have a jack then" so I decided to call and i have no idea what he had but he lost. the funny part was he decided to hang around for hours trolling me, chatting a little bit too loudly to his friends so I would hear lol. first time ever didn't really care either
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
08-31-2010 , 07:52 AM
played a live £50 freezeout with about a hundred runners, 2 days before i played the £40 double chance at the same casino and chopped it up four ways for like £550 but anyway yeah, made it to final table of the £50, first was £1.6k, I have around 50k, which was average, blinds were at 5/10k, some douche raises to 50k with 66, everyone folds, I have AK in BB I obv snap call, hit my ace on the flop but he rivers a 6, which was a one outer as someone else binned a 6, I finished 9th for £70.. they ended up doing a deal 4 way where they all got 800 and played for 500.. if i won that pot, I was cruising to the final 4.
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:36 PM
320 6m fo ft i am 2nd out of 5, first place is 44k, AA vs AQo pf 60bb deep (stupid regs) i lose and get knocked out. I ate a Magnum to deal with it.
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
08-31-2010 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Burcak
320 6m fo ft i am 2nd out of 5, first place is 44k, AA vs AQo pf 60bb deep (stupid regs) i lose and get knocked out. I ate a Magnum to deal with it.
man this is painful $44,000 first place? ur kidding ....but its a 320$ buy in wow big donks......
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
08-31-2010 , 03:50 PM
My first big live torney made it to the last 2 tables £9k 1st me and another guy at my table are deep he's got me covered i've been tight all torney

Hero (btn) 5h 7h raise 3x bb
sb folds
bb calls

Flop 5d qh 7c

bb checks
Hero bets
bb raises
hero jams
bb tanks for ages i'm praying he calls and he did

bb kd qd

Turn q

He starts screaming booooom and all sorts of **** think that broke me more lol
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
08-31-2010 , 04:56 PM
ft'd the $109 $45k a couple sundays ago. was 3/9 and got 9th. he raises from co i flat with kq from btn. flop k8x. he checks i bet he shoves i call. he shows a8. turn q river 8. gg cl pot and $35k. i got $2800
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
08-31-2010 , 05:29 PM
In 2006 I tried to qualify for WSOPE having managed the year before to get to the WSOP for $9.

The prizes were; $22500 package for 1st and about $1250 for 2nd place.

I got HU and had a 3:1 chip lead before the following hand happened

stacks approx : 320K v 110K
blinds : 3/6K

I limp btn w T3s , villain makes it 24K, I call.

flop : TJQr , villain over bets all in , I call,

Villain has 88

Turn is a 9 giving villain the straight, I thought at the time I made a sick call.

This made stacks about even, shortly after we got it all in preflop, my AK v TT and I didn`t hit anything missing out on playing at the first WSOPE.

It took a while to get over this beat but at least I got something for my time, 3rd place got nothing.
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
08-31-2010 , 06:23 PM
worst i ever had was 11$-R at stars FT and i am out 8th while was 3rd in chips cause i made the stupid mistake to shove AA against A7 ... obviously he hits 89T-9-J... was tilted for some months... first place was 17k...
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
08-31-2010 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by MrGeros
worst i ever had was 11$-R at stars FT and i am out 8th while was 3rd in chips cause i made the stupid mistake to shove AA against A7 ... obviously he hits 89T-9-J... was tilted for some months... first place was 17k...
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
09-01-2010 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
lost a 60/40 at the final table of an 18 man sit n go, i cried for 2 hours and then killed a man with my bare hands
/end thread now
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
09-01-2010 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by philfan05
Serious Answer:

I've played many many tournies from $100-1500 and taken many bad beats. With that said, at the time, the most crushing beat I ever took was in 2004. I was in high school and didn't have any money online. There was a $500 freeroll at 2 am on UB (beat). I went to bed at 10 pm and set my alarm for 1:50. I grinded my way to the final table and was 2nd in chips going into the final table. Picked up AA a few hands in, get it all in preflop against the guy 1st in chips, he has KK, rivers his K. I was sooooooooo crushed. I remember it bothering me for like a week.
bad beat indeed
What was the Worst Final Table Bad Beat you took, and How did you handle it? (live or online) Quote
