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Things people do in casinos that tilt you Things people do in casinos that tilt you

09-20-2011 , 11:03 AM
Don't know if I can explain this so you can understand.

Other players don't make you lose, the cards and the statistical edge that the casino has makes you lose.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-20-2011 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
to the people who dont play basic strategy are the clowns who keep the casino in business. Ask me any BJ situation, i will tell you the right play, if i lose im just unlucky, i never go"by the gut feeling" people who do, and make stupid moves and make me lose tilt the hell outta me so badly, even worse if they win.
Not everyone playing blackjack is trying to make a living off of it.
Instead of bashing on how other people play, maybe you should move up to some of the higher stakes table where the casual/noob players aren't getting into your way.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-20-2011 , 01:13 PM
Other people play doesnt affect your BJ bottom line.

It's just as likely they take the dealers gin card as it is they take the dealers bust card.

This is moronic gamblers logic that I hear from 50yr old bearded degenerates who smell like cheap booze at the casino.

Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-20-2011 , 03:47 PM
While I'm sitting card dead at Caribbean Poker table, folding my ante 11 hands in a row, an old hag sits to my direct right (being delt what would have been my cards) and immediately I see her reaching for chips to put on the "Bet" spot. MAX TILT.

I know it doesn't really affect the randomness of my hand but from now on, for the rare times I even touch that dumb game, whenever a new player someone sits to my right, I just leave the table.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-22-2011 , 05:36 PM
when people ask what the max buyin is, then try to buyin for 1/2 the min
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-22-2011 , 06:04 PM
people saying "sick" constantly, so irritating.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-22-2011 , 10:15 PM
Hobble around in walkers and wheelchairs
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-22-2011 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Titaniums
I am a huge ****** please rape my face
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-23-2011 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Snowbird
Hobble around in walkers and wheelchairs
Yes, the nerve of those lazy people, not wanting to use their legs.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-23-2011 , 10:07 AM
When I sit and the older players laugh and ask the dealer jokingly "arent you going to check this kids ID" or something along the lines of "Theres no way your old enough to play here.", "Yeah right (roll eyes)".
Thank you for being blantantly rude and talking as if im not there. Because im young means you dont have manners and can be disrespectful? Oh sorry i forgot.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-23-2011 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by madchens
When I sit and the older players laugh and ask the dealer jokingly "arent you going to check this kids ID" or something along the lines of "Theres no way your old enough to play here.", "Yeah right (roll eyes)".
Thank you for being blantantly rude and talking as if im not there. Because im young means you dont have manners and can be disrespectful? Oh sorry i forgot.
Just say to the dealer: "Dealer, just think. In 10-15 years, everyone but you and me will be drooling sacks of stink or dead. It's great to be young!"

Then watch them piss their stacks away trying to bust the young smartass.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-23-2011 , 01:47 PM
Played live for the second time in about 2 years the other night. Was a reg 2 years ago when I was a fish. Played lots online since so have completely blitzed the average standard, though that's not a brag at all if I'm being honest.

There was one guy, respectable looking middle-aged bloke, who had a dice-rolling system before every hand. He was genuinely deciding which hands to play based on his two dice! Wouldn't have been so bad but he took ****ing ages every time it was his turn, even if he was in LP where he could've made his mind up already. Just liked being the centre of attention. The worst thing was he was calling 15% of his stack OOP with **** like 73o and making straights and trips.

I pity the guys who were there when I used to play and had obv been going every night since, and are still ****ing terrible. Just huge limpfests, people limping with 8bb and folding. I shoved from UTG with 12bb and the whole table of middle-aged men, some who have probably been playing poker since I was at primary school, started chatting in disbelief at my crazy open-sizing. I don't like to play poker apparently...

One hand all the fish limp in and the bb checks his option. Flop 8 Q Q. Everyone checks. Turn is an A. bb donks and gets 2 callers. River is a K. bb shoves for a huge overbet, and the first limper, who is a reg and has been going since I stopped being a reg, says "I don't see how you can be strong, if you were strong you would've bet smaller to get paid". Eventually folds.
The other guy thinks for ages. "I'm pretty sure we'd be chopping...I'm going to let it go but I'm almost certain we'd be chopping."
4 minutes wasted and the bb flips his KQ. Boy, I didn't see that one coming!

Live poker is teh ghey.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-23-2011 , 03:27 PM
People who win a big pot from you at showdown and then, after you muck your hand ask "what'd you have?"

awful ettiquette and very frustrating!
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-23-2011 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by chaznyjets
People who win a big pot from you at showdown and then, after you muck your hand ask "what'd you have?"

awful ettiquette and very frustrating!

Or even worse, after they won the hand, they ask the dealer to flip your hand up because "they want to know what your playing." Also when the guy who didnt even call preflop asks the dealer to expose your hand. Shyt is annoying.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-23-2011 , 04:51 PM
when people use the casino floor as a urinal instead of the actual urinal in the restroom (hollywood park) LOL
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-23-2011 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by WuhOh
when people use the casino floor as a urinal instead of the actual urinal in the restroom (hollywood park) LOL

I've seen a guy come to the table with a bandage on his finger and then about 20 min later I look at him and his finger is gushing blood and its getting on the table. HP is a dump and unsafe if you come up. I never play there. You will encounter the strangest characters
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-23-2011 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by madchens
When I sit and the older players laugh and ask the dealer jokingly "arent you going to check this kids ID" or something along the lines of "Theres no way your old enough to play here.", "Yeah right (roll eyes)".
Thank you for being blantantly rude and talking as if im not there. Because im young means you dont have manners and can be disrespectful? Oh sorry i forgot.
Happens to me all the time. I often get asked if I'm lost when I first sit down...
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-23-2011 , 05:37 PM
people with bad BO, (usually euros or middle easterners)

People who grub on finger food like chicken wings while playing. Shyt is gross. We all gotta touch the cards you touch
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-23-2011 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyKong32
people with bad BO, (usually euros or middle easterners) People who grub on finger food like chicken wings while playing. Shyt is gross. We all gotta touch the cards you touch
That is ridiculous, I've smelled bad BO just as much on Americans as any other group of people! How stupid!

My main complaint is with touching the chips. They harbor much more bacteria than cards do.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-24-2011 , 01:32 AM
Playing 2/4 in a French casino.

I am playing one of my best sessions ever, I make the right decision every time,
In the zone,you know!

Two key hands:

-First one: a weak scared money fish, raises and I call IP with T3o

Flop: KQ2, he c-bets, I float knowing he has KQ most of the time
Turn: 10: he bets almost pot again, i raise, he calls.
River: J: he checks and I bet 3/4 of his stack wich was like 2/3 of the pot, he tankfolds and shows KQ.
I show T3.

A couple hands later I got T8ss in the BB in a limped pot wich i check.
Flop: 9sQsJc
I bet 24 in a 24 pot.

But then I got raised by the friend or maybe even brother of the fish who I just had bluffed in a huge pot. he raised to 54 or something.
And I made it 168€
He tanks and shoves something like 600€ with Q8 loooooooooool.
He tought I was bluffing of course.

I destroyed the two guys in two hands. Every decent live poker player knows that the first hand has lead to the other one..

Suddenly there comes another reg at the table and he asks jokingly: "Who is the lucky one today?"
And they all pointed at me..
talking for like 15mins about how lucky i was to flop a straight..And that he has to look at all the chips I got and so on..So much chips in front of me, that must be a sick heater!

That doesn't tilt me but it makes me very very very angry..

And a little bit sad...
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-24-2011 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
or hey heres another! some old hag in her 50s puts in $22 middle position on a 1/2 game, im sitting on button with AKs, im like"how much you got behind?" shes like"90 dollars honny"
"im like"ok ill make it 80 bucks to go(leaving her with like under 40 bucks... she thinks and thinks and is like"ok ill see a flop and if i dont like it ill get away" In my head im like(wow this lady is so fn ******ed) so the flop comes out AK4 rainbow, she checks, i dont even hollywood and assume its all going in so i just throw in 2 green to put her allin and she thinks for like 2 minutes and says how pretty her hand is and how commited she is and eventually calls and tables QQ and i table my top 2 pair, at this point im thinking"my god this lady is so ******ed, please for the love of god rebuy for 300 more" but nope!!! no need for her to rebuy, she rivers a Q on me obviously and is like"I'm sorry honny i couldnt fold there was too much in there! i had to see it".... all i said was np im useda it and didnt even bother to say things like"shove preflop if ur not gonna fold when 2 overs hit?" "were you trapping me?" ... lmao ill never forget that night
This like tilts me.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-24-2011 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by abbiggs
People who think other people's play at a Blackjack table affects their bottom line.
Originally Posted by Mark275
^ really? so if i have a 15 vs a 5 i obv stay like everyone on the table, the idiot in the last seat hits his 14(when he shoulda stayed), gets a 7 to make his 21, dealer goes 10 in the hole.. to have 16... then pulls a duece, making an 18, making me LOSE and the scumbag who hit his 14 WIN. yeah if the moron stayed on the 14 like he shouldve, the dealer woulda went 16 then 7 for a BUST... do you understand or you just a fool? i bet ur the clown hitting the 14 in this situation. its a good thing i quit blackjack because i truely hate people who dont kno how to fn play, i love watching them lose all their money.
abbiggs is absolutely right. In the case you cited, the "idiot" could just as easily pulled the 6 which would have given the dealer a 21, thus saving you when the dealer gets the next card which was >6.

Other players' actions don't affect your hand.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-24-2011 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by Scarfaccio
Two key hands:

-First one: a weak scared money fish, raises and I call IP with T3o

Flop: KQ2, he c-bets, I float knowing he has KQ most of the time
Are you serious?
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-24-2011 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by akia47
Are you serious?
[ ] can exploit weaker players IP
[ ] can play the players and not only his hole cards
[ ] can read players based on history and bet sizing
[X] think he's smart
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
09-24-2011 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Scarfaccio
[ ] can exploit weaker players IP
[ ] can play the players and not only his hole cards
[ ] can read players based on history and bet sizing
[X] think he's smart
[X] Downer.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
