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Things people do in casinos that tilt you Things people do in casinos that tilt you

08-16-2011 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by Six Finger Nate
One thing I hate is when guys stack their chips in stacks of 10.

Looks so ridiculous.
seriously...what's wrong with this? I do this and it helps me keep track of how much I have
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 07:38 AM
People who wear pokerstars merchandise ftw
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by jewbinson
seriously...what's wrong with this? I do this and it helps me keep track of how much I have
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 12:24 PM
nits bug me the most, i can understand folding like a 6,3o but come on, like lets play, if u cant play postflop gtfo
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 12:34 PM
Railers who wet themselves then blame it on Global Warming
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 12:50 PM
People who borrow money in the form of another players chips instead of grabbing more from the box. (ok not casino but still tilting)

When you get it pf in with KK vs QQ and the board comes Q49-5-K
and they say "nice suckout" and get all pissed. Then for the rest of the night they remind everyone that you hit a 2 outer...

Card protectors that aren't chips (IDK why but this tilts me hard)

fish that fold second pair face up like they are making an amazing laydown.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 01:55 PM
Full tilt card protectors lol. There is this guy in my homegame that has one. And when i asked why he still uses it, he replied : "cause i play on full tilt every day" . So i ask him if he puts in lots of volume these days, cause he basicly has to, to buy a 200 fpp card protector. And he replies : "yes i play 10 tables 400NL for about 7 hours a day"

fell of my chair laughing and he gave me the weirdest look ever lol
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 01:58 PM
ppl complaining when loose with ak vs 99 preflop ai,when the board ran like k72 3 9. The next couple of weeks they keep reminding you that u gave the most horrible beat ever, and they dont seem to understand that they just lost a flip
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Jacked19
Full tilt card protectors lol. There is this guy in my homegame that has one. And when i asked why he still uses it, he replied : "cause i play on full tilt every day" . So i ask him if he puts in lots of volume these days, cause he basicly has to, to buy a 200 fpp card protector. And he replies : "yes i play 10 tables 400NL for about 7 hours a day"

fell of my chair laughing and he gave me the weirdest look ever lol
What's wrong with that? Was he being sarcastic?
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 02:06 PM
People that show the top pair card everytime after they bet and everyone folds. Flop Qxx, bet, everyone folds, show Queen. The worst part is they are serious as to say "Look I never bluff, I had it and I didn't want any callers". The worst part is they are dead serious when they say they didn't want action from a worst hand.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by flop_da_kapooriyas
If I made a list, this page would become too long. But here are a few:

*I go all in. Old fart has only two options (call or fold). He doesn't say it. He reaches for chips and asks the dealer "how much is it?". "175 bucks" says the dealer. The old fart slowly reaches for chips and counts them out 5 reds at a time, gives them to the dealer 45 seconds later and flips over the nuts.
Oh My God, I cannot stop laughing. Sry, just found this thread and going to read front to back. WOW FTW
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 02:42 PM
So many ******s ITT...

"I tilt so hard cos villain called my cbet OTF w/ FD then hitted OTR and c/called it and said that was'nt sure it was best flush--so he did'nt raised it.-->FACT: hero had nuts and tilted cos he won small pot with nuts"

"So tilting when PPL think they have reads from you...-->Fact: nervous AD/HD kid who playing full ring 4rollz and gives away live reads all the time"

"So tilting when people call you w/ MIDdle pair and say that they thought u had TP-->FACT(what poster didn't posted) I'm busto now after losing 50usd pot with my bottom pair and there was 0% that this villain is bluffing or folding.. so tilting.. yhyyy... :'(... yhyy... :'("

No comment... cos no any comment is required. Obv thing is obv...KARMA, dont give me any bad karma because of this post, thnx!

Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by REpresentingcompan
So many ******s ITT..."I tilt so hard cos villain called my cbet OTF w/ FD then hitted OTR and c/called it and said that was'nt sure it was best flush--so he did'nt raised it.-->FACT: hero had nuts and tilted cos he won small pot with nuts"

"So tilting when PPL think they have reads from you...-->Fact: nervous AD/HD kid who playing full ring 4rollz and gives away live reads all the time"

"So tilting when people call you w/ MIDdle pair and say that they thought u had TP-->FACT(what poster didn't posted) I'm busto now after losing 50usd pot with my bottom pair and there was 0% that this villain is bluffing or folding.. so tilting.. yhyyy... :'(... yhyy... :'("

No comment... cos no any comment is required. Obv thing is obv...KARMA, dont give me any bad karma because of this post, thnx!
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Jacked19
Full tilt card protectors lol. There is this guy in my homegame that has one. And when i asked why he still uses it, he replied : "cause i play on full tilt every day" . So i ask him if he puts in lots of volume these days, cause he basicly has to, to buy a 200 fpp card protector. And he replies : "yes i play 10 tables 400NL for about 7 hours a day"

fell of my chair laughing and he gave me the weirdest look ever lol
Your villain is level: 3 troll and he owned u hard.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by YouCheckRaise
yeah seriously what's wrong with it....
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by REpresentingcompan
So many ******s ITT...

No comment... cos no any comment is required. Obv thing is obv...KARMA, dont give me any bad karma because of this post, thnx!

What you actually don't realize is that everyone posting on this thread is a troll...

Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Jacked19
Full tilt card protectors lol. There is this guy in my homegame that has one. And when i asked why he still uses it, he replied : "cause i play on full tilt every day" . So i ask him if he puts in lots of volume these days, cause he basicly has to, to buy a 200 fpp card protector. And he replies : "yes i play 10 tables 400NL for about 7 hours a day"

fell of my chair laughing and he gave me the weirdest look ever lol
I'm gonna be reppin my Minted card protector every time I go to the casino for indie cred. Oh this thing? Yeah it's from Minted Poker. It's pretty obscure, you've probably never heard of it
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 06:07 PM
I can't stand the Asian players when it's noodle soup time while playing....slurping so ****ing loud and getting the table wet with spit ****ing tilts the **** out of me!!

And the older Greek fish playing 2/5 who ****ing reaks of both B.O and garlic yet you don't want him to leave!
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 07:13 PM
1) getting slowrolled
2) asking how much u can raise in a limit game
3) DBs ignoring the hot girl sweating your aggro game like she is nothing to you...dude poker will always be here that hot girl is about to go find another pot o gold to suck dry.
4) sneezing and not covering their mouth, or wiping off their hands
5) security changing out the drop box in the middle of a monster pot
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 08:10 PM
Not sure if this one is on here but:
People who have no idea what is in the pot... example:
1. Player bets $63 into a 12 dollar 6 way limped pot on the flop.
2. I saw a player bet 15 dollars into a +$200 pot on the river, get reraised to $50. Thinks, flips over 34suited. The board is 7 J 8 K J. Playing the board while trying to bluff someone while giving them 1-14 pot odds.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by flop_da_kapooriyas
When middle-aged men soft-play the woman at the table because "they don't wanna take her money". And I mean checking the nuts in position on the river. The girl is probably thinking "thanks for the free money loser".
Same thing happens everytime some random creepo buys them a drink at a bar. FUUUUUUCK... if I had titties I would go sit at a bar and get hammered for free every night.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 08:49 PM
When people act like they know what hand I had. When I hold Q 9 and board is:

Q K 4 9

Check check check flop, and I bet $45 into a $50 pot. They fold and say "I think you just wasted your 10 J"... NO I JUST DIDN'T WANT ANYONE SUCKING OUT ON ME FOR A FLUSH DRAW WHEN I HAVE BOTTOM 2 YOU F***

And 2 rounds later this same guy has AA vs my AKsuited.

And when fish call the dealer "dealer".

And (this one makes me money so I guess I like it it doesn't tilt me)... the dumb lady who when 3 come to a flush or 3 come to a straight on the river after I check and I bet she folds top 2 or something showing me how I'm bad cuz I sucked out on her when I hold RagRag... EXCEPT SHE ASKS THE DEALER, "really... really... why would you do that to me...?" then folds 30 seconds later, and this is the 10th time I 'sucked' out on her and I'm pretty sure even the fish at the table have caught on by now...
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 08:49 PM
Tilts: Indian guy who wears jersey shore tight ass shirts with his girlfriend sitting next to him at table showing her every hand and she gets excited with her fat titties telling him how to play in front of everyone.

actually doesnt tilt me but is pretty funny.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 08:56 PM
So much racist ban ITT
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
08-16-2011 , 10:27 PM
People who insist poker is luck. I try to reason... why do the pros always make the most money, why do they always make the final table at the big events.
I pose this to them, if we flip a coin and every time I win, you give me $1 and every time you win I give you $5. Would you take that bet 10 times? They think and try to argue and are idiots and eventually say, yes but that's just 2 sides, not 52 cards... I then try to explain pot odds and drawing to win and then they say it's apples and oranges and then I tell them to go die in a fire.

And then they go play slots the next weekend................
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
