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Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts

11-07-2011 , 10:43 AM
Love the way he gets his Wonga payments in, and the first thing he does is buy a CD from Amazon.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-07-2011 , 01:05 PM
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-07-2011 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
toby lewis about 10-15 years down the line?
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-07-2011 , 05:16 PM
nice bankroll management OP, see you on the streets.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-10-2011 , 08:12 AM
after depositing my last 45$ (£30) from a bounced supplement payment which didnt go through i spent the last week grinding limit holdem and PLO on Lock poker and run it up to $1100 but lost like 300 last night playing 5/10 limit holdem and 2/4 PLO could of been much much worse as i was massively tilted.

At one point i went from 600$ to $200 and almost busted the account.

Regged for the Sunday tourney on merge 109$ buying ship one time please, wish me luck.

[x] not a quitter

Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-10-2011 , 08:34 AM
last post seems patchy.. 1100 minus 300 : br800.. then from 600 to 200? where'd the 200 that would occupy the spot between 600 and 800 go? And let's say you're sitting with an 800 dollar roll, you have reg'd a $109 BI MTT? Is this on a seperate skin and therefor seperate roll? I replied to this thread a week or so ago, since then, gotta throw out the big ol' TL;DR, so maybe I'm missing something. Let's hope so. Otherwise,
Degens Gon' Degen
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-10-2011 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by mylifeisabadbeat

[x] has a gambling problem
[x] will be broke soon AGAIN
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-10-2011 , 04:23 PM
Whatever happened to Bluescouse?
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-10-2011 , 06:53 PM
£9k? Come on bro. Cut your losses and get your life on track.

How old are you?

I feel bad for you. I can't bare to think what your parents think of you.

Quit poker, please.

ALSO - You don't need expensive supplements if you want to improve your physique. It's all marketing. Luckily I was smart enough to realise this and didn't blow £££'s on supps.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-10-2011 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by 599
£9k? Come on bro. Cut your losses and get your life on track.

How old are you?

I feel bad for you. I can't bare to think what your parents think of you.

Quit poker, please.

ALSO - You don't need expensive supplements if you want to improve your physique. It's all marketing. Luckily I was smart enough to realise this and didn't blow £££'s on supps.
Who are you, his mom?
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-10-2011 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by astronaut
Who are you, his mom?
ya op keep depositing but play mtts!
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-10-2011 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Disinterested
Serious LOL at anyone who ever desposits more than $100 on a poker site. WTF ARE YOU DOING. You play at micros with BRM and LEARN THE GAME HERE, and move up as a winning player, and move down as you lose.

LOLOLLOL u have no clue in life and i have no pity for u. GTFO
lmfao at you. Ya cuz anyone who goes busto from a 100 dolllar deposit is a major donk.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 08:51 AM
45$ to this in 1 week been degening it up, FL hold em is hell uva drug

Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 09:44 AM
In b4 Harry 'The Hachet' breaks ops legs for his debts.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 09:56 AM
quick 50 hand sesh 2 tableing .5/1 nl and .25/50 PLO

this is how we roll

Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:04 AM
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:17 PM
put the whole roll on the table and run it!!!!!!!

Just pray to Gamblor first....

Oh look at those graphs, 50 hands? Quick session? Hit and runner?
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:59 PM
Dude get down to your nearest Argos warehouse, lots of jobs there.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 04:33 PM
Sent your screenshot to Inland Revenue - you can get fked if you think you're playing poker with my tax you lazy c***.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 04:53 PM
How do you roll now?




Whilst browing a popular poker forum I notice the following thread:

The original poster claims to have lost thousands playing poker, which is unfortunate enough. Doing this whilst on benefits seems an irresponsible waste of what is supposed to be an allowance to seek employment.

Rather stupidly he uploaded a screenshot of his recent current account activity, which you can find attached. On the 28th Oct 2011 a JSA payment (ID: JP45 1023D DWP) enters his account for £106.90. He then proceeds to make multiple deposits to Pokerstars (a popular online card room) having initially made a transaction with

I merely hope you can intercept his stupidity. And allocate his future payments to fixing that rather nasty pot hole outside of my house.

Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 04:58 PM
sad for you to do that considering i have mental problems and have gambling problems. they cut my jobseekers anyways as i failed to attend.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 05:03 PM
Stop playing poker with what is supposed to be a support net for those that can't work?

At least stop giving it the big one when you win $150.

What earrings did you plump for?
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 05:05 PM
2 buy in BRM you will be at 5k in days if u run good enough
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-11-2011 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by SuperRams
How do you roll now?
Sad F'in person you are, what a man does with his money is up to him...

If he gets money for seeking work and he doesn't seek work then he will be busted eventually. Snitching on them is just so low...
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
