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Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts

11-02-2011 , 03:04 PM
Over the past 2 years ive tried unbeliveably hard to become winning player ive deposited around £7000-£9000.

I owe mum 2k

Dad 2k

Debt collectors 2k

and short time loan 500.

borrow 300 from wonga (short term loan finance bad credit is no problem lol, 11000% APR)

couldnt pay off dad pays and sais no more poker, and i say ok.

now today like 1 week later i take loan of 50 from wonga lose first hand all in flop Q33 i have AJ310 go all in turn K guy hits full house kings full of 3's so tilted after just my first hand stars punish me, log off, go back on get 450 loan from wonga lose it all playing sngs and PLO i restict tables to .25/50 but still lose

100 euro sit and go last dollar if i win i cash out and think how to pay off debt... board comes all hearts turn is spades river hearts i raise with king high flush he reraises of course stars hads him a Ace vs me

so now dead broke going to sell everything thanks poker, needed to get this off my chest argh...

and to make things worse i have social anxiety disorder and cannot cope in real world mentally .

this all really sucks and hearing galfond win milestone hand made me wanna go on a shotgun rampage.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 03:07 PM
perhaps poker is not for you?
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 03:09 PM
your life is a bad beat
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 03:11 PM
Try being a roulette pro instead. Sell an organ or sell your stinkhole for a start up roll. Forget betting on red/black. Bet on 1-18. Trust bro.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 03:13 PM
Keep playing. You are in the 90%, if you don't play, others can't win.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 03:23 PM
"Over the past 2 years ive tried unbeliveably hard to become winning player ive deposited around £7000-£9000."

Depositing a lot of money has nothing to do with trying hard, in fact I'd say it has a lot to do with not trying v. hard at all, one way or the other.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 03:23 PM
you are a looser
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 03:29 PM
According to science, your life is a bad beat.

Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Aruj Reis
perhaps poker is not for you?
perhaps you should mind your own business Aruj Reis-boy

Originally Posted by atisz
Keep playing. You are in the 90%, if you don't play, others can't win.
this is so true
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 04:15 PM
Wait - there is a site on the internet that lends people like you money? Our system is fked... BTW. what is the punishment for not repaying?

- just looked them up - how is charing 30% for a 1 month loan or 360% for a 1year loan not considered illegal in the first place? I guess thats the price you have to pay nowadays to not get your legs broken instead.

Last edited by callme; 11-02-2011 at 04:27 PM.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by astronaut
perhaps you should mind your own business Aruj Reis-boy

this is so true
touche' don't tap the glass cuts both ways.

Redeposit and gogogo OP. Luck will even out in the end. You're due for a big heater real soon.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by callme
- just looked them up - how is charing 30% for a 1 month loan or 360% for a 1year loan not considered illegal in the first place? I guess thats the price you have to pay nowadays to not get your legs broken instead.
[ ] OP knew this when he was taking a loan.
[x] OP just found out and realised he is in bigger s-*t than before
[ ] I care.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 04:51 PM
People have very little ambition these days. Why would you want to be like Greece and take on only a little bit of debt?

Go big or go home like we do over here in the US. You ain't in debt until you're $14 trillion in debt.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 04:59 PM
"cannot cope in real world mentally . "

Could be part of your problem
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 04:59 PM
To be serious, are you really tried that hard? First you have to find the game that suits you the most. Mtt's, sng's, sh cash, fr cash, hu, nl, fl or plo, and so on. I know it takes shltload of time, but it is necessary for many of us. You managed to lose over $10k it probably means you started higher than you should have done or took tilted shots or whatever.
I'm writing from experience, I busted countless of deposits for 2 years. I finally found my game, and won everything back, and some more in the past year.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 05:04 PM
Ok bro if borrowed money still can't get you to use BRM quit now dude you have gambling issues.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 05:18 PM
All the advice of sticking with it is from complete degenerates who are gonna milk you for every penny you don't have.. As long as you're playing with scared/borrowed money, you will lose. Grind your way out of debt away from the tables. Suffering from anxiety is a pretty sorry excuse for not working. Search hard and you can find something that will suit you.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 05:23 PM
phoned doctor few days ago gonna start on an ssri anti depressant citalapram prob equivalent of americans zolotof drug same thing really.

going on work placement for 4 weeks hopefully get job grind back debt and save enough to start with bankroll and learn to not tilt / use strict brm if i can even do that.

and yeh i play very scared money when i am borrowing so i am pretty much feeling in gut im gonna lose and i do. so wont do it again.

ill be back in 6 months hopefully. ty all

also tempted to move back to NL i cant really deal with PLO anymore it breaks my soul.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by mylifeisabadbeat

also tempted to move back to NL i cant really deal with PLO anymore it breaks my soul.
Nah - you just need to find somebody that runs cooler than you -> instaprofit.

I´d recommend this guy:
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 05:38 PM
You should try playing world at warcraft. At least there you can deposit money and it won't matter if you win or lose..
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 05:42 PM
Socially inept degens gonna degen
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by NomoneyHU.
According to science, your life is a bad beat.

according to social standings so is yours

galfond win milestone hand made me wanna go on a shotgun rampage
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 05:51 PM
rough times dude.

you obv have an issue of gambling which you cannot control.

bad news: your kinda life f**ked.
you need to find a way to get away from poker.
no more deposits, no more playing.
find something different to fill the void.

Things are tough now, and they will be for a while.
Just do your best to work/pay off debts the best you can.
try to stay positive, just move forward with you life.

You really need to shake off poker, if you don't this short term problem will become a lifetime problem. Stop b4 its to late.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 05:58 PM
How old are you OP?

You've probably heard this many times before, but you really really just need to get some help and keep playing.

Just grow some balls and start making life changing decisions, you're already down 7k, but I'm sure there is more money you can borrow. Borrow a few k's from some rich friends or just ask around in a bar that you are looking for someone who can borrow money, never be afraid to ask for help!

Remember, if you stop playing, we can't win anymore!
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
11-02-2011 , 06:13 PM
Assuming your dad isn't Dave Courtney or Mad Frankie Fraser, I'd definitely repay the debt collector before the parents.
Socially inept guy living with parents goes broke more times than greece euro debts Quote
