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****New Year, No Fear. You're all gonna get banned in 2017, anyway (LC/NC NSFW)**** ****New Year, No Fear. You're all gonna get banned in 2017, anyway (LC/NC NSFW)****

01-18-2017 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
but the rest of the world "m" stands for mirrion. So you were saying mirrion mirrion

It is common in finance, but it is based off of the fact that m stands for 1,000 in roman numerals. But bankers are usually horrible people that try and make very simple concepts seem as esoteric as possible so they use mm (thousand thousands) fir a mirrion but then you "k" for a thousand, so like 5k is 5,000. you would never right 5m, because that would just make too much sense.

There is consensus that a capital B stands for birrion, so there is that.
01-18-2017 , 04:08 PM
pitch went great, and it is likely to be more like $8mm.

I can taste the hookers and blow
01-18-2017 , 04:11 PM
what did you do again?

obviously not as good as being a civil engineer like Sammy.
01-18-2017 , 04:14 PM
01-18-2017 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
what did you do again?

obviously not as good as being a civil engineer like Sammy.
01-18-2017 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
It's actually very fun. Sammy gets to work with engineers/scientists from all over the world on this project. Sammy goes to bed every night looking forward to go to work the next day. Sammy's make good money doing this, but he would even do this for free. This project is not only an amazing experience (working with great minds from all over the world/underwater expeditions/high ground experiments) it's also a great opportunity for Sammy to learn new stuff, and an important addition to his CV.


The Sheep speaking the truth as always.
Meh I'd still rather be in the NBA
01-18-2017 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
Meh I'd still rather be in the NBA
so you want to **** a Kardashian then
01-18-2017 , 05:23 PM
Found a video of Sammy instructing two workers how to unload a pipe from the back of a truck

01-18-2017 , 05:24 PM
Maybe he just likes to touch the balls?
01-18-2017 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
Found a video of Sammy instructing two workers how to unload a pipe from the back of a truck

Sammy does not do manual labor.
01-18-2017 , 06:16 PM
01-18-2017 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
01-18-2017 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
what did you do again?

obviously not as good as being a civil engineer like Sammy.
well i provide ergonomic and space optimization solutions for companies in order to attract & maintain top talent, maximize their space utilization, maintain a healthier workforce and promote collaboration and functioning work environments.

So the non bull **** answer is I manage the finances and operations for a furniture dealership.

But I was an I-Banker for 4 years before this so I am now less of a scumbucket then I was before.
01-18-2017 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
thank you Samuel. I am enjoying office beers at the moment in celebration
01-18-2017 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by thabighurt35
thank you Samuel. I am enjoying office beers at the moment in celebration
You're welcome.
Sammy's drinking the dark rum right now.
Sammy would like to apologize in advance for the posts that may come. DSammy bees the drunk SAmmy tonight. sonny
01-18-2017 , 06:42 PM
Lonesome rider
01-18-2017 , 06:44 PM

01-18-2017 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
Sammy does not do manual labor.
you're the guy at the back scratching his head wandering wtf went wrong.
01-18-2017 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
you're the guy at the back scratching his head wandering wtf went wrong.
Yes Fiddle, finally you got it right. Sammy is the guy scratching his head/thinking. Sammy's a thinker. If The Fiddler fell in a hole, that no one/no machine/ no jedi could get him out of....They would call Sammy. Sammy would come. Sammy would look down the hole and say; that's the Fiddler Smoke a spliff, pee on a bear, touch the Morph
01-18-2017 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
Yes Fiddle, finally you got it right. Sammy is the guy scratching his head/thinking. Sammy's a thinker. If The Fiddler fell in a hole, that no one/no machine/ no jedi could get him out of....They would call Sammy. Sammy would come. Sammy would look down the hole and say; that's the Fiddler
solid thinking.
01-18-2017 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
solid thinking.
Come to Denmark Fiddle. Sammy will give you a job. The Fiddle could be a real man again. ¨

Come to DK, Sammy, be a man, life.........
01-18-2017 , 07:45 PM
01-18-2017 , 07:49 PM
Someone nearly took out a telephone pole outside my place. They're fixing it now but I don't know if they're going to knock the power out at some point during the repair. I want to play the 1K GTD hyper but if we lose power for any length of time then it's gg my buyin.

I should just quit poker like the rest of BBV.
01-18-2017 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
Come to Denmark Fiddle. Sammy will give you a job. The Fiddle could be a real man again. ¨

Come to DK, Sammy, be a man, life.........
It's too cold.
01-18-2017 , 07:58 PM
Sammy are you also going to the south pole?
