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I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program

12-12-2009 , 05:54 AM
WOW....WOW...........WOW.........................W OW....................................WOW......... ........................................WOW....... .................................................. .....................WOW
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 06:03 AM
One thing is certain ... OP has defeated the English laungage
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 06:09 AM
i think its common knowledge that if you win a big pot and then pick up AA or KK the best move is to just fold. its the system setting you up to lose to a flush so you redposit.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 06:14 AM
You didn't actually state anything you know. Also your grammar and spelling sucks.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 06:19 AM
I am still not sure whether I fell on the floor laughing from how stupid this post truly is, or how bad someone's English could be... But either way I think I hurt something from the fall!
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 06:22 AM
OP should sell his "secret" on a home made webpage for $15.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 06:43 AM
go away
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by froggythe
Hi guys. gals. Im a poker player like most you.One my real reasons for all hard work. Is because so many of us poker players are being lied to scammed and many cases ripped off. Even if its takign away from our wins .example of ripping of premium hands pocket pairs.

Trying to even out the games. ANd keep fish happy. balancing the odds so to speak. U have hard evidence.

BUt like i said i can teach eash one of you how to see this and spot it.

Now some go off deep end. Saying every hand is rigged or its completly rigged.

Thats not the case in lot spots. But what they do is equally disturbing.

Sites dont hire all those programers for nothing.And pay them huge salaries.And sign confidentiality agreements for noothing.

They manipulate the code. Inside poker client. To target the sharks or premium pairs or hands.

And maniplate the code to use large stack ratios at certain stack size ratios.

TO force out smaller stacks. To create faster losers. More lose more you spend.

I can show plainly both cases of manipulation. And best best i can teach you and show you wwith your own program. OR favorite site.

Poker Pros.have worked with these sites to help them keep sharks from feeding. And everyone knows sharks can manage their bankrolls. Most lol

And fish keep feeding it back into program.

Now anyone try discredit this.Will in next few months be proven dead and i mean seriously dead wrong.

The amount of greed level of deciet this sites do .Is horrid.

Now soem sites just rent software. Smaller sites.And honestly may have no clue. But its still in the code.
lol for someone working on this for 7 years you haven;t given it a lot of thought, have you?

****ing idiot
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 06:54 AM
froggythe, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and ask of you to provide some form of proof via open source (free to the public).

Could you somehow show some proof either here on this forum, or on a video hosted online (youtube)? Or even on a blogger blog?
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 06:58 AM
OP: And if im treated right. I will release this to every poker player wants it.
****ing idiot
go away
Also your grammar and spelling sucks.
Stop posting you idiot...
This is so dumb
I hate people like you.
fuuuuu !
Nooo guys, I wanna hear the secrets!!
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by chardonis
froggythe, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and ask of you to provide some form of proof via open source (free to the public).

Could you somehow show some proof either here on this forum, or on a video hosted online (youtube)? Or even on a blogger blog?
Yep +1 to that let gave u your chance go
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by froggythe
Everyone who plays poker would be glad to see and hear what i have learned.

Anyone i mean anyone try say aliens or drugs .is clueless or Has a agenda.

Its over bdiizzle. Ive broken the code so to speak. I know how its done.
I honestly have no idea what any of your posts ITT actually mean. You have literally said nothing in your extremely lengthy posts here. The only thing i got was that you believe there is cheating by ALL poker sites in regards to pocket pairs. What this means....I don't know.

Providing evidence would help your case and make you seem a little more legitimate.

Also, no - you're ******ed.

AND WHAT THE **** IS "IT"? you know how "its done"? WTF DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?

Last edited by dbizzle; 12-12-2009 at 07:05 AM. Reason: WTF IS IT?!
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by froggythe

Ive been slowly losing my mind over past 7 years.

I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by seefut22

I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 07:20 AM
op you are a f**king idiot....
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by froggythe
Or when you hold jj .A k rag hits all time. or a Smaller full house for larger one .
This reminds me of the video from the "why I don't tell people that I play poker" thread... "Every time I have kings a f***in A hits. Every f****n time!"

[x] OP can't play big pocket pairs?
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 07:28 AM
u people
not make him go away!!
before telling secret he was

i want know the truth!
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by gerfag
u people
not make him go away!!
before telling secret he was

i want know the truth!
The truth is, if you have 99 and the board is like 555 and 3 guys shove, you should fold.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by gustavv
The truth is, if you have 99 and the board is like 555 and 3 guys shove, you should fold.
Zeebo theorum clearly states that folding isn't an option
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 08:03 AM
I want know truth op please telling us op
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by froggythe
First off some you may be skeptical. And other that work or trying to protect there crooked affilate schemmes.
Stopped reading here.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by DRybes
Sounds like either a level or someone not too good at english found the old 'study' where some group looked at a woefully small sample and noticed flushes and other things occured more often than they should statistically, not considering it was well within the margins of error for their sample size and that they were likely sampling a disproportionately high amount of players who overplay any two suited.

The stupid part is there's probably people who would buy his **** on ebay if he wrote better english.
I'm not an expert on Chinese, but imo this is 99% Mandarin Chinese thrown through a translator...

And it is apparently saying that Pocket Pairs win more, and players with bigger stacks win more....

I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by froggythe
They introduce sets that bring it lot action or rake.
I hope they start introducing sets to my PP's in double quick time. Haven't hit one in ages

Originally Posted by DarkwingDuck
Nooo guys, I wanna hear the secrets!!
OP has discovered pattern mapping
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 10:55 AM
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 10:55 AM
internet has been warned
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
