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I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program

12-12-2009 , 04:28 AM
First off some you may be skeptical. And other that work or trying to protect there crooked affilate schemmes and banner . This wont deflect the truth.

Ive been working very hard over past 7 years.Just working on how Poker sites do it.And are poker sites rig it or scam people in any way.

I went into this a skeptic at first. Until early on many series of events. Led to suspesion of something was going.

Now i can teach anyone with there pc and there Favorite poker site.

So what you will learn is what i did.

Now id like everyones thought on this . Plus should method i should release this. Forums,ebay? et etc.

Now ive tested this on many many sites. with same results. And still testiing.

Now this is not some kind get rich quick scheme . Its the hard facts of how they do it.

I will put the 1st way to tell.

1. Pocket pairs or premium hands.As many of you know or read it books tell you to play always. Are targted. And i can show you all how to study and see this.

There is much much more.

Now im not trying get anyone to quit .We all know most of us will still play.Just fact of no home games. or many other reasons. Im just stating the facts.

And lot people are addicted to it will never end.

But what i know now will shock you.And spread light over darkness and seedy side of poker.

Anyone try to discredit this hard work.Is going to be in for a shock. As all i have to do is release this for free. And let the truth out.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:30 AM
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:31 AM
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:31 AM
fuuuuu !
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:32 AM
go away kid your freaking me out
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:39 AM
OP tilts me....

I hate people like you. From all the idiots of this earth, idiots like you annoy me the most....

Good job OP... 7 years wasted.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:40 AM
Hi guys. gals. Im a poker player like most you.One my real reasons for all hard work. Is because so many of us poker players are being lied to scammed and many cases ripped off. Even if its takign away from our wins .example of ripping of premium hands pocket pairs.

Trying to even out the games. ANd keep fish happy. balancing the odds so to speak. U have hard evidence.

BUt like i said i can teach eash one of you how to see this and spot it.

Now some go off deep end. Saying every hand is rigged or its completly rigged.

Thats not the case in lot spots. But what they do is equally disturbing.

Sites dont hire all those programers for nothing.And pay them huge salaries.And sign confidentiality agreements for noothing.

They manipulate the code. Inside poker client. To target the sharks or premium pairs or hands.

And maniplate the code to use large stack ratios at certain stack size ratios.

TO force out smaller stacks. To create faster losers. More lose more you spend.

I can show plainly both cases of manipulation. And best best i can teach you and show you wwith your own program. OR favorite site.

Poker Pros.have worked with these sites to help them keep sharks from feeding. And everyone knows sharks can manage their bankrolls. Most lol

And fish keep feeding it back into program.

Now anyone try discredit this.Will in next few months be proven dead and i mean seriously dead wrong.

The amount of greed level of deciet this sites do .Is horrid.

Now soem sites just rent software. Smaller sites.And honestly may have no clue. But its still in the code.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:40 AM
lol wtf you talking about
in your message nothing been said
7year??? wtf lol
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:41 AM
When i make my you tube videos. and release info .Nothign can stop it.

Will it change anything i doubt it.

But what they do will be known
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:44 AM
Don't do drugs kids.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:46 AM
1.Code manipulation. Pocket pairs are targted. or bullseyed.I can show this.

2.stack size ratio. I can show this easily.

3; That means nothign is random. And destroys that.

Many are in the dark on this. Site shills use this same method.

I can prove this. easily. WOuld you agree its not random and programed if i could prove this drax. BE careful what you say jax. I hold the key to some huge pots .

I also know and can predict losers and winners at times via this method. ALl it on stacks. But the weakness is there.

And ive been put out 100s a night with it. But it relies on certain things.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by froggythe
1.Code manipulation. Pocket pairs are targted. or bullseyed.I can show this.

2.stack size ratio. I can show this easily.

3; That means nothign is random. And destroys that.

Many are in the dark on this. Site shills use this same method.

I can prove this. easily. WOuld you agree its not random and programed if i could prove this drax. BE careful what you say jax. I hold the key to some huge pots .

I also know and can predict losers and winners at times via this method. ALl it on stacks. But the weakness is there.

And ive been put out 100s a night with it. But it relies on certain things.
I believe only if you can prove
try prove it now :P GL
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:48 AM
Everyone who plays poker would be glad to see and hear what i have learned.

Anyone i mean anyone try say aliens or drugs .is clueless or Has a agenda.

Its over bdiizzle. Ive broken the code so to speak. I know how its done.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by froggythe
Everyone who plays poker would be glad to see and hear what i have learned.

Anyone i mean anyone try say aliens or drugs .is clueless or Has a agenda.

Its over bdiizzle. Ive broken the code so to speak. I know how its done.
go tell us :P
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 04:56 AM
Now last post for tonight. Whats best way getign this out to players.Sites would fear and pay lots money for what i know.

I want to expose it players whats best method is question for now.

Sites introdce code Into clients. Meaning they hire dollar programs can manipulate anything. They introduce sets that bring it lot action or rake. Example flush when a straight hits more than normal.

Or when you hold jj .A k rag hits all time. or a Smaller full house for larger one .

Flushes rate online alone proves something is way. But many ignore this simple thing.

Im not try get anyone to quit poker. Im just here to annouce what ive found.

And if im treated right. I will release this to every poker player wants it. Whats best method to do this. Ideas.

And keep my name for private messages.I wont be liked be the banner boys.

They want your money. I want you know truth think about it.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 05:12 AM
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 05:16 AM
provide proof, stop being cryptic or gtfo!
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 05:17 AM
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 05:17 AM
Stop posting you idiot...

You could have learned English in the last 7 years and not waste your life you loser...
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 05:19 AM
I vote for ebay
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 05:20 AM
froggy the = God

I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by froggythe
[....]But what i know now will shock you.And spread light over darkness and seedy side of poker[....]
i lol'ed
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 05:26 AM
This is so dumb, I used to be a fish and I lost, as I got better I started winning. How does this rigged site decipher such a thing?

Also I have full stacked forever and I have won many many flips vs. shortstackers as well as lost many many flips. This goes for me vs. short stacks as well as large stacks and from donkeys (95/5 to really nitty players 1/1).

Please explain what differentiates these? Also what agenda does online poker have to do this? If bad players lose and redeposit and if good players win and keep winning, there is consistent rake coming no matter what. Rake = A **** TON OF MONEY for poker sites, why cheat and risk losing all their customer base for another x amount of dollars?
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 05:45 AM
omg i cant tell if this guy is leveling us or if he is really trying to get us to believe he knows this ****.. he must really be desperate
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
12-12-2009 , 05:51 AM
Sounds like either a level or someone not too good at english found the old 'study' where some group looked at a woefully small sample and noticed flushes and other things occured more often than they should statistically, not considering it was well within the margins of error for their sample size and that they were likely sampling a disproportionately high amount of players who overplay any two suited.

The stupid part is there's probably people who would buy his **** on ebay if he wrote better english.
I know how they DO it .Poker sites Program Quote
