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***A fred featuring S2B and other problem genes. And Eurovision! May LC/NC NSFW*** ***A fred featuring S2B and other problem genes. And Eurovision! May LC/NC NSFW***

05-17-2022 , 08:37 PM
I majored in Modding from the University of Awesome.
05-17-2022 , 08:52 PM
I’ve got a Doctorate in Infractions.
05-18-2022 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice

05-19-2022 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by robert_utk
I am a bachelor of the arts. This means I was not married at the time of graduation.

Originally Posted by robert_utk
Last edited by robert_utk; Yesterday at 05:46 PM. Reason: …Also got a minor…

05-19-2022 , 02:56 PM

Sport or game?
05-19-2022 , 03:05 PM
If there is a fantasy version of it, then the real version is a sport. Isn't there fantasy golf?
05-19-2022 , 03:45 PM
I like the Norweigan guy that was here for EuroVision. I think we should let him post more in BBV.
05-19-2022 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by robert_utk
If there is a fantasy version of it, then the real version is a sport. Isn't there fantasy golf?
I never thought about the fantasy side of it. I'll have to think on that.

I've always felt that a game is not a sport if your physical contribution is not diminished after smoking a pack of Marlboros.
05-19-2022 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
I've always felt that a game is not a sport if your physical contribution is not diminished after smoking a pack of Marlboros.
Yes, that is a point Mr. suitedjustice. But then activities widely regarded as 'sport' such as baseball could be questioned. I thought they used to smoke in the dugout until the team owners forbade it.
05-19-2022 , 07:04 PM
Wait is Eurovision already over?
05-19-2022 , 09:05 PM
Did the vegan pussy eaters beat Ukraine?
05-20-2022 , 04:02 AM
Remember when Sammy said he was going to save the world. Now we are moments from nuclear war.

Good times.
05-20-2022 , 04:21 AM
Australian election party on BBV tomorrow? Not quite eurovision.

Who's gonna win Fiddles and do you care?
05-20-2022 , 12:55 PM
Which party is bringing back the gallows?
05-20-2022 , 01:53 PM
05-20-2022 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
Australian election party on BBV tomorrow? Not quite eurovision.

Who's gonna win Fiddles and do you care?
This isn't the USA. There isn't a whole lot between each party.
05-20-2022 , 05:11 PM
This is the USA.

Last edited by King Fish; 05-20-2022 at 05:21 PM.
05-20-2022 , 06:50 PM
This is the USA, on the trail of the Last American Man-Eagle.

05-20-2022 , 11:16 PM
I just consumed a gram of RSO and made this to wash it down. Off to a wonderful land of couchlock goodness…

This is the USA.
05-21-2022 , 02:57 AM
^ Damn that looks tasty

Nothing happening yet in Aussie election

Stay tuned
05-21-2022 , 05:35 AM
All I know about Australian politics, I've learned from these guys:

05-21-2022 , 10:00 AM
Happy Meerkaturday!

05-21-2022 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
Remember when Sammy said he was going to save the world. Now we are moments from nuclear war.

Good times.

removed video, it was an add provided by one of companies involved in the project

Last edited by Sammy2bullets; 05-21-2022 at 10:22 AM.
05-21-2022 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets

removed video, it was an add provided by one of companies involved in the project

That looks like Mogadishu.
05-21-2022 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Morphismus

That looks like Mogadishu.
It's not finished yet, punk.

Not a house I personally would want to live in, but it's a pioneer project and I love the whole idea of being self-sufficient as much as possible, and saving the planet at the same time. I could see myself living in a small "hippie" community like that, me of course being their leader. It's like living in your own small country where you make the rules yourself. I would be/will be a great cult-leader.
