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Degen Stories.... Degen Stories....

12-18-2013 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by POCKET ROCKETS OOO
FCUK NJ for making online gambling legal.

I had been relatively in control with my habit until last weekend when we got home late from the club and drunkenly finally decided to download the NJ Party Poker client.

First deposit 25, then 50, 75, 150, and then a final bank xfer of 300. I was only playing casino games and had no intent to play poker. I realized I was way to drunk to play well. On my final deposit I make a solid run in online BJ and get my account up to around 2300. I shut my laptop off and try and sleep. Laying in bed I am unable to fall asleep I tell myself ill play another 300 max and cash out the 2k. Well less then 15 minutes later after trying to martingale my original 15$ bet I have 3 hands of the max bet of 250$. Loose 2 out of 3 and im down to about 400 in my account. Proceed the loose the rest in a few more hands of 100$. Laid in bed next to my wife sweating and staring at the ceiling feeling like a low life piece of shyt. Tell myself im done online because even when I win I don't have the will power to stop. Delete the poker client and get my work week on the way.

Well rinse and repeat. I do the exact same thing this f*cking weekend. Spent Friday night at my buddies house get all sorts of intoxicated and flash forward to about 3am. Everyone is starting to relax and I get the urge to play some poker. I keep telling myself I will just play some 1/2 and no online pit games. I deposit 200$. I was playing for about an hour and running pretty hot and already stacked 2 players. I was at around 650 in my account. I take a jump and sit at a 6max 2/5 table with 2 other people seated. Play for a little make some stupid moves but end up catching a nut flush against a K high flush and leave the table at around 1100. I request a withdrawal for 1K and leave 100$ in my account to mess around with for the next few days.

Loose the 100 super fast and get pissed off. Best 100$ on BJ, split the 2 aces and catch a 7 and 4. Dealer pulled a 19.

Loose the 700 in normal online BJ fashion. I can't tell you how many times on this site I will catch a BJ when I just up my bet and be unstuck and then the dealer will also have an ace hidden under a 10.

To sum it up ive spent most of my disposable money right before the holidays and broke a month and a half long recovery of not gambling.

Screw this addiction.
Keep at it, you will achieve your goals eventually
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by TimDawn
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by TimDawn
Title: The Titanic Poker Story

The following story is based on true events.

Chapter 1: Getting to know the basics

8 years ago a young sprite woke up in the morning and stepped outside. He took a deep breath and got real high. He screamed to the top of his lungs "What's goin' on?" Much to his surprise a black Cadillac in the neighborhood slowed down and pulled up right in front of him. He couldn't see inside the tinted windows and then the driver window rolled down. A ghastly old man sat inside. He kind of looked like Jack Nicholson and told the 18 year old kid "Hey Sonny, I'm Wild Bill. I'm going down to a poker game. Care to join me?". The young lad responded "I've never played poker before. I've only seen the World Series of Poker on television. I'm only 18". Wild Bill retorted "Well you are old enough to play kiddo. I'll teach ya on the way. What's your name?". The kid nervously responded "Bartholomew". Bill smiled and said "Okay Bart. Hop in, we're gonna make a boat load of money together". Bart was intrigued. He worked as a grocery bagger at the local supermarket. He never even had more than a thousand dollars to his name. Let alone millions. He hopped in the passenger seat of the caddy and they were on their way.

And so Bill told Bart all the basics on how to play poker and make money at it. He told him that he has been a professional for 39 years. He said that he had made millions from the game. Bart told him he only had 20 bucks on him. And asked if it was enough. Bill laughed and said "Bucko, I'm going to stake you. Staking is a business deal between poker players. I'll give you money to play, and you get to keep a certain percent of the profits. Today I'm going to give you $2000. Which is 2 buyins in the 5/10 no-limit holdem game we'll be playing today. You get to keep 20% of all the profits you make today. If you lose, well we'll get to that later but since it's your first time. You've got beginner's luck and nothing to worry about". Bill handed over $2000 to Bart and said "Don't think of doing anything silly kid. Put that money in your crotch so no one can try to steal it from you." Bart obeyed Bill's orders and stuck it whitey tighties.

They arrived to this bar around 2PM. Bart nervously asked Bill "The game is in here? Is this area safe?" Bill said "Barty, don't worry about it. There's never been a problem here with Wild Bill around." So they walked in and Bill told the bartender to unlock the door to the back room for him. They walk in and see a gambler's paradise. They had 2 tables of blackjack going, a table of craps, roulette, and 3 poker tables. A floorman walked up to them and shook bills hand saying "Hey Bill, long time no see. How you been?" Bill said "Hey Lonny. Not bad for a fat old man. This here is Bart. He's my nephew and he wants to play some 5/10 Holdem with me today. Is that okay?" Lonny laughed and said "Of course, anything for you buddy".

So they each took a seat at the 5/10 table and Bill called out "Chips!". Bill handed the chip runner 1k and then the runner walked up to Bart and asked how much he wanted. Bart just remembered his money was still in his underwear. He blushed and stood up, turned around, reached in his underwear pulled out the money and handed the man 1k. The table bursted out with laughter. The runner gave him a disgusted look and took the money. He returned with chips and the game resumed.

The very first hand Bart grabbed his cards and put them right up to his face. He looked at a J4. The table announced it was his turn to act. Bart mumbled "What do I do? What are my options?" One player named Paul who had some yellowed teeth and smelled like body odor mixed with an unwiped arse said "Quack quack, you trying to hustle us kid? Quack quack". Bart was taken aback and he said "No I'm not. This is honestly my first time playing and I have no clue how to play". Bill put his palm on his forehead and shook his head. Paul snickered and said "Well then you should probably raise. But you can call or fold too". The dealer announced it was $35 to call. Bart grabs a substantial amount of green chips and throws them in the middle. They go flying and rolling all over the place. After a few minutes the dealer managed to organize all the chips together and announced his raise was to $325. Bill had a menacing look on his face. A look that said "Do you remember anything I f****** told you?".

So it was back onto the initial raiser and he elected to call. The flop rolled out 44jack. The initial raiser said I'm putting you all in. He had at least 4k back. Bart was flustered. He had no clue as to the strength of his hand. He took a double look at his cards and saw all of his cards matched the board. The remembered a poker movie he once saw and said "Well I'll see that raise" then he reached in his underwear and pulled out the rest of his money "and I'll raise you another $1000". The table was in an uproar. "YOU CANT RAISE MONEY OFF THE TABLE ITS TABLE LIMITS KID!" shouted Paul. The initial raiser responded "Guys, guys, settle down its ok. I'll allow it. I call your bet kid. Let's see what you got". Bart nervously flipped over his cards. His opponent stood up and slowly walked behind Bart. This man was huge. He was like the Arnold Schwarzenegger of poker. He grabbed Bart by the sides and lifted him up like he weighed nothing. Bart is about 5'11", 180 pounds. He threw Bart against the wall and said "YOU CHEATER! I KNOW YOU'RE CHEATING AND YOU KNOW HOW TO PLAY! I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS LITTLE BITCH!" Wild Bill tapped the mammoth on the shoulder. He turned his head while leaving right hand clenching Bart's neck "WHAT DO YOU WANT BILL? THIS IS YOUR NEPHEW? YOU BROUGHT A CHEAT IN HERE?". Bill calmly said "No Arnold, he's not cheating. It's honestly his first time ever playing. He just raised it to $325 preflop with jack 4 off. The dealer has been dealing here for years there is no way he cheated." Arnold slowly turned his head back to Bart gritting his teeth "You're lucky I respect Bill kid. Or I would rip you a new @$$hole". He released his suffocating clench around Bart's neck and he gasped for air while collapsing onto the floor. The game resumed while Bart tried to recover from being strangled. A few minutes later he came back to the table and looked down at his new stack of chips. It was only $3000. Arnold smiled at Bart and said "Table limits Bart". Bart kind of had an idea of how he should have $4000 instead of $3000. But he kept his mouth shut in fear of getting killed. At least he won the pot even though he never got to find out what Arnold had.

End of part one.
lol wtf is this ****?

its based on true events as much as Avatar is based on true events
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by TimDawn
Title: The Titanic Poker Story

and wtf is this bull**** you are posting in here?

This is for degen stories, not some awful garbage you decided to write.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 03:24 PM
Wtf. Why is it not possible that Bart Hanson's poker career started off by Jack Nicholson picking him up and taking him to a game with Paul Magriel and Arnold Schwarzenegger in it?

Also don't quote an entire 8 or however many paragraph story. It takes up too much space. Although it is a glorious story. It doesn't need quoting. You can just say @TimDawn or @ExpertStoryteller.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by thabighurt35

and wtf is this bull**** you are posting in here?

This is for degen stories, not some awful garbage you decided to write.
Bad manners sir. I understand that you are jealous of my writing skills. If you notice it is only chapter one of a several part story. I ensure you that there are many degenerative things that occur in the entirety of the story. It was just a prelude to some epic degenning. I was just getting your feet wet for the Titanic Poker Story. You can call it TPS for short if you like.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 03:57 PM
What the **** is with people posting absolute crap recently? Yeah, I'm looking at you, TimDawn.

Take this **** to your blog. I don't want to ****ing read it.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayer66
What the **** is with people posting absolute crap recently? Yeah, I'm looking at you, TimDawn.

Take this **** to your blog. I don't want to ****ing read it.
You are clearly jealous. Understandable reaction when someone has better posts than you. I will have my own 5 star thread on 2+2. While your threads keep getting locked for sucking. Keep the hate coming, I love it. It's cute.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayer66
What the **** is with people posting absolute crap recently? Yeah, I'm looking at you, TimDawn.

Take this **** to your blog. I don't want to ****ing read it.
Wow. From you?
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 04:36 PM
Think this gentleman is a front runner for degen of the year, or at least the county.
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12-18-2013 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by wafflehouse1
Wow. From you?
Every single one of my posts adds greatly to this forum.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:38 PM
Could we remove stars from this thread's rating, based on new information?
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12-18-2013 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by HankTheBank
Think this gentleman is a front runner for degen of the year, or at least the county.
that brings a serious degen/legal question.

if I steal someone's scratch off tickets, Scratch them, and when I see they are all losers, I return them to the owner, is that considered theft?
And what monetary value does it count towards.
I assume if I stole a ticket that won $20k its grand larceny but, what value is there in a ticket that is a confirmed loser?
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by rackitup0509
what is this pointless rubbish ur posting? how is that even degen related?

Just a hint, pitapita did grind 800k ++ hands at low stakes to make pretty good money and blew it all in 9k hands at mid stakes.

i mean it would be better if he had blown it all in single hand (lol), but this is pretty sick in it´s own right.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by POCKET ROCKETS OOO
Just self excluded myself from all online NJ casinos. Took over an hour to do but that feeling to know its over as far as legal online degening was such a relief.

I probably should have done land based ones as well but I felt to bad throwing all my comps away. Couldn't pass up that free suite for NYE.

I'm sure that will translate into a nice story for BBV. On a side note Rackitups troll stories aren't even worth the read. Please if your going to write some fiction at least put some effort into it you troll.
In before you get some friends and family to set up a new account for you
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 07:47 PM
Hi all degens merry xmas and may all your bets win and all your hookers be std free.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 08:09 PM
I’ve been reading this thread for a long time now and figured I should share some degen stories of my own. A little background: I’m 28 and live in the northeast. I go to Foxwoods to drink/degen a couple times a month. My fiance and her family love to gamble. Her mother receives comped rooms at Foxwoods any time she wants, so we all usually go together. I usually start at the bar drinking and playing video poker then head over to play craps, blackjack, roulette, and occasionally poker. I have a decent paying job and have very little debt besides a car loan. I hardly ever win, obviously, and usually leave kicking myself for losing so much. But, like a true degen I always end up rebuilding my roll and coming back for more.

My first casino experience was in Vegas when I was 21. My friend was moving to L.A. to go to school and asked if I would drive out there with him. We drove from Boston to L.A., only stopping to eat and refuel. We took Interstate 70 across the country and eventually ended up on Interstate 15. We soon realized that we would be going through Vegas and had to stop. We got off the highway and the first thing we saw was “Crazy Horse II”. It was 10am, but hey its Vegas right? So we park and go inside. Big mistake. There were probably 5 people in there and the girls dancing were pretty much exactly what you would expect at 10am on a wednesday. I told him I needed to run to the bathroom then we were getting out of there. I walk into the bathroom and theres a guy talking to his buddy on his cell phone. He gives me a weird look and a wink, then proceeds to start blowing lines next to the sink. O.K. time to leave. We get out of there fast and make our way to the strip.

We both had never been to a casino, never mind a place like Vegas. So we are driving around looking for somewhere to park. We were in a Dodge Ram 2500 with a uhaul attached with all his stuff inside. Oh I forgot to mention we also had his german shepherd with us, so we couldn’t stay too long. So after a while we find a random side street and park. We start walking and realize we are way too far away from the strip. After about 15 minutes of walking we make it to a casino....the Hilton. Such a dump. I tell my buddy we are going to put 100 on red, if it hits we stay and gamble for a couple hours, if it doesn’t then we are leaving and going to L.A.

I put the hundred down and the ball spins around the wheel. The ball bounces around for a few seconds, then I hear BLACK 22. The first bet of my life and I lose $100 in 30 seconds, talk about foreshadowing. So we walked out dejected, got back in the car, stopped at a gas station and bought 4 Budweiser pounders for the ride to L.A.

I know thats not the greatest story ever, but it was my first gambling experience and I’ll never forget it. I have been going to Atlantic City a couple times a year for the past few years. I have a decent story about my most recent trip down there this past summer. I’ll type it up and post if anyone cares to hear.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 08:13 PM
^ omgwtfbbq it just keeps getting worse. Last few pages make this a 1 star thread.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 08:51 PM
$100 roulette spin loss DOES NOT QUALIFY SIR.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 09:39 PM
Lol I know it doesn't, was just sharing my first casino experience. That initial loss of $100 brought me into the degen lifestyle and chasing losses over and over for the past 7 years.
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by JEP714
^ omgwtfbbq it just keeps getting worse. Last few pages make this a 1 star thread.

ahaha fine... im going to go borrow 5k off a mate and hit the casino this weekend... im sure i will be able to have a degen story for you guys...

i promise no guys with their ***** out this time!

Purely just gambling story
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 10:41 PM
Just voted 1 star for this thread as there are too many nit stories and gay guys getting naked pretending to try to f a girl (yeah that's for rackitup0509).
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-18-2013 , 11:04 PM
Degen stories we commit your mortal remains to the bosom of the pacific ocean which you loved so well

Degen Stories.... Quote
12-19-2013 , 02:32 AM
I don't post often, but I feel like I have to say something for all the lurkers everywhere:

stop posting rackitup. Please stop ruining degen stories. I look forward to reading new posts in here during class every day and it's an unbelievable disappointment to see "new posts" just to realize its your awful **** clogging up this thread w/stories about dudes circlejerking around a semi-attractive girl. I'm asking nicely, plz stop for all that is good in this world
Degen Stories.... Quote
12-19-2013 , 02:54 AM
Thread getting bad so will post something, will make story short and sweet , I can tell full long story later if anyone wants. PCA 2008 last day before going home and I have $200 left out of 9 hundo brought, everyone is waiting to get into club... So I buy in $200 at roulette with a $25 min bet inside, I always bet Jordan #23 and I hit it right away and yell SWOOSH JORDAN for $875.. then sit my Jager liter down on the table like a beer and start having some fun, I was drinking it like a beer and was half gone so I was getting gone, some friends and people are watching me and we are chatting so I start just betting $100 every other spin on black and keep hitting then $200 then $500 and keep hitting 30 minutes later I'm at $4,000! my friend said give me that $300 you owe me online your up alot and I say no but give him $100 in chips for some reason ha, then I bet $500 again on black and miss finally f**K so next spin bet 1k on black hits 0! so very next spin I bet all over the board and $1800 on black hits 00!!! I look straight up at the eye in the sky flip it off and say rigged magnet Bs f**k you and walk off and polish off my jager and then to the club for drinking party time.....
Degen Stories.... Quote
