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*** The BURNENING Burns Hotter Than Fahrenheit 451 in Celsius May LC/NC NSFW *** *** The BURNENING Burns Hotter Than Fahrenheit 451 in Celsius May LC/NC NSFW ***

05-13-2020 , 04:29 PM
Sheep would like to extend his congratulations to Mr. AlwaysPharming. Sheep is very proud of him for finishing the curriculum. Sheep hopes that he will transform back into AlwaysListing soon.
05-13-2020 , 04:33 PM
Captain again ensures us he will never play on PS again.

Except the Main, which he still sells action on afaik.
05-13-2020 , 07:48 PM
grats pusha, only one more year til its official....wp sir
05-13-2020 , 07:53 PM
...and then he's officially a Pharmer?
05-13-2020 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
But I am actually done with school. How the **** did this happen?

Wp, gg!
05-13-2020 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Captain again ensures us he will never play on PS again.

Except the Main, which he still sells action on afaik.
He likes his money so he doesn't pay for PS. PS couldn't really do anything about it unless they were stupid enough to pay him a surprise payment.
05-13-2020 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
...and then he's officially a Pharmer?
PharmaBro? Related:

Congratulations AF!
05-13-2020 , 11:04 PM
Congrats Mr Folding !
05-13-2020 , 11:13 PM
T-Minus 48 hours until the Burnening.

05-13-2020 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by King Fish
T-Minus 48 hours until the Burnening.

05-14-2020 , 12:40 AM
Only invested about $200 on this MMA slate. Binked another small one. Also picked up 3 tickets to the Milly Maker (2.5 mil GTD, $1 mil up top).

My plan is to win the Milly, buy BBV, then burn it to the ground.

05-14-2020 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
I would like to thank BBV for helping me to get through this trying time.
my pleasure

05-14-2020 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
HAHA jk ****ing rotations coming up.

But I am completely done with my didactic curriculum! The final boss fight occurs May 2021 AKA NAPLEX and MPJE.
These can be difficult bras to unclasp, particularly in the heat of the moment.

The NAPLEX, with its double clasp, can present a unique challenge, particularly after the top side is let loose, as naturally the larger breasts the NAPLEX was designed for then tend to pull down on the lower connection and unduly cinch up that clasp. Take your time. Find the two parts of the disconnected top clasp and trap them gently but firmly between your lower palm and middle two fingers, then deftly release the lower clasp with your other hand.

The MPJE is a front clasp bra generally worn by SJWs. This can create an awkward situation when you inevitably brush the back of your hand against one or more breasts as you attempt to unclasp the SJW's MPJE. Explicitly ask for permission first. "Do I have your consent to brush my knuckles against your cleavage in a purely practical manner in order to facilitate the removal of your MPJE?" Wait for it.
05-14-2020 , 02:07 AM
05-14-2020 , 02:45 AM
I won a hand with Jacks!!!!
05-14-2020 , 03:44 AM
I'm 35 years old in just over 4 hours. Where did my life go?
05-14-2020 , 04:09 AM
You can’t bluff a bad player.
05-14-2020 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
I'm 35 years old in just over 4 hours. Where did my life go?
05-14-2020 , 06:07 AM

Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
I'm 35 years old in just over 4 hours. Where did my life go?
You're prolly not even halfway yet.

Originally Posted by King Fish
You can’t bluff a bad player.
Infracted for 3x'ing OTB.
05-14-2020 , 09:56 AM
im 35 as well colin, this is the part where the toys get legit and you get to make big boy money, dont sweat the past

thursday on the other hand, you can eat a bag of dicks
05-14-2020 , 10:18 AM
Happy bday Colin,
05-14-2020 , 10:30 AM
Happy Birthday, mate!

05-14-2020 , 10:34 AM
Fish, there are a few specious reasons why you shouldn't infarct and ban me shortly...
05-14-2020 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma
Fish, there are a few specious reasons why you shouldn't infarct and ban me shortly...
Why are you using big words? Somebody infract him!
05-14-2020 , 11:22 AM
