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Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad

07-07-2008 , 09:29 AM
what city is this? how much is your rent?
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 09:42 AM
if your life is so perfect why do you feel the need to compulsively brag about it on an internet message board, and then respond in the most defensive way possible to anyone who even remotely challenges or insults you? not to mention the way you actually do brag about **** just exudes douche. ok you have a nice house, so just post pictures of the house and not include ******ed comments that attempt to explain your deranged life...oh wait, even if you tried to do that you still would have failed miserably by recording the video sideways.
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 09:45 AM
its fun to make people like you angry

Still jealous of my 65% avg rail accuracy?
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 10:18 AM
what's with you and jealousy? Seems like you think the whole world is jealous of you.

And No! Im not jealous of u
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Anthony Montana
Pot calling kettle black alert.

From a guy who makes $500k (apparently) a year grinding 100NL - 200NL HU with some sng's thrown in.



Lol, thanks for the reminder to delete that, i dont use myspace anymore. Curious how you found that, i guess my old blog is linked in my 2+2 profile and that hand my surname on it, whatever.

Also, yeah, i made 500k a year, lol. No one has every picked a random option on the interwebs because they dont want their earnings available to any random person to find, haha.
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Also, yeah, i made 500k a year, lol. No one has every picked a random option on the interwebs because they dont want their earnings available to any random person to find, haha.
I'd guess most people just don't select anything rather than swing an imaginary dick so to speak...

Anyway no hard feeelings, just funny to see you criticising people when your blog was approaching Bryn Kenny style douchechills
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by MyironThumb
lol you drive those honda clicks? massive beat
honda click=massive beat impossible to go over 100km/hr which I found out the hard way.
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Pumpui
its fun to make people like you angry

Still jealous of my 65% avg rail accuracy?
Anytime you want to play quake 3 for any amount of money lets do it... CPM or CPMA Any map, any amount of money... on LAN... for the right amount i could use a vacation in thailand... we'll see your 65% rail... considering even Vo0 don't bust up 65% avg rails... i find it VERY hard to believe that you do.... 50% is shooting ****ing lights out. I find it very hard to believe you AVG 65%... one game sure... avg you're full of ****. Hell CZM might be the only person on earth with a +65% avg rail and thats pushing it...

and why are you braging about your Quake 3 skills? You play ****ing Rocket Arena... Thats Quake with down syndrome...stop all your **** talkin' and put your money where your mouth is... 10k, 20k, 30k you pick... How much is your BR? We'll play for that if its big enough... Put up or stop posting...

Last edited by B1ight; 07-07-2008 at 12:14 PM.
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by EmpireMaker2
honda click=massive beat impossible to go over 100km/hr which I found out the hard way.

they are 125cc's they both go 130km/h

i just went 105 on my way to burger king earlier

it's the motorbike lady's bikes.. top quality
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 12:34 PM
sorry i have a life and stopped playing q3 when there was no more prizes to be won localy.

i have played czm many times in ra3 and his rail was nothing compared to mine, i have friends who were better than me too..

you're just sad because you've never suceeded at anything in life

Dont worry, theres the next one if you're a muslim.
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 12:45 PM
pumpui do u have a thai drivers id for your bike?
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Pumpui
sorry i have a life and stopped playing q3 when there was no more prizes to be won localy.

i have played czm many times in ra3 and his rail was nothing compared to mine, i have friends who were better than me too..

you're just sad because you've never suceeded at anything in life

Dont worry, theres the next one if you're a muslim.
good way to get around being scared... proof that your all talk...

P.S. there were never any prizes to win in RA3... Stop braging about your RA3 skills... what part of RA3 is talentless dont you understand?
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 01:52 PM
ya i just won my computer at ra3.. nothing to win..

Please.. keep being jealous. Was one of the best railers ever... we raped the best insta CTF/TDM teams, i was great at 3wave/osp DM/ctf and ra3 + ufreeze... you're a noname and will always be a noname in every aspect of life.

Must be fun to look for yourself in google and not find anything worthwhile when i have over 20pages about me which arent just 'registred user' pages
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Pumpui
[x]micro limit player jealous of my 2 honda clicks imo
[x]virgin making fun of a woman's appearence in her 7th month of pregnancy
lmao OP knocked up his thai hooker gf
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 02:54 PM
btw i feel sorry for the kid
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 03:13 PM

****in pimp imo

yes its OP
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Pumpui
ya i just won my computer at ra3.. nothing to win..

Please.. keep being jealous. Was one of the best railers ever... we raped the best insta CTF/TDM teams, i was great at 3wave/osp DM/ctf and ra3 + ufreeze... you're a noname and will always be a noname in every aspect of life.

Must be fun to look for yourself in google and not find anything worthwhile when i have over 20pages about me which arent just 'registred user' pages
lol i'm a no name... you don't even know who I am... I've accomplished far more then you ever will in professional gaming... and LOL at a computer won in a Q3 competition... When you win a International event in any game come back and talk to me... You talk scared... you keep popin off at the mouth, but yet are to chicken **** to take up a challenge... grade A pussy imo.... you're a tool bag and you suck at life... later i'm done... grats on knocking up a whore
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 03:42 PM
Op comes close of one of the biggest douchebagposts i ever read on any forum.

And no, im not jealous...
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-07-2008 , 03:55 PM
hairy arms eh, tabernac.
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:30 AM
you only played ra3 because you could cheat in it. honestly dude you were caught cheating. i cannot believe you are bragging about getting 65% rail while you were using an auto aimer. please please please seek out a therapist.
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by manylevels

****in pimp imo

yes its OP

this thread is fantastic A+
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-08-2008 , 01:31 AM
show me evidence of me cheating

I was just too good

btw that tshirt is the awesomest at home tshirt, beats the hell out of my ftp shirt when i dont wanna dress nice

manylevels, you wear sweatpants with a fanny pack in public, please do not make fun of me when im on laundry day drunk on my own roof top w/ only close friends
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-08-2008 , 01:59 AM
Ha, this thread is great. Good to see Pumpui get cut down to size. From what I hear, he's actually a decent guy in rl.
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-08-2008 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by PwnShortStacks
[ ] baller house
[x] camera is sideways
[x] seriously weird stuff

OP PWNED, regardless of whether you're the father.

this thread is the nuts.
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
