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Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad

07-02-2008 , 10:22 PM
He still hasnt paid you?

You clearly need to move up to 400 NL imo.

Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-02-2008 , 10:38 PM
i have no idea whats going on....

op knew the vid was sideways and still chose to link to it
Broke 200nl "grinder"'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 12:13 AM
does anyone know where that gif that was posted above was from? <--that one

"Location: Phuket, Thailand" - fk it, im moving to phuket.
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by PsYcOsNiPeR
does anyone know where that gif that was posted above was from?
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by mephisto
Yup, it was pretty disturbing. No words being exchanged between them was even stranger, like a David Lynch dream sequence. Nice horror vid op.
I actually loled pretty hard at that. Really funny stuff in the context of a 'huge brag' thread.
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 01:28 AM
Technoviking is pleased!
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 02:46 AM
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by Pumpui
I should get a crown for being the best online person to get people mad over the net... since 98...

Anyone who's played quake games at a high level acts like me + me losing all my vocabulary in thailand

manylevels: i got hookups, plus getting your money frozen forever online isnt hard.. people do it themselves everyday by mistake lol plus i got some secret stuff from his past
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by ursine cotcher
I think I've come to the conclusion that pump is just a total level. Nobody could be this much of a complete prick with his head in the clouds and no concept of reality.
this and the fact that hes french canadian. Sorry guys most canadians are pretty nice humble ppl.
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 04:49 AM
it's funny how being straightforward brings hatred.

i have seen tons of crap house getting praise in this forum so i know its pretty nice, esp for someone who went broke 3 times in 12months and lol at the jealous idiots living in their mom's basement saying its a 'small appartment' ya small apt with 3 showers and 2 storey
all teakwood and granite

52' lcd

always lived in nice places but never had a cool fridge

washing area + dog's house

maid's room + bathroom/shower


32'lcd w/ home teather

baby's room w/ shower

thailand baby

Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 04:55 AM
im not dissing the place at all, tbh it looks quite nice and im sure your housemate + gf are very nice too.

just wondering what you were thinking recording a video of your house sideways then linking to it on 2+2
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 05:05 AM
not a housemate, just friend visiting

I did not know you couldnt edit video's angles like you can with images on a digital cam

Have to say to, i lived from 3yo to 15yo with a surgeon step dad and i def know what a nice house is(3 700k-1.2m houses over the year in quebec which is huge)and anyone saying the oposite is definately trolling.

keep in mind im only 21 and my gf is 5'1 i dont need a 10 bedroom house
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:17 AM

too sideways did not watch. had to stop after about 5 secs.
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by ofdabeat
Lol at the haters BBV needs to get laid.

I know pumpui and I can assure you that he can get more pussy than 99,9% of you in just about any country. Plus you have no idea what being a degenerate is all about obv. Go put some monies on your saving account before the price of oil gets too high...

House is cool, will come visit soon.

LOL ofdabeat, you are just a ugly professor who's being broke in Thailand. You liar every 2 word you say and you are so so ugly looool. Comon, go ganbang Ladyboyz whit Pumpui again (True story)

One of the last night before i leave Thailand, OfDaBeat and Pumpui **** a ladyboyz and they told me if i want to come its O.K, lol stupid guy, like if i will do this. Btw, Rewket is a little bit crazy when i have see him, he is paranoyak and realy boring, he is realy bad at poker, never stake him

Yea im the guy who he is talking about. He was asking me EVERYDAY to i stake him, and i just block him, he never give me any money except paying me 2 night at a gogo bar lol, less than 100$. Anyway, GL in ur life, but i realy think u are not enough good to win at poker, that why u are alway broke.

Oh btw for everybody who want to stake him, when i was in Bangkok whit him, he told me one guy on 2+2 offer to stake some lowstake player and free teaching, Rewket told me if this guy could stake him he will probably not give the money back, so Warning everybody
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:29 AM
the house looks really nice on the pictures, should have posted them instead of the gross video

I think youre a nice guy but you should loose your arrogance.
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 06:49 AM
How much per month or have you bought it?
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 07:49 AM
OP still loser..
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 08:06 AM
BlueStaze shows up in thread with counterclaims. This just got interesting.

Francois, is that you?
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 09:02 AM
this is our whole msn convo from the first of may to june

08/06/2008 1:44:00 AM Cédrik-- @Bangkok, Thailande (L) Come back to canada in 2 day after 3 month in thailand, i will miss you Bangkok Pumpui - Spartan at heart bonne journée mec
11/06/2008 6:12:55 PM Pumpui - Spartan at heart Cédrik-- @Canada hey vieu canadian ca avance les transfer de stake?!
12/06/2008 11:48:45 AM Pumpui - Spartan at heart Cédrik-- @Canada jte vois sur pokercollectif
17/06/2008 1:48:29 PM Cédrik-- @Canada Pumpui Ca va?

As u can see, i asked once on the 11 of june(he left like on the first week of june), 17 was 1 day after i outed him on a forum

my second line only means 'i see you browsing the forum, i know you've blocked me'

Then the rest of the convo is him saying i betrayed him for waiting 12days while being blocked before outing him as a scammer...

doesnt matter anyways, thai prisons will even everything out
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 09:18 AM
Is it just me, because of my name, but does everyone else see Phuket and see *** it?

Also, Poo ket is pretty funny name anyway.

OP, your house is pretty nice, being broke 3 times in a year isnt really a brag though. You seem like a douche also.

This made me lol
keep in mind im only 21 and my gf is 5'1 i dont need a 10 bedroom house
Probably the mix of his age and her height in one sentence, haha.

Im assuming OP you are renting otherwise you would have mentioned you bought it.

Brag: nice pad
Beat: douche, pregnant girlfriend, lives in a place called Poo Ket, 200nl whilst staked and in two months will be supporting a kid
Variance: Rental, claims to be baller but admits to being regularly broke, got scammed for all his money then spent lots on credit for no reason, clearly a dumb ass
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill
] Beat: douche, pregnant girlfriend, lives in a place called Poo Ket, 200nl whilst staked and in two months will be supporting a kid
Pot calling kettle black alert.

From a guy who makes $500k (apparently) a year grinding 100NL - 200NL HU with some sng's thrown in.


Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 09:29 AM
so you've been playing 200nl for a year now, well done
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 10:14 AM
LOL @ the roll of toilet paper next to computer.
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 10:34 AM
I feel like I'm watching Cloverfield.
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
07-03-2008 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Pumpui
[x]less than 30k on the year(100k hand)
[x]all went into old debts
[x]deposited with his creditcard 80% of networth today after getting ripped off his roll
[x]lives in sicker house than 99% of 2+2 without roommates

[] grimstarr content

Video tour
[x] is a ****** who doesn't know how to use a videocamera
[x] post's video on a ******ed website that ****'s up peoples PC's, THERE IS YOUTUBE FFS
Broke 200nl &quot;grinder&quot;'s baller pad Quote
