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Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR)

04-01-2011 , 07:02 PM
Get better and find the limit you can beat, **** i can barely beat 50nl and100nl online over a sig sample, im just not working on it enough. So I try other things, PLO, sit and goes, anything. Online games are getting harder right now so perhaps you are shooting far too high.

It didn't help that I was still spending all of my money on booze, takeaways and cigarettes, and not doing a lot besides playing poker and Call of Duty. My grades slipped a bit more.
Probably dont do this as much until you are bringing in a lot more than you are spending.

Basically you had a chance but due to lack of finances and emotion control you lost. Perhaps if/when you are done school then the grades wont matter and you can concentrate more on poker...? Not hatin or anything, just trying to breakdown ur scenario and try to see exactly where it all went wrong.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-01-2011 , 07:10 PM
quit poker. focus on school first
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-01-2011 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by eYeSoNdApRiZe7
quit poker. focus on school first
Haven't played poker in like 3 months.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-01-2011 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by ThatsABingo
Basically you had a chance but due to lack of finances and emotion control you lost. Perhaps if/when you are done school then the grades wont matter and you can concentrate more on poker...? Not hatin or anything, just trying to breakdown ur scenario and try to see exactly where it all went wrong.
Basically I played a lot of poker and didn't do a lot else. I was short on cash because I'm a student, and didn't bother trying to save or anything, but that wasn't a big deal when I was being staked.

I wouldn't say that I had a chance and lost; it's more a case of trying to achieve too much too fast to the detriment of everything else. So I really don't think that waiting until I've finished with school and then concentrating MORE on poker is the answer - much more important is finding a life balance and making sure that I'm happy.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-01-2011 , 08:05 PM
I'm in the same position if you remove poker and add in 2p2. I spend so much time on this wretched site it's scary. My grades have gone to ****, low self esteem, little social life, my poker volume remains piss poor. Some days I feel like requesting a perma ban and just removing 2p2 from my life, but I never do. If it wasn't poker and 2p2 I'm sure it'd be something else.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-01-2011 , 11:00 PM
nice read

agreed mostly.. i think poker's is a way for most of us to escape poverty ... but once we put "money" on a pedal-stool we miss the more important things in life: health, friends, school, etc

i'm also a student... i can relate to many of your problems as i've been thru them myself
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-02-2011 , 12:13 AM
I read the first word of the first sentence, and I think this is the best thread ever on BBV..

Well done OP!!

p.s. I heard that Omar is gay

p.s.s. How did you manage to get someone to back you when you had a break-even or losing record?

p.s.s.s. Why do your parent's buy you beer?

Last edited by RagingBull; 04-02-2011 at 12:28 AM.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-02-2011 , 05:03 AM
good stuff OP. where did you go to uni?
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-02-2011 , 05:21 AM
quitting poker is ez when u suck

good read OP
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-02-2011 , 09:17 AM
Omar pic or GTFO ...

and nice read
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 04:44 AM
If your bitching about the length of this post, how do you control your ADD long enough to sit down and analyze game theory? Or R U just clicking buttons? And what site/sn do you play on?


Nice post. You developed a well working narrative in this piece, and I enjoy how you tied Omar's presence to both the beginning and end of the piece. Some good advice in here for obsessive playing. Personally, I just shut my computer down when the run bad and mind f<ck start. I can't imagine a desire to play when tilt starts taking over.

If you decide to get back into playing - some things I have found helpful are just getting other **** done before grinding. Eat something decent, exercise, make your bed, do some homework, hang out with friends.... I think its easier to play well when you feel productive. And solely grinding, unless I'm running hot, usually doesn't make me feel all that productive when there is other things I need to get done.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by RagingBull
p.s.s. How did you manage to get someone to back you when you had a break-even or losing record?
I had a winning record at 2NL-10NL so he staked me to play 25NL and then 50NL and 100NL. The amount of money he was giving me was pretty small at first so I think he was happy to take a bit of a gamble on me.

p.s.s.s. Why do your parent's buy you beer?
They don't, any more, because I'm 22. When I was 16 they would because they wanted me to enjoy myself.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by burnst
good stuff OP. where did you go to uni?
University of Leeds, studying BSc Economics. I have my finals next month, and if everything goes OK I'll be graduating in July.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
I'm in the same position if you remove poker and add in 2p2. I spend so much time on this wretched site it's scary. My grades have gone to ****, low self esteem, little social life, my poker volume remains piss poor. Some days I feel like requesting a perma ban and just removing 2p2 from my life, but I never do. If it wasn't poker and 2p2 I'm sure it'd be something else.
Sit down and think about this logically. You've sacrificed grades, a social life, and feelings of self-esteem so you can...spend more time on an INTERNET FORUM?

Try not going on 2p2 for 3 days. If you use Firefox, install Leechblock to bar yourself from 2p2 for a bit. See how you feel after those 3 days. Then decide if you want to come back.

When I quit poker I suddenly had an epic amount of free time. You need something to fill that time void, so I started reading and writing. Pick a couple of books off amazon (nothing poker related) and read. Write a journal or a blog. Read the newspaper. Just do something productive and mentally stimulating that has nothing at all to do with poker.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by Zimbo0o
Omar pic or GTFO ...

and nice read
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by Lyncho
University of Leeds, studying BSc Economics. I have my finals next month, and if everything goes OK I'll be graduating in July.
Leeds eh? I play the tourneys at Gala now and again apropos of nothing in particular.

Anyway, just wanted to say it was a good read and I can certainly identify with it. Smashed a few keyboards and mice in my time I'm ashamed to say.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 09:22 AM
Nice to meet you all
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 12:11 PM
^^^ Is this Omar lol
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 06:57 PM
Great read, and definitely worth the time to read it all
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 07:07 PM
Great read Lyncho tyvm.

Very useful for myself as i'm in a similar sort of position as yourself it would appear, graduating (hopefully) this summer with an Economics BSc from Southampton. Played a ton my first year and a half at uni grinding microstakes tourneys/cash then mid way through last year realised I had completed lost my love of the game. Playing on autopilot. Took a shot at LLSNL and fell back in love with the game, not playing much now but the point about BALANCE IN LIFE is so true!
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 08:42 PM
Good read and gl in whatever you get up to in life after poker.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
04-03-2011 , 09:18 PM
great post i think people who are just saying "cool story" and all that troll crap are severely missing out because they could very well end up in your position. The beginnings of your story are much like mine, except i'm still a starting player and i've been warned so many times about tilt control. It's tough to get a handle over but you never realize the importance of it until you start losing because of it.

Thanks for this once again and gl in your future endeavors be it poker or otherwise!
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
05-09-2011 , 10:49 AM
This is really good stuff.
Thanks for posting.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
05-09-2011 , 01:51 PM
Great read... I've gone through the same type of thing but I'm glad you were able to take a step back and come to grips with what you need to do. it seems like you have a plan and just stick to it and GL.

I'm going to be playing in a local game tonight where there are two games the small game and the big game... I will be playing in the 'big game' tonight for the first time. This helped me realized if i don't do well that its not over for me or that I'm not a good player. Thanks
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
05-09-2011 , 02:08 PM
Good read.
Beat: two years of poker and I have nothing but falling grades to show for it. (warning -TL;DR) Quote
