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20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet 20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet

11-29-2015 , 07:13 AM
if you shoved in the end: nh!!
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-06-2015 , 03:28 PM
It has been awhile since I've been on 2+2, but I do remember this hand. He did end up tank calling with QQ. Seconds before he was whining like a little bitch saying "This is my life. Always losing. Ughhh. Nice aces, but I call."

When he called everyone at the table was shocked that I had 95s. They couldn't believe this spectacular play. It was so obvious I had AA that it couldn't have been anything else in everyone else's mind. The guy with QQ was shocked too.

People at the table were quick to agree that my play was really good and that the guy with QQ made a tilting call since he thought I had AA. The guy with QQ was actually upset with his call, as well, in terms of long term EV.

The flop came AAA

Turn came AAAK

River came AAAKK

So we split the pot.

Quite a fair outcome for two solid players, however I was kind of disappointed that I didn't win. After all, I am the more aggressive player and sort of deserve it. You can't use the word deserve in poker though, because I clearly run so badly and deserve so much more.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-06-2015 , 09:49 PM
FAIL - mods please lock!
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-08-2015 , 05:14 AM
LMAO, I'm so upset that he followed up with another troll post.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-08-2015 , 06:25 AM
Flop came AAA lol
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-08-2015 , 01:31 PM
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-08-2015 , 06:33 PM
"I got Q-hi and there's always Burger King."

Best no-look burger I ever had btw.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-09-2015 , 04:38 PM
there's something about this post that i enjoy, cant quite put my finger on it.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-17-2015 , 03:52 AM
Not fully pot com. Dump it. People make errors, even Ivey.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-17-2015 , 04:39 AM
Fold pre.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-17-2015 , 09:59 AM
Think you played it fine but you should've gone on and on about how the money means so much to you, how this is your last bullet for laif and you can absolutely not afford to lose it, how if your stack somehow ends up being pushed towards someone else you will be forced to multitable trucker handjobs for a $1/2 roll

he would've never called off qwongs if you did
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-17-2015 , 12:03 PM
theres no violence in this live poker story so its obviously fake
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-17-2015 , 02:19 PM
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-19-2015 , 08:23 PM

Funny that you should say that. Right after this hand a similar thing happened where I had 55 the next hand and got it all-in versus his AK. (for those wondering. I am a favorite here since my equity is >50%. It is not a flip.)

Flop was K5K. He was irate and cursing under his breath.

The turn was an A. Then he was happy. I could almost swear he was crying tears of joy

The river was another 5 though and he was fuming.

He sat there for a moment with a frozen catatonic expression of disbelief on his face. That was followed by awkward shifting in his chair. The room fell silent and you could almost feel an errie vibe coming from the man. Everyone was so quiet as if not to disturb him. He was like a piece of glass. A glass that was so fragile that you'd be scared to touch. A piece of glass that if it broke you'd be afraid that a million glass shards would fly at you causing lots of cuts, bruises, and possibly blindness if it got in your eye.

We all felt his temper. You could almost see steam coming from him. Obviously there wasn't any steam, but your imagination would definitely put it there, because this guy was so super-****ing-pissed mad.

Suddenly, he jolted up from the table and pulled out a huge ax. How he managed to get the ax in the room I'll never know. This guy moved like a trained assassin slaughtering everyone in his path.

What was his path? Why was he aimlessly going around killing everyone when it clearly was me who beat him. I personally believe he just lost his mind.

I tried to edge my way to the door. Suddenly the man started multiplying and there was more of him. Not sure how this is possible, but it sure was strange. I was getting closer to the door. An ax flew my way and I quickly jumped out of the way. I ran and dived under a poker table. I was so close to the door. What a bummer.

There was an old lady who had abandoned her walker and was waiting under the table too. I realized that two people hiding under the table was too obvious and we would both end up caught and get killed by the crazy ax men... Unless... If I pushed her out from under the table. It was a horrific idea, but I had to survive and so I did it. She was instantly impalied by the crazy men with axs.

She was slashed away to a pulp. Suddenly I decided to be like good guys in movies that you always see and jumped out and yelled "noooooooooo!", but it was too late she was already dead.

good guys = "people with good intentions, but lack logic and make emotionally stupid decisions."

That was me. A good guy. I simply made a mistake, but realized it was wrong and decided to be good when it was kind of too late. Kind of like Darth Vader in the 6th star wars movie.

The ax people quickly surrounded me. I realized I was the only victim alive in the room. Everyone else was scattered across the room in the form of blubbery slimey flesh and blood pools.

They all rushed toward me and it happened so quickly.

There is a time in one's life where you are either a fighter or a flee-er. Turns out I'm a fighter, because I was beating them ax people's asses. Yeah! Take that! I used my karate that I never knew I had in me and just took them all down.

I had killed about half of them when the original ax man yelled "Everyone unite." All the ax people were picked up and and magically pulled into the original ax guy. There was this magic swirly stuff and lightning and then poof! All the ax people were mushed into the original ax guy forming a giant ax guy.

Several minutes passed with him swinging at me. He was cutting me up pretty badly. I received several wounds that would kill pretty much anybody, but I'm kind of a main character in life so it is harder for me to die.

I realized at that moment I was eventually going to to die because I was getting tired... But no! There was this spark of hope in me. I decided to be a genius. Just as I fell to the floor the giant ax man lifted his ax for one final blow. He opened his mouth yelling "Ahhhhhhhhh" as he was swinging te ax down. I geniusly jumped into his mouth and somehow managed to get up his nazal cavity. He tried to sneeze me out, but I resisted.

There were gobs of snot brushing past me and it was disgusting, but I fought hard. Finally, I climbed up to his brain and started jumping around on his brain. Crazy-bounce style.

The crazy ax man was jerking around and going mad. Then he turned the ax on himself and split himself right in half down the middle. I dodged the slicing just in time and leaped out of his body and smashed through the glass of the building and into the parking lot. I took off at a brisk pace as the giant ax man behind me burst into flames and the whole building exploded.

After walking to the end of the parking lot I turned around and gazed at the explosion to express my emotion and sympathetic side. Then I mysteriously continued on and never looked back.

Last edited by OutLvlUrAzz; 12-19-2015 at 08:34 PM.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-19-2015 , 08:43 PM
Bravo, sir.

You're a poet and a scholar.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-20-2015 , 04:43 AM
Obviously fake. How would you know he was "jerking around and going mad" while you were inside his head?
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-20-2015 , 08:38 AM
We should've called this thread the stories thread
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-20-2015 , 02:46 PM
I could feel the head portion of his body moving around so I guess I assumed at the time that all his body was moving around like crazy. Later security footage revealed that I was correct in my assumption.

I later talked to a top important famous scientist about the reasons behind this and he explained that with me hoping around in his head I had triggered impulses to random places in his body. Not much different than the effects of a seizure. He had no control over most of his bodily functions at the time.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-20-2015 , 08:08 PM
Which casino spreads play money games of this buy in?
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-22-2015 , 11:46 PM
It was real money my friend. Do you think the other guy at the table would have reacted the way he did if the money was fake?

The answer is no...No he would not.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-23-2015 , 02:43 AM
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-23-2015 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by OutLvlUrAzz
Fullring game, stacks are 250ish BBs. My style is fishy-aggro.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-23-2015 , 11:25 PM
Everything looks fine apart from the initial UTG open. As played, once 3bet you can't let the rest of the table see you fold or simply flat the 3bt against a fishy aggro when you opened UTG, for all the obvious image reasons. Once he 5bets your image is salvaged enough to give up, but of course, if you actually had AA that's not happening, so the 6th bet isn't too crazy. This is why we prefer to open all Axs UTG deep as opposed to suited gappers as we have a blocker when this sh*t happens.

Even if he does have AA we still have 18% equity on an 8bet and can establish our long term image as "not to be fuc*ed with Alpha Dominant", and that means more than money.
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-24-2015 , 09:34 AM
couldn't have played it better , in other news Negranau had his chase account closed
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
12-26-2015 , 08:20 PM
Is this play money? Nice level it got 4 pages deep
20knl 95s facing rough 7-bet Quote
