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June Low-Content Thread June Low-Content Thread

06-18-2008 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
You guys need to have a booth or something so we can clearly identify you imo.
If you snap a picture with you phone and text it to me, I can give you a positive on Benny....
06-18-2008 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by BigBadBabar
god ****ing damn it foxwoods
i told you you should have come to borg

you made your bed now lie in it
06-18-2008 , 01:57 PM
dude foxwoods is awesome. just put some black chips in play on the black jack tables on your way out and you'll either be back to even or lost twice as much but only feel 50% worse. +EV imo.
06-18-2008 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Plus I called 3 bets in the small blind (insane action game today) w/ QJ



And people were betting and calling and there I was hoping for an A or K on the turn or river but it brought another and they all folded.
Then I am very disappointed in you. You become a true poker player when you can calmly slide those cards face down with a white chip on them to the dealer.
06-18-2008 , 03:46 PM
no i just ran like christopher reeve like i always seem to live and it's so annoying because the game is insane-o soft and i know it's entirely possible i will run bad for my entire life live because of small sample sizes
06-18-2008 , 04:12 PM
So I guess this would fall into the 'rare huge mistake', rather than 'frequent small mistake' category.

Tight/bad Commerce 20 game.

Two early limpers. New player raises MP. Pretty good player 3-bets in SB. All call. SB has been acting pretty silly and he might be a little drunk, but his play is pretty TAG preflop.

Flop AA9

SB bets, two calls, MP raises. SB tanks for quite a while then 3-bets. I think one EP guy calls. MP calls.

Turn 3 There is some low murmuring about "jackpot" but surprisingly no chorus of "One more Ace!" like there normally is even in an unraised pot.

SB bets, I think the last EP guy now folds. MP raises. SB tanks for a short while and folds.

His friend rabbit hunts and the river card is the case Ace. SB claims he had JJ and MP says he had AQ. After pumping the pot, SB almost had odds to chase his 2-outer--and that's before adding $9K as his jackpot share if an Ace hits the river.

SB said he completely forgot about the Jackpot.

I was only mildly miffed because my table share wouldn't have put a dent in my stuckedness.
06-18-2008 , 07:10 PM
Bay101 20/40:

I open 62 on button, SB and BB (tight-passive player) call.

Flop is AJ7.
They check, I bet, only BB calls.

Turn is 4
BB checks, I bet, BB beats me into the pot.

River is 7.
We both check.

BB mucks his hand and I drag the pot (without showing, ldo). Nice little $240 pot.

Last edited by Captain R; 06-18-2008 at 07:17 PM.
06-18-2008 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Captain R
Bay101 20/40:

I open 62 on button, SB and BB (tight-passive player) call.

Flop is AJ7.
They check, I bet, only BB calls.

Turn is 4
BB checks, I bet, BB beats me into the pot.

River is 7.
We both check.

BB mucks his hand and I drag the pot (without showing, ldo). Nice little $240 pot.
He OBV had K...wp
06-18-2008 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by reachforthesky
todays 50 bet win was really fun bc i was winning the 4 racks aka 50 bets then we started playing overs and doc jose won all my money and i was stuck like a rack then less than 2 hours after he quits and we have way fewer ppl in overs im winning 4 racks again. had i gone from 4k winner to ending 1k stuck in a 40 game i have no idea how long of a post i wouldve had to make when i got back to complain
Yeah, I was in the game with you this night. Funny how Doc Jose sits down, gets an overs button and proceeds to run over the table. I saw you lose those 4 racks, see Doc Jose leave, and then you run it right back up. Poker is stupid funny sometimes.
06-18-2008 , 07:48 PM
bet the river.
06-19-2008 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by cgrohman
bet the river.
Nope, the check leveled him good. He woulda instacalled a river bet thinking it was a bluff, but once he checked, he realized he had showdown value, so he mucked his play.
06-19-2008 , 07:21 AM
it still surprises me when i see stuff like this:

utg limps, utg+1 who isn't completely clueless but is by no means any good limps, guy who is clearly tilting and playing almost every hand raises, sb calls, bb folds, utg calls, utg+1 sighs and goes "ok" then folds
06-19-2008 , 09:12 AM
Fastgrab of the Year:

An extremely bad loose-passive lady limps UTG and I raise KT from MP. A fat Jersey stud player who looks like an extra from The Sopranos cold-calls in the CO. Button/blinds fold, 3 to the flop.

Flop comes KJ9. I bet, they both call.
Turn comes 8. I bet, CO calls and lady folds.
River comes 2.

I bet, CO as it turns out only has 1BB left in his stack so he tosses it in, and immediately -- like instantaneously -- cackles with glee and grabs the call back then lunges across the table and grabs my river bet and scoops it into his stack, laughing all the while. Then he flips his cards over one by one: 4. A.

This whole scenario amuses him for the next three hands, which is the entirety of the rest of the time I stayed at the table.
06-19-2008 , 11:29 AM
What's your problem. He flopped a straight draw and a flush draw. Sheesh
06-19-2008 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
Nope, the check leveled him good. He woulda instacalled a river bet thinking it was a bluff, but once he checked, he realized he had showdown value, so he mucked his play.
if I'm bad enough to be playing tight/passive, am I good enough to think this far out? I'd check too, but because this guy's got Ax way more often than a busted broadway gutshot with the K
06-19-2008 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
Fastgrab of the Year:

An extremely bad loose-passive lady limps UTG and I raise KT from MP. A fat Jersey stud player who looks like an extra from The Sopranos cold-calls in the CO. Button/blinds fold, 3 to the flop.

Flop comes KJ9. I bet, they both call.
Turn comes 8. I bet, CO calls and lady folds.
River comes 2.

I bet, CO as it turns out only has 1BB left in his stack so he tosses it in, and immediately -- like instantaneously -- cackles with glee and grabs the call back then lunges across the table and grabs my river bet and scoops it into his stack, laughing all the while. Then he flips his cards over one by one: 4. A.

This whole scenario amuses him for the next three hands, which is the entirety of the rest of the time I stayed at the table.

The behavior of these degenerates at commerce is getting worse and worse.

Gives me even more pleasure in taking their moneys.

When they are losing , yelling at the dealer non stop complaining. When they win they act like you have never seen them on the losing days making fools of themselves.

Its understandable I guess, I mean if it werent for those days of joy when everything is going right and they are up 5 racks, they would never come and lose 2 racks 3 times a week.
06-19-2008 , 02:27 PM
then lunges across the table and grabs my river bet and scoops it into his stack, laughing all the while.
wtf why does this man not have a fork through his hand by now

where's the dealer where's the floor who the **** lets a player GRAB ANOTHER PLAYER'S CHIPS BEFORE SHOWING WTF

Its understandable I guess, I mean if it werent for those days of joy when everything is going right and they are up 5 racks, they would never come and lose 2 racks 3 times a week.
Sometimes I have to chant something like this to myself. Every once in a while, it helps.
06-19-2008 , 04:07 PM
I post between button and SB. I have K 4, two limps, button raises, I call, sb folds, big blind calls. El flop 5 ways:

I check because the bb is a telegraph tell box, bb bets because he's a telegraph tell box, everyone calls, I raise, bb 3-bets, two folds, button calls I call.

I have the second nuts so I bet. BB calls, button folds.

pairing the board

I do a little thinking and decide getting raised is bad but surely he'll bet so I check, he bets, and I call. He tables A T. He missed not 1, not 2, but 3 bets on the turn.

Same villain in the big blind but I've changed seats....actually i spent like 2 hours at another table and have just now come back. He has not moved, but his chip stack has grown obviously because other people are betting his hands for him.

I raise red AA and I think 5 of us take the flop.

2 2 3

This is like a pretty good flop am I right? I mean seriously, what can possibly go wrong here.

SB checks, BB donks, EP folds, I raise, LP folds, SB calls, BB calls.


they both check, i bet, bb calls.


He donks, I can't control myself and raise, he calls only and tables Q 5

Who are these people? How do they need 4 racks when they leave the table?
06-19-2008 , 10:30 PM
Sometimes They Tell You:

Here's a story I just remembered from a couple days ago. Commerce 40. Flashback: a few hands ago I was in this pot... I raised TT in the CO and we took the flop 6 ways for 2 bets. Flop was JT6 with two clubs and I bet, the button raised, 2 people cold-called, I 3-bet, and they all called, and we went to the turn for 12BBs. The turn was a red 9 and I bet and got 2 callers (button and MP), so 15BBs to the river. River is a red K and MP bets out. Gross... I turned to him and queried "Do you have a Queen?" and he didn't give anything away, and the button goes "What do you think he's gonna actually tell you?" and although maybe at one time I was good enough to fold this I've become a payoff wizard so I called getting 16:1 and got shown AQ.

OK so a few hands later I limp after a couple limpers OTB with J9o. The flop comes J95r and it's checked to me. I bet, and a lady in MP raises. I 3-bet, she calls. The turn is an 8. She donks out. The 8 clearly helped her, so she can only have two hands here: J8 or QT. I look at her and ask "Do you have queen ten?" And she earnestly shakes her head no. OK cool, so I raise, and she calls me down and MHIG.

The guy who had been button in the TT hand looked at her in confusion then at me with surprise and shook his head. I shrugged and said, "Can't hurt to ask!"

Sometimes they tell you.
06-20-2008 , 02:41 AM
This is what happens when you masturbate too furiously.
06-20-2008 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by goofball
This is what happens when you masturbate too furiously.
low content thread has hit a whole new level of low contentness
06-20-2008 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Sailboats
room has already been reserved imo

you guys still meeting up tomorrow?
06-20-2008 , 03:27 AM
ben hasnt canceled, i will be there.

You showing up right?
06-20-2008 , 04:52 AM
We are on. We have something brewing!
06-20-2008 , 09:46 AM
Two days ago I spent seven hours winning $90. That didn't seem like much fun to me so yesterday I spent two orbits winning $1350 and left.
