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June Low-Content Thread June Low-Content Thread

06-17-2008 , 01:17 AM
As they say: The jig is up.

Howard, don't go spilling the beans k?
06-17-2008 , 05:00 AM
God online poker -- I swear it is the most ******ed thing of all time. Limit holdem is the biggest joke ever on the web and I can't believe there are people (like DaveR and others) who say live 40/80 is easier than like 3/6 online. That's just not the case. There are 8/16 and 10/20 games on Cake that play so stupidly ******ed that I would be surprised to see plays that bad at the Hollywood Park 6/12 game, let alone its 15/30.

So in a 5-handed game I open K9s from the CO and get called by the loose fishy horrible button and the loose horrible BB. Flop 666 and I c-bet and both of them call, which means they have 2 cards and a full house draw. The turn is a 2 and I bet and they both call again, which means one of them might actually have ace-high here so I'm in trouble. River 9. I check to the button who I know will bet and I want to c/r the field, so he bets and BB folds and I raise and he 3-bets and I call to see K9o.

06-17-2008 , 05:18 AM
Same guy just cold-called my raise with 94o, peeled a JT5r flop, and was drawing dead when he paired up on the turn. YEAH THESE GAMES ARE SO MUCH HARDER THAN LIVE
06-17-2008 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by private joker
Same guy just cold-called my raise with 94o, peeled a JT5r flop, and was drawing dead when he paired up on the turn. YEAH THESE GAMES ARE SO MUCH HARDER THAN LIVE
This guy just keeps topping himself. He just bet/capped a T83 flop with T7o vs. JT. Turn was a blank and river a J giving the button an unecessary two pair. In the chat box (which I do have on for entertainment purposes) he said, "river."
06-17-2008 , 06:04 AM
hmm PJ you interested in trading FT money for Cake? Sounds like i need to get in on this.
06-17-2008 , 06:08 AM
If I ever won a pot on Cake, I would have enough funds to trade. However it is rigged and I am stuck.
06-17-2008 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by Sailboats
hmm PJ you interested in trading FT money for Cake? Sounds like i need to get in on this.
I would be happy to trade you although I would refer to give you cake money for cash. PM me how much you want.
06-17-2008 , 10:36 AM
lol wat a joke. randomly win 1200 5/5 oceans. would have been 2k but AK<A6dd after i genius call his shove on 883dd flop and river diamond. they wont start a 40 for us so mike decides its time to drive to hawaiian gardens. keep in mind ive never been to hawaiian gardens or any la casino except the bike and commerce bc i have a huge ego and the thought of anyone seeing me playing in hustler hawaiian hollywood or any of these other terrible casinos horrifies me. so anyway we get there i win 500 quickly in a 25 game and then start playing 40. we play for about 10ish hours. i give them 6500 of my dollars although i was stuck 8k at one point, obv we bumped it up to 50 and i was allowed to win a little back. the first part of the session consisted of me getting many good hands and having none of them be a winning hand. the second half involved me never playing a pot. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy poker
06-17-2008 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
I'm starting to suspect that this entire forum is one big ****ing conspiracy/scam AND I WANT SOMEBODY TO ADMIT IT!!!! All I read on here is AA, KK, QQ, raise, 3-bet, value, value, etc, etc and the people posting it know that it's all a bunch of BULL****! The real money is made by the players limping in w/ K-3o or calling 3 cold w/ 6-4s. THEY are the ones who walk off w/ 8 racks of chips and you people telling everybody to play good w/ big cards and to think about what other players may have are peddling a line of total ****ing bull**** in order to get the rest of us to play that way while you play your 9-5o and never pay attention to the board or betting, just put your head down and shovel your chips into the pot and you will get there against somebody who is betting as fast as he can w/ a pair, flush draw AND a str8 draw every ****ing time. All right, I'm on to the scam now. I just want somebody to admit it.

Why so angry? An old gent at the Borgata told me "it doesn't matter what you got in your hand, it matters what the flop is". Of course he told me this when I raise his under the gun raise with my AA to isolate him.

The final board was 10Q743 after skatey eight BB were in the pot he reveals a 10-3o....
06-17-2008 , 01:15 PM
I post in between the button and sb and am dealt 92o. Big winning hand here imo. of course nobody raises and I'm forced to see the flop 6 handed.

99Q two clubs

I donk it cause that's what I do, and like 3 people call and i'm thinking they all have draws or I'm getting slow played by someone who doesn't realize that flop is one that could be described as "wet"...

A of clubs

I bet, SB calls and this older man calls.

River 3 of clubs

I check, sb checks, older man checks and tables J 5 I am in awe of his awesomeness.
06-17-2008 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
River 3 of clubs

I check, sb checks, older man checks and tables J 5 I am in awe of his awesomeness.
He was obviously putting you on 93o.
06-17-2008 , 01:37 PM
so I was playing 10/20 stud at the taj yesterday and even though I had just read 7 stud for advanced players and the chapter from super system, all I could really think about was...

"jacks or better split, nines or better wired. three high cards to a flush. and if it's good enough to call, you've got to be in there raising, i mean tight, but aggressive."

and apparantly average stud players are as horrible at value betting as average hold'em players.
06-17-2008 , 02:06 PM
value betting is much more problematic in stud imo
06-17-2008 , 04:07 PM
agreed... which makes bad players even more apt to check anything less than a full house on the river. oh, and failing to raise with the nuts on every street because the guy betting into you may have quads.

my favorite is when two old guys check it down heads up (because "i don't like playing heads up), then the one who hit his back door flush on the river puts up the other old guy's ante for the next hand. at first i couldn't figure out why almost everyone had only 10 bets in front of them when it costs about 4-5 to play one hand. i shortly learned that it was only costing them five bets to play a hand when i was in.
06-17-2008 , 11:35 PM
It’s frighting how bad some of these guys play. I open in MP (I had AJo but it doesn’t matter, I’m folding), LAG button calls, loose passive BB calls. Flop is 642r. Check, bet, raise, call, call. Turn Q. Check, check, bet, call, I fold. River K. Check, bet, call. There is no way anyone can correctly call BB’s hand.

Results in white.

BB has KK (says “I couldn’t put him on a hand”)

Button had 22

How do you create a spoiler rather than results in white?
06-18-2008 , 01:18 AM
I take back my earlier rant. The guy who walked off w/ 6 racks yesterday had 5 racks when I got to the game today and left w/ none. I spent 7 hours 3-betting him if I had 'anything' at all and won 5 racks, YAY!

Plus I called 3 bets in the small blind (insane action game today) w/ QJ



And people were betting and calling and there I was hoping for an A or K on the turn or river but it brought another and they all folded.
06-18-2008 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by HammerinHank
It’s frighting how bad some of these guys play. I open in MP (I had AJo but it doesn’t matter, I’m folding), LAG button calls, loose passive BB calls. Flop is 642r. Check, bet, raise, call, call. Turn Q. Check, check, bet, call, I fold. River K. Check, bet, call. There is no way anyone can correctly call BB’s hand.

Results in white.

BB has KK (says “I couldn’t put him on a hand”)

Button had 22

How do you create a spoiler rather than results in white?
You have to do it like this....[ S P O I L ] STUFF [/ S P O I L] except obviously take out the extra spaces.
06-18-2008 , 02:54 AM
This was just one of those truly face palm moments.

Terrible playing button busts from the CO and misses his button. In this situation at my card room the button is moved one more seat to the left, the player in that seat posts a small blind on it, and the two players left of that each post a big blind. So in total we've go 50 dollars in blinds out instead of the standard 20, and 10 of it is on the button.

Folds to the HJ who open limps. I look at him and wish I could actually hold up the face-palm picture but I can't. CO folds, and the very laggy and bad button raises. This is because he has two cards and has already posted 2 chips on the button. Me and the other big blind just kind of shrug and call (I happen to have 5 6). The HJ now back raises and the button caps. The other bb takes two the face and I'm like "14:2, suited connector, i calls".

3 7 Q

check, check, back-raise bets, we all call.


The astute reader will note the presence of my "double gutter" and the fact that the pot could feed a family of four for a 2 weeks.

check, check, back-raise bets, button calls, other guy folds, I call.


I check, back-raiser bets, button raises, I folded my hand like 20 seconds ago, back raiser calls.

Button tables K9o

Back-raiser: "Four bets with K9o?"
Me, practically falling off my chair: "Oh you can't be serious"
Back-raiser, quizzically: "He went 4 bets with K9"
Me: "You practically BEGGED for it."

This is what happens when you open-limp the high jack with 2.5 small bets in blind money posted by 3 players behind you. You play a 4-way pot, and Jesse loses $140 with 6 high.

06-18-2008 , 03:11 AM
Sailboats and I will be making our long-awaited meeting at Commerce this Friday. Come join us. I'm probably only going to be playing 2 sessions of poker before I leave LA next week.
06-18-2008 , 03:18 AM
You guys need to have a booth or something so we can clearly identify you imo.
06-18-2008 , 03:41 AM
room has already been reserved imo
06-18-2008 , 06:03 AM
god ****ing damn it foxwoods
06-18-2008 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by BigBadBabar
god ****ing damn it foxwoods
come on now, this is a low content thread not a no content thread. no teasing.

did a dealer cost you a jackpot? or did they increase the rake? or pull the comps? it couldn't have been that bad.
06-18-2008 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by ProfessorBen
Sailboats and I will be making our long-awaited meeting at Commerce this Friday. Come join us. I'm probably only going to be playing 2 sessions of poker before I leave LA next week.
everytime I go to the commerce for one of these meetups I lose a couple g.
better play at my table.
06-18-2008 , 07:41 AM
As if playing online isn't bad enough, I've got Cake Poker to give me awesome game selection. These are the variety of tables and players in action tonight:

Sweet, lots to choose from!
