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04-28-2016 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
You missed your calling as a romance poet.
add it to the pile, i suppose
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04-28-2016 , 07:55 PM
Are you a robot?
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04-28-2016 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Grue
I like Jade. Its simple to learn and the advantage is its whitespace and indent dependent meaning there's no way some idiot ****s up the formatting. Or yourself, YMMV.
+ 1 mirrion

Jade is like the Python equivalent of html
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04-29-2016 , 12:53 AM
did u guys catch news of jade being renamed to pug?

randomly saw it doing npm install

for templating, i recommend django's
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04-29-2016 , 01:23 AM
This is what I've been working on lately:

(only used bootstrap cause the datepicker needed it )

This feels like a particularly big step, as for the first time I'm now permanently storing market data to a database - previously I was just keeping it in memory and culling it to the last 2 days' worth. So, over time I should be able to get some pretty cool (and useful, since PredictIt's graphs blow hard) data.
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04-29-2016 , 03:54 PM
Good stuff, goofy.
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04-30-2016 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
This is what I've been working on lately:

(only used bootstrap cause the datepicker needed it )

This feels like a particularly big step, as for the first time I'm now permanently storing market data to a database - previously I was just keeping it in memory and culling it to the last 2 days' worth. So, over time I should be able to get some pretty cool (and useful, since PredictIt's graphs blow hard) data.
Depending on the company you are applying to, I might flip that graph upside down to. Some people really hate trump!
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04-30-2016 , 10:59 AM
Yea great stuff goofy, cool to see this come together.
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04-30-2016 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by candybar
Another interview loop today and got another DFS problem so that's 2 BFS and 2 DFS in 5 interview loops. You gotta know your graph/tree traversal apparently these days.
BFS I just wrote up. I probably should start using a different language considering how much I had to type. Can't imagine having to whiteboard all this.

Any comments on this appreciated

I also wrote tarjan's algorithm in python. I have been writing all the algorithms I learned in my graph's class for practice.

Interestingly, the last problem for the last 2 code jam rounds have been graph problems.

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>

typedef  std::map<int, std::vector<int> > EDGES;

void bfs( EDGES e , int s)
    std::set<int> visited;
    std::queue<int> myqueue;


    while (! myqueue.empty()) {
       int node = myqueue.front();

       size_t num_of_edges = e[node].size();

       for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_edges; i++) {
           if (visited.find(e[node][i]) == visited.end()) {
       std::cout << "Visited " << node << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    EDGES theedges;

    theedges.insert( std::pair<int, std::vector<int> >(2, std::vector<int>()) );

    theedges.insert( std::pair<int, std::vector<int> >(3, std::vector<int>()) );

    theedges.insert( std::pair<int, std::vector<int> >(4, std::vector<int>()) );

    theedges.insert( std::pair<int, std::vector<int> >(4, std::vector<int>()) );

    bfs(theedges, 2);

    return 0;
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05-01-2016 , 03:07 AM


Hi friends, question on algorithm design. what is the best approach when it comes to designing an algorithm under certain constraints? i dont need a full solution, but the problem is i don't even know where to start, any help would be greatly appreciated
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05-01-2016 , 10:04 AM
Hi guys,
n00b need some advice.

I am learning Java and SQL right now but I still suck, and I have a big final year project coming up next year so I want to get better.

I am going to take up a project on something I think I would enjoy and see through to the end.

I play (very casually) on a poker site that does not save hand histories.
I was thinking of making something that would simply read the hand history text that is printed out on the poker table chat window, and allow me to save it to a file showing the date and time it happened.

In Java I haven't worked with 3rd party applications, such as pulling or reading data but I think it would be very useful to learn.

Can anyone point me in the right direction, telling me what this technique is called and if it's possible in Java alone?

This probably sounds really simple and easy to do, but I have absolutely no idea how to do it and I feel like I should.

p.s. I am not interested in using free software to help or aid with this, would rather do it myself on Java from scratch.

Hope someone can help,
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05-01-2016 , 10:21 AM
[QUOTE=Barrin6;49922566]BFS I just wrote up. I probably should start using a different language considering how much I had to type. Can't imagine having to whiteboard all this.

You can shorten and simplify it a bit. For example:

       for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_edges; i++) {
           if (visited.find(e[node][i]) == visited.end()) {
I don't like this one bit. C++ has a way to iterate the node variable directly, which is both more efficient and easier to read. In C++11 or higher you could replace this with

for (int n: e[node]) {
      if (visited.find(n) == visited.end()) {
Which is not only a lot easier to read but also skips all those lookups.

Also, if you have your choice of data structure, do yourself a favor and have a "visited" element in your data structure itself. Then you don't have to do a find/insert when you want to check the visited status

And also just as a style/ease note, you can use pop_front() on a queue which will both get the front element and pop it off in one go.
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05-01-2016 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by MicroManic
I was thinking of making something that would simply read the hand history text that is printed out on the poker table chat window, and allow me to save it to a file showing the date and time it happened.
Speaking as someone who's done this, it's not actually a trivial thing to do. And the sites actually make it harder than it needs to be usually. I also don't know much about Java but it may be more difficult in Java than other languages, because you usually need to use functions that are highly specific to windows to do it. I don't know if Java has these now (it mostly didn't when I learned java, uh, 15ish years ago)
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05-01-2016 , 01:26 PM
Thanks for comments RustBrooks!

Has anyone ever taken an introduction to optimization course? It's a class taught to both graduate and undergraduate students. I'm not sure if I should take it for my next quarter. The class website for previous quarters of this course is locked, so I can't look at the syllabus.

A broad introduction to optimization. Unconstrained and constrained optimization. Equality and inequality constraints. Linear and integer programming. Stochastic dynamic programming
From googling Stochastic dynamic programming it seems to be really theoretical and math heavy. Outside of academia, do you ever see this outside in the real world?
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05-01-2016 , 01:42 PM
Do you ever see optimization in the real world? Absolutely, yes. It is/was a huge deal in the industries I worked in when I was in college and right out of it. My grad research was in the optimization of optical router placement in large scale optical networks, and also in ring-routing in large scale optical networks.

My first job involved linear optimization of stock trading models. I've used linear optimization off and on throughout my private projects.

It's a good tool to have. Often you have to resort to a range of "search" tools:
neural networks
simulated annealing
genetic algorithms/genetic programming
and various other hill climbing techniques

I never took any kind of class for it, just learned as I went. Although I did take some related classes - I took two AI-type classes, one as an undergrad and one as a grad student. It's important to emphasize that in classes like this, you will often not get that "deep" into a project, because of the time required to work on a complex project. But you'll develop the tools you need to figure it out when you get into more complex projects.

Like, in the AI classes, we never did any better than solve simple toy games. But I've used the techniques to solve larger/harder games since.
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05-02-2016 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by candybar
So they are working on an offer for me but the recruiters were a little surprised by my current comp so I'm not expecting a competitive offer.
In another twist, they went from "putting together an offer" to "decided not to make an offer" pretty much from hearing my current comp which was apparently well beyond what they were thinking (and no I don't make that much; this just means they didn't think much of me). The good news is that one of my top-2 choices has informed me that they will be moving forward with an offer and this probably ends my search though I have 3 more on-site invites that I will have to turn down after negotiating a decent package.

In retrospect, I'm kind of shocked and annoyed by the general elitism in the industry and the emphasis on pedigree over ability that I knew existed but not quite to the extent I'm observing. It makes sense because ability takes a lot of expertise and time to judge properly but pedigree is something that any non-technical recruiter can judge. My range of skills and experiences doesn't necessarily tell a coherent story and my employment history lacks pedigree of the sort that lots of recruiters and interviewers are looking for.

On one hand I feel that I simply haven't developed certain skills that are highly valued because I've lacked exposure but on the other hand, I can't help but feel somewhat disrespected that my skills and abilities are being ignored in some cases because I spent a long time at a company that is neither a respected tech giant, nor a trendy startup and I didn't really care about the optics of my situation. It definitely stings to know that I've failed to play the signaling/status game that everyone else has been playing to the detriment of my career.
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05-02-2016 , 07:30 PM

How do you handle that when you're hiring?
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05-02-2016 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by candybar
In another twist, they went from "putting together an offer" to "decided not to make an offer" pretty much from hearing my current comp which was apparently well beyond what they were thinking (and no I don't make that much; this just means they didn't think much of me). The good news is that one of my top-2 choices has informed me that they will be moving forward with an offer and this probably ends my search though I have 3 more on-site invites that I will have to turn down after negotiating a decent package.

In retrospect, I'm kind of shocked and annoyed by the general elitism in the industry and the emphasis on pedigree over ability that I knew existed but not quite to the extent I'm observing. It makes sense because ability takes a lot of expertise and time to judge properly but pedigree is something that any non-technical recruiter can judge. My range of skills and experiences doesn't necessarily tell a coherent story and my employment history lacks pedigree of the sort that lots of recruiters and interviewers are looking for.

On one hand I feel that I simply haven't developed certain skills that are highly valued because I've lacked exposure but on the other hand, I can't help but feel somewhat disrespected that my skills and abilities are being ignored in some cases because I spent a long time at a company that is neither a respected tech giant, nor a trendy startup and I didn't really care about the optics of my situation. It definitely stings to know that I've failed to play the signaling/status game that everyone else has been playing to the detriment of my career.
Sucks dude. Hopefully you land at the best place for you. I can't imagine how someone who's actually contributed to angular isn't signalling all by itself.

Most startups are complete bull**** just looking for a profitable exit before they get exposed as frauds. So it makes sense that their hiring process is all substanceless bull**** too.

You are not helping with my fears of being a 50-something out of work computer programmer btw.
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05-02-2016 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05

How do you handle that when you're hiring?
Assuming you're talking about bias in favor of pedigree, this is easy for us because our hiring system doesn't have to scale - I created multiple technical exams with an objective scoring guide that are used as the primary basis for our hiring decisions. There are five steps (phone screen where you're given a quiz, take-home technical exam, on-site technical exam, behavioral/design interview and interview with executive management) and we try to give any reasonable candidate at least a shot. I'll also add that the owners here aren't really committed to hiring top talent which means we simply don't do what it takes to attract candidates with great pedigree - I'm much more focused on trying to find talented people who for whatever reason don't have the pedigree.
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05-02-2016 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Sucks dude. Hopefully you land at the best place for you. I can't imagine how someone who's actually contributed to angular isn't signalling all by itself.

Most startups are complete bull**** just looking for a profitable exit before they get exposed as frauds. So it makes sense that their hiring process is all substanceless bull**** too.

You are not helping with my fears of being a 50-something out of work computer programmer btw.
Man, thanks for your supportive words. I think in my case there just was no alignment between what I was doing and my implied career goals. Either way, I'm pretty happy to be getting an offer (tomorrow I think) and it's a fairly big name-brand company so working there should solve two of my biggest career issues (lack of close connections within tech and lack of tech pedigree/brand on my resume) even if it doesn't work out. It makes me sad that I have to think like this but there aren't a lot of other ways to get to where I want to go.
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05-02-2016 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by candybar
Man, thanks for your supportive words. I think in my case there just was no alignment between what I was doing and my implied career goals. Either way, I'm pretty happy to be getting an offer (tomorrow I think) and it's a fairly big name-brand company so working there should solve two of my biggest career issues (lack of close connections within tech and lack of tech pedigree/brand on my resume) even if it doesn't work out. It makes me sad that I have to think like this but there aren't a lot of other ways to get to where I want to go.
Seems like the glass is half full for you in lieu of being half empty. Getting a decent offer is good news actually. I have been in this business longer than I care to admit, have seen a lot of up and down periods, and the down periods really suck. FWIW I think you should feel positive about a new position and stay optimistic. Again, employers are choosey in hiring senior level devs at the current time but probably that won't last forever.
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05-02-2016 , 08:59 PM

I think a lot of your thoughts are valid, of course, but I also think you might be feeling a bit beaten up by the process and susceptible to viewing things in a negative light because of recent rejection.

The new opportunity should be a solution for the current lack of "pedigree" but it is largely superficial. Like Suzzer said, tons of start-ups and tech in general is fraudulent.

The other thing you mention, having close connections in tech, is absolutely essential. It really doesn't take much to meet new people, especially if you go in with low expectations. Joining a new company is a great time to figure out what co-workers are involved with in the local tech community and which of them are looking for more people to be a part of it (all of them).

I firmly believe the current way people are hired is severely broken. A lot of the processes end up twisting people's ideas and emotions, and miss great people.
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05-02-2016 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I think a lot of your thoughts are valid, of course, but I also think you might be feeling a bit beaten up by the process and susceptible to viewing things in a negative light because of recent rejection.
This is definitely true - rejection and fatigue. Over the past 2 months or so, I've done 5 full-day interview loops and 15 short interviews (in-person and phone), not to mention countless calls with recruiters. At the same time, this isn't something I just started feeling, but more of a summary of how I've been feeling all along. I may have mentioned this before but some headhunter a couple of months ago spent like 15 minutes trying to convince me that my comp #s are wrong or impossible based on my profile and that was before I had any interview. The comp being a sticking point in so many conversations is something that makes me question what I'm doing because I'm actually understating my comp in most of these conversations (either understate equity value or not even mention it at times) and in terms of just cash comp, I was already fairly close to this level almost a decade ago. I mean, objectively speaking, I understand what they are thinking but that doesn't make me feel any better.

The new opportunity should be a solution for the current lack of "pedigree" but it is largely superficial. Like Suzzer said, tons of start-ups and tech in general is fraudulent.
It seems to me that superficial matters a lot when you're trying to convince strangers to hire you or invest in your company or simply pay more attention to what you have to say. If anything, the amount of fraudulence in the startup ecosystem makes pedigree more important because it gives you credibility, even if overreliance on pedigree itself is what enables certain types of fraud. I've talked to some startup types too and it was interesting how they are trying to sell themselves - practically every pitch included some version of, we will be successful because we are from (or have engineers from) name-brand companies. Just about every recruiter hiring for more obscure companies tried to emphasize how they have engineers from some name-brand companies and this magically makes their engineering team worth joining. At some point, you figure, they are doing this because it works on some people - the halo effect does seem real.

The other thing you mention, having close connections in tech, is absolutely essential. It really doesn't take much to meet new people, especially if you go in with low expectations. Joining a new company is a great time to figure out what co-workers are involved with in the local tech community and which of them are looking for more people to be a part of it (all of them).
Yeah though it's questionable how much time I have for involvement in community and that kind of stuff, given family/kids. But even just the new co-workers themselves would be a significant addition to my network over time since they have a few hundred engineers in NYC. They are also much more involved in the tech scene, host a lot of talks/events, etc. I don't really know anyone in tech here - I've been with one small company, we've had very little turnover and many in the engineering team aren't even local. Again, it's crazy how poorly I've played my hands and I can't help but feel some degree of anger at myself for letting things get to this point.

Of course I'm doing pretty well by any reasonable standards and I can definitely be accused of lacking perspective. But still.
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05-02-2016 , 11:40 PM
Yeah we had a project manager leave a few years ago for Hulu. A long-time coworker just bolted for Hulu based on that connection.

I've always figured I've got a standing job offer there if I want. I think my coworker must have taken a pay cut though, as I would probably have to do.

I've probably got standing job offers at about a half a dozen other places from people who left my company. The funny thing is all my jobs before this one I didn't make very many good connections. The healthcare company was just a bunch of old married people who never moved around. A couple startups I wasn't at long enough. The web consulting co. either everyone has stayed there or they bolted for somewhere like Toyota. That was just in the days before Facebook too so I lost track of most of them.

But this last job has been a gold mine. Hit or miss I guess.

One thing I know I could do is put together an absolute dream team of developers in LA and NY - if some startup had a great idea and endless money to throw at it. If only half of them came on board we'd still be awesome.

Last edited by suzzer99; 05-02-2016 at 11:51 PM.
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05-02-2016 , 11:45 PM
before web dev stuff, i did finance and bankers would say our only job should be to get a better job

i've always felt something wrong about that, but definitely see where they're coming from
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