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04-20-2016 , 12:12 AM
so, in any project of moderate size, one that takes a few months at least, how many times on average do you find yourself wanting to torch everything and just start over?
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04-20-2016 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by daveT
Before or after Katrina? Back then, it was well-known to be extremely violent and dangerous. I heard more stories about crazy robberies and other crap from NO than any other city.

I got my bike stolen there. Saw too many fights. Saw too many police beatings on the French Quarter.

The mosquito and other wtf bug bites left scars that didn't heal for about 5 years. The heat, the humidity.

As I said, loved the people. Probably fell in love once a day there.
solid answer.

i was thinking of the city itself, the look of it, and the people too. and the bars. and the total lack of rules.

Last edited by gaming_mouse; 04-20-2016 at 12:52 AM.
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04-20-2016 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
so, in any project of moderate size, one that takes a few months at least, how many times on average do you find yourself wanting to torch everything and just start over?

Every single day/minute
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04-20-2016 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Dave, ultimately people need to find a place that fits them well, and I don't doubt that California is a poor fit for you for various reasons, but you need to be able to sort out which of those reasons are personal to you and which of those are actually reflective of the place.
If it matters any, everyone I've ever talked to that dislikes SF all say the same thing: "the people are [fill in the blank, but always negative]."

SF was actually the most disappointing place for me because I was told a million times over the years to go there because I would love it to death, that I'm a total fit for the place.

Also, you brought up politics yet you moved to a state that's still fighting the good fight through legislation to make sure women are forced to have your kid and to deny voting rights to minorities. I wouldn't want my kids growing up in an environment promoting those views of women or other races, but that's the point, that's just me and my personal reasons.
Ugh... I really don't want to get political, but this is absurd on a few levels. Since I'm bored this morning...

The ID requirements for Texas voting is a state-issued ID. What's amazing is that getting a TX ID is free, which is a far cry from the $25+ it charges in CA.

For the Poors.

Mind that this bill was created and passed by officials, not by ballet measures, as so many laws in CA are passed. A large portion of ballet measured petitioned by the people, voted by the people, and passed into law by the people are incredibly detrimental to the poors. In fact, if you ever even signed a petition from a hippy on a street corner, you have exploited the poors. Why? Because the petition passing companies promise pay, then they not only refuse to pay the people after a month of working, they actually turn around a sue the employees for "fraud." This happened to me and others I've known and no, I never bothered to pay the $1000. So, yeah, don't sign petitions.

If you care sooooo much about the poors, go to the local ghetto high school, organize field trips to the Redwoods so the poors can see something that is larger than their 3 block neighborhood. Volunteer to coach baseball, or perhaps volunteer to teach inner city children programming. You really get a gold star if you invite said poors into your house so they can see that rich people aren't so scary after all. Mentor a child or two so they can get out of that **** without making a million missteps. Maybe adopt a wild human or open your home to foster care.

But, as long as you are signing petitions that promote NIMBY and keeps the inner city schools broke, and you keep inking your name on petitions that are openly exploiting the poors from both ends, you have nothing to speak on. As long as you are locking your neighborhoods away from poors by refusing public transportation in your area, building more fences than the ghetto has, and promoting the excessively high rents, then you really have nothing to speak on.

Finally, I would hope you, your friends, or family aren't living in an area that is prone to fires. A large portion of the wildfire firefighters are prisoners working for about $3 per day. Surely, you nor anyone you know or care about promotes slavery?

The difference is, one is about the actions of the collective people and the other is about the actions of a small group of lawmakers. I'll take a bow on the women issues.
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04-20-2016 , 10:44 AM
That's probably good because your hot take on "the poors" was so awesome...
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04-20-2016 , 11:33 AM
Apparently goofyballer was so terrified of a potential derail by Mihklol he went ahead and decided to hot take politics to prevent it. A true man of the people.
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04-20-2016 , 11:41 AM
gotta admit I did lol
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04-20-2016 , 12:07 PM
All, we're putting new cover sheets on the TPS reports.

An action item came out of last week’s Venkat Staff Call for me to find and distribute information on how to assign a project PMT in CAPS to ensure travel is expensed to the correct Project PMT.

We all know budgets are tight, especially for our sustainment, but if travel is needed for a particular project and would provide value then by all means we want your folks to be able to use that option if you feel it is necessary.

The key is to make sure we’re charging the project and not sustainment for that travel. Therefore, attached is a job aid that Kathy XXX produced last year for this purpose. We wanted to send it out again to ensure all are aware of the proper way to code these expenses in CAPS.

Please distribute to your teams as appropriate.
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04-20-2016 , 12:25 PM
lol, that's amazing
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04-20-2016 , 12:42 PM
Restrictions on budget allocation are so frustrating. My scientific advisor would buy students business class train tickets when we were going to conferences, in order to spend the governmental money that would otherwise remain unused, and there was no opportunity for me to travel in the economy class and pocket the difference of the costs

When I and my peers became postgrads, he did start giving us small cash premiums in envelopes, though, because, again, the funds would be forfeited otherwise
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04-20-2016 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
If it matters any, everyone I've ever talked to that dislikes SF all say the same thing: "the people are [fill in the blank, but always negative]."

SF was actually the most disappointing place for me because I was told a million times over the years to go there because I would love it to death, that I'm a total fit for the place.
Well, I'm sorry that those people were wrong.

There's probably a slight bit of selection bias in saying "everyone I've ever talked to that dislikes SF says something negative about the people". I think the people here are pretty great, and this area attracts largely open-minded people that I tend to enjoy spending time with.

Originally Posted by Mihkel05
Apparently goofyballer was so terrified of a potential derail by Mihklol he went ahead and decided to hot take politics to prevent it. A true man of the people.
Yeah, that was a mistake. My intent wasn't to start a political debate, just to point out that different people have different preferences within the overall theme of CA not being right for Dave. I will happily end the derail now by not responding to any of his political tirade, beyond saying that every assumption you [Dave] made about my views on local politics is wrong.
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04-20-2016 , 01:42 PM
Since we're on an extensive derail anyway, what do you guys think about these places from the perspective of a non-white person? My experience, as a non-white person, has been that in a lot of Southern and Midwestern cities, it's very easy to be otherized if you're not white, whereas in coastal cities (NYC/LA/SF and to a lesser extent Boston and Seattle) you don't feel as much that people are treating you differently.
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04-20-2016 , 01:48 PM
Here is Boston we hate everyone equally.
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04-20-2016 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Well, I'm sorry that those people were wrong.

There's probably a slight bit of selection bias in saying "everyone I've ever talked to that dislikes SF says something negative about the people". I think the people here are pretty great, and this area attracts largely open-minded people that I tend to enjoy spending time with.
Oh, and you didn't even bother calling to hang out while I was visiting?

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04-20-2016 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by candybar
Since we're on an extensive derail anyway, what do you guys think about these places from the perspective of a non-white person? My experience, as a non-white person, has been that in a lot of Southern and Midwestern cities, it's very easy to be otherized if you're not white, whereas in coastal cities (NYC/LA/SF and to a lesser extent Boston and Seattle) you don't feel as much that people are treating you differently.
I grew up in KC and had a Korean friend growing up who lived in my neighborhood. One of the only Asian kids in the school. I didn't think anything at all about it. But maybe he felt "otherized" I dunno.

Except I'm pissed at him now for not forcing me to eat all that weird smelling food and discover Korean food 20 years sooner than I did.
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04-20-2016 , 02:05 PM
I've worked in texas my whole life, and my workplaces were almost universally Very White and Very Male and Very Young. Everyone denies there's any racism/sexism/agism in hiring though, so.
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04-20-2016 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I grew up in KC and had a Korean friend growing up who lived in my neighborhood. One of the only Asian kids in the school. I didn't think anything at all about it. But maybe he felt "otherized" I dunno.

Except I'm pissed at him now for not forcing me to eat all that weird smelling food and discover Korean food 20 years sooner than I did.
This actually reveals the subtle racism of whites toward asians and candybar's discomfort at his own ethnicity.

Obv being black is way different than being an asian who grew up in LA. So non-white is pretty nondescript from "cornerstone of tech community" to "man everyone views you totally weird".
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04-20-2016 , 03:38 PM
That's complete nonsense.
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04-20-2016 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
This actually reveals the subtle racism of whites toward asians and candybar's discomfort at his own ethnicity.

Obv being black is way different than being an asian who grew up in LA. So non-white is pretty nondescript from "cornerstone of tech community" to "man everyone views you totally weird".
Obviously I'm trying to minimize the amount of details about myself that can be used to identify me but I've definitely felt "man everyone views you totally weird" multiple times in the South and the Midwest and I've barely spent any time in these places. When people are openly talking about how enlightened they are for thinking that I'm probably not a terrorist - it does make you wonder. It's fairly rare for me feel that way in SF/LA/NYC - pluralism is kind of taken for granted in these places.
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04-20-2016 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
That's complete nonsense.
Are you saying nonwhites are all treated identically in tech or what about it is "complete nonsense"?


Totally reasonable. Just saying the world isn't just full of whites + not whites. I've never felt any of the issues you've described despite also being "not white". But I'd love for more white folks to tell me how ridiculous this is.
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04-20-2016 , 04:34 PM
The part about suzzer being racist because his Korean friend didn't introduce him to Korean food.

There is nothing even remotely racist about that.
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04-20-2016 , 04:37 PM
I think I once offended a southern (MS) client by writing 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas' in an email.

Wish I was joking.
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04-20-2016 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
The part about suzzer being racist because his Korean friend didn't introduce him to Korean food.

There is nothing even remotely racist about that.
Except trivializing his experience and empathy at the deliciousness of Korean food in a joke.

But hey! Totally not racist!
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04-20-2016 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
Totally reasonable. Just saying the world isn't just full of whites + not whites. I've never felt any of the issues you've described despite also being "not white". But I'd love for more white folks to tell me how ridiculous this is.
Which non-white are you if you don't mind sharing? Totally understand otherwise.
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04-20-2016 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
The part about suzzer being racist because his Korean friend didn't introduce him to Korean food.

There is nothing even remotely racist about that.
Yeah that didn't seem racist at all, not sure what he's getting at.
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