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02-27-2016 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
how do I tell if I have ccc?

and probably some other ways
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02-27-2016 , 06:21 AM
it doesn't appear as though i do.
is there a specific one i should install?

i do believe i have a dedicated graphics card, dunno if that matters.
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02-27-2016 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe

infract away, thats my bad.

also if mod can edit thread title that would be great.

sorry guys.
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02-27-2016 , 06:26 AM
so i downloaded the amd autodetect utility and when i ran it it said that my system has the latest driver installed.

processor: AMD FX(tm)-8320 eight-core processor

graphics hardware: AMD Radeon R7 200 series

OS: windows 10 64 bit

not sure if that is relevant to the CCC or not.
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02-27-2016 , 06:29 AM
try running ur driver in compatibilty mode for windows 7
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02-27-2016 , 06:31 AM
just so you guys know I'm a total noob wrt computer stuff so when you say things like try running your driver in compatibility mode for Windows 7 I have no idea what that means or how to do it
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02-27-2016 , 06:38 AM
im just trying to find the simplest method

when u download the driver have u got the file still in ur downloads folder?

if so try this.
Uninstall the driver

then go to the downloaded file and right click it
choose properties
choose compatibility
go down to compatibilty mode and check ur version that it worked on i.e win 7 64 bit
tick and apply

also here
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02-27-2016 , 06:40 AM
so when i go to control panel adjust screen resolution the resolution is set to 1920x1080 and when i manually change it to 2560x1600 the screen goes black like its changing but when i exit out and then go back to that setting its reverted back to 1920x1080.

i feel like this could be a reason why everything seems so out of focus?
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02-27-2016 , 06:50 AM

so i went to screen settings opened the monitor info clicked on properties and didn't change anything then clicked OK and the whole screen went black and hasn't come back.

what in the ever lasting **** is going on.

I did a force shut down and rebooted and the normal boot screen came up but then right after the windows 10 logo came up but before the sign in box it went black again.

how do I fix this????

I didn't even make any changes wtf.

god why are pc's so much less ****** friendly than macs?
I never had any issues on my Mac I couldn't solve with Google in less than 10mins.
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02-27-2016 , 07:17 AM
have u tried doing as i suggested yet?

uninstall driver then follow the steps?

when u are in device manager is ur device showing there ? any yellow hazard signs or red X's anywhere?

when doing any driver stuff i always do one thing at a time and a system reboot/shutdown restart before doing any other changes so its easy to trace ur steps if something goes wrong.
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02-27-2016 , 07:17 AM
I was able to somehow get to a blue screen that gives me the option to

continue and exit to Windows 10 (tried it went right back to the black screen)

restart pc (goes back to black screen)

repair (didn't work went back to black screen)

system restore.

is my only option the system restore?
only reason I hesitate is its gonna go back to before I was even able to change the resolution. I know I can just redo it but before I go thru all that again just want to be sure it's my only option.

I don't understand wtf happened cuz I didn't even make any godamn changes this is so tilting.

help pleaaaaaaase.
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02-27-2016 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by mesmerized
have u tried doing as i suggested yet?

uninstall driver then follow the steps?

when u are in device manager is ur device showing there ? any yellow hazard signs or red X's anywhere?

when doing any driver stuff i always do one thing at a time and a system reboot/shutdown restart before doing any other changes so its easy to trace ur steps if something goes wrong.
I haven't done that yet, my buddy who was helping said he didn't think it was a driver issue, but he's long since gone to bed and now I'm longing for the days when my resolution was my only issue.

I know can't even boot up my godamn pc without it going to a black screen from which there is no escape.

god ****ing dammit this is beyond tilting.
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02-27-2016 , 07:21 AM
yes do a restore to nearest time u know it was working
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02-27-2016 , 07:25 AM
at the risk of sounding like a total moron what driver are u referring to?
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02-27-2016 , 07:34 AM
id revert everything back to the way u had it at start of this thread.

then make sure in device manager ur drivers are being detected

ur monitor is older than ur graphics card so i would start with that as it might not be compatible with win10. get the driver and right click run in compat with win7

if it doesnt work

then try same with graphics card

also make sure u are downloading from the official sites
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02-27-2016 , 07:43 AM
could you please tell me how to do that?

I don't know how to check if my drivers are being detected, I don't know really how to do anything you're telling me to do.

if you could pretend you're talking to an alien or an imbecile I'd appreciate it.

I understand if it's too much work/effort to type it all up but otherwise I dunno what ur talking about.

I'm probably gonna get some sleep and work on it tomorrow (if I don't end up playing the lapc main) as I'm way too tired and frustrated at this point.

I've been working on this godamn pc for hours and it's pretty godamn frustrating when I was under the impression this pc would work with my monitor out of the box.
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02-27-2016 , 07:45 AM
id do the system restore to the point u know it was healthy

then come back at it fresh tomorrow as you say.

i wouldnt say this is a huge issue at all tbh just patience and one thing at a time and let the thread know exactly u have done or changed etc in the mean time
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02-27-2016 , 07:48 AM
thanks bud appreciate the patience.
I did the restore and it's back to factory settings.

gonna crash out and work on it tomorrow.

will post updates itt.
many thanks to everyone posting advice.
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02-27-2016 , 07:50 AM
fwiw whenever I run the auto detect utility it says everything is up to date.
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02-27-2016 , 07:55 AM
yes its best to work on a clean slate imo

if u click the windows icon + pause/break button at same time it open ur system info

then to the left u will see option for device manager

then in the list u will see if anything is flagged (a red X , or yellow hazard sign, or a any other icon down the left hand of the list) if none then its saying ur drivers are all ok (maybe not all upto date but all are ok)

then u can locate Display adaptors (graphics card) and monitors (ur monitor) when u click the little arrow to the left of them it will open the drop down menu and tell u what is being detected i.e ur AMD redeon card,

u can right click each of these and click update driver , then search automatically online.

then u can download the CCC as suggested earlier in the thread by craggoo

then maybe wait for some one to help u on here if u get stuck

hope that helps a little
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02-27-2016 , 08:09 AM
Windows pro tip - if you ever go into settings of any kind and just look around without changing anything, when you are ready to close the settings window - never click OK. Always click cancel.
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02-27-2016 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
I haven't done that yet, my buddy who was helping said he didn't think it was a driver issue, but he's long since gone to bed and now I'm longing for the days when my resolution was my only issue.

I know can't even boot up my godamn pc without it going to a black screen from which there is no escape.

god ****ing dammit this is beyond tilting.
It's really hard to help people when they don't follow the help that you give them. I gave you two good things to try at the very beginning of the thread, and as far as I can tell you haven't tried either of them.

Not sure how your friend can be sure it isn't a driver issue (because there is a damn good chance that it is), but each step I have given you to try is designed to rule out a different possible cause.

Making sure it still works on another system and possibly trying a different cable is to try and rule out the display hardware as the issue. We seem to be good there.

I also gave you the two steps below. They are to try and rule out and/or fix the possibility that it is a problem with the new GPUs hardware, drivers, and/or settings.

Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
Yea, not the cable if it still works on other tower.

For now, you could always boot into your UEFI and switch from using the GPU to using the integrated graphics (the port on the top on your motherboard by keyboard and mouse) and see if you have better luck there.

It sounds scary if you don't have a lot of computer knowledge, but it really isn't. When booting, just spam the delete key and the UEFI menu will come up. Just look around until you find something talking about graphics, and change it from discrete to integrated. Save, exit, and turn off your system. Move DVI cable from GPU to motherboard, and boot.
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
Alternatively, you could try doing a full uninstall and then reinstall of the GPU drivers.

This thread's "Correct Answer" has pretty good instructions on how to fully uninstall the drivers:
When you go to install the driver again, here is the one you want:

When you install make sure to select "Custom Install" and uncheck their stupid gaming utility thing if that isn't something you want.
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02-27-2016 , 12:59 PM
Hey all I was trying to help him outside of this thread. The AMD drivers are updated the problem lies in the fact that Dell cut off the monitor driver support with windows 7. The idea to run the monitor driver in Win 7 compatibility mode seems like the best bet.

Someone have instructions on how to do that for a driver?
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02-27-2016 , 01:05 PM
he has crimson btw
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