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08-14-2017 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by lastcardcharlie
Paying £2.50 for one jam doughnut, albeit a world class jam doughnut, seems weird. On the other hand, I'd think little of paying a similar amount for e.g. a decent ice cream cone. The logic of the situation is ****ing with me.
Get the raspberry jam for $2.5 here, the doughnuts for another $3 for say 6 here and have 6 of them with your jam plus left over jam for a lot more breakfast adventures. Or go to a local store called happy doughnuts and get a nice choice of many good items like that but pay 10x more plus tip than the cost of preparing them yourself plus tip to yourself in knowing what you put in there lol (or kind of). What are your doughnuts shaped like?
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08-14-2017 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
What are your doughnuts shaped like?
Homeomorphic to spheres.
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08-14-2017 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by lastcardcharlie
Homeomorphic to spheres.
Right. Of course this also includes cucumbers, potatoes, doubleboobs connected and high eccentricity ellipsoids of revolution aka spheroids. (Taking a page from BTM's playbook).
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08-14-2017 , 06:28 PM
How about looking at the photos in the link I posted?
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08-14-2017 , 06:32 PM
I tried that before and it wasnt loading for some reason. But now it did.

Those look very small for that price. Then again i have been in US far too long and lost perspective of quality is not quantity life lol. But £2.5 which is probably near $3.75 is aggressive. And that raspberry is little lol!

The correct world is a combination of US and Europe! I live in that world and i try to add other continents too sometimes.
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08-14-2017 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
Right. Of course this also includes cucumbers, potatoes, doubleboobs connected and high eccentricity ellipsoids of revolution aka spheroids. (Taking a page from BTM's playbook).
You should try to post like Brian for a week, as an intellectual challenge.
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08-14-2017 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
But £2.5 which is probably near $3.75 is aggressive.
I don't see how it can be called aggressive without some marketing campaign to the gullible. It's not aggressive like Ronald McDonald selling **** to children is aggressive.
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08-14-2017 , 08:18 PM
The southern strategy needs to go south.

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08-14-2017 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by lastcardcharlie
I don't see how it can be called aggressive without some marketing campaign to the gullible. It's not aggressive like Ronald McDonald selling **** to children is aggressive.
I mean pricey aggressive. Which it is because at that price you can buy a raw chicken and cook it in the oven with potatoes and lemon juice and herbs. That will also provide many BTM sandwiches worth of carvings.

You can also buy at that price 3 bananas, 1 avocado, 2 apples and 1 kiwi for fun (all together) ! Or you can buy 1.4 lt mocha almond or strawberry cheesecake icecream. You will have a better time with these for sure! This is the definition of aggressive, depriving yourself of these alternatives.

Of course if the item pictured above is of superior taste and quality i will resign from the term aggressive and call it worthy offer in a pricey overall international destination. You can probably still get 2 great croissants at that price and bring them home to meet the raspberry jam.

Last edited by masque de Z; 08-14-2017 at 09:51 PM.
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08-14-2017 , 09:54 PM
It doesn't occur to these ppl to make more donuts?
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08-14-2017 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
It doesn't occur to these ppl to make more donuts?
The English are very complex thinkers. It's part and parcel to living on a tiny island all packed together like sardines, socially barricade within an outdated feudal system and class distinction, and with a governmental structure dating to Charles II.

And they drive on the wrong side of the road. QED
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08-14-2017 , 10:33 PM
They also use the wrong units like you also know who else!
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08-15-2017 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Zeno
Yup. That's a dad. And a mom. Allegedly. Not any relation to me. My dad only used very large iron cooking pots and was a life long cannibal. Boiled missionary being his favorite dish. He would never have been so morally degenerate as to eat pig or other such vile vittles.

Brian tripped on his tongue and fell into a bowl of his vodka soaked bread pudding again. But that's Ok, I forgive him.
I'm sorry, but you need to double check your parental-related data. I'm quite certain that my theory is correct, so it must be some problem in the methodology that led to the data that led you to the conclusion I put in bold above.
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08-15-2017 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by lastcardcharlie
I forgot that your doughnuts are torus-shaped. I have no doubt that that can be demonstrated to be correct on some technical level, and it would be futile to argue the point. Thanks for not even bringing it up.
Our doughnuts run the gamut of shapes. We even have rectangular-ish ones. Those typically cost extra.

I did learn today (I went on a research mission on your behalf) that it is indeed possible to purchase quantities fewer than a dozen here. I don't entirely understand why that is an option as of yet. My earlier understanding is that the proper number of doughnuts is always 12. I can't really wrap my head around a different number other than, perhaps, 13.

What the heck is the checkout girl going to think if you buy a single doughnut? It can't be anything good. At best it will be, "well he has no one in his life at all. <sigh> Not even a friend. <single tear drops> Well, at least he is looking after his figure, so maybe his future will be better. <lightbulb over head> But he did just purchase a doughnut, so he isn't really doing it right." It is almost like a cry for help, but one guaranteed to put off even the most empathetic of checkout girls.

Similar results are, of course, obtained by thought experiments for 2-11 doughnuts. Eleven is just super creepy.

12 (or 13 in certain jurisdictions) is the only non-pathetic number of doughnuts that should be purchased.

Are you sure this doughnut shop isn't just attempting to cause civil unrest by making it difficult to purchase the only holy number of doughnuts? It looks innocent enough if you aren't paying attention, but I wouldn't put it past the bastards.
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08-15-2017 , 01:16 AM
At least doughnuts are not cupcakes.

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08-15-2017 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
I mean pricey aggressive.
Ah, expensive.

Now, how to explain to Brian the difference between a supermarket and a shop...
SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread Quote
08-15-2017 , 03:41 AM
Or that one may not be interested in the checkout girl or that maybe you win the checkout girl when after buying the 1 doughnut you respond positively to a $10 donation to help feed poor family children during summer break (yes true unfortunately a lot mostly only eat at school typically). What does the checkout girl think then? More importantly what does she think if you are so much worried what she thinks over something so small and not actually checking her out with a smile and leaving a small flower and an eye wink as you move away!
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08-15-2017 , 04:20 AM
"Checkout girl" is politically incorrect.
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08-15-2017 , 04:30 AM
But checkout babe is not! By the way screw politically correct. This is what got us to this mf-up we are living daily now!

Screw both the nazi bastards that march and are trigger happy losers but also the vigilant super maniacal leftists that go to tweeter to force people that were there protesting to lose their jobs (by outing them naming them to the public)! This is the worse kind of humanity seen on both levels. First these morons believe in horrible things and then instead of trying to correct them or facing them like men head to head why not make them even more angry and closer to becoming murderers unable to recognize their error because all they see now is the deep classless hatred of the other side that are supposed to be the good soul humans. Piss on the grave of both!

Whatever the f happened to "I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write..." (claimed Voltaire's letter)

"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion," Obama said in the message, quoting the late South African leader Nelson Mandela.

Damn right. We all take each other there a little bit each day with our choices and lack of humanity and personal example.

Last edited by masque de Z; 08-15-2017 at 04:47 AM.
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08-15-2017 , 05:39 AM
By all means exploit them economically, just don't call them checkout girls.
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08-15-2017 , 02:29 PM
Hey, nice job with Politics v7.0, Chez.
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08-15-2017 , 02:38 PM

I'm marking it's passing with the help of some naked ladies. Hic
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08-15-2017 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
They also use the wrong units like you also know who else!
Our units are beserk. I buy petrol priced per litre; my car measures its economy in miles per gallon. (An English gallon is bigger than a septic one.)

I weigh myself in stone; I weigh other things in kilogrammes.
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08-15-2017 , 04:29 PM
When I get a little water on my hands, rather than just dry them off I like to wash the water off with water and then dry them off.

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08-15-2017 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
The southern strategy needs to go south.

Yawl takin football, right?
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