Official Outer Limits/Debunking Thread
View Poll Results: How would you want to go if the world had to end?
Zombie apocalypse
Meteor collides into the earth
Alien invasion
Nuclear disaster, either from war or accident
, 02:27 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,244
Simple burden of proof reversal fallacy. Your position is gas pressure without a container. The onus is on you to demonstrate your claim, not on me to demonstrate a claim I haven't even made.
, 12:02 AM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 30,132
Is this a claim you are making?
Simple burden of proof reversal fallacy. Your position is gas pressure without a container. The onus is on you to demonstrate your claim, not on me to demonstrate a claim I haven't even made.
This is no different than your inability to square up human shadows and your definition of "natural" being not caused by humans.
, 12:58 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,244
Do you accept or reject that there are 2 different containers?
I'm not making any claims. I'm asking a question.
You keep saying that, but it's clear that I'm not making any claims. I make no claims about containers. I'm just asking you whether there are two containers. Why is it that you have such a hard time answering such basic questions?
This is no different than your inability to square up human shadows and your definition of "natural" being not caused by humans.
I'm not making any claims. I'm asking a question.
You keep saying that, but it's clear that I'm not making any claims. I make no claims about containers. I'm just asking you whether there are two containers. Why is it that you have such a hard time answering such basic questions?
This is no different than your inability to square up human shadows and your definition of "natural" being not caused by humans.
The heliocentric claim is that the atmosphere is held to this earth by a gravitational force that prevents the second law taking effect and the gas pressure dispersing into the 10^-17 torr vacuum of space.
My argument: gas pressure, which includes gas pressure gradients, is caused by collisions of gas molecules with themselves and the walls of a container. For the sake of defending your heliocentric religion, demonstrate gas pressure without a container. Then demonstrate gas pressure being contained by a gravitational field.
Where in this statement do you see me claiming there is a container, the necessary prerequisite of asking me how many containers there are? To do so would be begging the question of a vacuum or lower pressure area immediately outside this system we live in would it not. Precisely the charge I am levelling at you.
Therefore a straw man fallacy addressing an argument I never even made.
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.
If you want to go over foucault again please do because we can once again destroy non existent earth based coreolis effect. If you want to talk about your scientific investigation about the cause of shadows carry on.
, 10:14 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 30,132
Therefore a straw man fallacy addressing an argument I never even made.
, 03:52 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,244
There cannot be a practically infinite volume for the gas to disperse into, it would violate natural law. The model is therefore demonstrably wrong. Asserting that the prerequisite for gas pressure is a container because it is the cause of gas pressure - we have pressure therefore container - is simply a logically correct statement that is backed by natural law of gas behaviour. It debunks your model without asserting an alternative. After this point is pure speculation such as then asserting we have a container or multiple containers that we can describe the properties of, where it/they are, how this system works etc.
You are asking me to describe a model I am not claiming. This is understandable, in your mind we live on a model that does not describe objective reality. When thus is questioned you immediately want to conjure a new model that more accurately describes where you live.
You are asking me to describe a model I am not claiming. This is understandable, in your mind we live on a model that does not describe objective reality. When thus is questioned you immediately want to conjure a new model that more accurately describes where you live.
, 10:50 PM
Masque cant deliver absolute proof in a gummed up sense to Billy and Billy tops Masque with his argumentative skills. You're stuck with Masque posting honorably while Moo takes the W.
, 01:35 AM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 10,144
As I see it, Mr. Shear's position is that it's impossible for there to be an infinite (or very large) outer space vacuum with no containment wall surrounding earth's atmosphere because if that were the case the atmosphere would have QUICKLY dissipated into that vacuum long ago.
Loving the new courtroom style.
That may be as you see it, but that is a mis-understanding or mis-representation of my position. The claim is made by the heliocentric view of a pressurised atmosphere without containment. I am using natural law to debunk this claim. I make no claim of what is. Only of what is not.
That may be as you see it, but that is a mis-understanding or mis-representation of my position. The claim is made by the heliocentric view of a pressurised atmosphere without containment. I am using natural law to debunk this claim. I make no claim of what is. Only of what is not.
There cannot be a practically infinite volume for the gas to disperse into, it would violate natural law. The model is therefore demonstrably wrong. Asserting that the prerequisite for gas pressure is a container because it is the cause of gas pressure - we have pressure therefore container - is simply a logically correct statement that is backed by natural law of gas behaviour. It debunks your model without asserting an alternative.
, 01:46 AM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 10,144
It's similar to the reason why conspiracy theories are still alive today and are running stronger with the help from youtube.
Masque cant deliver absolute proof in a gummed up sense to Billy and Billy tops Masque with his argumentative skills. You're stuck with Masque posting honorably while Moo takes the W.
Masque cant deliver absolute proof in a gummed up sense to Billy and Billy tops Masque with his argumentative skills. You're stuck with Masque posting honorably while Moo takes the W.
, 11:48 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,244
When did I say anything about
A) a vacuum - that is the fallacy the other side is guilty of. Let them/you demonstrate their/your claim
B) a containment wall - now there is an assertion of a wall. The argument is how can there be gas pressure without the necesary cause of a container. This debunks the model. There isn't enough information available to assert anything else.
C) that the gas would have quickly dissipated long ago, which requires the vacuum to be asserted in the first instance, and also some kind of starting point for the whole system. Again, that is their/your claim, not mine.
Maybe I have not explained my point very well since now you also are complaining of a contradiction, not just the troll Aaron. I thought it was clear enough. You were 'summarising my position' but my position does not need summarising, it is concise enough - demonstrate gas pressure without a container and demonstrate gas pressure contained by a gravitational field. It is a questioning of the existing model, not an assertion of a new one, or an explanation of what 'would' have happened in a situation where the question is begged.
When did I say anything about
A) a vacuum - that is the fallacy the other side is guilty of. Let them/you demonstrate their/your claim
B) a containment wall - now there is an assertion of a wall. The argument is how can there be gas pressure without the necesary cause of a container. This debunks the model. There isn't enough information available to assert anything else.
C) that the gas would have quickly dissipated long ago, which requires the vacuum to be asserted in the first instance, and also some kind of starting point for the whole system. Again, that is their/your claim, not mine.
Maybe I have not explained my point very well since now you also are complaining of a contradiction, not just the troll Aaron. I thought it was clear enough. You were 'summarising my position' but my position does not need summarising, it is concise enough - demonstrate gas pressure without a container and demonstrate gas pressure contained by a gravitational field. It is a questioning of the existing model, not an assertion of a new one, or an explanation of what 'would' have happened in a situation where the question is begged.
, 12:50 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,244
It's similar to the reason why conspiracy theories are still alive today and are running stronger with the help from youtube.
Masque cant deliver absolute proof in a gummed up sense to Billy and Billy tops Masque with his argumentative skills. You're stuck with Masque posting honorably while Moo takes the W.
Masque cant deliver absolute proof in a gummed up sense to Billy and Billy tops Masque with his argumentative skills. You're stuck with Masque posting honorably while Moo takes the W.
, 01:15 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 10,144
The pressure of a gas is the force that the gas exerts on the walls of its container.
The cause of gas pressure is the collisions of the gas particles with the walls of a container. We can formulate this using the scientific method and demonstrate the required experimentation easily I think - I will have a go if necessary.
We have gas pressure, we are breathing, therefore we require a container.
Logically consistent-
If gas pressure, then container.
Gas pressure, therefore container.
So Earth cannot be an open system. The atmosphere, pressurised gas, would fill the unbelievably large volume of the near perfect vacuum.
I don't have a model for earth's atmosphere. Flat earthers draw on religious models of a domed earth, which is fine/interesting but it is no more valid than the globe model and is probably a feature of the whole psyop anyway (what is organised religion but a psyop).
The pressure of a gas is the force that the gas exerts on the walls of its container.
The cause of gas pressure is the collisions of the gas particles with the walls of a container. We can formulate this using the scientific method and demonstrate the required experimentation easily I think - I will have a go if necessary.
We have gas pressure, we are breathing, therefore we require a container.
Logically consistent-
If gas pressure, then container.
Gas pressure, therefore container.
So Earth cannot be an open system. The atmosphere, pressurised gas, would fill the unbelievably large volume of the near perfect vacuum.
I don't have a model for earth's atmosphere. Flat earthers draw on religious models of a domed earth, which is fine/interesting but it is no more valid than the globe model and is probably a feature of the whole psyop anyway (what is organised religion but a psyop).
This gas is being held inside an unmentioned separate container into which the vacuum container is being placed. There has to be a gas pressure in the first instance for this situation to take place. That additional objects can be placed inside the gas pressure and feel the force of the gas is not the cause of the gas pressure. The gas pressure is caused by the collisions of the gas with the walls of its own container. The presence of the vacuum container will reduce the volume the gas is in and so will affect the pressure but it is not the cause of the pressure.
I'm not sure such a complicated response was needed to the guy's question, surely he can demonstrate the effect by placing any body inside a normal room and the body is hit with 14.7 pounds per square inch, which answers the question of what area the force is acting. It is by definition force per unit area. Doesn't matter that there is a vacuum on the inside, the force on the outside will be the same. The only purpose I can see of having an infinitely thin cylinder is to avoid changing the volume of the gas.
Still, it is a demonstration that without a container the pressurised gas will fill the vacuum as per natural law.
I'm not sure such a complicated response was needed to the guy's question, surely he can demonstrate the effect by placing any body inside a normal room and the body is hit with 14.7 pounds per square inch, which answers the question of what area the force is acting. It is by definition force per unit area. Doesn't matter that there is a vacuum on the inside, the force on the outside will be the same. The only purpose I can see of having an infinitely thin cylinder is to avoid changing the volume of the gas.
Still, it is a demonstration that without a container the pressurised gas will fill the vacuum as per natural law.
The first answer is wrong to state the 'weight of a column of air' as explained above, and by masque also. It is a special pleading fallacy - that we are breathing air is my argument to demonstrate there must be a container! Can you demonstrate gas pressure without a container? Yeah we are breathing. That is a special pleading fallacy for earth as the only containerless pressurised system.
Stars and gravity? Come on this stuff cannot be proven. There is no theory (colloquial or scientific) of star formation that works because
if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation.
In the second answer how is this answering the question
just focus on what it does to the walls (boundary) of our box,
Sounds like he has a container.
If this is some fictitious container then a) it's not a demonstration and B) you still need a container for the gas in the first instance.
Stars and gravity? Come on this stuff cannot be proven. There is no theory (colloquial or scientific) of star formation that works because
if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation.
In the second answer how is this answering the question
just focus on what it does to the walls (boundary) of our box,
Sounds like he has a container.
If this is some fictitious container then a) it's not a demonstration and B) you still need a container for the gas in the first instance.
Agreed, entropy is time dependent
So we definitely need a container then? For a 'gravity container' (that's a new one) we need first to define gravity. What is gravity?
No it does not. Remember who is making the claim. The claim is that there is a vacuum up there in the sky, I would like this demonstrated, and not by calculations, I want a demonstration of gas pressure without the necessary antecedent of a container. I can show you gas pressure next to a vacuum and the process will be very fast indeed.
So we need a container for the gas pressure then? So this is not a demonstration of gas pressure without a container.
Secondly a centripetal/centrifugal force is not a gravitational force. Thirdly entropy is time dependent - are you suggesting we are constantly losing gas pressure? We must be if your model is correct. Is this demonstrable? I thought initially there was no atmosphere?
So we definitely need a container then? For a 'gravity container' (that's a new one) we need first to define gravity. What is gravity?
No it does not. Remember who is making the claim. The claim is that there is a vacuum up there in the sky, I would like this demonstrated, and not by calculations, I want a demonstration of gas pressure without the necessary antecedent of a container. I can show you gas pressure next to a vacuum and the process will be very fast indeed.
So we need a container for the gas pressure then? So this is not a demonstration of gas pressure without a container.
Secondly a centripetal/centrifugal force is not a gravitational force. Thirdly entropy is time dependent - are you suggesting we are constantly losing gas pressure? We must be if your model is correct. Is this demonstrable? I thought initially there was no atmosphere?
Not true, claiming vacuum is begging the question.
And where does his gas pressure come from? The container being pounded on from the outside doesn't cause the gas pressure.
Rubbish I said no such thing. I said 'container' not 'closed container'. A punctured inner tube will keep air in for a decent time - but the requirement for the pressure to exist was the inner tube, the container. Doesn't matter if it leaks.
What are these 'forces of containment'?
And where does his gas pressure come from? The container being pounded on from the outside doesn't cause the gas pressure.
Rubbish I said no such thing. I said 'container' not 'closed container'. A punctured inner tube will keep air in for a decent time - but the requirement for the pressure to exist was the inner tube, the container. Doesn't matter if it leaks.
What are these 'forces of containment'?
You don't claim there is a vacuum of outer space with no barrier to our atmosphere? If not then what exactly are we arguing about?
We are dealing with actual claims.
Those conditions being precisely a container for the gas to press upon
Except every situation you have described refers to containment for gas pressure.
No, I am insisting that the cause of gas pressure is the collisions of the gas with the walls of a container. I am asking for a demonstration that we can have gas pressure without a container.
Where is the demonstration taking place? In a real place? I have not begged the question, I have assumed where the demonstration is taking place - which is inside a room. That room is a container which holds a gas pressure. The begging the question fallacy is to assume we can have a gas pressure... from no specific place.... and work from there. Where did the pressure come from in the first instance? The cause of gas pressure requires a container.
Ok so you don't want to assert a container external to this demonstration, that would be begging the question, correct? So what happens now to your gas pressure? Particles bounce once into the wall of the vacuum box, possibly rebound off another particle into the box again, and very quickly disperse into..... whatever the thing is that you have outside this box. We have lost gas pressure.
Without a container there can be no vacuum?
We are dealing with actual claims.
Those conditions being precisely a container for the gas to press upon
Except every situation you have described refers to containment for gas pressure.
No, I am insisting that the cause of gas pressure is the collisions of the gas with the walls of a container. I am asking for a demonstration that we can have gas pressure without a container.
Where is the demonstration taking place? In a real place? I have not begged the question, I have assumed where the demonstration is taking place - which is inside a room. That room is a container which holds a gas pressure. The begging the question fallacy is to assume we can have a gas pressure... from no specific place.... and work from there. Where did the pressure come from in the first instance? The cause of gas pressure requires a container.
Ok so you don't want to assert a container external to this demonstration, that would be begging the question, correct? So what happens now to your gas pressure? Particles bounce once into the wall of the vacuum box, possibly rebound off another particle into the box again, and very quickly disperse into..... whatever the thing is that you have outside this box. We have lost gas pressure.
Without a container there can be no vacuum?
Your question is malformed. The answer 'yes' declares there are 2 different containers. The answer 'no' declares there is one container. Both answers assume there is at least one container. Is this a claim you are making?
Simple burden of proof reversal fallacy. Your position is gas pressure without a container. The onus is on you to demonstrate your claim, not on me to demonstrate a claim I haven't even made.
Simple burden of proof reversal fallacy. Your position is gas pressure without a container. The onus is on you to demonstrate your claim, not on me to demonstrate a claim I haven't even made.
Once more, let's see if you get this. I doubt it.
The heliocentric claim is that the atmosphere is held to this earth by a gravitational force that prevents the second law taking effect and the gas pressure dispersing into the 10^-17 torr vacuum of space.
My argument: gas pressure, which includes gas pressure gradients, is caused by collisions of gas molecules with themselves and the walls of a container. For the sake of defending your heliocentric religion, demonstrate gas pressure without a container. Then demonstrate gas pressure being contained by a gravitational field.
Where in this statement do you see me claiming there is a container, the necessary prerequisite of asking me how many containers there are? To do so would be begging the question of a vacuum or lower pressure area immediately outside this system we live in would it not. Precisely the charge I am levelling at you.
Therefore a straw man fallacy addressing an argument I never even made.
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.
If you want to go over foucault again please do because we can once again destroy non existent earth based coreolis effect. If you want to talk about your scientific investigation about the cause of shadows carry on.
The heliocentric claim is that the atmosphere is held to this earth by a gravitational force that prevents the second law taking effect and the gas pressure dispersing into the 10^-17 torr vacuum of space.
My argument: gas pressure, which includes gas pressure gradients, is caused by collisions of gas molecules with themselves and the walls of a container. For the sake of defending your heliocentric religion, demonstrate gas pressure without a container. Then demonstrate gas pressure being contained by a gravitational field.
Where in this statement do you see me claiming there is a container, the necessary prerequisite of asking me how many containers there are? To do so would be begging the question of a vacuum or lower pressure area immediately outside this system we live in would it not. Precisely the charge I am levelling at you.
Therefore a straw man fallacy addressing an argument I never even made.
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.
If you want to go over foucault again please do because we can once again destroy non existent earth based coreolis effect. If you want to talk about your scientific investigation about the cause of shadows carry on.
There cannot be a practically infinite volume for the gas to disperse into, it would violate natural law. The model is therefore demonstrably wrong. Asserting that the prerequisite for gas pressure is a container because it is the cause of gas pressure - we have pressure therefore container - is simply a logically correct statement that is backed by natural law of gas behaviour. It debunks your model without asserting an alternative. After this point is pure speculation such as then asserting we have a container or multiple containers that we can describe the properties of, where it/they are, how this system works etc.
You are asking me to describe a model I am not claiming. This is understandable, in your mind we live on a model that does not describe objective reality. When thus is questioned you immediately want to conjure a new model that more accurately describes where you live.
You are asking me to describe a model I am not claiming. This is understandable, in your mind we live on a model that does not describe objective reality. When thus is questioned you immediately want to conjure a new model that more accurately describes where you live.
When did I say anything about
A) a vacuum - that is the fallacy the other side is guilty of. Let them/you demonstrate their/your claim
B) a containment wall - now there is an assertion of a wall. The argument is how can there be gas pressure without the necesary cause of a container. This debunks the model. There isn't enough information available to assert anything else.
C) that the gas would have quickly dissipated long ago, which requires the vacuum to be asserted in the first instance, and also some kind of starting point for the whole system. Again, that is their/your claim, not mine.
Maybe I have not explained my point very well since now you also are complaining of a contradiction, not just the troll Aaron. I thought it was clear enough. You were 'summarising my position' but my position does not need summarising, it is concise enough - demonstrate gas pressure without a container and demonstrate gas pressure contained by a gravitational field. It is a questioning of the existing model, not an assertion of a new one, or an explanation of what 'would' have happened in a situation where the question is begged.
When did I say anything about
A) a vacuum - that is the fallacy the other side is guilty of. Let them/you demonstrate their/your claim
B) a containment wall - now there is an assertion of a wall. The argument is how can there be gas pressure without the necesary cause of a container. This debunks the model. There isn't enough information available to assert anything else.
C) that the gas would have quickly dissipated long ago, which requires the vacuum to be asserted in the first instance, and also some kind of starting point for the whole system. Again, that is their/your claim, not mine.
Maybe I have not explained my point very well since now you also are complaining of a contradiction, not just the troll Aaron. I thought it was clear enough. You were 'summarising my position' but my position does not need summarising, it is concise enough - demonstrate gas pressure without a container and demonstrate gas pressure contained by a gravitational field. It is a questioning of the existing model, not an assertion of a new one, or an explanation of what 'would' have happened in a situation where the question is begged.
Like I said before.
, 04:21 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,244
A) you cannot define what gravity is
B) you cannot demonstrate scientific evidence of gravity
C) you cannot demonstrate a gas pressure being contained by gravity
D) you cannot demonstrate gas pressure without a container
E) you cannot demonstrate an earth based coreolis effect
Rather than address these questions, or at least accept you don't have answers, you instead claim there isn't much sense arguing with me.
We have gas pressure, the cause of which is a container. But the only conclusion to be drawn is that the globe model is wrong because that model has no container. If you put a gun to my head and I had to answer the question I would say yes, container, but I'm not going to be drawn in to begging the question and providing alternative models and answering ******ed troll questions about how many containers there are etc. It's quite a difficult line to take to declare we need a container but have absolutely no evidence of this container or that it even exists in a form we can comprehend. It is simply a consequence that arises from knowing it is a requirement of gas pressure. And that debunks the globe model.
Fine if you do not want to carry on this conversation but the above questions will continue to hang in the air like a bad smell regardless of whether you consider my approach has been bad form.
, 07:51 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 10,144
The physics case has been made that debunks your debunking. The only bad smell is your ignoring, dismissing, or misrepresenting the arguments which did so. They are there for you to honestly study if you wish.
, 10:25 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 4,016
A solid rock will evidence " pressure" without a measurement as per example if I place a 200 pound boulder on my chest I will certainly experience "pressure".
Of course I can also place a numerical value on this pressure with a measuring device which is no more than a variation on a theme.
Likewise if I fill a balloon with a gas and place it on my chest i can again feel "pressure". If I remove half of the gas from the balloon I can sensibly experience the difference in pressure which will diminish.
This can also be measured and given a numerical value.
As evidenced above the gas has a weight which makes it ponderable and therefore I can measure the "pressure" of the gas by simply using a scale or balance.
But it doesn't end here, for if the gas has weight and manifests "pressure" how is it that the gaseous doesn't flop to the earth due to its ponderable nature ?
It is at this juncture that it can be seen that to treat a gas as a material entity something is missing for the material must fall to the earth.
Looking at the fluid or liquid state a hint of what is present can be elucidated by consideration of Archimedes Law. In the fluid state there is buoyancy which is usually passed over such that our leg will weigh less in the bathtub and not much more is said about the event.
Going slowly.....we tend to assume that the buoyant activity is a function of the liquid, or it is within its materiality. This is the error in thinking for the only assumption is that the buoyant activity is "from without".
Going further, the buoyant activity is not earth bound but streams in from the outer regions of the solar system or cosmos.
To the point, the buoyant activity is not a "point force" as we refer to in physics but comes in from without the earth from all sides (think open umbrella) or look out into the starry heavens and note the heavenly expanse.
Back to the gas; so as there is a outward activity in the fluid likewise the gas manifests this activity in essence and this gas, which evidences ponderability, displays an outer activity to the cosmic periphery. Therefore the gs does not fall to the earth due to its materiality.
And so if the states of the sensible are considered; solid, fluid or liquid, gas and heat ( not bouncing balls). the solid in its own way which manifests "pressure" is in polarity with the gas which evidences for want of a better word a negative pressure or "suction" .
I believe that somewhere in this subforum I displayed the idea that the sun was(is) not a large gas oven but a "suction" state to which leads to nonmateriality. A wag said that the sun was not a vacuum cleaner .
The difficulty in modern scientific thinking is that it relates all of its findings to the earthly and its materiality and so we have the thinking of a mollusk which up to now will not consider that human kind is immersed with a cosmic entelechy , arms spread to the heavens and feet onto the earth.
Of course I can also place a numerical value on this pressure with a measuring device which is no more than a variation on a theme.
Likewise if I fill a balloon with a gas and place it on my chest i can again feel "pressure". If I remove half of the gas from the balloon I can sensibly experience the difference in pressure which will diminish.
This can also be measured and given a numerical value.
As evidenced above the gas has a weight which makes it ponderable and therefore I can measure the "pressure" of the gas by simply using a scale or balance.
But it doesn't end here, for if the gas has weight and manifests "pressure" how is it that the gaseous doesn't flop to the earth due to its ponderable nature ?
It is at this juncture that it can be seen that to treat a gas as a material entity something is missing for the material must fall to the earth.
Looking at the fluid or liquid state a hint of what is present can be elucidated by consideration of Archimedes Law. In the fluid state there is buoyancy which is usually passed over such that our leg will weigh less in the bathtub and not much more is said about the event.
Going slowly.....we tend to assume that the buoyant activity is a function of the liquid, or it is within its materiality. This is the error in thinking for the only assumption is that the buoyant activity is "from without".
Going further, the buoyant activity is not earth bound but streams in from the outer regions of the solar system or cosmos.
To the point, the buoyant activity is not a "point force" as we refer to in physics but comes in from without the earth from all sides (think open umbrella) or look out into the starry heavens and note the heavenly expanse.
Back to the gas; so as there is a outward activity in the fluid likewise the gas manifests this activity in essence and this gas, which evidences ponderability, displays an outer activity to the cosmic periphery. Therefore the gs does not fall to the earth due to its materiality.
And so if the states of the sensible are considered; solid, fluid or liquid, gas and heat ( not bouncing balls). the solid in its own way which manifests "pressure" is in polarity with the gas which evidences for want of a better word a negative pressure or "suction" .
I believe that somewhere in this subforum I displayed the idea that the sun was(is) not a large gas oven but a "suction" state to which leads to nonmateriality. A wag said that the sun was not a vacuum cleaner .
The difficulty in modern scientific thinking is that it relates all of its findings to the earthly and its materiality and so we have the thinking of a mollusk which up to now will not consider that human kind is immersed with a cosmic entelechy , arms spread to the heavens and feet onto the earth.
, 10:30 PM
I think its 8 inches per mile^2. In some curve calculators earth radius (Presupposed) is multiplied by 7/6 to account for 'standard refraction'.
Still the increased apparent radius does not explain some of the optical effects shown with the p900/p1000.
Every time someone asserts that boats disappear hull first they should provide a video showing precisely this. All the examples I have seen show mirage effects, intensified for the lower part of the object as this is closer to the surface and it is impossible to see what is going on at these distances, which as you point out should be concealed by a decent amount of curvature in any case.
There isn't any actual science here either way, just observation, but I think it's fair to ask a globe asserter to provide proof of curvature. No need for flatties since earth appears 'flat' in any given locality.
Still the increased apparent radius does not explain some of the optical effects shown with the p900/p1000.
Every time someone asserts that boats disappear hull first they should provide a video showing precisely this. All the examples I have seen show mirage effects, intensified for the lower part of the object as this is closer to the surface and it is impossible to see what is going on at these distances, which as you point out should be concealed by a decent amount of curvature in any case.
There isn't any actual science here either way, just observation, but I think it's fair to ask a globe asserter to provide proof of curvature. No need for flatties since earth appears 'flat' in any given locality.
, 10:46 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 30,132
You are asking me to describe a model I am not claiming.
, 06:18 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,244
Are you on board with Fata Morgana distorting what would be seen at these distances?
The guy in the video with the blue shirt says 'we just did some science here'. No he did not. He observed something with a camera. Hypothesis and experiment? He says 'this is an experiment'. No it is not. Dependent variable, independent variable, control variables. Manipulate independent variable.
'anti science' he claims about flat earthers, the guy hasn't got a clue what science is.
, 06:39 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,244
1) gas pressure exists without a container
2) the cause of gas pressure is a container
Reconcile this.
As far as what I assert, it may be logically correct to state there must be a container, but this does not mean that asserting the existence of a container is a reasonable position. There is no contradiction because there are 2 different contexts. In the context of the heliocentric model a container is required, therefore it is bunk. In the context of determining an accurate description of the reality of the sky there is not enough information available to make a claim.
To be clear, are you claiming that the model of a container being a "necessary antecedent" is NOT the model you are claiming?
, 11:07 AM
For a laugh. Astrophysicists arent even scientists.
, 07:30 PM
Good, fast approaching which conspiracy is more sophisticated and shocking: The Nobel Prize in Physics (or other Nobel prize categories) or who gets the Fields Medal. And that is just the icing on the cake. Low hanging meat like Nature and Science Magazine are inner layers of the monster science conspiracy.
Look straight into the camera and smile. You got some more attention coming your way!!!
Look straight into the camera and smile. You got some more attention coming your way!!!
, 10:12 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 30,132
I reject 2. The "cause" of air pressure is not a container. I do not agree with anyone who makes that specific claim. I think that is a simplified model for simple minds. Perhaps this is why you require it?
Suppose that I were standing under a waterfall. I would feel the "pressure" of the water pouring on top of me. But there's no container. It's just the water falling on me.
As far as what I assert, it may be logically correct to state there must be a container, but this does not mean that asserting the existence of a container is a reasonable position.
There is no contradiction because there are 2 different contexts.
, 08:10 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,244
I reject 2. The "cause" of air pressure is not a container. I do not agree with anyone who makes that specific claim. I think that is a simplified model for simple minds. Perhaps this is why you require it?
Gas pressure is caused by gas molecules bouncing off container walls and one another
Pressure is caused by the collisions between the atoms of gas and walls of the container
Gas pressure is caused when gas particles hit the walls of their container
What is gas pressure caused by? The total force of collisions between fast-moving molecules and the container they are in.
Pressure is caused by gas molecules hitting the walls of the container.
The pressure of a gas results from collisions between the gas particles and the walls of the container.
You have a citation to support your view?
Suppose that I were standing under a waterfall. I would feel the "pressure" of the water pouring on top of me. But there's no container. It's just the water falling on me.
Okay. What is your explanation for the existence of air pressure. You agree it exists, right?
Amusingly, you were having extreme difficulty with the concept of two reference frames...
, 11:59 AM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 30,132
Are you really that bad at logic?
You have a citation to support your view?
It exists, I have no explanation.
Do you have an explanation of the sun rising and the sun setting?
Define 'gas' and 'liquid' first, then you can start questioning my understanding.
By the way, your defensive statement is the sort of statement that reveals that you don't know anything. Hiding behind "you first" is an obvious tactic of someone who is ignorant.
Last edited by Aaron W.; 11-17-2019 at 12:08 PM.
, 01:29 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,244
The fact that some people use the word "container" doesn't mean that this is the most robust or meaningful explanation. Pressure is the force experienced by any object when hit by air particles. You can call the object a "container" but that doesn't really mean anything special.
The "cause" of air pressure is not a container. I do not agree with anyone who makes that specific claim
Thanks for admitting that explicitly. You have no explanation for air pressure. That's good to know. So for all of this random quoting of things on the internet, it's not like you have an alternative. You're just playing the role of the skeptic attempting to tear down knowledge rather than an inquisitor trying to build it up.
Do you have an explanation of the sun rising and the sun setting?
Do you have an explanation of the sun rising and the sun setting?
Why should I bother?
You've already said that you lack a functional explanation of air pressure. I can question your understanding all I want now. I actually think you don't understand anything BECAUSE you've said that you don't even have an alternative explanation. I'm not going to make claims of "truth" here. I'm just going to say that the model of air pressure that I have is better than yours because you don't have one. And that's good enough for me.
By the way, your defensive statement is the sort of statement that reveals that you don't know anything. Hiding behind "you first" is an obvious tactic of someone who is ignorant.
By the way, your defensive statement is the sort of statement that reveals that you don't know anything. Hiding behind "you first" is an obvious tactic of someone who is ignorant.
What do you want me to do, go through once more how in fact I understand implicitly about reference frames? Specifically how 2 reference frames, one rotating and one inertial are required causes of the coreolis effect and how you cannot demonstrate, just one time, the apparent deflection of a body moving in a straight line in its inertial frame as the earth turns underneath? Hmm?
, 06:51 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 10,144
Suppose you had gas in a long closed cylindrical container. Then the gas pressure in the container should equalize over time. But suppose it doesn't. Suppose the gas pressure at one end of the container stably remains less than the gas pressure at the other end. How would you explain this? What must be the cause of it?
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