Official Outer Limits/Debunking Thread
View Poll Results: How would you want to go if the world had to end?
Zombie apocalypse
Meteor collides into the earth
Alien invasion
Nuclear disaster, either from war or accident
, 02:12 PM
Yeah this stuff is pretty common and it's flawed. I asked masque this question a few pages back, perhaps he missed the question. The question was whether he believes for example that 14.7 psi means the weight of a 1 square inch column of air above weighing 14.7 lbs.
, 02:26 PM
Team induction ftw.
Even the Iranians have a space agency! But to Billy's credit, this last Indian moon mission looks like not even good CGI.
I fully agree that it doesn't seem intuitive in any sort of way and perhaps that wouldn't be the right sort of representation. Water molecules wouldn't be pushing down either but pressure increases just the same.
So US military is faking it, Russian also? And also European missions and Japanese and Indian and Chinese all the same lies together about the space, distances, speed of light and earth being a sphere etc?
I fully agree that it doesn't seem intuitive in any sort of way and perhaps that wouldn't be the right sort of representation. Water molecules wouldn't be pushing down either but pressure increases just the same.
Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 10-28-2019 at 02:53 PM.
, 03:09 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
Seems like but isn't since liquids have intermolecular bonds therefore a false equivalence. Even so I think it is correct to assert that a hydrostatic pressure surrounds a body from all directions.
, 03:17 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
Well this is pretty much agreed by everyone. The difference is they think there is an open system with a vacuum surrounding it. In the model the gas is produced at sea level and disperses into the lower pressure region above, eventually some of it does disperse into the vacuum while most of it does not reach escape velocity and falls back down. My argument is that the system cannot be open since gas pressure requires a container, which is another model they use when it suits, except this one is actually verified by experiment and is therefore correct.
, 03:49 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
Its kinda argueing in bad faith, when you withhold important information. Like, its pretty clear with the flat-earth & moon-landing conspiracy, that Billy doubts more than just the physics. You dont believe that stuff without some greater conspiracy behind all this. This is also why you wont be able to convince him. You can only miss because you arent even hitting the target.
Its important to understand that the conspiracy isnt "JFK wasnt killed by LHO", but whatever you replace it with.
Billies issue isnt that we never made it to moon, Billies issue is "whatever the reason is we never made it to the moon".
Now with a case like JFK you can easily go with something like greedy oligarchs, power hungry politicians or even something like russian intelligence. These are easy and realistic assumptions and they can stand alone. It is however a lot harder, when it comes to something like flat-earth. Here you dont have any clear incentive. Like what does a flat-earth vs globe-earth accomplish? There is no "obvious" intention for making a conspiracy about the shape of the earth. For us "normal" people there is no one gaining anything from spinning that narrative.
Now, me having been down the rabbit hole, Id take a wild guess and say that you cant convince Billy, because you yourself were tricked by either Illuminati, Reptiloids or something to do with Annunaki.
Haivng said all of that, Id sincerely like to know whats Billy actual reasoning is for disbelieving, in the hopes it isnt one of the above.
Its important to understand that the conspiracy isnt "JFK wasnt killed by LHO", but whatever you replace it with.
Billies issue isnt that we never made it to moon, Billies issue is "whatever the reason is we never made it to the moon".
Now with a case like JFK you can easily go with something like greedy oligarchs, power hungry politicians or even something like russian intelligence. These are easy and realistic assumptions and they can stand alone. It is however a lot harder, when it comes to something like flat-earth. Here you dont have any clear incentive. Like what does a flat-earth vs globe-earth accomplish? There is no "obvious" intention for making a conspiracy about the shape of the earth. For us "normal" people there is no one gaining anything from spinning that narrative.
Now, me having been down the rabbit hole, Id take a wild guess and say that you cant convince Billy, because you yourself were tricked by either Illuminati, Reptiloids or something to do with Annunaki.
Haivng said all of that, Id sincerely like to know whats Billy actual reasoning is for disbelieving, in the hopes it isnt one of the above.
Firstly I assumed moon landings to be true until I learned the region of space and the whole heliocentric religion of balls of gas in a vacuum is an impossibility. In other words I have been convinced by science.
Don't know/care about JFK. But for example 9/11 I didn't assume anything other than the official narrative until reading 9/11 Unmasked which is a forensic examination and a good book btw. (According to some this is in fact a psy-op within a psyop but whatever, good book all the same.) And then you can tie this in with the project for a new American century, the endless wars since 9/11 and the psychopathy of the people behind this agenda, then killing 3000 of your own people in New York is a reasonable price to pay, in their view. So some conspiracies are true, if you aren't convinced by 9/11 itself, you must see that the deep state conspired to invade Iraq? They have conspired have to bring down a lot of governments since 1945? This is historic fact.
What is to be gained from hegemony over the realm of accepted ideas as promoted in education, academia, politics, media etc? Quite a bit I think. Doesn't actually matter that much what the narrative is, could be that flat earth is hegemonic in another epoch for instance. In fact there seems to be a number of controlled oppositional narratives, those who promote flat earth models and lifestyle actors such as Mark Sargent. Is flat earth promoted as a government controlled narrative to sow division, encourage distrust in institutions in preparation for a new order? Certainly possible. But there is truth there still, and truth to be found within accepted models also.
, 04:05 PM
Well this is pretty much agreed by everyone. The difference is they think there is an open system with a vacuum surrounding it. In the model the gas is produced at sea level and disperses into the lower pressure region above, eventually some of it does disperse into the vacuum while most of it does not reach escape velocity and falls back down. My argument is that the system cannot be open since gas pressure requires a container, which is another model they use when it suits, except this one is actually verified by experiment and is therefore correct.
, 04:27 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
Density requires a volume for the mass to be in. In the model we have an infinite volume. Pressure requires an area for the force to press on. We have an area at the surface only.
What we have is a special pleading fallacy - atmospheric pressure is described differently from a gas pressure in a balloon or something. But it's the same thing I believe, and follows the same natural law.
, 07:40 PM
You do not understand what is really going on. The entire system whether liquid orr gas particles in atmosphere is a huge statistical system of action reaction pair interactions seen classically and quantum mechanically not dramatically different yet from this picture when it comes to collisions. The entire theory is a collisions theory. It is not the weight of the column above per area that is the pressure, it is only on avg that. It is what happens if you take into account all collisions and their ferocity layer by layer that you obtain when coupled with gravity stronger speeds near the surface and higher number of particles as they trend to want to crash to the ground but the collisions and temperature/heat introduced in the system prevents that from happening bringing a equilibrium that is however biased towards higher densities lower near the surface introducing a gradient really when you try to use calculus to smooth out the statistics.
So you only get an average behavior that leads to the weight of the column and the calculus associated with it. It is not literally that. But if the molecules were frozen in time and not moving it would be that in terms of action reaction forces and gravity as can be seen easily by a set of boxes you put one above the other in a gravitational field resulting in a net force ont he table that is the sum of the weights of the boxes above since all the internal forces between bodies cancel out in the sum. Particles close to each other but not really "touching yet" still exert some force to each other. Certainly that is dramatically raised during the collision moment.
Pressure in fact fluctuates and so does local density. You refuse to see the simulations of gas particles inside gravity to recognize why this is all happening. It is a statistical probability game of collisions coordinated by gravity.
Same thing for liquids except you dont have such free wide motion of individual particles vs their neighbors.
So you only get an average behavior that leads to the weight of the column and the calculus associated with it. It is not literally that. But if the molecules were frozen in time and not moving it would be that in terms of action reaction forces and gravity as can be seen easily by a set of boxes you put one above the other in a gravitational field resulting in a net force ont he table that is the sum of the weights of the boxes above since all the internal forces between bodies cancel out in the sum. Particles close to each other but not really "touching yet" still exert some force to each other. Certainly that is dramatically raised during the collision moment.
Pressure in fact fluctuates and so does local density. You refuse to see the simulations of gas particles inside gravity to recognize why this is all happening. It is a statistical probability game of collisions coordinated by gravity.
Same thing for liquids except you dont have such free wide motion of individual particles vs their neighbors.
, 08:58 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 30,132
At this point, do you agree that it happens?
I thought you said you knew of the scientific method?
Foucault pendulum is not a natural phenomenon because a person built it (and may have for instance put a gyro or electric motor in their to create the effect).
But with that aside, I'll return to the question of whether or not you think human shadows are a natural phenomenon. They are created by humans, and so it would seem that they could *never* be natural. I know you think you've explained this, but I'd like for you to explain it again.
For the purposes of exposing this sham of an 'experiment' however you can have it as your natural phenomenon.
What is the presumed cause of the rotation of the plane?
I am using the term 'predict' in the correct way in a scientific context, the hypothesis is the prediction of the cause and effect relationship.
I don't know any experiments that justify the earth is flat.
Do you know of any experiments that justify anything?
My point above is that we won't find scientific proof, ie experimentation, but there could be an acceptable other proof, such as direct measurement were that possible.
, 09:05 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 30,132
This would not be a valid conclusion. It's essentially the same thing. There is an assumption of 2 reference frames which underpins the assumption of earth spin, therefore to conclude the second frame moves in any way is to beg the question.
I've seen flat earthers argue that if the earth were spinning, you would expect a ball thrown up to drift away because of the earth spin, and that if the earth were spinning the air speed of the plane would not be fast enough to keep up with the earth's rotation.
So there does seem to be some sort of acceptance of an underlying physical nature of the universe. What I'm asking is that given whatever that underlying physical nature is, would you expect to find that the pendulum precesses?
, 12:58 AM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 10,144
If the control variables are properly accounted for, eg air pressure which can massively alter thr results, addition of salts etc, basically proper controls as you say, then yes this has been proved.
The independent variable, temperature, is the only thing we are changing. If the temperature is the sole possible cause of the boiling then this proves the hypothesis to be true, that water boils at 100C. This is causation and is precisely why the variables, independent, dependent and control are the necessary constituent parts of an experiment. We can predict and confirm for future experiments and we will be validated once more. If it is presented that sometimes water does not boil at 100 with same controls just one time then this disproves hypothesis.
If alternative hypothesis is confirmed then null is invalid. And vice versa.
The independent variable, temperature, is the only thing we are changing. If the temperature is the sole possible cause of the boiling then this proves the hypothesis to be true, that water boils at 100C. This is causation and is precisely why the variables, independent, dependent and control are the necessary constituent parts of an experiment. We can predict and confirm for future experiments and we will be validated once more. If it is presented that sometimes water does not boil at 100 with same controls just one time then this disproves hypothesis.
If alternative hypothesis is confirmed then null is invalid. And vice versa.
This proves your basic misunderstanding of both science and logic. What your controlled experiments provide is inductive evidence which supports your hypothesis that under the controlled conditions water will always boil at 100C, anywhere, anytime. It doesn't provide proof of your hypothesis and if you bother to educate yourself on these topics you'll find that science never provides proof. It only provides confirmative inductive evidence to increase confidence in the hypothesis.
Notice you ignored all the reasons I gave in my post to prove to you that your experiments do not provide proof. I will apply inductive reasoning to the evidence of your history of posts here to confirm the hypothesis I made earlier, and to make the prediction, that you will fail to educate yourself by reading the links below because only by protecting your ignorance on this subject can you continue to garner the attention you're really after.
See Inductive Reasoning
Inductive reasoning is a method of reasoning in which the premises are viewed as supplying some evidence for the truth of the conclusion; this is in contrast to deductive reasoning. While the conclusion of a deductive argument is certain, the truth of the conclusion of an inductive argument may be probable, based upon the evidence given.
The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge that has characterized the development of science since at least the 17th century. It involves careful observation, applying rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive assumptions can distort how one interprets the observation. It involves formulating hypotheses, via induction, based on such observations; experimental and measurement-based testing of deductions drawn from the hypotheses; and refinement (or elimination) of the hypotheses based on the experimental findings. These are principles of the scientific method, as distinguished from a definitive series of steps applicable to all scientific enterprises.[1][2][3]
Though diverse models for the scientific method are available, there is in general a continuous process that includes observations about the natural world. People are naturally inquisitive, so they often come up with questions about things they see or hear, and they often develop ideas or hypotheses about why things are the way they are. The best hypotheses lead to predictions that can be tested in various ways. The most conclusive testing of hypotheses comes from reasoning based on carefully controlled experimental data. Depending on how well additional tests match the predictions, the original hypothesis may require refinement, alteration, expansion or even rejection. If a particular hypothesis becomes very well supported, a general theory may be developed.[4]
Although procedures vary from one field of inquiry to another, they are frequently the same from one to another. The process of the scientific method involves making conjectures (hypotheses), deriving predictions from them as logical consequences, and then carrying out experiments or empirical observations based on those predictions.[5][6] A hypothesis is a conjecture, based on knowledge obtained while seeking answers to the question. The hypothesis might be very specific, or it might be broad. Scientists then test hypotheses by conducting experiments or studies. A scientific hypothesis must be falsifiable, implying that it is possible to identify a possible outcome of an experiment or observation that conflicts with predictions deduced from the hypothesis; otherwise, the hypothesis cannot be meaningfully tested.[7]
The purpose of an experiment is to determine whether observations agree with or conflict with the predictions derived from a hypothesis.[8] Experiments can take place anywhere from a garage to CERN's Large Hadron Collider. There are difficulties in a formulaic statement of method, however. Though the scientific method is often presented as a fixed sequence of steps, it represents rather a set of general principles.[9] Not all steps take place in every scientific inquiry (nor to the same degree), and they are not always in the same order.
Though diverse models for the scientific method are available, there is in general a continuous process that includes observations about the natural world. People are naturally inquisitive, so they often come up with questions about things they see or hear, and they often develop ideas or hypotheses about why things are the way they are. The best hypotheses lead to predictions that can be tested in various ways. The most conclusive testing of hypotheses comes from reasoning based on carefully controlled experimental data. Depending on how well additional tests match the predictions, the original hypothesis may require refinement, alteration, expansion or even rejection. If a particular hypothesis becomes very well supported, a general theory may be developed.[4]
Although procedures vary from one field of inquiry to another, they are frequently the same from one to another. The process of the scientific method involves making conjectures (hypotheses), deriving predictions from them as logical consequences, and then carrying out experiments or empirical observations based on those predictions.[5][6] A hypothesis is a conjecture, based on knowledge obtained while seeking answers to the question. The hypothesis might be very specific, or it might be broad. Scientists then test hypotheses by conducting experiments or studies. A scientific hypothesis must be falsifiable, implying that it is possible to identify a possible outcome of an experiment or observation that conflicts with predictions deduced from the hypothesis; otherwise, the hypothesis cannot be meaningfully tested.[7]
The purpose of an experiment is to determine whether observations agree with or conflict with the predictions derived from a hypothesis.[8] Experiments can take place anywhere from a garage to CERN's Large Hadron Collider. There are difficulties in a formulaic statement of method, however. Though the scientific method is often presented as a fixed sequence of steps, it represents rather a set of general principles.[9] Not all steps take place in every scientific inquiry (nor to the same degree), and they are not always in the same order.
Induction and Science
Science certainly involves induction, but it is not limited to it. But because much of scientific reasoning is inductive that has led to the philosophical question of how valid are conclusions in science. This is not a new question, and Marty’s friend would do well to investigate some of the extensive discourse on this question.
Philosopher Karl Popper had an interesting answer to this question – inductive reasoning does not exist, and therefore science is not induction. Rather he focused on verification and falsification. He argued that science comes up with hypotheses and theories that make predictions and therefore can be tested. He also noted that there is an asymmetry to this in that thousands of verifications cannot prove a theory correct, but one falsification can prove it wrong. Therefore the ability to be falsified is a necessary feature of any truly scientific idea.
This also means that no theory can be absolutely validated – only tentatively validated. Therefore science never arrives at absolute certainty. There may always be a black swan to be discovered out there. But scientific induction can lead to conclusions that have been validated to such a degree that we can comfortably act as if they are true. I don’t think anyone should waste any time or resources preparing for the possibility that the sun will not rise tomorrow.
Much time has also passed since Popper, and his ideas have been greatly extended. I will ignore for this post what I consider to be a huge diversion into post modernism but rather fast forward to a more contemporary vision of the nature of science.
While Popper, in my opinion, was essentially correct his view was incomplete. For example, science does not only consider one hypothesis at a time. Rather collections of theories are evaluated together over time by a community of scientists. Each theory must not only survive falsification it must also be consistent with other established theories – it must fit into the web of evolving scientific theories.
There are also other processes to consider in science, such as causal inference. Science does not just describe what exists or what happens in nature, it tries to explain how things happen – what causes what. For example, we may investigate genetic causes of the color of swans, or even the effects of various pigments on the absorption and reflection of various frequencies of light and how they affect the cones in our retinas.
Causal inferences often also require triangulation from multiple independent lines of evidence. Evolution, for example, cannot be established by one line of evidence, but requires many – the fossil record, genetic homology, developmental biology, population genetics, etc.
Science certainly involves induction, but it is not limited to it. But because much of scientific reasoning is inductive that has led to the philosophical question of how valid are conclusions in science. This is not a new question, and Marty’s friend would do well to investigate some of the extensive discourse on this question.
Philosopher Karl Popper had an interesting answer to this question – inductive reasoning does not exist, and therefore science is not induction. Rather he focused on verification and falsification. He argued that science comes up with hypotheses and theories that make predictions and therefore can be tested. He also noted that there is an asymmetry to this in that thousands of verifications cannot prove a theory correct, but one falsification can prove it wrong. Therefore the ability to be falsified is a necessary feature of any truly scientific idea.
This also means that no theory can be absolutely validated – only tentatively validated. Therefore science never arrives at absolute certainty. There may always be a black swan to be discovered out there. But scientific induction can lead to conclusions that have been validated to such a degree that we can comfortably act as if they are true. I don’t think anyone should waste any time or resources preparing for the possibility that the sun will not rise tomorrow.
Much time has also passed since Popper, and his ideas have been greatly extended. I will ignore for this post what I consider to be a huge diversion into post modernism but rather fast forward to a more contemporary vision of the nature of science.
While Popper, in my opinion, was essentially correct his view was incomplete. For example, science does not only consider one hypothesis at a time. Rather collections of theories are evaluated together over time by a community of scientists. Each theory must not only survive falsification it must also be consistent with other established theories – it must fit into the web of evolving scientific theories.
There are also other processes to consider in science, such as causal inference. Science does not just describe what exists or what happens in nature, it tries to explain how things happen – what causes what. For example, we may investigate genetic causes of the color of swans, or even the effects of various pigments on the absorption and reflection of various frequencies of light and how they affect the cones in our retinas.
Causal inferences often also require triangulation from multiple independent lines of evidence. Evolution, for example, cannot be established by one line of evidence, but requires many – the fossil record, genetic homology, developmental biology, population genetics, etc.
Last edited by PairTheBoard; 10-29-2019 at 01:12 AM.
, 05:20 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
You do not understand what is really going on. The entire system whether liquid orr gas particles in atmosphere is a huge statistical system of action reaction pair interactions seen classically and quantum mechanically not dramatically different yet from this picture when it comes to collisions. The entire theory is a collisions theory. It is not the weight of the column above per area that is the pressure, it is only on avg that. It is what happens if you take into account all collisions and their ferocity layer by layer that you obtain when coupled with gravity stronger speeds near the surface and higher number of particles as they trend to want to crash to the ground but the collisions and temperature/heat introduced in the system prevents that from happening bringing a equilibrium that is however biased towards higher densities lower near the surface introducing a gradient really when you try to use calculus to smooth out the statistics.
So you only get an average behavior that leads to the weight of the column and the calculus associated with it. It is not literally that. But if the molecules were frozen in time and not moving it would be that in terms of action reaction forces and gravity as can be seen easily by a set of boxes you put one above the other in a gravitational field resulting in a net force ont he table that is the sum of the weights of the boxes above since all the internal forces between bodies cancel out in the sum. Particles close to each other but not really "touching yet" still exert some force to each other. Certainly that is dramatically raised during the collision moment.
Pressure in fact fluctuates and so does local density. You refuse to see the simulations of gas particles inside gravity to recognize why this is all happening. It is a statistical probability game of collisions coordinated by gravity.
Same thing for liquids except you dont have such free wide motion of individual particles vs their neighbors.
So you only get an average behavior that leads to the weight of the column and the calculus associated with it. It is not literally that. But if the molecules were frozen in time and not moving it would be that in terms of action reaction forces and gravity as can be seen easily by a set of boxes you put one above the other in a gravitational field resulting in a net force ont he table that is the sum of the weights of the boxes above since all the internal forces between bodies cancel out in the sum. Particles close to each other but not really "touching yet" still exert some force to each other. Certainly that is dramatically raised during the collision moment.
Pressure in fact fluctuates and so does local density. You refuse to see the simulations of gas particles inside gravity to recognize why this is all happening. It is a statistical probability game of collisions coordinated by gravity.
Same thing for liquids except you dont have such free wide motion of individual particles vs their neighbors.
Yes I refuse to accept a simulation of particles in a gravitational field as scientific evidence.
Please define what gravity is since it is the central concept in your model.
, 05:37 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
[QUOTE=Aaron W.;55548022]I don't make any claims about what it does and doesn't "scientifically demonstrate" because I'm waiting for you to finish that part of the conversation.
At this point, do you agree that it happens?Yes. What is causing the rotation of the plane?
Yes they are a natural phenomenon.
You mean you know I have already destroyed the argument.
No cause, no science.
If the temperature is increased to 100C then the water will boil.
If cause and effect relationship then science can be applied.
At this point, do you agree that it happens?Yes. What is causing the rotation of the plane?
I know what it is. But I don't know what you think it is. So I'm investigating your usage of it.
I continue to find it fascinating that you hold this position about "natural" phenomena. I also think it's very telling that you have to start to speculate secondary causes.
But with that aside, I'll return to the question of whether or not you think human shadows are a natural phenomenon. They are created by humans, and so it would seem that they could *never* be natural. I know you think you've explained this, but I'd like for you to explain it again.
I continue to find it fascinating that you hold this position about "natural" phenomena. I also think it's very telling that you have to start to speculate secondary causes.
But with that aside, I'll return to the question of whether or not you think human shadows are a natural phenomenon. They are created by humans, and so it would seem that they could *never* be natural. I know you think you've explained this, but I'd like for you to explain it again.
Nope. I want to play it straight. Don't concede anything that you think is untrue.
I make no presumptions. I just observe that it happens.
Interesting definition choice. A "hypothesis" is the "prediction of the cause and effect relationship"? Can you give me an example of a properly worded hypothesis?
Okay. That's good information to know.
Do you know of any experiments that justify anything?
Maybe I'm still searching for an understanding of "scientific proof" from you. Because you've now conceded that you have ZERO scientific backing for your belief. It leads one to wonder what, if any, beliefs you hold with scientific backing. Or maybe there simply don't exist valid scientific experiments?
Do you know of any experiments that justify anything?
Maybe I'm still searching for an understanding of "scientific proof" from you. Because you've now conceded that you have ZERO scientific backing for your belief. It leads one to wonder what, if any, beliefs you hold with scientific backing. Or maybe there simply don't exist valid scientific experiments?
, 06:04 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
This proves your basic misunderstanding of both science and logic. What your controlled experiments provide is inductive evidence which supports your hypothesis that under the controlled conditions water will always boil at 100C, anywhere, anytime. It doesn't provide proof of your hypothesis and if you bother to educate yourself on these topics you'll find that science never provides proof. It only provides confirmative inductive evidence to increase confidence in the hypothesis.
Notice you ignored all the reasons I gave in my post to prove to you that your experiments do not provide proof. I will apply inductive reasoning to the evidence of your history of posts here to confirm the hypothesis I made earlier, and to make the prediction, that you will fail to educate yourself by reading the links below because only by protecting your ignorance on this subject can you continue to garner the attention you're really after.
See Inductive Reasoning
The Scientific Method
Inductive Reasoning in Science
Notice you ignored all the reasons I gave in my post to prove to you that your experiments do not provide proof. I will apply inductive reasoning to the evidence of your history of posts here to confirm the hypothesis I made earlier, and to make the prediction, that you will fail to educate yourself by reading the links below because only by protecting your ignorance on this subject can you continue to garner the attention you're really after.
See Inductive Reasoning
The Scientific Method
Inductive Reasoning in Science
The purpose of an experiment is to determine whether observations agree with or conflict with the predictions derived from a hypothesis
Rather he focused on verification and falsification. He argued that science comes up with hypotheses and theories that make predictions and therefore can be tested. He also noted that there is an asymmetry to this in that thousands of verifications cannot prove a theory correct, but one falsification can prove it wrong. Therefore the ability to be falsified is a necessary feature of any truly scientific idea.
This also means that no theory can be absolutely validated – only tentatively validated.
This also means that no theory can be absolutely validated – only tentatively validated.
Though the scientific method is often presented as a fixed sequence of steps, it represents rather a set of general principles.[9] Not all steps take place in every scientific inquiry (nor to the same degree), and they are not always in the same order.
Btw if you want to ad hom and call me an attention seeker just put me on ignore.
, 06:57 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
You'll have to be more explicit about the nature of the assumptions.
I've seen flat earthers argue that if the earth were spinning, you would expect a ball thrown up to drift away because of the earth spin, and that if the earth were spinning the air speed of the plane would not be fast enough to keep up with the earth's rotation.
I've seen flat earthers argue that if the earth were spinning, you would expect a ball thrown up to drift away because of the earth spin, and that if the earth were spinning the air speed of the plane would not be fast enough to keep up with the earth's rotation.
So there does seem to be some sort of acceptance of an underlying physical nature of the universe. What I'm asking is that given whatever that underlying physical nature is, would you expect to find that the pendulum precesses?
, 08:07 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
You do not understand what is really going on. The entire system whether liquid orr gas particles in atmosphere is a huge statistical system of action reaction pair interactions seen classically and quantum mechanically not dramatically different yet from this picture when it comes to collisions. The entire theory is a collisions theory. It is not the weight of the column above per area that is the pressure, it is only on avg that. It is what happens if you take into account all collisions and their ferocity layer by layer that you obtain when coupled with gravity stronger speeds near the surface and higher number of particles as they trend to want to crash to the ground but the collisions and temperature/heat introduced in the system prevents that from happening bringing a equilibrium that is however biased towards higher densities lower near the surface introducing a gradient really when you try to use calculus to smooth out the statistics.
So you only get an average behavior that leads to the weight of the column and the calculus associated with it. It is not literally that. But if the molecules were frozen in time and not moving it would be that in terms of action reaction forces and gravity as can be seen easily by a set of boxes you put one above the other in a gravitational field resulting in a net force ont he table that is the sum of the weights of the boxes above since all the internal forces between bodies cancel out in the sum. Particles close to each other but not really "touching yet" still exert some force to each other. Certainly that is dramatically raised during the collision moment.
Pressure in fact fluctuates and so does local density. You refuse to see the simulations of gas particles inside gravity to recognize why this is all happening. It is a statistical probability game of collisions coordinated by gravity.
Same thing for liquids except you dont have such free wide motion of individual particles vs their neighbors.
So you only get an average behavior that leads to the weight of the column and the calculus associated with it. It is not literally that. But if the molecules were frozen in time and not moving it would be that in terms of action reaction forces and gravity as can be seen easily by a set of boxes you put one above the other in a gravitational field resulting in a net force ont he table that is the sum of the weights of the boxes above since all the internal forces between bodies cancel out in the sum. Particles close to each other but not really "touching yet" still exert some force to each other. Certainly that is dramatically raised during the collision moment.
Pressure in fact fluctuates and so does local density. You refuse to see the simulations of gas particles inside gravity to recognize why this is all happening. It is a statistical probability game of collisions coordinated by gravity.
Same thing for liquids except you dont have such free wide motion of individual particles vs their neighbors.
Gas pressure is caused by the collisions of gas particles with the walls of the container.
And from NASA
As the gas molecules collide with the walls of a container, as shown on the left of the figure, the molecules impart momentum to the walls, producing a force perpendicular to the wall. The sum of the forces of all the molecules striking the wall divided by the area of the wall is defined to be the pressure.
Yeah we need a container, for gas pressure.
Re weight of a gas
There is a roughly constant atmospheric pressure on Earth that equals the weight of about 10 meters of water. This pressure normally goes unnoticed because it is pushing in all directions at once.
There is no overall bias towards down, gas moves randomly in all directions as I keep asserting.
, 09:17 AM
I am convinced i am talking to a wall here and the trolling objective probability rose again.
You do not understand that the walls in those discussions exist in order to help the derivations for very young students. They are not essential. Walls are not the reason you have pressure. Walls experience the pressure. Your face in the room becomes a wall in that sense. The gas requires a container if nothing else can keep it contained in a small region of interest. Earth is not a small region. Gravity keeps it contained because it is a long distance force that extends thousands of kilometers above surface.
The main component of kinetic theory is not walls but collisions. Not collisions with the walls by the way but collisions with other molecules. The avg molecule visits the walls only after billions of collisions.
Students of physics are not ready yet for the truth that requires some serious advanced math, one of the greatest achievements of late 19th century physics. In fact a lot of it is not even attempted properly in top books even but can only be imagined by those that have some experience with advanced thinking.
The truth is that when a molecule is moving at 400 m/sec and collides every millionth of a second with others, gravity cant affect its orbit in any significant manner because the parabolic arcs between collisions are so tiny that look like straight lines ignoring gravity. The force during collisions is millions of times larger than gravity. But eventually as you get higher and collisions become less and less frequent the paths start looking parabolic indeed. And there is a statistical bias against going very high with high velocity also. It is a random walk with a drift in a kind of way. It looks random and very volatile short term and the drift is tiny but eventually it persists.
Do you seriously understand that unless you have an upward speed of 11200 m/sec you cannot escape the gravity of this planet? So who the hell needs walls if on the way up you cant go much higher with 400-1000 or 5000m/sec. Maxwell Boltzmann distribution tells you how likely it is to get up there.
Only 1 in a trillion molecules will get lucky enough that collisions stochastically rise its speed to such high levels that it can now escape atmosphere if it is lucky enough also to not collide with anything on the way up. Of course that is how smaller gravity systems lacking magnetic fields of decent size lost their atmosphere over billions of years. And we lose it also slowly too even if not in any important way unless we are talking about hydrogen molecules. Get a clue why so little hydrogen on earth and other rocky planets when its the most abundant element in the universe? Because it reacts with oxygen but also has higher chance to escape since it is moving with much higher speeds than 400 m/sec often.
You do not imagine things properly here because you do not have the education of a typical physicist that has seen at least graduate level classes on these topics.
Earth is a huge system. The wall is the ground and the other wall is not needed up because you have the bloody 11200m/sec potential "wall" that cannot be surpassed for 99.999999% of the molecules.
Stop being such a simplistic loser in the way you deal with a high caliber brain and decent background education like mine or i will stop interacting with you. I am not showing off posting here. I am only trying to help you learn. I do not appeal to authority in my arguments but do not confuse that for lacking authority. I am illuminating here for you the truth that becomes obvious only after years of studies and you are ignoring it. This is irritating and insulting. Trolls do that or very ignorant and arrogant at the same time people. How can one that doesnt know a lot be so stubborn?
You do not understand gravity. When forced to deal with it you argue its fake. You behave exactly like a facking troll on this.
If you throw a ball up in the sky wont it come down if it doesnt have escape velocity (and even more with air resistance)? Does it need a wall to bounce and come back to the ground? So why would a particle say N2 or O2 molecule require a wall? Frozen oxygen thrown to the sky will fall but the molecules it is made of wont?
You do not understand that the walls in those discussions exist in order to help the derivations for very young students. They are not essential. Walls are not the reason you have pressure. Walls experience the pressure. Your face in the room becomes a wall in that sense. The gas requires a container if nothing else can keep it contained in a small region of interest. Earth is not a small region. Gravity keeps it contained because it is a long distance force that extends thousands of kilometers above surface.
The main component of kinetic theory is not walls but collisions. Not collisions with the walls by the way but collisions with other molecules. The avg molecule visits the walls only after billions of collisions.
Students of physics are not ready yet for the truth that requires some serious advanced math, one of the greatest achievements of late 19th century physics. In fact a lot of it is not even attempted properly in top books even but can only be imagined by those that have some experience with advanced thinking.
The truth is that when a molecule is moving at 400 m/sec and collides every millionth of a second with others, gravity cant affect its orbit in any significant manner because the parabolic arcs between collisions are so tiny that look like straight lines ignoring gravity. The force during collisions is millions of times larger than gravity. But eventually as you get higher and collisions become less and less frequent the paths start looking parabolic indeed. And there is a statistical bias against going very high with high velocity also. It is a random walk with a drift in a kind of way. It looks random and very volatile short term and the drift is tiny but eventually it persists.
Do you seriously understand that unless you have an upward speed of 11200 m/sec you cannot escape the gravity of this planet? So who the hell needs walls if on the way up you cant go much higher with 400-1000 or 5000m/sec. Maxwell Boltzmann distribution tells you how likely it is to get up there.
Only 1 in a trillion molecules will get lucky enough that collisions stochastically rise its speed to such high levels that it can now escape atmosphere if it is lucky enough also to not collide with anything on the way up. Of course that is how smaller gravity systems lacking magnetic fields of decent size lost their atmosphere over billions of years. And we lose it also slowly too even if not in any important way unless we are talking about hydrogen molecules. Get a clue why so little hydrogen on earth and other rocky planets when its the most abundant element in the universe? Because it reacts with oxygen but also has higher chance to escape since it is moving with much higher speeds than 400 m/sec often.
You do not imagine things properly here because you do not have the education of a typical physicist that has seen at least graduate level classes on these topics.
Earth is a huge system. The wall is the ground and the other wall is not needed up because you have the bloody 11200m/sec potential "wall" that cannot be surpassed for 99.999999% of the molecules.
Stop being such a simplistic loser in the way you deal with a high caliber brain and decent background education like mine or i will stop interacting with you. I am not showing off posting here. I am only trying to help you learn. I do not appeal to authority in my arguments but do not confuse that for lacking authority. I am illuminating here for you the truth that becomes obvious only after years of studies and you are ignoring it. This is irritating and insulting. Trolls do that or very ignorant and arrogant at the same time people. How can one that doesnt know a lot be so stubborn?
You do not understand gravity. When forced to deal with it you argue its fake. You behave exactly like a facking troll on this.
If you throw a ball up in the sky wont it come down if it doesnt have escape velocity (and even more with air resistance)? Does it need a wall to bounce and come back to the ground? So why would a particle say N2 or O2 molecule require a wall? Frozen oxygen thrown to the sky will fall but the molecules it is made of wont?
, 10:25 AM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 10,144
, 10:35 AM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 30,132
Why are you free to assert that there's a plane?
And why did you feel it was necessary to assert the possibility of a motor or something that causes rotation?
But humans are involved. And humans aren't allowed for natural phenomenon. And how do we scientifically test shadows?
I haven't said I was doing science yet. I'm just observing reality. You seem very hesitant to do so, and it makes me wonder about your underlying philosophy of science and reality. Do you believe that the pendulum is precessing because something about the setup is deceptive?
Except that it doesn't. It boils at different temperatures sometimes. I think your experiment is broken.
Still looking for the precision here. What is being tested? The relationship? The cause? The effect?
And why did you feel it was necessary to assert the possibility of a motor or something that causes rotation?
Yes they are a natural phenomenon.
No cause, no science.
If the temperature is increased to 100C then the water will boil.
If cause and effect relationship then science can be applied.
Last edited by Aaron W.; 10-29-2019 at 10:49 AM.
, 10:39 AM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 30,132
I personally have no objection to the idea that data can be used to infer conclusions in non-absolute ways. Do you?
Neil de grasse tyson argues about American football goals being scored or missed because the earth rotates underneath. They (heliocentrists) also argue that bullets experience coreolis deviation. They also argue that planes, drones, helicopters don't experience coreolis. They also argue that the earth rotates underneath a foucault pendulum. They also argue that the earth rotates underneath the air causing hurricanes. They also argue the entire atmosphere rotates lock step with the earth. As a heliocentrist, I assume, which is true? One or two frames?
I would like to see your citations for those statements as well. I think you're adding words into their statements.
Depends on what the pendulum is. Is there a device inside? Give us details of this as a properly performed experiment.
And I'm still waiting for you to fully elaborate on your concept of an experiment. Can you give another example besides the boiling water one? And can you list out explicitly how you've established all of your conditions for a proper experiment?
Last edited by Aaron W.; 10-29-2019 at 10:51 AM.
, 11:42 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
You do not understand that the walls in those discussions exist in order to help the derivations for very young students. They are not essential. Walls are not the reason you have pressure. Walls experience the pressure. Your face in the room becomes a wall in that sense. The gas requires a container if nothing else can keep it contained in a small region of interest. Earth is not a small region.
If we have a small enclosed volume we can pump up the air pressure. On removing the container the volume of gas will disperse into the lower pressure environment around it as per the second law. The effect is time dependent and other factors, but equilibrium will be found.
Gravity keeps it contained because it is a long distance force that extends thousands of kilometers above surface.
The main component of kinetic theory is not walls but collisions. Not collisions with the walls by the way but collisions with other molecules. The avg molecule visits the walls only after billions of collisions.
Students of physics are not ready yet for the truth that requires some serious advanced math, one of the greatest achievements of late 19th century physics. In fact a lot of it is not even attempted properly in top books even but can only be imagined by those that have some experience with advanced thinking.
The truth is that when a molecule is moving at 400 m/sec and collides every millionth of a second with others, gravity cant affect its orbit in any significant manner because the parabolic arcs between collisions are so tiny that look like straight lines ignoring gravity. The force during collisions is millions of times larger than gravity.
The truth is that when a molecule is moving at 400 m/sec and collides every millionth of a second with others, gravity cant affect its orbit in any significant manner because the parabolic arcs between collisions are so tiny that look like straight lines ignoring gravity. The force during collisions is millions of times larger than gravity.
But eventually as you get higher and collisions become less and less frequent the paths start looking parabolic indeed.
And there is a statistical bias against going very high with high velocity also. It is a random walk with a drift in a kind of way. It looks random and very volatile short term and the drift is tiny but eventually it persists.
Do you seriously understand that unless you have an upward speed of 11200 m/sec you cannot escape the gravity of this planet?
So who the hell needs walls if on the way up you cant go much higher with 400-1000 or 5000m/sec. Maxwell Boltzmann distribution tells you how likely it is to get up there.
Only 1 in a trillion molecules will get lucky enough that collisions stochastically rise its speed to such high levels that it can now escape atmosphere if it is lucky enough also to not collide with anything on the way up. Of course that is how smaller gravity systems lacking magnetic fields of decent size lost their atmosphere over billions of years.
And we lose it also slowly too even if not in any important way unless we are talking about hydrogen molecules. Get a clue why so little hydrogen on earth and other rocky planets when its the most abundant element in the universe? Because it reacts with oxygen but also has higher chance to escape since it is moving with much higher speeds than 400 m/sec often
You do not imagine things properly here because you do not have the education of a typical physicist that has seen at least graduate level classes on these topics.
Earth is a huge system. The wall is the ground and the other wall is not needed up because you have the bloody 11200m/sec potential "wall" that cannot be surpassed for 99.999999% of the molecules.
You do not understand gravity. When forced to deal with it you argue its fake. You behave exactly like a facking troll on this.
If you throw a ball up in the sky wont it come down if it doesnt have escape velocity (and even more with air resistance)? Does it need a wall to bounce and come back to the ground? So why would a particle say N2 or O2 molecule require a wall? Frozen oxygen thrown to the sky will fall but the molecules it is made of wont?
If the ball is less dense than its medium it won't come down at all. Escape velocity is a begging the question fallacy, you have presupposed an open system.
Solids arent gases as we all know.
Your argument is that ice behaves in a way so water vapour must behave in the same way? Which is demonstrably false.
, 11:46 AM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
No problem
, 12:02 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
The plane of oscillation of the pendulum, this is the claimed effect of the 'experiment'.
This would be a necessary control variable that could void the results, right? Apparently motors are put in some of these things to keep them swigging. That's why the precise equipment needs to be demonstrated.
Don't be absurd, human biology is (sometimes) science for instance. We are talking about man made devices which already have cause established ie man made it. Natural science explores natural causes of natural effects.
Possibly. No idea really. I know this though - it can't be put through the scientific method and therefore causation cannot be proven. You know this which is why you cannot get passed the first step of observation. Because you will beg the question.
Yeah we already covered that with control variables.
For water boiling?
Effect is water turning from liquid to gas. Cause is temperature. So we have dependent and independent variables. We have control variables, air pressure, type of water.
And why did you feel it was necessary to assert the possibility of a motor or something that causes rotation?
But humans are involved. And humans aren't allowed for natural phenomenon. And how do we scientifically test shadows?
I haven't said I was doing science yet. I'm just observing reality. You seem very hesitant to do so, and it makes me wonder about your underlying philosophy of science and reality. Do you believe that the pendulum is precessing because something about the setup is deceptive?
Except that it doesn't. It boils at different temperatures sometimes. I think your experiment is broken.
Still looking for the precision here. What is being tested? The relationship? The cause? The effect?
Effect is water turning from liquid to gas. Cause is temperature. So we have dependent and independent variables. We have control variables, air pressure, type of water.
, 12:27 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
I personally have no objection to the idea that data can be used to infer conclusions in non-absolute ways. Do you?
Deductive reasoning and how it applies to science
Inductive reasoning and ditto
Bayesian inference and ditto
Notice that you haven't actually addressed anything meaningful. I asked you to be explicit about the nature of YOUR assumptions.
I would like to see your citations for those statements as well. I think you're adding words into their statements.
Why do you keep going back to this if you admit that the effect is real?
And I'm still waiting for you to fully elaborate on your concept of an experiment. Can you give another example besides the boiling water one? And can you list out explicitly how you've established all of your conditions for a proper experiment?
Next we have sunlight causes grass to grow. Effect:growth. Cause:sunlight. Controls:soil, fertilisers.
Yeah sunlight causes grass to grow. Proof. Of a scientific kind.
Now, please offer your scientific proof we live on a spinning ball in a vacuum.
, 07:09 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1,245
All from the SAME wiki page.
Because the Earth spins, Earth-bound observers need to account for the Coriolis force to correctly analyze the motion of objects. ... such as large-scale movement of air in the atmosphere or water in the ocean... This force causes moving objects on the surface of the Earth to be deflected to the right (with respect to the direction of travel) in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. The horizontal deflection effect is greater near the poles, since the effective rotation rate about a local vertical axis is largest there, and decreases to zero at the equator.
Rather than flowing directly from areas of high pressure to low pressure, as they would in a non-rotating system, winds and currents tend to flow to the right of this direction north of the equator and to the left of this direction south of it. This effect is responsible for the rotation of large cyclones.
So, definitely a coreolis deviation being asserted here, right? I mean it's, to quote wiki again a "fictitious force" but still it can cause cyclones

In any case this is a definite assertion of TWO reference frames.
winds and currents (presumably something separate to the atmosphere
But wait... in the same reference we are told
As the Earth rotates about its axis, everything attached to it, including the atmosphere, turns with it (imperceptibly to our senses).

So the atmosphere rotates lock step with the earth rotation. ONE REFERENCE FRAME. NO coreolis because
the Coriolis force ... acts on objects that are in motion within a frame of reference that rotates with respect to an inertial frame.
We need 2 reference frames for coreolis effect. TWO. We have only ONE.
Or do we?
Masque is offering $7 for anybody capable of resolving this contradiction [citation needed]
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