Lets cut the bs and focus one at a time to real easy to prove things.
1) Stars rotate at the same angular velocity as seen in pictures easily. Like all together as if we are the ones rotating which is the obvious solution to this problem. Look at your ceiling and imagine it is rotating around you, then imagine you are rotating. It looks the same but it doesnt end there (see next).
2)The position of the main star the stars rotate around (ie north star, southern cross) changes as latitude changes!!! This means the axis appears to be directed at different point in the sky as you change position. Very funny! ha! How does that work with flatness? Because it sure works with curvature.
3) The celestial "dome" theory fails (of course you are joking here) because of planets and because of parallax
This means distant stars appear to be more fixed than closer ones that appear to move in respect to the distant ones as earth rotates around the sun. So you now need multiple domes lol and transparent ones!
4) The drone going up can show you precisely how curved earth is by going as high as needed to see the sun disk emerge fully. We can do calculation from this and keep track of the height of the drone as it happens. That is a very easy experiment if you have a 1k $ drone or less.
5) The sun is behind the moon because of eclipse. Its not some stupid light post.
6) You know how big the moon is because you know how big the shadow of earth is in the lunar eclipse. You can use a coin to eclipse the moon and similar triangles to figure out how far from earth it is. When its half moon during the day before sunset the angle the moon, the observer and the sun make is close to 90. If the sun was nearby it would be like 50-60-70deg. But its over 89 deg. That means the sun is very far away and since the moon is covering it completely at eclipse you know it is hundreds of times bigger than the moon and dozens over earth. So what on earth light post is something that is 1 mil times bigger than earth in volume?
7) How does the day and night cycle make sense in a flat surface? If the sun is above the plane its above for all!!! How can it be both day and night in a plane?
8) Neutrinos leave Cern at some angle to the ground and exit in Italy at the same angle!!! How does that happen in a straight line??? It is only possible if the straight line is cutting a curve!
9) Cosmic rays can offer clues too about how big the moon etc are.
10) The problem is that you have endless self consistency problems if you are lying. For example you can predict the intensity of solar radiation using black body radiation and Stefan Boltzmann law and the temperature of the sun and you will see it predicts very well the observed in the vicinity of earth if you assume the sun is as big as we know it is and as far as we also know it is. So how on earth is an unrelated topic like black body radiation confirming the celestial mechanics picture? How is it possible to have tides also?
11) How does gravity work if you have a disk? g is not radial anymore. It will have to point to an angle other than the vertical near the edges!!! Such big object is unstable gravitationally as a disk by the way. It will break and form a sphere. We can test the theory of Gravity with Cavendish type experiments by the way.