Originally Posted by masque de Z
To lose your ego is to deny your human nature.
We all know that what we are to the core fundamental root is something beyond this human existence. We just don't know what it is. To lose your ego is not to deny human, but to begin to stop denying our true nature whatever that is. In terms of evolution, a larger time scale, we are not human but life.
You cannot exist without ego
This is really redundant to say tho right?
and the rest is pure bs regarding drugs, idiotic manipulations of your brain and nothing profound about them that can lead to anything significant after its all over.
Even science believes that drugs can make great lasting changes on the mind, even positive. I'm not a fan of prescription, and I don't believe in 'satori through drugs', but I'm not sure we can say they cannot lead to something significant.
I am not denying however the possibility to enhance the human brain biochemically in some future point and experience as a result a completely different form of awareness.
In the context of satori the idea would be changes in the brain are a product of the awareness.
Lets leave that possibility open but arrive at it rationally by understanding how the brain functions, instead of experimenting like ignorant charlatans and alchemists did lol.
If knowledge can be shown to be the opposite direction of satori, then in the context of the op, the accumulation of knowledge is the impeding ignorance. You can't take a car with you in death, what will we do with knowledge?
You can instead (until improving the brain otherwise is possible) educate yourself, become over time wiser
The paradox is the wisdom does not accept time nor the process of becoming.
and have a very healthy respect for your capacities and your own promise as well as your failures/lessons and limitations without however becoming idiotically humble about it to the point of not being any more optimistic and eager to improve (only become realistic i mean while still wishing to improve that reality with effort).
Some would say to just observe this process with no attachment to the ups and downs, rather than 'this is happening to me' more like 'this is happening'. Its a different use of the mind and will, and before we argue the merits I should like to outline it well.
Have absolutely no limits in what can happen
This I think deserves and asterix in the form of time and other fundamental axioms that aren't allowed to be dropped in this forum section.
and be very healthy skeptic of everything but at different levels of skepticism that seem to properly reward the various degrees of success of all knowledge you acquire. (for example in your skepticism reward scientific method more than dogma because clearly it has given you far more, but do not take my word for it, convince yourself with study and effort/examples etc).
The 'eastern' philosophies ask the students to be skeptic to their root, which includes skepticisms not allowed by those that believe in science.
You should not lose your ego because that makes you a slave, a machine, a person without identity, an assimilated system to some higher form of entity outside yourself.
That might be true. But it might be true that ego is the single conformity that none of us break free from. I would argue each of us, in this world today, lives as a slave to all our daily lives. For much of the world its not that hard to show. Is it tough to show that even. prince william is not in control of his daily life and free to do what he wishes? I do agree though that any belief of assimilating with some higher form outside of oneself is just a belief.
You should however improve that ego and mature and recognize the truly important which is not the apotheosis of that ego above and beyond all others, the stupid vanity of any egomaniac that puts self above truth and principles or the greater good (whatever that is to be studied ) etc.
Yes all this, but you point to a different definition and use of the ego here.
I mean have a healthy respect for yourself and your promise as an individual human being without allowing your view of the world to become the center of everything, acknowledge and respect the existence and dreams of others, rather recognize your ego for what it is, a reality you cannot escape because it is your human nature, your identity as a living being, a record of your trip to this point. You do have only your brain and senses as starting point to experience the world. So you cannot escape that form of ego, that vantage point, that perspective, your own path of development from an infant to an adult and eventually a mature adult.
I think when someone brings up 'escape' the general projection of it becomes something that does not pertain to the actual problem. Or we might agree one cannot escape, but they can cease the process of attempting to escape..
You want to protect that being that is you and remain optimistic about its capacities without being delusional and hurtful to others. In that sense your ego is a healthier one.
But that instinct to protect the self is a chain, it is not a choice. I'd say one can only know about such a thing when they feel the freedom of not having it.
My suggestion to all is to recognize we are all in this together and alone in a limited form on occasion but never truly alone because even if socially alone and removed from active society you still have their culture and the wisdom of your old "friends" that lived before our times.
This is a pacifier to me, thats how I view these words. Satori, points to the attempt to face an eternal loneliness, that others (specifically our culture) seek to fill their daily moments with distractions from the fear of facing this fear of emptiness. This is a good example why it involves letting time go, or the belief that past is what makes me what I am in the present.
So maintain a healthy demand to improve yourself and celebrate the power of the individual human spirit that is yourself, your ego.
I think that improving oneself indefinitely eventually leads to the want to experiment with egoless moments. In these moments there can be a snap change in our being because without the ego one can finally realize what ego is, and that if there can be no ego, then ego is not an inevitability.
But try to do that in an ethical manner and realize that others deserve the same respect for their promise (until something profound challenges that respect but not before). Have a healthy ego, confidence and respect for the truth
In respect to the word satori, truth is what lies beyond the state of ego.
and you will recognize then that ego is a dependable good friend to your self/body/life. No reason to lose your ego. Just improve it and you can do that by imagining a world without it very often and developing empathy and respect for all nature and the logic behind it and by self reflection and objective critical thinking.
The ironic thing is that imagining a world without ego is the very validation and arising of ego.
Remain aware and open minded.
These are the opposite of an ego rooted state.