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Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder
View Poll Results: Who ya got?
GSW in 4
4 3.13%
GSW in 5
29 22.66%
GSW in 6
26 20.31%
GSW in 7
14 10.94%
OKC in 4
2 1.56%
OKC in 5
3 2.34%
OKC in 6
17 13.28%
OKC in 7
15 11.72%
AcTiOnJaCsOn via Tapatalk
18 14.06%

05-29-2016 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
God you're the worst.

This ruling clearly demonstrates the lack of veracity in the 2 min review process. He got hit in the arm he was dribbling with ffs.
Tell it to the NBA, son.

It was deemed a foul you would have said SEE!!!

Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 07:54 PM
It's already been deemed a foul. By everybody with a clue.

Besides, causing or not causing a turnover has never been a reason to call a foul or not. Contact being incidental doesn't ever make a foul not a foul.
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 07:59 PM
Everybody but the National Basketball Association.
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 08:05 PM
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 08:18 PM
AllTheCookies has more fun when the NBA ****s something up in favor of the Warriors then when his team actually wins a game
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by jwax13
In the words on the great American philosoper Nasir bin Olu Dara Jones, "I don't know how to start this," but here goes. Yesterday was one of the more surreal days of my life. A lifelong friend of mine and his wife were in town from Nashville; huge Thunder fans and just had a second child. He desperately wanted to go to the game, but is a professional songwriter / musician, and didn't really have the scratch. Coming off one of the sicker 8 day PLO heaters of my life, I wanted to treat them to a game. Constantly checked CL and Stubhub all day for a set of 4 tickets, and around 4PM CST, I found a really nice set of lower level FT lines for sale for a reasonable price. Met this gentleman a few block from the arena, exchanged cash for tickets, and was on my way home to meet my party. An ominous feeling came over me the more I inspected the tickets, so I sent a picture to a friend that brokers tickets for a living and he confirmed what I suspected; 100% fake.

6PM. 2 hours until tipoff. My friend and his wife, along with my girlfriend arrived at my house roughly a mile from the arena. I hastily purchase a set of 4 Club Level Baseline on StubHub, and we're on our way. We do the usual pregame and head to the arena around 7:30. The Peake. Was. Lit. I've been to lot of big games in my life, and the intros / first few minutes of the game were some of the loudest and most intense crowd I can remember. Didn't last. The crowd was pretty awful past the 1st Q. At the end of the 1st, I went down to the resolution window at the Box Office to present the counterfeit tickets I bought. Apparently this gentleman had scammed approx. 16 people already, and the police were on hand to discuss it with me. They said they had arrested a guy selling the fake tickets, and asked if i wanted to walk a block from the arena and positively ID the guy. So I missed about half of the second quarter to walk to a police car and see the guy that had ripped me off a few hours prior. It was him. Filed a report, got a case #, and have a slight possibility of getting my money back later this week. Whee.

I think the exact play I arrived back in my seat was when Steph tripped over Bogut and OKC got called for a foul? I was still walking around in a haze. Seemed like OKC was primed to pull away any given possession of the 2nd Q, but GS had an answer every time. The half ended, and the arena had the appropriate uneasy feel for leading a closeout game. Turned out, the crowd was right. That shooting performance by Klay was special to watch. The 4th quarter was textbook regular season OKC isolation ball, and KD had about as bad a stretch as I could remember. Credit to Iggy. Credit to Klay. They showed up.

Not really sure how the game even close, given GS made 18 (LOL) more 3s than OKC. As someone that plays PLO for a living, I know how unforgiving variance can be. Bad time for KD to go 1/8 from deep. Bad time to give up a playoff record 11 3s to Klay. Credit where it's due. GS showed up and Russ / KD slanked in the 4th. Hope we at least get a competitive game Monday.
sucks you got scammed, agree completely with your analysis of what happened

still think thunder can win game 7. they have been the better team for most of the series but their late game execution problems showed up again
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Fallen Hero
AllTheCookies has more fun when the NBA ****s something up in favor of the Warriors then when his team actually wins a game

What do you expect? It gets boring when my team has as .900 win % over the last 2 years. Gotta find ways to spice it up .
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by BiiiiigChips
Hahaha! SAS the master of hyperbole. Klay Thompson is "Dale Ellis 2016". Klay is just benefiting from playing in an era where it's accepted to shoot 20 3s in a game if you're feeling it and to shoot pull up 3s on fast breaks and insta-catch 3s 5 seconds into the shot clock. Dale is probably on ultra tilt that he didn't get to play in this present day NBA.
Maybe it's accepted because it's the optimal strategy for that player???? Or should they be shooting 2s at 55% instead of 3s at 45%?

I don't see many guys out there YOLOing like Curry and Thompson. Maybe they're just better shooters than everyone else. And maybe shooting more 3s is accepted because coaches and players understand math now unlike LOL olds.
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by tzwien
Maybe it's accepted because it's the optimal strategy for that player???? Or should they be shooting 2s at 55% instead of 3s at 45%?

I don't see many guys out there YOLOing like Curry and Thompson. Maybe they're just better shooters than everyone else. And maybe shooting more 3s is accepted because coaches and players understand math now unlike LOL olds.
Its still baffling to me how Curry's backup is Livingston. Its like a poem about yin and yang or some ****
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 10:24 PM
curry def seems to be finding his burst a bit - although a significant portion of his good looks are just waiters/russ zoning out completely

durant did kinda suck endgame in game 6 but overall i think he's been > russ this series. his d has been a real difference maker while russ is bringing the same random zoneouts that define him as a 'good when locked in' guy
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by tzwien
Maybe it's accepted because it's the optimal strategy for that player???? Or should they be shooting 2s at 55% instead of 3s at 45%?

I don't see many guys out there YOLOing like Curry and Thompson. Maybe they're just better shooters than everyone else. And maybe shooting more 3s is accepted because coaches and players understand math now unlike LOL olds.
Haha. Spare me the math lesson, I get why it's optimal if you can hit them at a good enough percentage and you're preaching to the choir. I'm just saying that Dale Ellis would be salivating to play in a system like that. He's an old that shot it at a nice clip with a decent amount of volume. Just imagine if he had a curry or Thomspon green light from distance back in the day? Yeah, Curry and Klay can shoot the lights out but they are also massive benefactors of being really the first guys allowed to shoot like that.

Coaches are really no smarter now. The lack of dominant big men shifted the game further out to the perimeter and eventually behind the 3 point line to the extent that it is now. If there were would've been a constant flow of back to basket dominant big man talent that there was in the 80s and 90s then they'd still be dumping it inside and guards would still be taking long twos.

Players love it now but I highly doubt they are even thinking about it analytically though. Who wouldn't love to hoist a bunch of 3s a game?

Mission Impossible: African-Americans & analytics. Why blacks are not feeling the sports metrics movement
I asked Draymond Green, the Warriors star whose new-age game is constantly being defined statistically, if he engages in any advanced analytics conversation either professionally or personally. His answer was emphatic.

“No. Neither. Professionally, I play completely off of feel. I hear people discussing my game in terms of all these advanced numbers. I have no part of it,” Green said. “Even paying attention to it, from a playing standpoint, would make me robotic and undermine my game. I’m supposed to step back behind the line in real time to avoid taking a ‘bad two’? That’s thinking way too much. I don’t get the fascination at all.”
Just to be clear I'm not agreeing with Draymond at all and obviously it's something that you would be practicing to where you are getting the ball in places where it's either a clear 3 point opportunity or you can drive it and not a long two situation. Putting yourself in that situation that he's bringing up in a game would be bad coaching. I included the quote just to make the point the players aren't really looking at it analytically and aren't leaps and bounds smarter.

Last edited by BiiiiigChips; 05-29-2016 at 10:41 PM.
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 10:43 PM
everything you just said makes no sense, how can you not realize that? What coach is not gonna "green light" Curry shooting like 50% on 10 3's a game? Hey buddy, better cool down on all those 3's, that's not our system

also, good job proving professional athletes aren't great at critical thinking, surprising stuff

edit: unsurprisingly you're also really bad at the history of the game, the Spurs were prioritizing the **** out of corner 3's when Duncan was in his peak, Pop too smart
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 10:48 PM
Amin Elhassan posted a video with all of OKC's 4th quarter possessions. I didn't get a chance to watch the game live, and this is even worse than I expected based on the thread comments. Terrible iso after terrible iso after terrible iso...

Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Fallen Hero
everything you just said makes no sense, how can you not realize that? What coach is not gonna "green light" Curry shooting like 50% on 10 3's a game? Hey buddy, better cool down on all those 3's, that's not our system

also, good job proving professional athletes aren't great at critical thinking, surprising stuff

edit: unsurprisingly you're also really bad at the history of the game, the Spurs were prioritizing the **** out of corner 3's when Duncan was in his peak, Pop too smart
So I guess you are saying that Curry and Thompson are the first guys ever in the entire history of the NBA to shoot a high enough percentage from 3 to where it makes sense for them to shoot as many 3s as possible? News Flash, those aren't the first two guys that could shoot it that have come through the NBA.

Only reason why I brought up the draymond comment is because it was a direct comment to the guy saying that the players now are so much smarter. No not really. We both agree on that so not sure why you felt the need to make a smart ass comment to me and not the guy who said that they are smart!

Your history of the game comment is super toolish btw. Really? come on.

Deciding that you'd rather have your team take corner 3s if they are going to be shooting 3s and allowing two guys to shoot the volume and selection of 3s that Thompson and Curry do are two completely different things.
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 11:11 PM
Draymond is obviously an idiot though. Steph is clearly thinking about ways to be as efficient as possible.

And most past players couldn't shoot as many 3s as they wanted because the only way they could get up shots is if the offense generated it for them. So even if they had the green light to shoot at all times, they simply couldn't. Guys like Curry and Dame have the ball in their hands very often and can also create their own shots off the dribble, which is why they are able to get up such high volume 3s compared to great current and past shooters.
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by tzwien
And most past players couldn't shoot as many 3s as they wanted because the only way they could get up shots is if the offense generated it for them. So even if they had the green light to shoot at all times, they simply couldn't.
That's why I specifically mentioned a guy in Ellis that could get his own shot at least as equally easy as Klay could, was the same size as Klay, could shoot 3s with a good amount of volume (for the time) and at a good clip. Obviously not everyone could do it and I never claimed that. Not everyone can do it now and this is a time where the 3 is the most accepted in basketball history and not looked at as a "bad shot" or gimmick shot like back in the day even when good shooters would shoot them. I mean the 3 had only been around for 4 or 5 years when Ellis came into the league so yeah, obviously a different time. I think it's pretty obvious that the era in which these guys (splash bros) are playing at least have a little bit to do with what they are doing.
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 11:36 PM
Tee zween is back itt
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-29-2016 , 11:52 PM
scott foster reffing rip
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-30-2016 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by BiiiiigChips
Deciding that you'd rather have your team take corner 3s if they are going to be shooting 3s and allowing two guys to shoot the volume and selection of 3s that Thompson and Curry do are two completely different things.
that's not what the spurs did, Pop didn't casually tell his players that "if you're going to take 3's, take them from the corners" (brilliant strategy that would be btw), he realized the value in corner 3's and set up his offense to take advantage. That had nothing to do with the lack of quality centers in the nba, the opposite is true actually.

It's funny that you think a guy averaging 40% on 4 attempts a game will continue to average 40% if he doubled the attempts, that's the basis of the argument
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-30-2016 , 03:32 AM


Or maybe?
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-30-2016 , 05:50 AM
My prediction for game 7

Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-30-2016 , 07:08 AM
What if the Warriors got a great post up man like Karl Malone or something? How in the hell would anybody even try to guard them? If they got a power posting big man, forward or center, who was a good passer - they could take a run at going 82-0. LOL.
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-30-2016 , 08:02 AM
Creed was a little overrated. I mean, it was decent but lol @ Sly winning best supporting. It was just Rocky 7 basically.
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-30-2016 , 09:08 AM
Toughest part for Woyas tonight is to not mentally fall into a sense of security. Curry already touched on it but most any human being after winning 2 straight, tying the series and having game 7 @ home think it's a wrap. Allow that invincibility feeling to roll over into the actual game, OKC punches you in the mouth early and things get interesting again real quick. Wouldn't expect that from a depending champ but they still are human.
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
05-30-2016 , 09:11 AM
I really don't think sense of urgency or effort is going to be a problem for either team tonight. It is game 7 and at this point both teams know the margin for error is slim.

It is going to comedown to who has the Jims and Joes and the Xs and Os.
Western Conference Finals 2016: Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder Quote
