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UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades

10-25-2014 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Bdidd
1450 avg SAT at USC? LOL. They must have changed the scoring since i took it in the early '90s. Citation?
This says middle 50 percent is 1960-2190 for all 3 parts so average would be around 2070 for all three. Take out writing and its going to be a little less than that I think but it's hard to tell because lower scores in one section should be matched with higher scores in another. That includes all scholarship athletes too so the average student will tend to be on the top end of that range. Might have overstated it a bit but not by much. Let's say it's 1400 for arguments sake which is still like 95th% percentile vs an 800 which would be 15th% percentile. You're child rape apologists had a middle 50% of 1750-2000 fwiw.

And yes it has changed a lot since the 1990's. USC was in the 50's in the rankings and is now mid 20's.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
10-25-2014 , 02:41 PM
1450 is terrible out of 2400 and obviously not the average out of 1600. quick collegeboard fact check shows both unc and usc around 1300-1400 average
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
10-25-2014 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by SteelersDMW
This says middle 50 percent is 1960-2190 for all 3 parts so average would be around 2070 for all three. Take out writing and its going to be a little less than that I think but it's hard to tell because lower scores in one section should be matched with higher scores in another. That includes all scholarship athletes too so the average student will tend to be on the top end of that range. Might have overstated it a bit but not by much. Let's say it's 1400 for arguments sake which is still like 95th% percentile vs an 800 which would be 15th% percentile. You're child rape apologists had a middle 50% of 1750-2000 fwiw.

And yes it has changed a lot since the 1990's. USC was in the 50's in the rankings and is now mid 20's.
My bad. Perfect was 1600 when i took the SAT. I could care less about PSU scores. Didn't go there.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
10-27-2014 , 10:22 PM
So this is basically just saying that the 2012 wrist-slap penalties against the football team for these same violations, were inherited from the basketball team? I mean, the whole academic fraud assembly-line was known even back then, and every school in the ACC was pissed at the weak penalties. Lol at coaches not being aware or pushing for it, according to UNC's "independent" investigation.

Well, hey, great if they finally get real penalties for it. Not going to hold my breath though.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
10-27-2014 , 10:29 PM
lol @ thinking USC had a 1450 SAT average on the old SAT. Jesus. Use your head.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
10-27-2014 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
IIRC Michigan actually did have a recruit recently turned away for academic reasons.
Demar Dorsey.

Michigan is pretty good about this stuff. They certainly encourage athletes to go into easier majors but there's absolutely not rampant cheating. The academic side would never allow it. A lot of the academic people really don't like the athletic department and all of the attention and money it gets. That type of tension is what you need to prevent stuff like this from happening. I would have thought it was the case at a school like UNC, but obviously not.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
10-28-2014 , 05:21 PM
Charles Pierce at Grantland chimes in, NCAA scumminess seems to bring out the passion in sportswriters:

And now it will fall to the NCAA, God help us, to parcel out blame and responsibility and punishment. At this point, of course, the NCAA is little more than a walking conflict of interest, and an absurd one, at that.

The NCAA would not exist if players were not paid under the table. The NCAA would not exist if so many of its “member institutions” weren’t playing ethical mumblety-peg with their academic integrity to keep the players eligible and the money flowing everywhere except into the pockets of the people doing all the real work.

There is absolutely no way this will end well. There is absolutely no way this will not end hilariously, however.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-02-2014 , 10:25 PM

UNC students blamed racism and heteropatriarchal capitalism for the recent UNC academic scandal during a rally
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-02-2014 , 10:41 PM
As a Campus Correspondent, Kate exposes liberal bias and abuses at North Carolina colleges and universities for Campus Reform. She is a senior studying journalism and political science at the UNC-Chapel Hill. She covers politics and higher education for the university's student newspaper and her work has also been featured on CNN and The Daily Caller.

seems like a real fair and balanced source of news
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-03-2014 , 02:02 AM
Pretty sure "racism and heteropatriarchal capitalism" were the result of some sort of Madlibs name a thing you dislike.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-03-2014 , 04:16 AM
I can see how you can work racism into this, but I'm totally confused as to how the heteropatriachy has anything to do with this.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-03-2014 , 05:49 AM
You need to check your heteropatriarchal privilege at the door, white man.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-03-2014 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by lycosid
In one sentence you call student-athletes well compensated, and in the next you refer to that compensation as a sham. How does that work?
What's a sham is the system. The students themselves receive a substantial inkind payment. They get a college degree with no debt. But the idea that this business has anything to do with what universities ought to be doing is just a joke.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-03-2014 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by capone0
pretty sure we aren't talking about the same students as you are talking about.
I'm talking about players in basketball and football at division I programs that have won national football championships in the last 25 years.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-10-2014 , 07:30 PM
Former UNC football player says everyone knew what was going on:

The biggest WTF part:

Finally, Powell threw in an anecdote about how a female student did all the work for one athlete, after which "we all ran a train on her."
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-10-2014 , 07:33 PM
how can he just drop the mic with that. details please
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-10-2014 , 07:47 PM
Yeah story and pics please
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-10-2014 , 08:11 PM
How much of a story is there to running a train? You want to know which players and imm... order of finish?
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-10-2014 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
How much of a story is there to running a train? You want to know which players and imm... order of finish?
This is a fantasy of his, don't judge cis-het scum
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-10-2014 , 08:17 PM
Powell quoted former football coach Butch Davis as telling players, "If you all came here for an education, you should have gone to Harvard," while explaining that players were directed to take classes in the now-notorious AFAM department.
Nice Butch, Nice
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-10-2014 , 08:18 PM
I cast no judgements on sexuality, just the limited narrative structure of pornography's answer to a line at the deli.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-10-2014 , 08:20 PM
I really laugh when people around here say that Roy had no idea his players were taking these paper classes. Of course he did.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-10-2014 , 08:21 PM
I am highly skeptical that the guys who wanted an education but also took those classes based on their advisers direction could have gotten into Harvard.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-10-2014 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by dlk9s
Former UNC football player says everyone knew what was going on:

The biggest WTF part:
I gotta say, I don't really see how that part is WTF at all. I mean cheating, fraud, institutional coverup--WAIT, THEY WERE ****ING AFTERWARDS?

Or maybe you mean that it was just a one-off and not the norm?
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
11-10-2014 , 09:39 PM
I remember reading years and years ago that Barry Switzer's secretary at Oklahoma would go to players' apts, clean the apt, then have sex with them. Switzer apparently only objected if she had sex with the black players.
UNC Academic Fraud - "Paper Classes" for 1000+ athletes over nearly two decades Quote
