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tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money

11-21-2013 , 12:10 PM
The more I read of this thread, the more I am convinced that the only way those who are owed will ever realize any material value will be if tdomeski serves as their personal butler for proportionate periods of time.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:10 PM

Here's an example of a scammer making things right the right way -

This guy blew a bunch of investors money in WSOP 2012. He owed out more than tdome does.

He posted who he owed and kept everyone updated.

He posted that he no longer had investor money on 6/27/12. Everyone was paid off in full on 10/17/12. He worked at a car dealership and posted in the thread that he worked 97 straight days to pay everyone off.

This is an example of someone who made a terrible mistake, but owned it, and worked his ass off and paid everyone. Therefore you can make an argument that he might have some character.

Tdome self banned himself and is playing staked poker. So what can we say about that?
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:13 PM
Yeah guys, uou're going to need more numbers that show the correlation between stealing $15,000 and being a bad person before you just draw conclusions like that
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:16 PM
Allusions of grandeur tho
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by mullen
Tdome self banned himself and is playing staked poker. So what can we say about that?
That he really needs to use his one time?
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:18 PM
I am merely wondering why people think they can judge his character well from this at all

There's not a "good character" explanation for that. That's a thing people with good character don't do. There is no ambiguity if it's wrong or right. To me, a move like that just sorts you into "bad character" all on its own.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:19 PM
If pools like this weren't a legal grey area he'd be facing jail time. In any other arena using custodial funds for gambling purposes is ridiculously unethical and people wouldn't sit around discussing whether to give him a moral pass or not.

It's only in this community (where "degen" is so commonplace that people forget the word actually means something) that you'd actually suggest the solution to a problem is for someone to return to the activity that made them lose so much control that they did something they knew was so wrong. Unless the reality is that you don't care about tdomeski, whoever is stupid/ignorant enough to back him and any future victims because getting paid back is more important and rolling the dice on whatever his current EV is in the poker world gives you the highest % chance of that.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by mullen

Here's an example of a scammer making things right the right way -

This guy blew a bunch of investors money in WSOP 2012. He owed out more than tdome does.

He posted who he owed and kept everyone updated.

He posted that he no longer had investor money on 6/27/12. Everyone was paid off in full on 10/17/12. He worked at a car dealership and posted in the thread that he worked 97 straight days to pay everyone off.

This is an example of someone who made a terrible mistake, but owned it, and worked his ass off and paid everyone. Therefore you can make an argument that he might have some character.

Tdome self banned himself and is playing staked poker. So what can we say about that?
this guy took 4 months. backrhodes took 2.5 years and straight disappeared for a while out of the box (I was one of the people owed in that instance). its not even clear how much tdome owes certain people at this point, just the total liability. Its possible this is resolved in days or weeks as opposed to never.

I am advocating waiting to judge his character and simply sticking to condemning his actions as deplorable. This is not at all the same as me saying his actions are even remotely ok or that he should be trusted to handle other people's funds going forward. It is possible to be a harsh judge of actions, be demanding of justice, and persistent in trying to collect without condemning the man himself or asserting that he has no integrity and a poor moral compass.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:22 PM
Admitted to stealing $15,000

Jury still out on his moral compass
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by darO
Yeah guys, uou're going to need more numbers that show the correlation between stealing $15,000 and being a bad person before you just draw conclusions like that
if you want to get anal about it, no amount of numbers will tell you he's a 'bad person'. that's just an arbitrary judgement that we make, that only makes sense within an arbitrary frame of reference, the last remnants of the religious way of thinking. all we can say is that he did what he did.

i agree though that in our commonly accepted illusory frameworks then it doesn't reflect well. it just depends what level of reality you're operating on.

as you were.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:24 PM
never trust a guy without an avatar
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Dids

There's not a "good character" explanation for that. That's a thing people with good character don't do. There is no ambiguity if it's wrong or right. To me, a move like that just sorts you into "bad character" all on its own.
completely agree. It is wrong. He surely knows it is wrong. He may or may not care that it was wrong. Everyone in the world does things that they know are wrong at one point or another. Many of these things hurt other people. None of that is debatable. However, one mistake should not be met with unrelenting hate.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
this guy took 4 months. backrhodes took 2.5 years and straight disappeared for a while out of the box (I was one of the people owed in that instance). its not even clear how much tdome owes certain people at this point, just the total liability. Its possible this is resolved in days or weeks as opposed to never.

I am advocating waiting to judge his character and simply sticking to condemning his actions as deplorable. This is not at all the same as me saying his actions are even remotely ok or that he should be trusted to handle other people's funds going forward. It is possible to be a harsh judge of actions, be demanding of justice, and persistent in trying to collect without condemning the man himself or asserting that he has no integrity and a poor moral compass.
He took 4 months but he owed 28k in refunds at the time his package ended. 4 months would be a totally reasonable time period to pay back what is owed here. The odds of this being resolved in days or weeks is not feasible at all unless he binks a giant tournament, gets a friend to buy his debt, etc. Given the information we have that's an extremely minuscule chance of happening.

He condemned himself when he stole 15k. Any judgement toward his character, integrity, or lack thereof is 100% justified. Once he starts paying people back, or outlines a payment plan, then we can start talking about going in the other direction with those judgments.

So far, with a self-ban, a plan to play staked poker and no plans to get a job - he's not off to a great start.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
Pretty sure cdl is a banker and blowing through escrows is just part of everyday life.
maybe if tdomeski starts working harder and taking his life more seriously he could accomplish something and scam people legally instead.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:27 PM
What i think he should do is get a job for the next 2 months or so and pay back something. Then after you he has a track record paying back something, he can play poker in his free time to make serious dents in what he owes.

The biggest problem with these "I'll play my way out of it guys" is that usually they cannot beat the games they are willing to play (typically higher stakes so they can pay back quicker), so when they start off losing because they cant beat the games and their mind is not in the right place, they are ashamed to admit it, never/rarely comment or update and never start paying at all.

At least if he gets a job and pays something you can start showing your intent to pay instead of saying you intend to pay.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:29 PM
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:33 PM
The amount of moral grandstanding in this thread continues to surprise me as I consider purchasing an Xbox One while thousands of people are without food and water in SE Asia

I'll head over to Science Math and Philos now, cheers
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:39 PM
I think there are plenty of jobs out there for people who are willing or in need of work so if he could be convinced to get one this will actually put to the test whether a person with no discernible skills or work experience and an apparently poor moral compass and terrible character can actually find enough work to not only provide for themselves, but to pay back a sum of money that is actually meaningful in the real world.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by mullen
Tdome self banned himself and is playing staked poker. So what can we say about that?
That in addition to being a degen, he's also lazy and coasts through life with an unwarranted sense of self-entitlement.

Him responding with lollerskates at the mere notion of him getting an actual job in order to pay back the people he stole from is a pretty strong indication that no one who was scammed will ever see their money. I hope I'm wrong but I'm probably not.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by GBP04
The amount of moral grandstanding in this thread continues to surprise me as I consider purchasing an Xbox One while thousands of people are without food and water in SE Asia

I'll head over to Science Math and Philos now, cheers
This post is straight from Alobar's work in the saving a pet or stranger's life.

Astonishingly stupid.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:45 PM
He's going to look for work and play backed poker on the side.

From my perspective, if he does that he is at least trying to do the right thing and working to rectify a very big mistake.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
He's going to look for work and play backed poker on the side.

From my perspective, if he does that he is at least trying to do the right thing and working to rectify a very big mistake.
I'll be pleasantly surprised if this happens, let's hope this is the path he chooses.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:46 PM
His reputation and expected future EV have to be in many people minds significantly higher than $15k.

That combined with the fact he self-banned and is basically in hiding, leads one to believe he owes other people, other than this escrow, who very might be above SE in payment order.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
His reputation and expected future EV have to be in many people minds significantly higher than $15k.

That combined with the fact he self-banned and is basically in hiding, leads one to believe he owes other people, other than this escrow, who very might be above SE in payment order.
You might be right. I never considered this.

We might have 2+2's version of Jerry Lundegaard here.
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
11-21-2013 , 12:50 PM
tdomeski is...sometimes not great with other people's money Quote
