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12-11-2015 , 02:12 PM
Other problem is that there's not really any negative stigma to it so people think it's fine and even funny to take them and talk about it. Most people are clueless about the dangers and it's relatively easy to get from a shrink and super easy and cheap to get from online pharmacy
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 02:15 PM
I always used to wonder who these people are who drink at airport bars.

Then I grew up and realized I'm those people
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12-11-2015 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by shane88888
You know what's really dangerous?

Playing online poker on Xanax. That **** was expensive.

Had a few crazy AC weekends while drinking and taking bars. Craziest one included leaving a rub and tug spot off the strip after a friends mma fight at one of the casinos. Guy tries to rob us at like 3am and other mma friend knocks him out in one punch but then we could feel people watching us. Sprinted back to strip and make it out unscathed.

Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 02:22 PM
You can build a very high physical tolerance so it's not crazy to eventually build up to extreme doses. That's part of why it can be so dangerous though, the taking it isn't really the problem, it's the stopping of it after your body becomes so used to it.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by shane88888
You know what's really dangerous?

Playing online poker on Xanax. That **** was expensive.
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12-11-2015 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
You can build a very high physical tolerance so it's not crazy to eventually build up to extreme doses. That's part of why it can be so dangerous though, the taking it isn't really the problem, it's the stopping of it after your body becomes so used to it.

The taking it is still dangerous though for most. Had a friend die in a one car drunk driving wreck. It was his first time ever trying xanax supposedly. Certainly not making excuses but it's really sad given that the drug without a doubt impaired his brains ability to tell him not to do that.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
I always used to wonder who these people are who drink at airport bars.

Then I grew up and realized I'm those people
airport drinking is great plus the beer and shot deal is too good, relatively speaking, to pass up.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 03:02 PM
Ike's bedside manner is hilarious
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 03:27 PM
I am taking the minimal dose right now of Citolapram, so hopefully when I do come off it won't be an issue.
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12-11-2015 , 03:32 PM
Question now is if Heyward at 26yo only gets $23m AAV on a really long deal (which should help AAV in his case), what does that do to older dudes on a shorter deal?
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by EddyB66
I am taking the minimal dose right now of Citolapram, so hopefully when I do come off it won't be an issue.
Easy fix Eddy. Just up the dose to get rid of the anxiety of going off it.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Which SSRI was it? People react differently to different ones and there are some that are notorious for side effects.

I always had a negative view of SSRIs prior to taking escitalopram but it's been a godsend for me on a couple occasions now. The only really sucky side effect that I get is that it takes an axe to my sex drive, which is something I can deal with when I need to get my head together. It rebounds pretty quick when I stop taking it.

Rebound can suck. Some doctors are super blase about it but I would strongly recommend tapering as gently as you can. When I have come off them I've gone 1 tablet -> 3/4 -> 1/2 -> 1/4 over a period of a few weeks before stopping. Frankly the biggest shock to the system was still the 1/4 -> none and I don't even think taking 1/8 for a few days would be crazy if you have the patience.
I think (????) it was escitalopram? At least that name sounds familiar.

And oh yeah there were various sexual side effects - very strongly noticeable ones, I completely forgot about that. It was really horrible.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 03:53 PM
I basically went on it because a doc wanted to see if it would help improve my ****ty digestive problems. He was an ******* too, basically was like "here we did some test, they're negative, take this antidepressant" ... and guess what, it didn't help. Getting the gallbladder removed like a year and a half later finally seems to have improved things.

I'm actually taking a drug for migraines now that's also an antidepressant or some sort but it isn't an SSRI. The only side effect whatsoever is that I'm a zombie when I first wake up. Otherwise, no changes that I have noticed.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 03:56 PM
Amitriptyline right? Helps you gain weight too. Works using serotonin stuff though not an SSRI.

Don't abuse drugs. Don't tell other people to not take drugs they need because when you abused them it didn't go well.

-Drugsy the drug owl, MD FACS PHD, esquire
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 03:57 PM
Eddy it seems like you need to relax. Take a xanax or something
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12-11-2015 , 03:57 PM
lol doctors
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12-11-2015 , 04:00 PM
I take 25mg of sertraline which is actually under the minimum dosage anyone gives. Doesn't seem to have any side effects and I get the full placebo effect.

Also read that higher dosages don't help more for anxiety anyway so just made the executive decision to do it.

I've heard good things about welbutrin
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 04:00 PM
Yeah amitriptyline...

Seems to work for the migraines. They happen with far less frequency and are far milder now, and I've figured out a cocktail of OTC stuff + any drink with sugar in it that works wonders within an hour or two for when they do strike. Before, I was basically lying in a dark room puking all day on a number of occasions this spring. Not cool.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 04:01 PM
My current doctor wanted to give me all the drugs. My old one seemed much better.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 04:02 PM
All this talk really puts all the legalized weed stuff into perspective. Amazing the stuff you can get legally.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
All this talk really puts all the legalized weed stuff into perspective. Amazing the stuff you can get legally.
Have anxiety and depression issues? Take a drug that causes both!

(Weed isn't a very good medicine for anything other than getting people who don't want to eat to eat)
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 04:06 PM
Also, rare forms of epilepsy
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12-11-2015 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by schu_22
Also, rare forms of epilepsy
yeah, but it's like a 5-6th line drug that you use after everything better has failed. It can be used for other stuff too, but it's a drug of choice for basically nothing, and something you just try when you've run out of options. I'm all for legalization, but people go to doctors thinking they really are taking proper care of their medical problems with weed and they simply aren't. It's bad medicine and doctors shouldn't be prescribing it nearly as much as they do. They're simply making money off of legalization.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-11-2015 , 04:08 PM
I'm sure most of your doctor's are fine, but it's usually a good idea to at least search them here before taking every drug they keep telling you to take
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12-11-2015 , 04:11 PM
Doctors are licensed drug dealers with shadier connections
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