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09-14-2013 , 01:36 PM
i guess there's something about it being a rail bridge that makes it tough/impossible/expensive to rebuild a little higher?

Last edited by 72off; 09-14-2013 at 01:36 PM. Reason: any SE engineers out there?
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-14-2013 , 01:41 PM
According to the website, they'd have to redo miles of track on each side if they wanted to raise it, which makes it prohibitively expensive. Not their fault if idiots keep hitting it despite the signs and flashing lights
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09-14-2013 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
i guess there's something about it being a rail bridge that makes it tough/impossible/expensive to rebuild a little higher?

Yeah, it'd be expensive, and putting trains at any type of grade should be avoided whenever possible. Plus the railroad company owns it, so it's up to them what to do with it.

They should make people turn off beforehand. Seems like proper signage would reduce most of these accidents since it seems half the people driving into it are non professional drivers who don't even think about the height of their truck.

But then again, there is a sign right above that flashes when you are overheight. Dumbs gonna dumb.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-14-2013 , 01:56 PM
I'm sure there is a massive amount of signs and warnings, but I would be very curious to see if a ton of these drivers were following a GPS.
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09-14-2013 , 01:58 PM
It's hilarious how many of those drivers didn't slow down at all.
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09-14-2013 , 02:01 PM
Seems like they should lower the bridge making it more obvious that a truck won't fit. There's so many signs on the road that don't apply to you as a driver that makes them easy to not read.
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09-14-2013 , 02:06 PM
I think I remember going under that bridge when I visited Duke
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09-14-2013 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I'm sure there is a massive amount of signs and warnings, but I would be very curious to see if a ton of these drivers were following a GPS.
Just a normal amount but its pretty well known that trucks don't fit. To go around is just a right down the street in the video about 200 yards then a left over the railroad tracks. The railroad tracks would make it difficult to raise or lower tho.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-14-2013 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise 60
Martinez deserves a lot of credit. Very good adjustments during the match.

Really think its great for him to be at Everton. Nice to have another club playing attractive stuff in the top half.
FAQ in serious trouble
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09-14-2013 , 03:00 PM
wait F60 is a poster?
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09-14-2013 , 03:22 PM
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09-14-2013 , 03:35 PM
Looks like Michigan got the mods REAL REAL mad.
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09-14-2013 , 03:42 PM
Bragging about beating akron at home is an interesting thread idea.
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09-14-2013 , 03:51 PM
Yeah he got two light beers of confidence in his dwarfy frame and got a little out of line
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09-14-2013 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by ForumWithdrawal
Saw a pretty decent sized spider. Turn around to look for something to hit it with, turn back. Gone. My weekend is ruined.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-14-2013 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by ForumWithdrawal
Saw a pretty decent sized spider. Turn around to look for something to hit it with, turn back. Gone. My weekend is ruined.
Don't be a pussy, just squash that thing with your hand.

It's a spider. You are a human. You should have the advantage.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-14-2013 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Holliday
Seconding both.

Not intending this as an insult to your girlfriend, but...dear god, do not substitute a pet store worker's advice for a veterinarian visit. Vets essentially go through medical school and will run tests and **** to confirm their diagnosis. I mean, whenever I get sick, I don't go to Toys 'r Us for advice either. BTW, if she's actually trying to talk you out of taking dog to vet because of her "expertise" and turning it into some sort of personal grudge, that is a very bad sign. In fact, if you think she'd at all go "I told you so" if the vet says it's just a food allergy after he's chewed a pencil-sized hole in his foot, that's also a bad sign, imo. There can be other things going on. But I'm sure she's a lovely person and I'm just a distrustful hate filled man.

Also, to throw in a conspiracy theory; "Food allergy" is typically really "additive allergy". I remember in the last big dogfood recall/contamination that a huge number of dog food brands were produced in the same facility. Just switching brands may not be enough (same ****, different label, etc.).

Good luck
haha nah nothing like that. Shes just trying to be helpful is all. Just using her experience in that she sees all kinds of **** all the time and people tell her stories etc...

Anyway, hes still chewing on whatever he can but the benadryle...i upped the dosage has seemed to make him a bit more sleepy (talked to a vet). Gonna take him in for a grooming monday and hope with the shampoo and treatment they can get his skin to feel better so hes not so itchy. Thanks for the replies fellas. I'll let u know if u even care what happens in the next few days.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-14-2013 , 08:00 PM
Flew to Bama to watch JFF game. I am spent, just spent, can't wait to watch on DVR
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-14-2013 , 08:02 PM
A Boston-area man, who was planning to kidnap children, lock them in a basement dungeon, rape and eat them, should be imprisoned for at least 27 years, federal authorities said in court documents filed this week.

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09-14-2013 , 08:06 PM
That spoiler seems about right
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09-14-2013 , 08:13 PM
i think ive seen him post in pog
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09-14-2013 , 08:17 PM
That article is disturbing
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09-14-2013 , 08:21 PM
Hard to get my mind around how people like that are real.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-14-2013 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
That spoiler seems about right
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-14-2013 , 08:52 PM
much better
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