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08-07-2017 , 02:03 PM
It's not even remotely I hear dog whistles to have heard what Bran said, It was a standard line clearly enunciated.

How is this even a thing?
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08-07-2017 , 02:06 PM
The people who heard it clearly are making a bigger deal of this than those that didn't. He mumbled it out in emo speak and I woulda let it slide but Carcetti had this look on his face and I thought maybe Bran just owned him so I rewinded and turned on CC and then was like "oh cool TD Season 2".
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08-07-2017 , 02:09 PM
That's the thing, if you didn't remember that he said that like 5 seasons ago and the context of it, then "chaos is a ladder" is a complete gibberish statement and even if you thought that's what he said, it would make no sense why LF is so horrified by it, so you immediately question wtf he just said. Not everyone watching is a super nerd who remembers every line of dialog in the series and immediately thinks, "ZOMG he said CHAOS, exactly like he did in S03E06! There is probably a callback to that coming up any second now!!!"
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08-07-2017 , 02:11 PM
bran mumbled that line pretty hard, took me a second to realize what he said too. The line was very good though
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08-07-2017 , 02:11 PM
GOT battle scenes are GOAT across the whole medium including Hollywood blockbusters.

For me GOT battles set the bar.

Its incredibly difficult to choreograph battle scenes and also involves using a ton of herp a derp extras.

Not one shot did I see extras going lol the wtf BBQ and just looking around not really knowing what to do, something that can be seen in films such as Gladiator and Braveheart.

Framing, choreography, shot selection all total GOAT.

Also the CGI is used excellently, is of great fidelity and never used in the way that can make some films almost unwatchable, e.g. Transformers films, Hobbit films and all Star Wars pre sequels. Its understood that with CGI less is more.

Actually think LoTR would have been ten times better if made by HBO as it would never have had all the world of warcraft high fantasy bollox creep into it.
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08-07-2017 , 02:13 PM
Really dispute the mumbling of the Bran.

Maybe your TV sound systems suck?
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08-07-2017 , 02:13 PM
The most lol thing about this is the concept that anyone still watches this show without CC on - half the characters are affected-accent-mumbling clowns, why would you not CC this?

That aside, you're deaf if you didn't hear what he said. It was like, emphasized and spoken with clarity. The screen cut to him just to emphasize the importance of the line.

That aside, many of the OOTV people apparently REWATCHED it MULTIPLE TIMES and still couldn't puzzle it out.

I've got nothing for that, except lol.
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08-07-2017 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Ungoliant
That's the thing, if you didn't remember that he said that like 5 seasons ago and the context of it, then "chaos is a ladder" is a complete gibberish statement and even if you thought that's what he said, it would make no sense why LF is so horrified by it, so you immediately question wtf he just said. Not everyone watching is a super nerd who remembers every line of dialog in the series and immediately thinks, "ZOMG he said CHAOS, exactly like he did in S03E06! There is probably a callback to that coming up any second now!!!"
Its not just some rando line though, chaos is a ladder is pretty much totemic to LittleFinger and sums up his whole character in one line.

Its his meme.
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08-07-2017 , 02:16 PM
Folks acting like bran itt
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08-07-2017 , 02:16 PM
Yeah it definitely wasnt mumbled. You guys likely just weren't paying attention, which is defensible since Bran woat but likely also speaks to you being lol in some capacity.
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08-07-2017 , 02:17 PM
Yeah Chaos is a ladder is probably one of the ten most prominent things said in the entire series.
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08-07-2017 , 02:18 PM
thought he said "chaos is a letter" and kinda ignored it. though i also didn't watch the season when littlefinger originally said that
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08-07-2017 , 02:24 PM
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08-07-2017 , 02:24 PM
Romeo: But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?

2+2: What'd he say? I couldn't really hear it. Something about bird beaks ldo.
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08-07-2017 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
not Jaimie. hell, he was massively pained, and remained conflicted ever since, to take out the mad king who was in the process of burning an entire city alive. you think he is gonna turn on the women he loves?
I hadn't even thought of this possibility but Jaimie putting an end to Cersei is starting to make sense. I could see it happening for sure.

So much of his identity and self-justification, on display talking to characters close to him again and again, is build around him doing some bad things because they were necessary and a general sense that it's not easy or black and white for Jaimie Lannister.

Breaking oath and killing the Mad King to save the city and its people (I'm sure there was some Lannister family power play factor also).

Shoving a kid/Bran out of the window because of "love", or rather his family, saving his sister and their children from getting killed by the king.

Now Cersei has done similar to the mad king though not on that scale, though perhaps the total annihilation is still a possibility for her and for Jaimie to potentially stop?

A contrast could be Tyrion presenting the case that this is what Daenerys chose not to do with her dragons.... if he just... kills the Mad Queen.

.........Save the people once again brother!

Their children are all dead and can't be saved. That factor is gone and Cersei doesn't even care about keeping their incest a secret anymore.

What's basically left is the relationship to his sister as a lover.

Euron could threaten to break that apart potentially and the only other part of meaningful family that's out there for Jaimie, Tyrion is now clearcut enemy to Cersei and one who can show an alternative path^^

They're things that can cause enough small breaks in their relationship at least.

To what extent is Jaimie aware of Cersei going mad queen and killing everyone (including many Lannisters)?

She has gone down the kind of wrong path (or here very specific), that Jaimie more than once has shown himself willing to right. He is a character that eventually has done right to some extent.

I also noticed him saying no initially to having sex with Cersei the previous episode, though it still ended up happening. But a small sign of cracks there?

Last edited by Bjørn; 08-07-2017 at 02:37 PM. Reason: he would probably die himself in the process though and they would die together fittingly
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08-07-2017 , 02:28 PM
Cphoya: *farts*
Cphoya: *inhales deeply through his nose then finishes through his mouth*
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08-07-2017 , 02:29 PM
lol anyone defending the he mumbled position, it just did not happen.
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08-07-2017 , 02:29 PM
*is able to fully comprehend audio and visual stimuli simultaneously*
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08-07-2017 , 02:32 PM
One of the funniest exchanges of dialogue in the episode was:

Jamie "When Cersie rules you can have whatever castle you want"
Bron " Yea that rule is sure to be quiet and peaceful"
Jamie "Stranger things have happened"
Bron "Like what?"
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08-07-2017 , 02:36 PM
It could be forgiven if someone didn't catch the callback to the preamble to the Brienne/Hound duel from Season 4 when Arya and Brienne meet again before sparring (Brienne tells Arya "nice sword" each time, and I never even realized it was a callback until I rewatched the duel after a youtube suggestion), but, as others have noted, "Chaos is a Ladder" is essentially the defining motivation for one of the players that essentially sent the entirety of the show in motion. It was obvious what Bran was going to say, and it was still both an awesome line and easy to understand.
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08-07-2017 , 02:45 PM
And of course, after some quick googling, Jaimie killing Cersei has been a popular theory for a long time and most of that was before all their children dying and her going mad queen, on the important people at least.

edit: + he might very well fail at killing her! That would be interesting.
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08-07-2017 , 02:49 PM
I mean, I heard it clearly on my oldass****e ipad on a grainy stream from indiatimes so it didnt seem too out there. but a ton of yall couldnt understand so mebbe there was a problem.
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08-07-2017 , 02:51 PM
This topic has certainly tickled the collective Aspergers
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08-07-2017 , 02:56 PM
There are actually quite a few more involved theories about Jaime above and beyond him icing Cersei, but I'm not sure to what level we're allowed to bring outside sperging into this thread, so I'll just say it's easily google-able if you're interested.
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08-07-2017 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
I know this is unpopular but I find myself rooting against arya. I'm not sure why exactly and can't point to anything specifically but I can't help but feel like she's being booked as the Roman reigns of GoT. Could also be because her success is incompatible with Cersei, Littlefinger etc surviving and I think they are easily the most compelling and entertaining characters on the show ainec
This is such a weird take to me. For starters, looking at Arya as a character in isolation, her arc makes complete sense and who she is now makes complete sense wrt her arc and what she's been through. And then you factor in that the way you described her (booked like Roman Reigns of GoT) is wayyyy more on point for another character. Literally every single season has had Dany written to OVERCOME THE ODDS and be heroic. It's the same exact thing every season. It's so completely obvious that the writers worship this character and she has 0 chance of doing anything but saving the world from evil and sitting on the throne. It has always been what's held GoT back because the rest of the world is filled with attention to detail & nuances, actions have consequences, etc. But then you have this character on the other side of the world who doesn't interact with anyone else on the show who is constantly being told how awesome and strong and important she is despite doing nothing (besides being born with magical powers) to deserve it.

Last edited by GeoffRas22; 08-07-2017 at 03:09 PM.
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