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September SE Low Content Thread September SE Low Content Thread

09-07-2009 , 02:31 AM
i'm scared to watch
09-07-2009 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by Fyte On
is TLC still "the Learning Channel?" Literally from 6am Monday to 2:30 am tuesday it is reality shows straight. Vix what have you introduced me to
i just stumbled on it tonight. not sure what i'm learning. **** is depressing.
09-07-2009 , 02:33 AM
oh my god commercial on tlc had some 70 year old lady talking about masturbation. more or less. epic channel.
09-07-2009 , 02:36 AM
lol yeah this is amazing. There's a bunch of "Half ton -[mom,dad, teen, etc]" and a bunch of shows about little people.

This dude on now lost like 400 pounds. went to some dating agency and went out with a pretty hot chick. Obvious pro though
09-07-2009 , 02:38 AM
get out of the hopsital
[x] eat hotdogs

good job. wait i saw this movie before, idocracy... or wall-e?
09-07-2009 , 02:56 AM
An all new "Toddlers in Tiaras" followiing "I Have an Unusual Medical Condition"..... i lol'd. This is my new favorite channel.
09-07-2009 , 02:57 AM
Holy Billy. Seriously.
09-07-2009 , 03:02 AM
argh, informercial. but then peter popoff. what else is on tv?
09-07-2009 , 03:07 AM
Mythbuster marathon.
09-07-2009 , 03:45 AM
too many fat voyeurs ITT
09-07-2009 , 12:02 PM
Band of Brothers marathon on spike again today.
09-07-2009 , 02:49 PM
just got my free chick fil a
09-07-2009 , 03:04 PM
I can't decide which sports bar to go to for the Rutgers game. The Office or Miami Mikes. Both are basically similar distances and similar prices, and similar foods. Miami Mikes has a sweet setup to watch the game as The Office has 8 dollar PBR pitchers. Hmmm...
09-07-2009 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Subliminal
I can only imagine the tepid response that a hottest OOT contest would draw. BeccaGo's ugly carcass
It's sweet how I stil get bashed even when I haven't been around for months and in forums I never even post in. And by a pussy gimmick account, too! Thanx for thinking of me, guys!!!
09-08-2009 , 12:32 AM
On a bragging note, I'll be starting soccer as a ... wait for it ... wait for it ...

Not on the bench
as a midfielder
as a CM
as a offensive CM
or maybe...
09-08-2009 , 02:15 AM
Jesus Wrane, why did I choose to look at all those ****ing boxes?
09-08-2009 , 06:11 AM
Mary Lynn Rajskub (chloe from 24) is going to be on the new season of It's Always Sunny. I'm probably getting too excited. Switching up a good thing is usually a bad idea, but she rules.
09-08-2009 , 06:28 AM
I haven't seen It's Always Sunny or Mad Men yet. Should I just blind buy the latter?
09-08-2009 , 07:45 AM
I'd buy both, I think you'd like them. I definitely think Mad Men is up your alley.
09-08-2009 , 07:57 AM
Yea, get both. IASIP is awesome and I only know one person who hates Mad Men, and she enjoys watching Friends over Seinfeld so **** her opinion anyway.
09-08-2009 , 10:36 AM
Def. watch Mad Men.
09-08-2009 , 01:14 PM

Missed one. Apparently 75% miss the same one. Never even heard of it either.
09-08-2009 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Wrane

Ender's game is such a good book, I'm really hoping they turn it into a movie but not those ****ty ones. I usually hate it when people complain about book to movie conversions but I will be unhappy if they half-ass this. Really interested to see the battle scenes and the school etc. I'm reading 'The Memory of Earth' and 30 pages in, it's really good.
The whole Homecoming series is really, really good. I read the whole thing in my english class as a junior in high school because I had already had the teacher 3 times and she didn't give a **** what I did in class anymore. I might buy them again, although the constant debate in my head over how to pronounce Nafai's name kind of pissed me off eventually.
09-08-2009 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka

Missed one. Apparently 75% miss the same one. Never even heard of it either.
24/24 with 3:29 left. easiest sporcle ever imo
09-08-2009 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I haven't seen It's Always Sunny or Mad Men yet. Should I just blind buy the latter?
Both are pretty good. Also, I think I bought season 1 of both blind on Amazon for like $20 each (IASiP actually was season 1 & 2, as the 1st season is only 6 episodes or something). So, not exactly a huge investment to see if it's something you'll like.
