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02-11-2017 , 03:32 PM
so being bffs with Russia is kool because of how inefficient they are at being tyrannical to their people?
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02-11-2017 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
nobody actually thought Trump's acknowledgement of Taiwan was anything other than an ignorant blunder, surely? Like, there was never any reason to suspect he was even aware of the "One China" policy. The man knows nothing about anything.
There was reason to believe that Bannon was trying to engineer some division as a possible root cause. You never know if it's ignorance or there's intent.

Now we know.
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02-11-2017 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
nobody actually thought Trump's acknowledgement of Taiwan was anything other than an ignorant blunder, surely? Like, there was never any reason to suspect he was even aware of the "One China" policy. The man knows nothing about anything.
Pretty sure he tweeted something along the lines of, "How exactly was I supposed to know there's a 'one China' policy?"
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02-11-2017 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Yes I do think it's fine. Which is part of why I'm annoyed that now he's bffs with China and it's very scary to have someone like him be friends with them given how brutal and incredibly efficient they are at being tyrannical to their people.

Now he's bffs, but tomorrow that can easily change. Just depends on who he talks to next.
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02-11-2017 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
so being bffs with Russia is kool because of how inefficient they are at being tyrannical to their people?
Whoever said it was cool that he's bffs with Russia?
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02-11-2017 , 03:57 PM
Republican voters, now.
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02-11-2017 , 03:58 PM
all the morans yelling about how it's better to get cucked by Putin than to "have enemies"

fairly sure it was said a bunch itt, perhaps not lately tho

Last edited by 72off; 02-11-2017 at 03:59 PM. Reason: Hillary Hawk ghana cause WW3 for no reason etc
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02-11-2017 , 04:04 PM
The HILLARY IS TOO HAWKISH people were the absolute worst.

I'm pretty sure being overly aggressive and expansive in terms of foreign policy usually has way better outcomes than "Literally not knowing anything about it"
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02-11-2017 , 04:10 PM
who are they tossing out on the disinformation campaign sunday morning?
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02-11-2017 , 04:15 PM
Kellyanne Goebbels is by far their best spin master. So probably her.

It's embarrassing watching Mouth Spice compared to her. He gets rattled, emotional, raises his voice, makes faces, etc. Goebbels NEVER gets rattled. Just refuses to answer the question asked while running out the clock.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
02-11-2017 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
nobody actually thought Trump's acknowledgement of Taiwan was anything other than an ignorant blunder, surely? Like, there was never any reason to suspect he was even aware of the "One China" policy. The man knows nothing about anything.
C'mon son. There were several trumpkins (look in the thread or in politards) who were stating that this (i.e, taking the call from Taiwan) was a calculated move by team Trump and was in fact the correct line to take against China.

Obviously most people around here saw it for what it was, but certainly not everyone.
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02-11-2017 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Yes I do think it's fine. Which is part of why I'm annoyed that now he's bffs with China and it's very scary to have someone like him be friends with them given how brutal and incredibly efficient they are at being tyrannical to their people.
Well I applaud your consistency, though I disagree with your position.

I admit I haven't been looking but you're the first I can think of who supported his actions then and is now "annoyed" by his getting cucked now. Most of Trumpkin land is silent on that particular point.
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02-11-2017 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
who are they tossing out on the disinformation campaign sunday morning?
I've been hearing Chris Christie's name recently (like Trump woulda been better off sticking with his transition team than this turd) along with Kushner being furious that his name is coming up ("you jailed my daddy"), so I'll guess the mortal enemy of Chris Christie...but idk who that is. Tofu or some fresh vegetables?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
02-11-2017 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Kellyanne Goebbels is by far their best spin master. So probably her.

It's embarrassing watching Mouth Spice compared to her. He gets rattled, emotional, raises his voice, makes faces, etc. Goebbels NEVER gets rattled. Just refuses to answer the question asked while running out the clock.
Yeah, I posted pretty much this exact point a few days ago:

Originally Posted by Melkerson
Tapper did well, but this wasn't nearly the beatdown that I was expecting based on comments here.

Conway's strategy seems pretty simple. Her goal is to simply talk as much as possible about anything just to suck up time. The more she is talking the less the other guy is, so there are fewer issues that she needs to address and she just gets more screen time to push her agenda. I guess the only art is to make it constantly seem like you'll eventually get to the point without ever actually getting there. Tapper, et all need to cut her off more like the Fox dudes.
I guess I just don't think she deserves that much credit as it doesn't seem that hard. Anyone with a brain can see through it and those idiots who fall for it would fall for anyone who employs the same strategy (which really isn't that hard to emulate).

Spicer is in a little different situation in that he is giving a briefing, but I agree he is way worse at dealing with the press than she is. It's not because she is amazing, it's because he is terrible.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
02-11-2017 , 06:31 PM
re: Taiwan call...I remember reading that Bob Dole does a lot of work for their government and he had been lobbying Trump's people to help them with relations with China for a few months.

So it wasn't just totally random.
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02-11-2017 , 06:36 PM
Can't imagine that's a great strategy, asking Trump to help with anything of a diplomatic nature.
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02-11-2017 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Spicer is in a little different situation in that he is giving a briefing, but I agree he is way worse at dealing with the press than she is. It's not because she is amazing, it's because he is terrible.
He is still doing two bigly jobs and having a conscience has to make it incredibly difficult. He might, she definitely doesn't.
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02-11-2017 , 07:24 PM
I was surprised to discover Bob Dole was still alive much less still working. He's 93.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
02-11-2017 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Palo
I was surprised to discover Bob Dole was still alive much less still working. He's 93.
guess you missed people getting worked up over this:
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02-11-2017 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Whoever said it was cool that he's bffs with Russia?
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Anyone want to explain why Russia is suddenly USA enemy #1 according to the left?

It was confusing to me even before the election. Like Trump being friends with Putin was supposed to be some big thing. Why though? Voters didn't really seem to give a ****.

Why do we have to be friends with China and not Russia?
Seems like u were cool with it
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02-11-2017 , 11:10 PM
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
02-12-2017 , 12:23 AM
complain Obama golfs too much

as a result vote for guy who owns a bunch of golf courses

ignore the fact he's already golfed 2 weekends out of 3 while also promoting his own club/golf courses.

He's just multitasking.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
02-12-2017 , 01:10 AM
Recapping the latest weirdness in Alabama politics:

Cliffs; Governor titty-grabby (not impeached yet) has appointed the current AL AG "Strange" to Jeff Sessions senate seat, and now theoretically will appoint the next AG who will be in charge of investigating him for the paying his mistress, blah, blah, blah...well, *one* of the investigations, anyway. The conflicts just go on like this, btw, it's kind of cute.

But the highlight of the article has to be this little headscratcher of a wording issue about Strange's career (bet you won't believe it the first time):

And he’s made a big show of cracking down on violations of Alabama’s gun laws, ordering libraries and community centers across the state to remove signs prohibiting fire arms.
Just let that sink in.
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02-12-2017 , 01:37 AM
I got no problem with guns in a library as long as you use a silencer.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
02-12-2017 , 01:46 AM
Oh I should mention it's a bit worse than you think--Alabama is an open carry state. The crime is concealing. Walking in holding a gun, or like a hip holster or shoulder strap rifle is fine.
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