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Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well

05-06-2016 , 06:17 PM
JFC. Banality of evil, it's a thing.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 06:34 PM
Holy **** didn't they get a lot of the charges lessened as well?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 07:03 PM
HTF did those 6 assistant coaches not report it? Why did it take a graduate assistant to bring this to light? Sick.

Scary part is that they felt content doing nothing about it and moving on with their careers.

Shameful to see my fellow alums continue to support this mess despite mounting evidence. I mean Penn State is as insidious and cult-like as Scientology.'s the only way to be sure.

Last edited by SuperUberBob; 05-06-2016 at 07:11 PM.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
HTF did those 6 assistant coaches not report it? Why did it take a graduate assistant to bring this to light? Sick.

Scary part is that they felt content doing nothing about it and moving on with their careers.

Shameful to see my fellow alums continue to support this mess despite mounting evidence. I mean Penn State is as insidious and cult-like as Scientology.'s the only way to be sure.
especially in that era if any of those assistants told, insta fired + career dead. (and it may not have gotten anywhere on top of it, they would've defended him and blasted that assistant coach for making it up probably)
Hell I don't remember if that GA got the same thing.

this shouldn't be "new" did people think that was a one time thing outside of penn state?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 07:18 PM
how is it even possible that this story is getting worse
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 08:13 PM
It's gonna get even worse. DeadSpin got a hold of the judge's opinion on PSU vs Insurance Company and the judge's opinion on the scandal is rather strong for a mere legal document about insurance coverage.

The ultimate highlight is bolded:

Sandusky was employed by PSU as an Assistant Football Coach and Assistant Professor of Physical Education from 1969 until his retirement in 1999.1 PMA claims Sandusky committed several acts of molestation early in his career at PSU: in 1976, a child allegedly reported to PSU’s Head Football Coach Joseph Paterno, that he (the child) was sexually molested by Sandusky; in 1987, a PSU Assistant Coach is alleged to have witnessed inappropriate contact between Sandusky and a child at a PSU facility; in 1988, another PSU Assistant Coach reportedly witnessed sexual contact between Sandusky and a child; and also in 1988, a child’s report of his molestation by Sandusky was allegedly referred to PSU’s Athletic Director.
The footnote associated with this paragraph is what really emphasizes the gravity of it

These events are described in a number of victims' depositions
So it wasn't just a measly line in a document. It was documented across a series of depositions. I guess so many that the judge didn't even bother citing specific depositions.

Most of the rest is legalese regarding insurance clauses and a summary of what is already known about the scandal. It does not focus much on Joe. As a matter of fact, it only mentions him a couple of times in the first few pages of the document. The rest of what is called a cover-up is focused more on Schultz and Spanier.

Last edited by SuperUberBob; 05-06-2016 at 08:18 PM.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 08:21 PM
just horrific. hopefully we can finally bury his legacy now, and the cultists will give up.

scott paterno's twitter right now... just wow.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 08:24 PM
I have to correct myself a bit here:

The judge couldn't directly cite these depositions because they are sealed documents. We only know of their existence through the judge's opinion on this case.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 08:26 PM
From orbit...
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 08:32 PM
Dug this gem off of Scott's Twitter. Guy has to give it a rest.

lol @ Paterno knowing about kid ****ing under his watch in 1976 being innocuous.

Also clearly doesn't know anything about why sexual abuse cases go unreported for years (or unreported entirely) and why children don't know what to do when these things happen.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 08:38 PM
Follow the money defenses are hilarious coming from a family hoping to milk the legacy and the uni for all they're worth so as to never have to work ever.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 08:53 PM
To be fair, that was a tweet that Scott retweeted with some kind of agreement emoji or something like that.

Most of Scott's comments have implied that the negative articles are merely clickbait and represent the death of journalism.

He either has no idea what clickbait is or is completely unaware of how damning the court opinion is. Everything he says in response to the judge's opinion hangs on his use of the word allegedly in the document.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 09:00 PM
it's funny* because the story about the ginger coach telling Paterno about the later incident, with JoPa cutting him off asap in order to maintain some level of plausible deniability, only really makes sense if he knew about this kind of stuff for decades.

still can't figure out why he couldn't have cared less to do anything about it though. insane.

* - figure of speech
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 09:03 PM
Wish Olbermann's show was still on. He was the only guy in sports media who came down hard on Penn State when the scandal broke. Guy would have torn PSU another *******.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by chuckleslovakian
NCAA at work

Joe Paterno covering up child rape for 40 years: Sorry our initial punishment of taking away wins and scholarships was too harsh. Please forgive us
fyp. from orbit
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-06-2016 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
it's funny* because the story about the ginger coach telling Paterno about the later incident, with JoPa cutting him off asap in order to maintain some level of plausible deniability, only really makes sense if he knew about this kind of stuff for decades.

still can't figure out why he couldn't have cared less to do anything about it though. insane.

* - figure of speech
Just like Scotty Paterno says.... follow the money. Scandal gets buried, recruits keep coming, fans keep showing up, merchandise keeps getting bought, restaurants/bars thrive during football season....

Follow the money
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-07-2016 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Proffett
Just like Scotty Paterno says.... follow the money. Scandal gets buried, recruits keep coming, fans keep showing up, merchandise keeps getting bought, restaurants/bars thrive during football season....

Follow the money
you can do all this by firing him and paying him off. Why keep him around?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-07-2016 , 02:52 AM


just gonna post this over and over again from now on
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-07-2016 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Holliday
fyp. from orbit
only way to be sure
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-07-2016 , 05:33 AM
It's interesting to compare this ****show with the zulu nation defending bambaataa. Dude was rocking pink spandex in beat street but nobody wants to believe what many knew long ago. Don't accept the group dynamics where everyone agrees to look the other way. Lots of folks is sheep doing what the herder tells them and that's the basic problem. Other folks is getting paid to herd them.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-07-2016 , 07:03 AM
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-07-2016 , 07:10 AM
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-07-2016 , 07:52 AM
Jay Paterno is back on Twitter! What could go wrong?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-07-2016 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by 72off
it's funny* because the story about the ginger coach telling Paterno about the later incident, with JoPa cutting him off asap in order to maintain some level of plausible deniability, only really makes sense if he knew about this kind of stuff for decades.

still can't figure out why he couldn't have cared less to do anything about it though. insane.

* - figure of speech
Yeah this. JoePa developed this strategy and used it for decades. It makes a lot of sense. I still don't understand why he didn't fire Sandusky though. What kind of dirt did he have on JoePa that kept him from firing a child molester?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
05-07-2016 , 10:16 AM
Joe Paterno must have been a delusional idiot, or a diddler himself.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
