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NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!"

12-02-2012 , 12:52 AM
lol too easy....gonna get another beer
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 12:52 AM
We just got the cops called to our house LOL
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 12:57 AM
i wouldn't feel bad nebraska fans (schu). considering that gandalf has the perpetual gall to troll first ballot hall of famers - basically no teams or players are off limits.
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by schu_22
We just got the cops called to our house LOL
Hold on a second, officer, just let me finish this post?
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by JimHammer

I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to ****in' amuse you?

i am not an expert or nothing but I know what I just witnessed. I was kinda embarrassed for you. I know Schu_22 was one of your prolific employees and he could make my shoes look like ****ing mirrors. However, I'm here to vouch for him. He might get a little aggressive but he'll make your shoes look like ****ing mirrors. Give him a chance.

NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by schu_22
We just got the cops called to our house LOL
gonna need a TR for this
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 01:03 AM
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Gandolfandiari
i am not an expert or nothing but I know what I just witnessed. I was kinda embarrassed for you. I know Schu_22 was one of your prolific employees and he could make my shoes look like ****ing mirrors. However, I'm here to vouch for him. He might get a little aggressive but he'll make your shoes look like ****ing mirrors. Give him a chance.

NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 01:07 AM

did nothing
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 01:09 AM
The stat with Klein and Manziel vs. BCS AQ opponents is very telling. Klein should be the Heisman champion. I pray to Jesus Christ that God will do what is right.
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 01:13 AM
that was the angriest wisconsin performance i've seen in awhile. was so satisfying after how terrible they've looked all year.
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 01:15 AM
ksuno1stunner confirmed gimmick, right?

Last edited by PocketChads; 12-02-2012 at 01:15 AM. Reason: just looked at reg date. long con!
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 01:34 AM
Can't be leave the horrible court room shtick on ESPN Game Day Final hasn't been taken out back and shot by now. So bad.
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by BiiiiigChips
Can't be leave the horrible court room shtick on ESPN Game Day Final hasn't been taken out back and shot by now. So bad.
"Today the Honorable Mark May brings to the court the motion to take this segment into the shed and go all Old Yeller on it. Dr. Lou Holtz has decided to counter by saying Notre Dame seventeen times in a row before crapping his pants and misapplying bible verses. Mr. May what are your opening statements?"

"Your honor I'm tired of being the two-bit clown in a one tent circus and I thi-"

"Yoursh honorsh ifsh I canth intherruptshhhh, my goodth friendth Mark's justsh doesh noth untherstandsh thatths Notressh Dmahast sshshhhhhsthsthshhtsssssssthsthsthstshhhhhhhsthhts th"
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 02:45 AM
lol schu shut the **** up. your shifty ass team sucks. the refs tried to keep them in the game. lol at calling us dirty when your team got chippy first. it was also hilarious to see your team **** talking after plays when they were downby like 45. Wisconsin and Nebraska should switch divisions to keep each division at 2 elite teams. 3 in one division and only Michigan in the other isn't fair. enjoy being irrelevant.
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 02:48 AM
Wow hippo, never seen you in that sort of form
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 02:54 AM
lol @ big 10 ****** fight above
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Hungry Hippo
lol schu shut the **** up. your shifty ass team sucks. the refs tried to keep them in the game. lol at calling us dirty when your team got chippy first. it was also hilarious to see your team **** talking after plays when they were downby like 45. Wisconsin and Nebraska should switch divisions to keep each division at 2 elite teams. 3 in one division and only Michigan in the other isn't fair. enjoy being irrelevant.
Don't think you really need to worry about rebalancing your stupid made up divisions. By the time Ohio State and Penn State are off probation, you'll be looking at four 5-team pods.
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 03:03 AM
So you're saying that the B1G will add 6 more teams before next year, iggy?
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 03:05 AM
lol at a ****ing ksu fan calling anyone out. what is ksu known for? football? hahaha congrats on your bcs bowl. cherish it you might never it happen again. basketball? ksu is Wisconsin's bitch in basketball. how about academics? nope, ksu is a ****hole. how about college life in general? it's in ****ing Kansas, and the ****ty part of Kansas. I'm sorry you cheer for a worthless school. would anyone even notice if ksu disappeared?
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 03:08 AM
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by Hungry Hippo
lol at a ****ing ksu fan calling anyone out. what is ksu known for? football? hahaha congrats on your bcs bowl. cherish it you might never it happen again. basketball? ksu is Wisconsin's bitch in basketball. how about academics? nope, ksu is a ****hole. how about college life in general? it's in ****ing Kansas, and the ****ty part of Kansas. I'm sorry you cheer for a worthless school. would anyone even notice if ksu disappeared?
lol @ butthurt wisconsin fan. You won the Big 10, grats!
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 03:14 AM
You kinda won the Big12, congrats
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 03:15 AM
Kind of winning the Big 12 is like winning ten Big 10 titles.
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
12-02-2012 , 03:16 AM
hell of a conversion ratio
NCAA Football Week 14 - Conference Championships + "Hey, we exist too, dammit!" Quote
