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MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread

08-04-2010 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Thundercat32
This is very flawed logic. We don't treat everyone who's committed a crime the same. There are different punishments set out for different crimes. You can't just say everyone commits crimes let'em all go either. Some crimes are more serious than others and its important to keep that standard for baseball also.
Sounds good to me. Anyone who supported the ban of black players should be disqualified from any awards and/or HOF consideration. Let's start there. Since it's the most heinous of offenses.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 07:56 PM

I suggest you educate yourself about steroids and HGH and how they work. They don't have nearly the effect you think they do. It's not like I can take roids, hit the gym lightly for a few weeks and be WTFHUGE SUPER ATHLETE. It still takes years of dedication, hard work, solid programming and overall baseball skill.

I'm not saying a) steroids don't help at all or b) steroids should be allowed, but their effect is well overstated.

HGH... LOL. I mean... does this even help baseball players? If it does, is it more than even a slightly marginal amount? Only to recover from injuries? KyleB? Thremp? (Hopefully we catch them in the midst of a roidrage).
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 07:58 PM
Karak on needing to take his own advice!

Last edited by Exitonly; 08-04-2010 at 07:59 PM. Reason: I wasted 14000 on this.... :(
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 07:58 PM
HGH is probably useful. The long-term training effects are unknown. But it is definitely a positive effect for older populations and aids in recovery, so it's likely that it works quite well for athletics.

Steroids are primarily used in baseball athletes to combat catabolism and to decrease recovery time, despite what you hear.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Exitonly
Karak on needing to take his own advice!
What did I say that was inaccurate? I don't know anything about HGH, thus my questions. I do know it doesn't WTFINSTAATHLETE people.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:03 PM
Greenies are much more performance enhancing than Steroids, that's why everyone does them. Greenies are also much worse for you.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Greenies are much more performance enhancing than Steroids, that's why everyone does it.
I don't know that they can be linearly compared for all players like this. For pitchers, anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are probably a lot more beneficial. For position players, the reverse is likely true.

Greenies are also much worse for you.
This, however, is absolutely true.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:05 PM
i thought i saw somewhere once that like 20% of MLB players were "diagnosed" with ADHD compared to a <4% rate in the general population
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by DarkMysticx
Ubaldo for NL Cy Young?
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:07 PM
Wouldn't be surprising, but MLB does a decent job of cracking down on abuse of the Therapeutic Use Waiver system.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by owsley
A) The advantage that the Yankees get from the extra money they spend is not nearly as high as people often claim. For various reasons, primarily the dynamic of variance in postseason play, baseball just doesn't have that big of a parity problem. Out of all the big leagues, it does better in this department than everyone except maybe the NFL. If you looked at the WS winners and runner ups the last 9 seasons without seeing team names, would you think the sport had a parity problem? Of course not. People attacking the Yankees' "unfair advantage" are largely attacking a problem that simply doesn't exist, the sport is quite fair.

So your argument here is "primarily" who cares if they have an unfair advantage getting to the playoffs every year, b/c the playoffs are really hard and they might not end up winning?

Also, how about the novel idea they shouldn't have any advantage at all? Not even a .000000001%, that the only advantage they should have come solely on their ability to run a baseball organization.

Now, look at a sport like soccer, namely the EPL and La Liga... now those are leagues which have serious parity problems due to owners spending ridiculous sums. In the EPL, 75% or more teams are ruled out of contention from day 1 because of their spending ability. OTOH, teams with billionaire owners like Chelsea and Man C genuinely have a huge unfair advantage and have been able to "buy" success simply by spending $100m very fast.

B) Other teams could spend just as much money, if not more, than the Yankees. People often forget this but Steinbrenner was NOT actually a particularly wealthy owner.
you're privy to the TV revenue the Yankees bring in right? If so, how can you say the above with a straight face?
There are a handful of other owners with far more resources available to them. Steinbrenner cared more about winning and was willing to lose money in order to increase the team's chances of winning, which he did for decades. Only recently has the team exploded in value, which is in large part due to his financial commitment, not merely "being in NYC." Lots of other owners are businessmen who look at their teams as investments which they want to make money off, and are not willing to sacrifice potential profit for the chance of winning (minnesota...).

You're seriously underestimating Steinnbrenner's ability to invest in a team and make his return back. If the Cleveland Indians owner dropped $225 million into his ballclub every year, he'd have to have every TV in Cleveland tuned into every game, every home game a sellout and ppl spending upwards of $100 in concessions to show a profit. If you're a poker player you probably know about this concept its called implied odds.

If spending more is an unfair advantage, it is not one that only the Yankees have available to them, not by a longshot. Never mind they already redistribute tens of millions each year to smaller market teams, many of whom choose not to spend that on player salaries or development.

C) The part in bold about Arod being a "****ty person IRL" is bull****. I seriously, seriously doubt that he is somehow a worse person than the average MLBer, he just because a pariah because of his contract. Tons of dudes in the league beat their wives, use drugs, only care about the money, or any number of things. In other worse they are normal, fallible, humans. The media ignores this when they are average or non-noteworthy players, or when they have decided to elevate him to "hero" status, whereupon they decide to ignore his flaws. At some point they decided to hate Arod, and have singled him out.
There are countless stories about what a jackwad A-Rod was during his time with the Rangers. Mark Texieria too for that matter, the guy is fake and he's not a nice guy. He might not be the only major leaguer who's not a nice guy. I didn't say he was the only major leaguer I didn't like tho either.

When Arod came to NY, Jeter made the extremely selfish decision of refusing to move from SS, despite Arod being a far better defender. As a result, the team suffered by not putting its best lineup out, and Arod had to move to 3rd and learn a new position. What does Arod get for complying up with Jeter's ridiculous demand for the sake of keeping everyone happy? He plays bad at his new position and gets mercilessly booed despite putting up MVP numbers in a season where they made the playoffs by something like 2 games. Yet the media arbitrarily decided that Jeter was a hero all around good American True Yankee, so they were silent about his selfish demand, while they chose to throw Arod under the bus and rag on him constantly for years.

this is a very solid point and one I hadn't considered before.

I really don't know how you can say EPL teams that spend exorbitante amounts on players do have an unfair advantage, but equate the Yankees spending to something "reasonable" or "tasteful" and say they're just playing by the rules. They maybe and they're not the only team that takes advantage of the current rules. That doesn't mean they don't have an unfair advantage tho.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
i thought i saw somewhere once that like 20% of MLB players were "diagnosed" with ADHD compared to a <4% rate in the general population
Awhile ago, I had a cousin who was top 10 in the USA for a specific event in swimming, you could say the same thing about swimmers and asthma.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:08 PM
I'm sure you guys have taken Adderall, you know how it helps you focus? Pay attention really closely?

I wonder if that would help you hit a baseball...
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
Sounds good to me. Anyone who supported the ban of black players should be disqualified from any awards and/or HOF consideration. Let's start there. Since it's the most heinous of offenses.
I absolutely agree with this (in theory). You can't wipe someone out of the HOF, for obvious reasons. But can you compare their numbers favorably to players in later years who did face competition at full strength. What are you saying necessarily?
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Awhile ago, I had a cousin who was top 10 in the USA for a specific event in swimming, you could say the same thing about swimmers and asthma.
Oh yeah. Especially if it was in the 1990's. Clenbuterol was all the rage. "Exercise-induced asthma," lol. In Olympic ****ing athletes. Yeah OK.

Originally Posted by THAY3R
I'm sure you guys have taken Adderall, you know how it helps you focus? Pay attention really closely?

I wonder if that would help you hit a baseball...
Amphetamine-type substances are shoved down prep players' throats these days by supplement companies and coaches alike. I know this for a fact.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
Oh yeah. Especially if it was in the 1990's. Clenbuterol was all the rage. "Exercise-induced asthma," lol. In Olympic ****ing athletes. Yeah OK.
Tim dolan ftw! The media made it into a positive story of something he overcame.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb

Amphetamine-type substances are shoved down prep players' throats these days by supplement companies and coaches alike. I know this for a fact.
Good thing we've got the government working on this awful horrible steroid problem.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Thundercat32
I absolutely agree with this (in theory). You can't wipe someone out of the HOF, for obvious reasons. But can you compare their numbers favorably to players in later years who did face competition at full strength. What are you saying necessarily?
Yes you can. Supporting the exclusion of players from a league for racist reasons should be a borderline crime (and it is currently). Any player who knowingly supported the MLB and MLBPA in excluding blacks (and other foreign-born players, like many Cubans and Mexicans who wanted to play) should be removed from baseball's history books.

By the way, this basically makes everyone prior to integration who didn't play under protest completely ineligible from holding records.

What is worse than excluding a player from the game based on his skin color or place of birth? Certainly not PED use. So let's not wax intellectual about the "abuse of steroids ruining our children" when blacks weren't even allowed to ****ing attend MLB games, much less play in them.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:14 PM
My point isn't to actually enforce a ban on anyone who wanted blacks out of the game, but to open peoples' eyes to the ridiculous idea that steroids are somehow worthy of excluding people from the game. If you use the argument that blacks were unfairly excluded but it was a product of the time that the game was played in, that argument applies just as well to the "steroid era."

But if you want to make some bull**** objective analysis saying that steroids are worse than NOT LETTING BLACKS PLAY BASEBALL, you are just an idiot.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
I'm sure you guys have taken Adderall, you know how it helps you focus? Pay attention really closely?

I wonder if that would help you hit a baseball...
ya i know whenever im at games and see players warming up i see them all drinking coke or red bulls (i always see arod downing red bulls and cano drinks coke. yes im a creeper.)

red bull + adderall + baseball in-game = HYPER FOCUS
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:16 PM


Last edited by Karak; 08-04-2010 at 08:16 PM. Reason: (again)
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Tim dolan ftw! The media made it into a positive story of something he overcame.
Tom Dolan, right? But yeah, I remember. So funny.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
Tom Dolan, right? But yeah, I remember. So funny.
argh dammit, yeah, close enough!
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:18 PM
Guys look for an edge anywhere they can get it. Steroids, amphetamines, ball-doctoring, and so-on. It's kinda unfair to pick out one particular group of cheating-bastards because they played in an era where their cheating devices were better. Cheating technology will continue to progress to the point where future generations will think steroids were no big deal.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
08-04-2010 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
But if you want to make some bull**** objective analysis saying that steroids are worse than NOT LETTING BLACKS PLAY BASEBALL, you are just an idiot.
Did you mean subjective? Not trying to nitpick or be a dick.
MLB 2010 Regular Season Thread Quote
