Originally Posted by aoFrantic
538 have Arsenal at 35%, but if they lose tomorrow I'd imagine that drops to like 15%. Probbaly about a 40% swing in CL equity tomorrow, about as close to a "playoff" game we've seen in a while.
I remember how great that spurs/city game for with was 7ish years ago.
Though I live here now, I was visiting Chicago for that game. Had literally landed that morning from Vegas (a brief excursion from a multiweek trip here) and got to the apartment, showered, then to the pub on basically no sleep.
Was a really surreal experience when Crouch scored, because I was both beyond tired and half pissed, and thus unsure if it was real.
Remember vividly staggering out of the bar afterwards and singing Spurs songs to myself wandering along Irving Park road before heading home.