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English Football 2015-16 - Leicester City won the league English Football 2015-16 - Leicester City won the league

03-20-2016 , 02:37 AM
Man, its going to be weird seeing Wes Morgan lifting the PL trophy for an entire season on MOTD next year.

Originally Posted by ZAIDS
Why doesn't Andros / Theo play defence?
I cannot imagine Theo actually putting in a tackle.

Originally Posted by BAIDS

in 3 years he's had one really good stab at top 4 plus two good cup runs. wtf more do you expect from a mid table club.

if he ships the FA cup he's been a gigantic success imo
Martinez seems like the exact same manager he was with Wigan, except now he kinda speaks with a Scouse accent.
03-20-2016 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by PoseidonCubed
Man, its going to be weird seeing Wes Morgan lifting the PL trophy for an entire season on MOTD next year.

I cannot imagine Theo actually putting in a tackle.

Martinez seems like the exact same manager he was with Wigan, except now he kinda speaks with a Scouse accent.
I remember when Theo made a tackle vs the mun 3-0 stomp. I was so shocked because I don't think I've ever seen him track back and make a tackle
03-20-2016 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
wrote a piece for 'the league of upstanding gentlemen and scholars that don't think a great deal of jose mourinho' (aka the league)'s monthly magazine. it can be found in the player hater thread please check it out
I think I gave it a fair rating. Only gave reasons that would resonate with the public. There were many other factual inaccuracies from the little I read but didn't include that point in my review.
03-20-2016 , 06:20 AM
What fat would you like today with your meal? Your regular Sam or our special 'Spanish Waiter'? I'll go with Spanish Waiter.
03-20-2016 , 06:36 AM
Apparently being reported in Spain that Mourinho has signed a pre contract agreement with United
03-20-2016 , 06:47 AM
my god coquelin is good
glad he is back to 100%, with him we can actually grind out 1-0 wins too.

also insane how leicester win every single 60/40, purest godmode ever
03-20-2016 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by cashy
also insane how leicester win every single 60/40, purest godmode ever
Nah they are just better than everyone else.
03-20-2016 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by cashy
also insane how Leicester win every single 40/60, purest godmode ever
03-20-2016 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by sixfour
Adkins just loaned out our only winger
Scores on his debut within two minutes, Adkins is a genius
03-20-2016 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by kevin21
Apparently being reported in Spain that Mourinho has signed a pre contract agreement with United
The details of this contract sound pretty insane.

If United do not sign the final contract [with Mourinho] before 1 May, they must pay £5m; if by 1 June he’s still not signed, they shall pay another £10m.
Knowing Utd, they'll hire Giggs in in June and Mou will get 15 million for not doing anything.
03-20-2016 , 08:43 AM
When Frautinez joined Everton he said "I'll get your champions league football". This line was regularly used to bash Moyes and show what a great mentality and attitude Martinez had. So far he's managed to fall well beneath the standards that Moyes set at Everton despite having finances Moyes could only ever dream of I.E a 28m striker and the luxury of not having to sell his best players every window Baines/Stones.

In fairness LO was one of the few who recognised the great work Moyes did it was johnny come lately football fans like Das Donk who spewed all over the place.
03-20-2016 , 08:46 AM
What does winning a 40/60 mean?
03-20-2016 , 08:57 AM
Leicester really bring out the jelly in North London. It is delicious.
03-20-2016 , 08:59 AM
Wow, Flani Alves is captaining Liverpool today.
03-20-2016 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
Leicester really bring out the jelly in North London. It is delicious.
Where is the line for godmode? Leicester are running a bit well.* But that's it really. They've played some great games. Arse fans were quite quick to point to the xg earlier in the season as evidence of how great they are. I'd be surprised if they were massively outperforming leicester in the xg in 2016 where they were joint top January 1st. Only complain if your team is actually playing much better than the rival.

*since january 1st and complaints submitted.
03-20-2016 , 09:37 AM
Lol why are Sunderland playing in green?
03-20-2016 , 09:38 AM
not sure what i want from this game given that i want norwich to survive and toon to go down
03-20-2016 , 09:48 AM
03-20-2016 , 09:48 AM
Coutinho dropping bombs again
03-20-2016 , 09:49 AM
carver said he wanted 11 jack colbacks out there. only problem with that master theory is that you'd finish every game with 8 players.

well, perhaps not the only problem.
03-20-2016 , 09:49 AM
heh love the 'side netting, away fans think its a goal, loud cheer, home fans cheer much louder'
03-20-2016 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Falconhoof
Lol why are Sunderland playing in green?
03-20-2016 , 09:51 AM
03-20-2016 , 09:55 AM
The fattest of Sams getting the better of this so far.
03-20-2016 , 09:58 AM
plop playing into the boom/bust cycle perfectly

gonna win the league next year
