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A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future?

05-01-2008 , 01:16 AM

needle, they have a clip section
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
05-01-2008 , 02:04 AM
I musta missed it my first way through. I'll check it out tomorrow if they don't get back to me with game film. I'd like an entire gamefilm of 3 or 4 games though to get a better feel for it than just highlight clips. I guess beggers can't be choosers though.

Oh and if anyone knows of a local HS in PA or NJ or NY that runs this I would appreciate...maybe even CT and DE.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
05-01-2008 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by Needle77
Does anyone have idea where I can get my hands on film of this in action? I mean legit game film. I want to see it and see if i can suggest this to my head coach as a gimmick formation.

Edit: I e-mailed them and they have yet to get back to me.
American Football Monthly

Remember, this is for high school. It appears to check out with all NFHS rules (which I think all states abide by). This certainly could work with outstanding results. But you've got to have the right kids for sure. They've got to be really smart to know who sets on the LOS and who doesn't go down the field. Also, it would have to be an advantage to get your 11 best skill players on the field at one time, right? I'm certainly curious to see if it catches on.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
05-01-2008 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by bravos1
Good answer! I'm convinced.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
05-01-2008 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by nath
Good answer! I'm convinced.
nath, have you read the thread? I posted a complete answer ~9-10 hours before he posted that and I replied.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
05-01-2008 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by bowens
American Football Monthly

Remember, this is for high school. It appears to check out with all NFHS rules (which I think all states abide by).
I'm pretty sure Massachusetts doesn't.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
05-01-2008 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
Sorta semi on topic since I've been researching what constitutes a scrimmage kick.
Is traditional punting in HS always wrong?
Really interesting article, wonder why more teams don't do this. What's the difference between a punt and a drop kick?
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
05-01-2008 , 06:00 PM
[x] gimmick
[ ] the future

I'm anxiously waiting for the A-11 defence myself.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
05-01-2008 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Really interesting article, wonder why more teams don't do this. What's the difference between a punt and a drop kick?
A drop kick must bounce off the ground before it is kicked.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
05-01-2008 , 07:02 PM
I think there's a lot of goofy stuff in the high school game that many college coaches know about.
The fact that 2 college coaches know about this and I guess 1 NFL coach is NOT a revolution.

That said, I would love to see this.
What exactly are the rules to make EVERYONE eligible?

Seems like a lot of teams playing less conservatively and just 'going for it' like crazy including all kind of rugby-style laterals etc [usually saved for desperation last plays and hail-marys] could be a working strategy in high school.
The offense practices that stuff ALL the time and presumably gets good at it whereas the defense only has a little while to figure out how to counter it and to learn what they need to do.

Somewhat reminiscent of Loyola Marymount basketball of 15-20 years ago. They just run and go crazy and if the other team can figure out how to keep up then that's fine...LMU still have more experience doing it anyway.
And if LMU makes a mistake or turnover in there then that's not a problem. They're practically playing a different game anyway with potential for a final score in the 120's or higher.

A football team trying to get THAT weird like this would take some big risks of course but also benefit from big rewards like scoring 3 TD's on 3 straight plays/possessions if they were THAT aggressive.
And they would sure be a ton of fun to watch.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
05-01-2008 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by sumpy
I'm pretty sure Massachusetts doesn't.
They do. Linky
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
12-31-2008 , 07:37 PM

espn the magazine had an article about the A-11 in it's most recent issue. didn't care for the article too much b/c the author felt that the nfl offense is too boring as is, but that's another matter.

nfl coaches are aware of this offensive scheme--jeff fischer, chan gailey (chief's oc), and rich mckay (president of the falcons) are mentioned-- but as established itt it is illegal in the nfl b/c there is no scrimmage kick exception. so as is it could only be used by making linemen eligible, but if a lineman reports as an eligible receiver he has to sit out the next play.

in the next article in the magazine they interviewed some members of the steeler's defense and they gave some thoughts about how they would stop it. i assume it's ok to quote since i'm saying it came from espn the magazine, but if not obviously delete it

polamalu: you can always hit offenses out of their schemes. so we'd play man overage on the outside and put two beasts on either side of the line and blitz'em from the edge every down-- you hit'em get the quarterback hurt. they start running out of quarerbacks, they won't play it anymore
hampton: pressure busts pipes
harrison: yeah, this a-11 sounds dangerous to me. dangerous for offenses. guys spread out like that? all you have to do is shoot that big gap? i would love to see that in the nfl
aaron smith: but the more you spread out, the more you change the angles of the game. they spread you out and let the athletes play and try to take the meat and hitters out of the game. if it continues this way, you're gonna see the bigger guys out of the game for good
mcfadden: man on man? farrior gets hit in the head too much (i left that quote out). you'd have to play some kind of zone, a cover 4 or even two deep safeties. have everyone play an underneath zone, a cover two mentality, keep everything inside and underneath. if you're too aggressive and blitz everybody, the quarterback's two deep, you won't be able to get there in time, so someone's gonna leak through eventually and be all alone downfield.
smith:more than zone or man, personnel would be the hardest part. i mean who do you send in? all linebackers? extra corners? smaller defensive linemen? this really creates mismatches. . . you'd have no idea where to even line them up. no clue
farrior: it's evolution. one of those kids in that offense is gonna grow up and be an nfl coach one day and he'll have this system in the back of his head waiting.
i thought it was cool to hear how the different responses in terms of how viable it would be in the nfl. probably no way to know w/o seeing someone try it
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
12-31-2008 , 07:47 PM
Recently read the ESPN article and was thinking about making a thread about it (must have missed/forget about this one).

Definitely interesting stuff, I'd think the NFL is pretty happy that their rules prohibit this type of stuff as the article and tarheel pointed out.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
01-01-2009 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by bravos1

Imagine... 1st and 10, you're down by 1 w/ 50 seconds left on your opponents 35 yard line. You run this offense out there and they have to use their last timeout because they are like WTF???

Then you get a penalty for illegal formation and get moved back to the 40.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
01-01-2009 , 05:42 AM
HS FB coach here (not that it means ****)...but the loopholes are gonna be changed and all this nonsense it gonna become moot.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
01-01-2009 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by battschr
HS FB coach here (not that it means ****)...but the loopholes are gonna be changed and all this nonsense it gonna become moot.
a few questions if you don't mind

-- did your team ever use this? i'm assume not given the tone of the post
-- did you face a team who used this as a base formation, or at all for that matter?
-- if how so how did you go about defending it/ what sort of success did you have?
-- what % of teams would you estimate use this formation?
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
01-01-2009 , 05:54 AM
-Nope (but it's certainly something I would consider. Sorry about the tone...didn't mean it, just telling you what I've heard...I guess it was the word nonsense...I didn't mean that how it probably came off.)
-They make it sound harder than it is....not 'every' player is always eligible...just every player 'COULD' be eligible..if that makes sense. If the officials can learn it, I feel that we should be able to learn it, if that makes sense.
- None around us, but I expect that more will if what I predict at the start doesn't happen.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
01-01-2009 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by tarheeljks
a few questions if you don't mind
I never mind...I even started a thread to talk about my team...and to discuss random **** like this. It just didn't take off..probably because of my poor title.

Here's the link.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
01-01-2009 , 05:57 AM
hah i didn't mean to say your tone was rude. just that it made it unlikely that your team used it

edit: so in terms of eligibility there are still a fixed number of players, it's just that you don't know who? that's worse than i thought it was. i think it's more reasonable if everyone is eligible so the defense at least knows who it has to defend. if the defense has to guess who is going downfield then that is bs
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
01-01-2009 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by tarheeljks
hah i didn't mean to say your tone was rude. just that it made it unlikely that your team used it
No, you were certainly right...but I didn't intend my tone to imply that I WOULDN'T use it...anything to get an edge, you know?
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
01-01-2009 , 11:04 AM
Big ol Casey Hampton simply saying "pressure busts pipes" gave me a good laugh.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
01-01-2009 , 03:35 PM
Best discussion of the A-11 that I've seen:
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
01-01-2009 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by AC-Cobra
Big ol Casey Hampton simply saying "pressure busts pipes" gave me a good laugh.
yeah, what does he weigh-- like 340? he could probably just fall down and take out a couple of receivers lined up in front of him

edit: that's a very good article

Last edited by tarheeljks; 01-01-2009 at 05:37 PM.
A11 Football Offense - Gimmick or the Future? Quote
