Originally Posted by Seadood228
My issue with the Wiggin/Williams/Gasol lineup is that I can see them getting destroyed on the glass. Marvin was decent but his teams got worked last year on that end, and Marc+Wiggins are two of the worst rebounders for their position.
It might be nitpicking, but I feel you had plenty of spacing to the point where you could have went with one of the many rebounding/non-shooting power forwards available..
Hmm, possibly. I wasn't seeing many out there that would make good use some surplus money. Plenty of guys in that mold are in the same low contract/low skill tier, and so I don't really see it as an opportunity missed when a bunch of guys like that don't separate themselves from each other. I also have a quick wrap pick so rebounding is one area that could be addressed with that.
I think at this point value in terms of contract isn't something really worth seeking out. So while Marvin at 13M is steep, I think it's worth having him. I'm banking on some upside, with him and Wiggins, to try to have the highest ceiling team possible. Right now that idea seems to be death by shooting. Even though there's some overlap among the bunch, I think the pieces fit reasonably well.
Originally Posted by aejones
One thing can't be GTO is that almost every team (myself included, though when your top two picks are PG/C drafting 'random guys in between' is generally the best strat) has (basically) drafted a starting 5. There HAD to be some missed value somewhere due to positional scarcity or value/$
This has to be right. It'd need to be done with enough time to remain flexible though, since value gained could be easily lost later on when player scarcity and fit become even more constraining.
Y'know I wonder if Ricky would have helped out my team at all. Thought about him a couple rounds ago then forgot about him.