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Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming

02-01-2009 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by nysos
Author of the script here. Try this version:

It'll work on any Prima client using the new Microgaming software.


- F10 to resize & tile (normal tables)
- F9 to tile (miniview tables)
- clicks away all the annoying dialogs (quick chip reloading) and auto clicks the ok button in the autopostblind dialog

edit: Don't press F10 if you use the mini tables, it'll resize them and you'll have to restart the client to get back to normal again

Site doesnt work, anyone who have this who can post it again?
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
02-01-2009 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by HonteleJ

[X] always reload to 100BB before next hand is dealt
[X] raise to instead of raise with

Other than that, please implement some sort of FIFO queue for all the tables that need attention so that they stop stealing focus from each other (take Stars as an example).
50bb min
auto reload
'raise to' instead of 'raise by'
FIFO sequence for tables
remove 8-handed and 10-handed games for NLHE and PLO (they're almost never ever played anyways)

boom! more people will play Microgaming again
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
02-05-2009 , 05:16 AM
There was an upgrade promised for Q1 2009 with:

- autoreload
- waiting list fix (right now the client sees "Sv", "Fr" and "En" tables as different categories, which means you have to subscribe to 3 waiting lists - most people couldn't care less about what language the chat is in, MG)

any news?
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
02-05-2009 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Sir_TiltALOT
Site doesnt work, anyone who have this who can post it again?
Get it here:

I also compiled a 1-executable version which includes BetterPrima and BetPot in one:
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
02-17-2009 , 08:37 AM
Hi Guys,

You will be pleased to know that the auto reload functionality will soon be released. Very latest around the end of april..

Also coming in the same release will be a new bet slider. This will be configurable by the player but the basic functionality for Unibet will be as follows:

Raise To Mode – The amount shown will be the total amount that the player WILL have on the table for the current betting round AFTER his bet/raise is made (call amount + raise amount + amount already placed on table this round).

Will also make sure the betting increments (one click) go up/down by one BB. ATM it is two..

Hope this helps...

Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
03-02-2009 , 08:16 AM
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
03-02-2009 , 11:23 AM
I downloaded the soft and played for a few hours this weekend. The soft is not too bad, quick and smooth, but it's pretty funny almost everything that has been mentionned in the thread for almost a year now has been totally ignored, except for the "raise to" and auto reload requests.

The first thing that stroke me is that everything was awfully small. OK I don't have an excellent sight but come on, I have a 22" screen and can only fit 4 tables if I want to be able to read something! The worst thing is that even though the cards, bet amounts and nicknames are tiny, the table is huge and loads of pixels are just not used. I swear I'm going blind if I'll multitable here...

Just see the difference between


The table is so much more readable and still very small! (I could not find a screenshot with cards but they are 3 times bigger)...
Everest is a pretty poor and slow software but the graphics are just perfect, everything is clear, no unecessary buttons, fonts are in bold, very noticable player color codes, black background, BIG cards... Just take them as an example.

Also, Floptimistico, I find the way you handle customer relationship is pretty poor. I mean, when almost everybody in all threads are saying the cards are too small, don't tell them they are wrong! And don't even try to explain why with a poor explanation related to mono tablers, wtf? Just note the customer comments and send it to R&D/product marketing.

After an omaha session I tried a quick holdem session. WTF was that 1x, 2x, etc. buttons? Who would want to raise 4 times the minraise preflop? This is the weirdest thing I have ever seen on a poker site. Why not a simple pot button? Anyway the miniview is very nice, even though everything is green, too bad it's not available for omaha

So to make it short, here are the some of the improvements that could be made :

- Bigger cards for normal view
- Bigger fonts for normal view, in bold (the worse is when the table is resized, the fonts become microscopic)
- slider bar increments are weird, use 1BB if pot is small, 2BB is pot is medium, 5BB if pot is big, or just 1BB all the way
- slider bar controlled by mouse wheel like full tilt or stars
- Fix the omaha 6 max tables spawning problem, there are sometimes 7 people on waitlist for the PLO200€ 6max tables, and only 10max empty tables available
- player notes visible when mouse is over the player's icon
- dark colors available for the normal view styles (black background, dark green table for example)
- Mini view compatible with omaha
- Mini view colors configurable (green is bad, black is good)
- tables should top up only when action in current active table is done
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
03-04-2009 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by nysos
Author of the script here. Try this version:

It'll work on any Prima client using the new Microgaming software.


- F10 to resize & tile (normal tables)
- F9 to tile (miniview tables)
- clicks away all the annoying dialogs (quick chip reloading) and auto clicks the ok button in the autopostblind dialog

edit: Don't press F10 if you use the mini tables, it'll resize them and you'll have to restart the client to get back to normal again
Can someone send me this script?

I'll thank you very very much!!!
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
03-04-2009 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Hand_Crasher
Can someone send me this script?

I'll thank you very very much!!!
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
03-04-2009 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Floptimistico
Hi Guys,

You will be pleased to know that the auto reload functionality will soon be released. Very latest around the end of april..

Also coming in the same release will be a new bet slider. This will be configurable by the player but the basic functionality for Unibet will be as follows:

Raise To Mode – The amount shown will be the total amount that the player WILL have on the table for the current betting round AFTER his bet/raise is made (call amount + raise amount + amount already placed on table this round).

Will also make sure the betting increments (one click) go up/down by one BB. ATM it is two..

Hope this helps...

Fix the timebank thing - i dont have time bank in like 7 from 10 spots.

P.s And please dont listen to yop dont make prima like everest lol..
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
03-05-2009 , 07:52 AM
yes the timebank is really annoying.
it used to work 90% of the time and lately im happy if it works 50% of the time....
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-10-2009 , 05:33 PM
Floptimistico, can you please answer to this(it was posted in some other forum thread about microgaming):
Originally Posted by excession
Can the Unibet rep please clarify something here. Are the player funds for players at Unibet held in trust in segregated accounts for the players or not?

It's liquidation 101 that funds held in trust for players take priority over all the other claims in a liquidation and that if the funds aren't the players are at the back of a very long clue if something goes wrong.

Ladbrokes (another MG licencee) state that they hold player funds in trust in segregated accounts. So it would certainly seem to be possible on the MG network to do that.

It would also seem that MG didn't make it a term of their licence to Tusk as Tusk didn't hold the funds that way (so MG's claims to be the 'safest' online gaming company as regards player protection are shown to be laughable when their chosen main licencee/fund handler runs off with $6m of player funds).

Because the one lesson we have all had reinforced thru this debacle is that offshore gaming sites and those involved in them are not to be trusted and that you take a risk whenever you put your funds in them - so to minimise that risk you put your money in reputable companies who actually take player protection seriously and segregate player funds rather than dipping into them for general running costs and the CFO's Ferrari. Do Unibet actually protect funds in this way? If not then even if you are mad enough to play an MG site, it shouldn't be Unibet.
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-24-2009 , 07:58 AM
Awful. For the 60 or so hands it worked for I found it spongy and clunky. Then, after I found it crashed irrepairably whenever I loaded Firefox, I contacted Unibet Support. This earned me an account lock rather than a helpful e-mail. Four days after I sent in dox, I found out by contacting support myself that my account had been unlocked a day earlier, except now, both the Flash and exe client insist that my account is locked, despite support insisting otherwise. I'm now really not sure whether to bother with waiting the 24 hours Unibet promised it'd take for Microgaming to get back to me.
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-29-2009 , 12:45 PM
Does anybody knows where the player notes are saved in Unibet software?
Also, you can attach a certain colour to a type of player (like in FTP soft).
I noted and coloured a lot of players on Unibet, now i'm changing my computer and i can't use any of those past notes and colours.

Thank You
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
05-03-2009 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by florinel26
Does anybody knows where the player notes are saved in Unibet software?
Also, you can attach a certain colour to a type of player (like in FTP soft).
I noted and coloured a lot of players on Unibet, now i'm changing my computer and i can't use any of those past notes and colours.

Thank You
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
05-07-2009 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by Hilips
I downloaded this exe and it works great, but can someone please tell me how to edit this script to include an auto fold button, similar to the stars hotkeys ahk. You can link it to any key, since I will be mapping it using a logitech mouse to mouse button 1.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about something like this

First I know you need to convert the exe to ahk which I have done using "Exe2AHK.exe".

Please someone let me know if this is possible, thanks guys

edit, I need this for unibet
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
05-07-2009 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Oki-Oki
I downloaded this exe and it works great, but can someone please tell me how to edit this script to include an auto fold button, similar to the stars hotkeys ahk. You can link it to any key, since I will be mapping it using a logitech mouse to mouse button 1.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about something like this

First I know you need to convert the exe to ahk which I have done using "Exe2AHK.exe".

Please someone let me know if this is possible, thanks guys

edit, I need this for unibet

Do you play miniview or normal view?
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
05-08-2009 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Hilips
Do you play miniview or normal view?
normal, have the player actions displayed in the sidebar with no chat for the betpot script
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
05-09-2009 , 10:39 AM
What I don't like about the software is when I'm multitabling the following happens (with the 'bring window to top' ticked on):

A table requiring action pops up on top, nothing wrong here so far, but then another table requiring action pops up on top of the other one. When I fold/call/raise on this table, the other table that required action (where I didn't do anything yet) doesn't auto pop-up anymore, unlike the stars software, where all the tables pop back up again if you haven't made a move yet.

Is there a way to make the tables pop-up just like stars? Because this makes multitabling pretty annoying, even with a max of 10 tables.
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
05-09-2009 , 12:18 PM
The tables popping up on top of each other without a queueing system is the biggest problem I have with the software[*], and it's often preventing me from opening more tables and paying more rake. But I'll give you $50 if you can get Microgaming to even understand and agree why that's a problem. =( A few people have tried to explain it in these threads already.

[*] Unchecking the pop-up option isn't a solution if you have more tables than you can easily fit into whatever your screen space is. Just try multitabling on a laptop.
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
05-18-2009 , 07:58 AM
Hi Guys,

Tomorrow Unibet goes live with the new MG release which Eurolinx have been in BETA for the last couple of weeks.

As a summary the following is coming:

Auto Top-Up - you can now automatically top up your chips in cash game. You can configure the reload option to suit your style of play.

Early Payouts - If you finish in the money, you no longer have to wait for a tournament to end before you receive your winnings.

New Bet Slider - You can now customise the bet slider to your needs.
You will be able to set and save slider profiles based on different parameters including, game type, game limit and raise by, to and total.

Access the Bet Slider configuration settings from either the Lobby or from the game.

To access the Bet Slider from the Lobby, Players must:

1. Select the Preferences button from the Menu bar.
2. Select Global Table Options.
3. Select Bet Slider from the drop-down list.
To access the Bet Slider from within the game, Players must:
1. Select the Menu button, in the top right hand corner of the window. The menu is displayed.
2. Select the Options option. The Poker Table Options dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the Bet Slider tab.

Sit Out Time – You can now sit out of the action on full tables for five minutes. This replaces the previous system that was based on Big Blinds.

Survivor Tournaments - Survivor tournaments are a new type of tournament. At set times during a Survivor Tournament a percentage of the Players with the smallest chip stacks are removed from the tournament.

Survivor tournaments are fast paced and have a fixed duration. This is good tournament format for Players that have limited time.

Waiting List Updated - You can now get seated quicker. If you are third on the waiting list and three seats become available, you no longer have to wait for the other two players to make their decision. Simply pick your seat and play.

Double Buy-Ins for re-buy Multi-Table Tournaments - You can choose to double your chips before a tournament starts by selecting the Double Buy-in checkbox from the Join Tournament dialog box.

Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
05-18-2009 , 05:09 PM
Very nice. How about

Originally Posted by rizn00
Bigger cards. Please!
Originally Posted by diezel
bigger cards they are ridic small
Originally Posted by VinnieGans
- The cards are to small
Originally Posted by Tib
- Bigger card (player cards, opponents cards, flop-turn-river cards)
Originally Posted by guillaumezur
-cards are a shame
Originally Posted by Zografa
bigger cards
Originally Posted by Neku
- bigger button/cards
Originally Posted by AndreasA
- Bigger cards, yes you can see them clearly but when multitabling you want to see what happens without even have to look to closely.
yes, bigger cards?
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
05-19-2009 , 06:01 AM
WHOA, the bet slider options are amazing!!

Edit: But not perfect - 2/3 pot and 3/4 pot are the most important ones, and were left out.
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
05-19-2009 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by Gondolin
WHOA, the bet slider options are amazing!!

Edit: But not perfect - 2/3 pot and 3/4 pot are the most important ones, and were left out.
Yeah but u have 2x pot and 4 pot instead so its ok - at least we can do some quality overbets
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
