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Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming

04-03-2008 , 01:08 PM
The "fold to any bet" checkbox is very buggy (how much beta testing was there?). First of all, it behaves just like its close old friend "check/fold", which is NOT its purpose. If it's checked to your "fold any", you should still have the option to bet/raise instead of autochecking behind. Also, the box doesn't even get reset for later streets when it does check behind, so it'll still be active on the turn if you checked the box on the flop.
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-03-2008 , 08:36 PM
bigger cards
better betting menu(3/4 pot and 2/3 pot are really better than 1/4+ bet the pot button preflop)
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-03-2008 , 09:26 PM
More HU tables plz!
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-06-2008 , 09:20 PM
Since last week I am experiencing major problems with the Unibet poker client.

After logging in all tables are shown as 0 seat tables and no table names or stakes can be seen in the lobby.

When I open a table, all I see are bets placed and the community cards

I did uninstall, clear cookies / cache, reboot, dl the software and re-install several times now - no help. Talked to support and sent an email including pics and log file, all I got was a standard response of 'technical problems, no ETA of solution'...I'm behind a router and disabled all firewalls for testing, same result.

So maybe some1 experienced the same / something similar and got a solution ?

Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-09-2008 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by Neku
Unibets "quick action checkboxes" are all messed up right now on the minitables.

Used to be like this:

Quick checkboxes:
Fold / Call / Raise

"Normal" action buttons:
Fold / Call / Raise

So if the table action comes to you unexpectedly, you'll never raise when you want to call or fold: the action buttons show up in the same space as the quick action checkboxes. Foolproof, designed by someone who actually knew what he was doing (a rare thing in design).

In the new version, the action buttons jump! It now goes:

(empty) / Fold / Call / Fold to any bet

Action buttons

So if the table action jumps, instead of folding, I'm now CALLING, and instead of calling, I'm now (min)raising. This is the fault of the new slider you use, which takes a lot of space on the right side of the minitables. This is a serious bug imo.
I'm happy to see that you fixed this.

Still a few things:

- auto reload before each hand?
- bigger button/cards
- change the color of players still in pot/players already folded (easier for multitabling)
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-10-2008 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by Mriswith
Since last week I am experiencing major problems with the Unibet poker client.

After logging in all tables are shown as 0 seat tables and no table names or stakes can be seen in the lobby.

When I open a table, all I see are bets placed and the community cards

So maybe some1 experienced the same / something similar and got a solution ?

I have the same problem, although I can see players and tables in lobby

edit: already fixed by restarting client

Last edited by Jappejynx; 04-10-2008 at 05:55 AM.
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-11-2008 , 04:50 PM
the color coding of players seems buggy say i click the green button and it moves up it moves to right so i cant even click the red pin

also when taking notes it would be nice if it automaticly moved text to new line and not just go off the screen
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-11-2008 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Jernej Zorec
the color coding of players seems buggy say i click the green button and it moves up it moves to right so i cant even click the red pin

also when taking notes it would be nice if it automaticly moved text to new line and not just go off the screen
yea nice observation
the notes windows looks pretty but the box to type the notes is horrible..
first it doesn't fit on the screen
second that the only way that I can scroll them is by using the arrows keys near the numeric keyboard

it would be nice if we could resize the window too
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-14-2008 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by HonteleJ
1) Ok, a friend of mine worked for half an hour on a ahk script that tiles the tables like it should when pressing F10.

You can download the script here: UnibetTiler.ahk

@Microgaming developers: check this script out and implement it, it's not that hard...
wow, post of the year. thank you very much.

to everyone playing on different prima skins... the 4th or 5th line of this script starts with

"WinGet, ids, list, Unibet - Hold 'em ("

replace the Unibet with your skin name (exact spelling as the titlebars of your tables has it) and it'll work a treat.

with this I really like the new software, except for:

- small cards (even with table mods 6-tabling on a 24" is hard)
- next-move buttons not showing on some tables

also, i really hope, PAhud will work with the resized tables soon.
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-15-2008 , 01:46 PM
[QUOTE=didonk;3353557]if you are having trouble importing hands with PT2 after the software upgrade, download this patch

i saw that posted on the PT3 forums


ty for the link
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-15-2008 , 06:47 PM
One guy sitting at my table yesterday claimed he and his buddy played on the old client. They had downloaded it from som Liverpool-site and it hadnt updated to this new crap. Is there any possibility to get the old client?

Originally Posted by HonteleJ
1) Ok, a friend of mine worked for half an hour on a ahk script that tiles the tables like it should when pressing F10.

You can download the script here: UnibetTiler.ahk

@Microgaming developers: check this script out and implement it, it's not that hard...
Where should I put this file in order for the script to work?
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-16-2008 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by VinnieGans
Where should I put this file in order for the script to work?
Doesn't matter, just doubleclick it. You need the autohotkey software though:
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-16-2008 , 02:31 PM
Author of the script here. Try this version:

It'll work on any Prima client using the new Microgaming software.


- F10 to resize & tile (normal tables)
- F9 to tile (miniview tables)
- clicks away all the annoying dialogs (quick chip reloading) and auto clicks the ok button in the autopostblind dialog

edit: Don't press F10 if you use the mini tables, it'll resize them and you'll have to restart the client to get back to normal again
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-16-2008 , 02:58 PM
Anyone else get the next-move buttons not appearing on some tables?

Reinstalled the client... didn't help. Really annoying to sit there in the BB with 62o when utg opened, utg+2 3bet and you have to wait til it beeps at you to throw that junk away.
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-17-2008 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by dergitarrist
Anyone else get the next-move buttons not appearing on some tables?
Yeah it's a bug. I think it only happens on the first round and table that you open.
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-18-2008 , 07:53 AM
Hi Guys,

We also do the Liverpool client.

I have requested that this stays as the old version of the poker software until we iron out the multi tabling issues.

You can download this client by going to and choosing english as the language. Go to the poker section of the site and you will see a large Flash banner. One of the adverts is to download the Liverpool software. click on "Play Poker" and it will promt you to download the client.

You play using your Unibet username and password.


Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-18-2008 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by Floptimistico
Hi Guys,

We also do the Liverpool client.

I have requested that this stays as the old version of the poker software until we iron out the multi tabling issues.

You can download this client by going to and choosing english as the language. Go to the poker section of the site and you will see a large Flash banner. One of the adverts is to download the Liverpool software. click on "Play Poker" and it will promt you to download the client.

You play using your Unibet username and password.


I'm not following. Are you telling us that you put the old software back online?
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-18-2008 , 12:01 PM
he said that you can download both versions and of course wrote the instructions to download the old one
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-19-2008 , 09:03 AM
anyway: it's more important to fix that damn reload function
got stuck with AA today again with only 65BB, grrr
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-19-2008 , 01:02 PM

If I click on the blue link "handgeschiedenis" or hand history in English. Nothing happens. How can I get the hand history to work?
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-20-2008 , 06:42 AM
Seriously, how can they release such a CRAP software?? There's no chance at all that the developers play poker, and there's an even less likehood that they are good at programming.

- The next action buttons appear randomly, even after a couple of orbits
- The reload function has to be fixed, it really sucks to wake up with a big hand with 45BBs just because you lost a pot and can't reload.
- Bigger cards, yes you can see them clearly but when multitabling you want to see what happens without even have to look to closely.
- The betsizing buttons should have more usefull values. 1/3, 1/2, 3/4, pot and all in is all anyone will ever need.

The thing that tilts me hardest is that it's so painfully slow! Not when playing, but when closing and opening tables as well as when reloading chips. I'm sitting on 4Ghz and 2gb memory and this is the first application to ever lag, and that says a lot about how bad it's written Clean up that code and make it run smoother!

A lot had already been mentioned, but it's worth saying again until it's fixed.

Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-20-2008 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by Timmehhh

If I click on the blue link "handgeschiedenis" or hand history in English. Nothing happens. How can I get the hand history to work?
Only work with english client!!!
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-20-2008 , 07:13 AM
This might be the wrong place to ask but does anybody know if there will be an PAHUD update so it works with the tables resized?
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-20-2008 , 12:48 PM
what version are you running , It works with 1.19.5 beta
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
04-20-2008 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by AndreasA
Seriously, how can they release such a CRAP software?? There's no chance at all that the developers play poker, and there's an even less likehood that they are good at programming.

- The next action buttons appear randomly, even after a couple of orbits
- The reload function has to be fixed, it really sucks to wake up with a big hand with 45BBs just because you lost a pot and can't reload.
- Bigger cards, yes you can see them clearly but when multitabling you want to see what happens without even have to look to closely.
- The betsizing buttons should have more usefull values. 1/3, 1/2, 3/4, pot and all in is all anyone will ever need.

The thing that tilts me hardest is that it's so painfully slow! Not when playing, but when closing and opening tables as well as when reloading chips. I'm sitting on 4Ghz and 2gb memory and this is the first application to ever lag, and that says a lot about how bad it's written Clean up that code and make it run smoother!

A lot had already been mentioned, but it's worth saying again until it's fixed.

QFT (I'm using a new PC that runs Crysis on High settings and Unibet poker software is lagging sometimes LOL)
Unibet - New Poker Table Software from Microgaming Quote
