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TableNavigator TableNavigator

04-20-2006 , 04:22 PM

Right now I'm working on supplying an exported function in PST that TN could call.
Ahh... damn. Forget all about it. It is just way too slow.
I can let you test it if you like, but overlaying the entire window like that just won't work. The controls start to flicker and what not.

That said, I think I can get something like what you posted above to work (it seemed to be okay speedwise but I was using to Guis and it was buggy in other areas). I'll take a stab at it tomorrow.

On the bright side, I just pushed the tableIDSelect() stuff under 1 ms by commenting out WinSet, Trnasparent (show_hide already does that part, no need to do it all over again).
TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 04:25 PM
I'm glad we've finally drawn Adde into the AHK Collective.

Let our powers combine!


edit: Hmm. Most of the AHK Collective is foreign. Maybe CaptainPlanet jokes aren't funny in foreign-land.
I think it's funny, in a Monty Pythonesque way, cause I have no clue what CaptainPlanet is.

TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 04:36 PM
I think it's funny, in a Monty Pythonesque way, cause I have no clue what CaptainPlanet is.
Oh, I see how it is. CptPlanet is a wholesome American cartoon about saving the world, and you've never heard of it. But Monty Python is a bunch of British guys dressing up as chicks, and you're all over it.
TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 05:08 PM
I think it's funny, in a Monty Pythonesque way, cause I have no clue what CaptainPlanet is.
Oh, I see how it is. CptPlanet is a wholesome American cartoon about saving the world, and you've never heard of it. But Monty Python is a bunch of British guys dressing up as chicks, and you're all over it.
Hehe. Touche!

TableNavigator Quote
04-23-2006 , 04:24 PM
is this version working? i'm having ton's of trouble getting it to work. i had this program working before i whiped my hard drive, but i have no idea what build it was.

the problem i'm having with this version is that i can only navigate up and down, even though the keys are bound correctly, seemingly.

also, what does it mean when the key-bindings are in bold? that whole screen/interface seems really buggy.

i'm pasting straight from wiki into a notepad file, and then saving as .ahk. any ideas on what i'm doing wrong?
TableNavigator Quote
04-23-2006 , 04:46 PM
to clarify, keys that don't work are:
w = wait to post
left arrow = left
right arrow = right

anybody else have these problems?
TableNavigator Quote
04-23-2006 , 04:59 PM
left arrow = left
right arrow = right

Oops. My fault. I'll fix it as soon as possible.
I don't know about the "wait to post" one though.

Err.. no, not my fault. Working fine here. I dunno.
TableNavigator Quote
04-23-2006 , 05:18 PM
thanks for looking into it, i'll keep trying
TableNavigator Quote
04-23-2006 , 05:24 PM
Could you try using different keys, just to see if it works?
Also, a reboot might help.
TableNavigator Quote
04-23-2006 , 05:29 PM
rebooted, reinstalled ahk, redid the ahk instructions and had the same issues. i'll try differen't keys. could it be because i don't bind a key to every command in the group?

also another difference between this version and the working version i had before is that there is no 'table navigator' popup thing when you start it, and it seems to start 'on' when i open party. the blue bar is over the first table i open immediately
TableNavigator Quote
04-23-2006 , 05:33 PM
changed 'wait to post' from 'w' to 't' and still didn't work. also left and right still not working. this seems really weird - i wish i knew anything about this stuff
TableNavigator Quote
04-23-2006 , 05:42 PM
could it be because i don't bind a key to every command in the group?


also another difference between this version and the working version i had before is that there is no 'table navigator' popup thing when you start it, and it seems to start 'on' when i open party. the blue bar is over the first table i open immediately

Yeah... I got rid of that. It was fun to write but basically annoying.

changed 'wait to post' from 'w' to 't' and still didn't work. also left and right still not working. this seems really weird - i wish i knew anything about this stuff
Just so you know, you can use modifiers (like Ctrl or Alt). That way you'll be able to type while playing.
I really don't know what this could be right now and it's getting late - maybe Sam knows.
If you're desperate, you could try one of the other navigation modes I guess.
TableNavigator Quote
04-23-2006 , 05:49 PM
im sure i'll get it worked out at some point =) thanks for your help
TableNavigator Quote
04-25-2006 , 08:28 PM

(I can't login to OC forums for some reason, so I'll post this here. Sorry for crappy tabs/spaces formatting.)

I would love a navigation function that moves to next table in clockwise order, so I wrote one. Any chance this could be given a hotkey command, and/or added to the present navigation styles?


; *** ADDE ***
; Move tables clockwise. Should work for combinations of table arrangements where tables are
; (reasonably) aligned by height, with max height of 2 tables.

global tables_ID_list, tables_x_list, tables_y_list, tn_tableID, wrapping
GoSub, UpdateTables
StringSplit, tables_ID_list, tables_ID_list, `,
StringSplit, tables_x_list, tables_x_list, `,
StringSplit, tables_y_list, tables_y_list, `,

;Go through the table-list and find our table.

thisNum =
Loop, %tables_ID_list0%
If tables_ID_list%a_index% = %tn_tableID%
thisNum := a_index
thisX := tables_x_list%thisNum%
thisY := tables_y_list%thisNum%
;If we weren't found, uh, just return.
If thisNum =

; Find out if table is positioned on up or down part of screen.

WinGetPos, thisX, thisY, thisW, thisH, ahk_id %tn_tableID%
screenH = %A_ScreenHeight%
freeY := screenH - (2 * thisH) + 5 ; free vertical space left with 2 tables on height
middleY := screenH - thisH - freeY ; middle point for tables being on up or down part of screen

minVal := -999999
maxVal := 999999

upLeftMost := maxVal
upRightMost := minVal
downLeftMost := maxVal
downRightMost := minVal

upLeftClose := minVal
upRightClose := maxVal
downLeftClose := minVal
downRightClose := maxVal

; Go through all tables and find those close to current table, and those close to screen edges.

Loop, %tables_ID_list0%
thatNum := a_index
thatID := tables_ID_list%thatNum%
;Not this table
If thatNum = %thisNum%

thatX := tables_x_list%a_index%
thatY := tables_y_list%a_index%

; Find tables closest to screen edges (leftmost and rightmost)

if (thatY <= middleY)
if (thatX <= upLeftMost) {
upLeftMost := thatX
upLeftMostID := thatID
if (thatX > upRightMost) {
upRightMost := thatX
upRightMostID := thatID
if (thatX <= downLeftMost) {
downLeftMost := thatX
downLeftMostID := thatID
if (thatX > downRightMost) {
downRightMost := thatX
downRightMostID := thatID
; Find tables closest to current table (left and right)

if (thisY <= middleY)
if (thatY <= middleY)
if (thatX <= thisX and thatX > upLeftClose) {
upLeftClose := thatX
upLeftCloseID := thatID
if (thatX > thisX and thatX < upRightClose) {
upRightClose := thatX
upRightCloseID := thatID
if (thatY > middleY)
if (thatX <= thisX and thatX > downLeftClose) {
downLeftClose := thatX
downLeftCloseID := thatID
if (thatX > thisX and thatX < downRightClose) {
downRightClose := thatX
downRightCloseID := thatID

; If a clockwise table exist on same part of screen (up/down), move to that table.
; Otherwise, move to most clockwise table on opposite part of screen.
; Otherwise, move to clockwise table on same part of screen.

if (thisY <= middleY) {
if (upRightClose <> maxVal)
navigatorIDSelect(upRightCloseID, 0)
else if (downRightMost <> minVal)
navigatorIDSelect(downRightMostID, 0)
else if (upLeftMost <> maxVal)
navigatorIDSelect(upLeftMostID, 0)
else {
if (downLeftClose <> minVal)
navigatorIDSelect(downLeftCloseID, 0)
else if (upLeftMost <> maxVal)
navigatorIDSelect(upLeftMostID, 0)
else if (downRightMost <> minVal)
navigatorIDSelect(downRightMostID, 0)

TableNavigator Quote
04-26-2006 , 06:56 PM
Guys, I decided to give this good-looking program a try for PS but i keep getting this message when trying to open v1.21-

"Error at line 14.

Line Text: #NoEnv
Error: This line does not contain a recognized action.

The program will exit."

I know nothing about am i doing wrong?
TableNavigator Quote
04-27-2006 , 01:14 AM
will this work for PokerRoom? Also, will it work if i have iWitness going at the same time?
TableNavigator Quote
04-27-2006 , 01:43 AM
will this work for PokerRoom?
Also, will it work if i have iWitness going at the same time?
TableNavigator Quote
04-27-2006 , 03:49 AM
Guys, I decided to give this good-looking program a try for PS but i keep getting this message when trying to open v1.21-

"Error at line 14.

Line Text: #NoEnv
Error: This line does not contain a recognized action.

The program will exit."

I know nothing about am i doing wrong?
You need to get the latest version of AutoHotkey. That will solve it.
TableNavigator Quote
04-27-2006 , 01:21 PM
Guys, I decided to give this good-looking program a try for PS but i keep getting this message when trying to open v1.21-

"Error at line 14.

Line Text: #NoEnv
Error: This line does not contain a recognized action.

The program will exit."

I know nothing about am i doing wrong?
You need to get the latest version of AutoHotkey. That will solve it.
ty very much.
TableNavigator Quote
04-27-2006 , 04:33 PM
I've added some cool, new stuff to TableNavigator, so you might consider checking it out if you are using it.

* Change active table in clockwise order.

* Move tables to new position on screen (in clockwise order).

* Larger "blue bar" (at bottom of table instead of in titlebar); makes it easier to spot what table is active.

* New Toolbox command. This brings up a small window at your table, with a bunch of commands. You navigate with the navigation pad (up/down); last chosen command is preselected, making it easier to use the Toggle commands. You choose command by pressing the same hotkey that brought up the window. The current commands are:

- Party Seat Taker (gets you seated, bought in and sitting out on (up to) 10 new tables).
- Toggle [Auto Post Blind] and [Deal Me Out].
- Show/Hide Statistics.
- Show/Hide Hand History. (Not working right now)
- Hide Lobby.
- Automatic Rebuy (with default numof chips).
- Automatic Leave Table (use with care!).
- Restart Table Navigator.

Some of these commands are in need of a gui for settings. Right now settings are given in code, so you can change that if you want. I'll fix a gui for this later on.

TableNavigator Quote
04-28-2006 , 01:18 AM
i'm still having zero luck getting this to work. i can only navigate up and down, and i can't bind certain keys to their commands, w for wait to post and a couple others.

also, the navigator recorgnizes the table as soon as i open it and before i've launched the navigator.

is anybody else having these problems? i've had this program working before but lately i've had no luck. thanks for any info
TableNavigator Quote
04-28-2006 , 11:16 AM
i'm still having zero luck getting this to work. i can only navigate up and down, and i can't bind certain keys to their commands, w for wait to post and a couple others.

also, the navigator recorgnizes the table as soon as i open it and before i've launched the navigator.

is anybody else having these problems? i've had this program working before but lately i've had no luck. thanks for any info
Evan, I have no idea why certain keys won't bind to their commands. Do you have any other AHK script running that has those keys hotkeyed?

TableNavigator Quote
04-28-2006 , 11:25 AM
Added some more stuff:

Control Options > Navigation Style > Firefox?

This let's you control your (Mozilla Firefox only) web browser with the direction pad (DPAD) and left joystick. Since the direction pad is used for Firefox you can't move between tables with it. You have to use the Go Clockwise command instead.

JOYSTICK (all directions): move mouse
DPAD Up: One page up in browser
DPAD Down: One page down in browser
DPAD Left: Back to previous web page
DPAD Right: Click left mouse button

This is quite useful when playing 4 tables on left and browsing the web on right monitor.

TableNavigator Quote
04-28-2006 , 11:32 AM
This let's you control your (Mozilla Firefox only) web browser with the direction pad (DPAD) and left joystick. Since the direction pad is used for Firefox you can't move between tables with it. You have to use the Go Clockwise command instead.
I think this is somewhere between "silly" and "a bad idea". Adding random features like Browser and WinAmp control for your personal setup is a really bad plan IMO.
TableNavigator Quote
04-28-2006 , 11:35 AM
This let's you control your (Mozilla Firefox only) web browser with the direction pad (DPAD) and left joystick. Since the direction pad is used for Firefox you can't move between tables with it. You have to use the Go Clockwise command instead.
I think this is somewhere between "silly" and "a bad idea". Adding random features like Browser and WinAmp control for your personal setup is a really bad plan IMO.
Ok, I can see what you mean. I'll remove this stuff and make some add-on for my personal use. No probs, Sam.

EDIT: OC update removed; version gone back to that of last day.

TableNavigator Quote
