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TableNavigator TableNavigator

04-16-2006 , 03:18 AM
Ok, I dled AHK and copied and pasted your file into a script but I cant figure out how to make it do anything? Can someone please explain this thing to me?
TableNavigator Quote
04-16-2006 , 09:09 AM
Ok, I dled AHK and copied and pasted your file into a script but I cant figure out how to make it do anything? Can someone please explain this thing to me?
Have you read the Software Forum FAQ about AHK scripts? It'll help out.
TableNavigator Quote
04-16-2006 , 11:16 PM
Hi guys

been trying out the mouseless poker and have to say this is a neat program, although it gets a bit tough to use when playing 4-6 SH tables.

Anyhow here's a thought, how about a mode where you have all your hotkeys like the other modes but you navigate the tables using your mouse. You basically click anywhere on the table that you want to act on and then you can press the approriate keystroke to fold/check/bet.

I think that would be the most efficient, since you can act quickly in between gapped tables and never really misact on the wrong table.

would it be hard to implent such a thing I am a complete AHK noob

feels like im playing pokercraft with just the keyboard and its hard to micro...
/end bad joke
TableNavigator Quote
04-16-2006 , 11:52 PM
Anyhow here's a thought, how about a mode where you have all your hotkeys like the other modes but you navigate the tables using your mouse.
It shouldn't be hard to write a Navigation style where TN focuses on whichever table is under your mouse. (You wouldn't have to click.)
TableNavigator Quote
04-17-2006 , 12:42 AM
It shouldn't be hard to write a Navigation style where TN focuses on whichever table is under your mouse.
Done. Download the latest version and check-out "MouseSelect".
TableNavigator Quote
04-17-2006 , 12:45 AM
Does it choose the table directly under the mouse or does it choose the table which has its centre closest to the mouse position?

I only ask, because the "closest to the centre" method will work for overlapped tables too.

TableNavigator Quote
04-17-2006 , 01:10 AM
This is exactly what I was thinking, works great without any bugs.

ty sam, I will voice any other suggestions I can think of as I use this script.
TableNavigator Quote
04-17-2006 , 01:21 AM
I will voice any other suggestions I can think of as I use this script.
Thanks. Here's an idea I brought up in the OC discussion (where we keep most of the technical talk): What about Adde's idea to allow mapping mousebuttons to poker commands?

The easiest way to add them would be to treat them like all the keyboard buttons. That way you'll even be able to use things like ctrl+mouse4 and shift+mouse3. We'll have to be a little careful to keep the user from mapping clicks they'll need, (If r-click is "fold", how do you turn it off?) but it should be straightforward to allow mapping on the other buttons.
TableNavigator Quote
04-17-2006 , 01:56 AM
I just noticed Sam's Easter avatar!

Hmmm... One thing I think we would all like to see is a bigger version. Pretty hard to tell what the girl looks like when soooo small (maybe she is a 10/10 or maybe she is a 2/10?)

Hehe - Juk
TableNavigator Quote
04-17-2006 , 02:19 AM
I just noticed Sam's Easter avatar!

I modified my avatar for xmas AND easter. I'm jewish, but passover avatars just aren't as funny.
TableNavigator Quote
04-17-2006 , 11:24 AM
See my post on OC.
TableNavigator Quote
04-17-2006 , 11:44 AM
I never noticed the xmas version - I had a really [censored] xmas last year, and was pretty much oblivious to anything, avatars included...

TableNavigator Quote
04-18-2006 , 04:16 PM
See OC.
TableNavigator Quote
04-19-2006 , 06:35 PM
Roland wrote some great NL support, but we're stuck on what controls y'all really want for NL. Here's what we have so far:
*A joystick for moving the slider. (It'll probably be configurable as to the speed. Now it's set to 1BB per tap, and goes faster as you push harder.)
*A button to go all-in.

We could have a "Half Pot" button, and you could adjust from there before pushing "bet". Or even an "X%" button, where X is defined by the user. Ditto for an "XBB" button. Or multiple of these, so you can have buttons for "1BB", "HalfPot", "2/3 Pot", "Whole Pot".

What would be useful?
TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 10:19 AM
I bought a gamepad to try this out, and this is...amazing stuff! Amazing, guys!

I'm all psyched up about various implementations of tools for this. I plan to integrate PartySeatTaker in some way, making it a one-click-solution to get on a new table/s.

One thing I would like though, is a more visible way of showing what table is active. I imagine that the blue title bar is quite easy to put up since it doesn't shadow any important info, while tampering with others parts of the window would.

Is it possible to put up a semi-transparent image over the table? Normal tables would have default table color, while active tables would have another color. For instance, the table felt would be green by default, and light red when activated. This would make it super-easy to spot the active table.


TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 10:32 AM
Some thoughts...

I guess that most, if not all, buttons in various windows/dialogues are laid out in the same layout: 1-3 buttons on a horizontal line.

Instead of assigning joystick hotkeys to all possible buttons (Wait to post, Post, Take Seat, OK, Cancel, etc), how about only three joystick hotkeys that will work everywhere there are buttons to press?

(1) Left button
(2) Middle button
(3) Right button

When only one button is present, either of 1-3 would press correct button. When two buttons are present, (1) and (3) would do it.

TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 10:39 AM
Instead of assigning joystick hotkeys to all possible buttons (Wait to post, Post, Take Seat, OK, Cancel, etc), how about only three joystick hotkeys that will work everywhere there are buttons to press?
I don't know about Wait to post and Post, but Take Seat, Okay etc. already work that way (i.e. the script handles them that way...). Maybe this is not obvious from the Configuration Gui, but you can use the same button/key for different actions as long as they are in different groups. For instance, I have Joy1 mapped to: "Raise", "Open table", "Take seat" and "Okay".
TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 11:03 AM
Instead of assigning joystick hotkeys to all possible buttons (Wait to post, Post, Take Seat, OK, Cancel, etc), how about only three joystick hotkeys that will work everywhere there are buttons to press?
I don't know about Wait to post and Post, but Take Seat, Okay etc. already work that way (i.e. the script handles them that way...). Maybe this is not obvious from the Configuration Gui, but you can use the same button/key for different actions as long as they are in different groups. For instance, I have Joy1 mapped to: "Raise", "Open table", "Take seat" and "Okay".
Splendid, that's a neat solution.
TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 11:03 AM
I'm all psyched up about various implementations of tools for this. I plan to integrate PartySeatTaker in some way, making it a one-click-solution to get on a new table/s.
That's good news.

One thing I would like though, is a more visible way of showing what table is active. I imagine that the blue title bar is quite easy to put up since it doesn't shadow any important info, while tampering with others parts of the window would.

Is it possible to put up a semi-transparent image over the table? Normal tables would have default table color, while active tables would have another color. For instance, the table felt would be green by default, and light red when activated. This would make it super-easy to spot the active table.
Hmm. I dunno. I mean, either you can see it, and then it would make the board harder to read, or it's too transparent to really be helpfull. I might be wrong, though.

Hoe about making the chatbox bright red or something? At least that way you can see the cards.
TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 11:13 AM
One thing I would like though, is a more visible way of showing what table is active. I imagine that the blue title bar is quite easy to put up since it doesn't shadow any important info, while tampering with others parts of the window would.

Is it possible to put up a semi-transparent image over the table? Normal tables would have default table color, while active tables would have another color. For instance, the table felt would be green by default, and light red when activated. This would make it super-easy to spot the active table.
Hmm. I dunno. I mean, either you can see it, and then it would make the board harder to read, or it's too transparent to really be helpfull. I might be wrong, though.

Hoe about making the chatbox bright red or something? At least that way you can see the cards.
That would be super-i-duperly, as Flanders would have said (I imagine).

If it is easy to access the color of the chat control, perhaps the "Dealer: Summary" and "Type here to chat" controls could be colored too? The more "outstandingish", the easier to see, I reckon. But I could be wrong, it might look too much and too nasty?

TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 11:29 AM
How about this? This wouldn't disturb any important stuff?

TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 11:37 AM
Yup, that looks good. I'll give it a try later.
TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 02:10 PM
Wow Adde, actually overlaying the entire table is really cool! Set to a transparency of 55 or so, it even improves my mod (which is a little on the bright side). And the table is very easy to spot, too.

I'll be back later with the changes.
TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 04:10 PM
Wow Adde, actually overlaying the entire table is really cool! Set to a transparency of 55 or so, it even improves my mod (which is a little on the bright side). And the table is very easy to spot, too.

I'll be back later with the changes.

Right now I'm working on supplying an exported function in PST that TN could call.

TableNavigator Quote
04-20-2006 , 04:20 PM
I'm all psyched up about various implementations of tools for this. I plan to integrate PartySeatTaker in some way, making it a one-click-solution to get on a new table/s.
Sounds great. I'd definitely like SeatTaker integrated nicely with TN.

I'm glad we've finally drawn Adde into the AHK Collective. Let our powers combine!

Wow Adde, actually overlaying the entire table is really cool!
This will be a good spot to use your new click-through code. I think it'd be a problem if the "blue-bar" filled the table and you couldn't use a mouse at all.

edit: Hmm. Most of the AHK Collective is foreign. Maybe CaptainPlanet jokes aren't funny in foreign-land.
TableNavigator Quote
