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PokerTracker: The Next Generation (NEW SOFTWARE DISCUSSION) PokerTracker: The Next Generation (NEW SOFTWARE DISCUSSION)

01-23-2008 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by nhourmess
Release today?
+1? Waiting in horny anticipation
01-23-2008 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
The beta will initially only support PokerStars, PartyGaming, and Full Tilt.
01-23-2008 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by nhourmess
Release today?
01-23-2008 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
The beta will initially only support PokerStars, PartyGaming, and Full Tilt.
01-23-2008 , 02:00 PM
Come on guys, this is a beta version. It's only been in active development for 6 months. We've made a lot of progress in 6 months, but only so much is possible. Once the HUD is released, we plan on rapidly adding site support. Helping us test and debug what we do have will speed up the process of new features.

Oh, and we're probably not going to release until tomorrow. I'm making some last minute changes that we want the alpha testers to check out first.
01-23-2008 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
The beta will initially only support PokerStars, PartyGaming, and Full Tilt.
6 months of work and no support for pokertracker2 site ?
only 3 site and no ongame ?
i think now ongame player are very happy
01-23-2008 , 02:28 PM
Damn, I was really looking forward to todays release.
01-23-2008 , 03:32 PM
question, can PT3 beta and PT2 use together?
i don't want to stop using PT2 until PT3 is stable, bug free
01-23-2008 , 03:52 PM
Yes, you can continue to use PT2 right alongside PT3.
01-23-2008 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
The beta will initially only support PokerStars, PartyGaming, and Full Tilt.
When will there be support for Prima?

This is horrible news. Weeks late and then only support for 3 sites.
01-23-2008 , 04:35 PM
It's a beta. All sites will be supported.

01-23-2008 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by PokerAce
Oh, and we're probably not going to release until tomorrow.
You better mean it.
From now on I'm gonna kill a puppy for every day I have to wait longer
01-23-2008 , 04:39 PM
its a beta for a reason. Everyone complaining about the lack of site support are way out of line imo. They'll release what they feel they need to in order to make the software stable asap, and will add more site support as they go. god damn its not the finished product. complain when ur paying.
01-23-2008 , 04:43 PM
What I think you guys are failing to understand is that we have spent all this time putting together a solid foundation to work from. This includes flexible hand history parsing that will work with all kinds of hand history formats (text files, databases, xml, etc.), dynamic queries, customizable stats, powerful reporting and graphing controls written from scratch, and so on. Until last week, PT3 only supported PokerStars. Both Party and Full Tilt support was added and debugged in about a week. The PT2 -> PT3 conversion routine was written in one day. The foundation is the backbone of the whole application. Once it's stable, new features can be added very quickly.

This is the first beta version, not the commercial version. The commercial version will support all the sites that PT2 currently supports (possibly more) at launch.

As I've said in the past. Our other alternative was to add all the features, and have a fully functional application that we spring on you, then have it crash and burn as we spend weeks or months searching through feature after feature, only to find bugs deeply rooted in the foundation that are hard to fix and break even more features. That is what happens when you don't do testing properly.

Having a solid foundation is crucial to having a solid application. If PT3 crashes all the time, are you going to be happy, even if it supports all the sites you want?
01-23-2008 , 05:12 PM
What I think you guys are failing to understand is that we have spent all this time putting together a solid foundation to work from.
FWIW I don't think anyone fails to understand any of your points. People are upset b/c a timeframe was not met, and there's not much you can say after the fact to make people feel better, so it might be best to just not respond to those posts IMO.
01-23-2008 , 05:22 PM
Come on guys.

This product has done the same thing that every other product ever does. I mean developers constantly miss deadlines, especially when they are just doing beta tests. HM did the same thing, and PT3 is doing it too. PokerEV's product also has missed a deadline(I think he mentioned middle of January).

Complaining about any of these products missing deadlines is just being uninformed because almost every program has done this a couple times.
01-23-2008 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by TheProdigy
Come on guys.

This product has done the same thing that every other product ever does. I mean developers constantly miss deadlines, especially when they are just doing beta tests. HM did the same thing, and PT3 is doing it too. PokerEV's product also has missed a deadline(I think he mentioned middle of January).

Complaining about any of these products missing deadlines is just being uninformed because almost every program has done this a couple times.

I'm software developer myself and I never ever was lucky enough to be on a project that was able to meet its deadline. Don't ask me why, something just must be wrong with all those 0s and 1s .
01-23-2008 , 06:09 PM
I have been a software developer for 20+ years and have never missed a deadline.

Just thought I'd throw this out there after another software developer had claimed he'd never met one.

That's almost as surprising to me as the fact that he still has a job.
01-23-2008 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by OldLearner
I have been a software developer for 20+ years and have never missed a deadline.

Just thought I'd throw this out there after another software developer had claimed he'd never met one.

That's almost as surprising to me as the fact that he still has a job.
I've seen much much software that hasn't been able to meet their deadlines, and I've also seen some that have met their deadlines. My general opinion of these however is that the ones that the products that have met the deadlines feels more "stressed" products and contain more bugs. Yes, that's quite obvious since it has shorter development, but it's still quite important. It's not hard to keep deadlines if you feel like it's okay to release unfinished products, and I'm sure that some companies (although few) can set deadlines that are so generous that it's actually not a problem.
01-23-2008 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by OldLearner
I have been a software developer for 20+ years and have never missed a deadline.

Just thought I'd throw this out there after another software developer had claimed he'd never met one.

That's almost as surprising to me as the fact that he still has a job.
Well, you misunderstood one thing - I'm was not speaking abount MY deadline, but about project's deadline. Project is not an one man show as you should now after 20+ years . The bigger the project, the bigger chance to miss deadline unless there is some magic involved. And I WAS lucky enough to be on project where management wanted to release it when they feel it is finished.

Sorry for OT.
01-23-2008 , 06:24 PM
Let's put this to rest... There have never been any deadlines. We released a tentative schedule to give a general idea when we would be ready. Sure, we have had to push this schedule back slightly. We knew this was a good possibility before we began which is the reason we clearly explained it was tentative.

If we would have set a deadline for ourselves, we would have made sure to give us plenty of time (for the unexpected, which always arises). Regardless, I think that we have made tremendous progress in the short amount of time that we have been working on PT3 development.

Best regards,


PS. I said the beta would be released tomorrow (today) or Thursday and I did not say tentative because that is when it will happen!
01-23-2008 , 06:27 PM
To anyone bitching - you didn't prepay for **** so they owe you nothing.
01-23-2008 , 06:32 PM
Will there be a possibility to test the software on for example Everest before buying the final product? As you were alpha-testing this site too, I was hoping for an implementation in your beta release.

It doesn't say it seems to become a great product.
01-23-2008 , 06:35 PM
There will be a trial version available once the beta goes commercial. You will have a chance to test it with whatever sites you want.
01-23-2008 , 06:55 PM
Wow at the complaining.

First, I want a useable product when it comes out in beta. If I wanted to deal with a bunch of frustration and bugs I would have applied to be an alpha tester.

Second, there is a ton of money coming in when this thing releases. Do you think they're sitting on their asses playing video games instead of working on this? I'd bet they're working some pretty long hours.

Chill out, it will be released when it's ready.
