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PokerTracker: The Next Generation (NEW SOFTWARE DISCUSSION) PokerTracker: The Next Generation (NEW SOFTWARE DISCUSSION)

10-30-2007 , 08:54 PM
Id really like to be able to use a mySQL database instead of pgsql. if your rebuilding the whole thing it shouldn't be to hard to have different database options for like mysql, mssql, pgsql, access etc. you could even use the portable version of mssql and build it in. that would make it perform much better then just using access.
10-30-2007 , 10:13 PM
When do the alpha beta testers get the program/email :P?

Told you i love you right? and if you dont want love, i mean i like you like a great buddy :P haha

btw much respect even for the basic architecture of this huge project. I suck with DB's, id be lost.
10-30-2007 , 11:43 PM
Hold 'Em Manager is going to have the ability for stats to show up only when they meet certain preset parameters.

Will we see this in PT3/PAHUD?

An example is if I only wanted to see WTDS% if it were higher than normal.
It's an idea to try, though I think that unless it's done really well, would be extremely confusing to look at a player and see stats on one player and gaps where the same stats are on another player.

imo, the most practical use for this function would be to hide stats that haven't converged. this would indeed be very helpful.

the easiest way to get this functionality is probably be to allow the stats' defined color ranges to have multiple criteria. this way we can add a 'number of hands' criteria to each stat and color stats black that haven't converged yet.
11-01-2007 , 12:27 AM
PokerTracker 3 - Preview

I have put together the site with screenshots, FAQ's, testing signups and some more information. We will slowly be adding content to the site as development continues.

Best regards,

11-01-2007 , 01:13 AM
So the HUD and PT will all be downloaded in the same file but will have to pay extra to unlock the HUD?
11-01-2007 , 01:22 AM
That is correct. PT3 and the HUD will be in the same application; however, they will be independently priced (or one price for the bundle)


PS. Omaha and Stud will also be like that as well. Same application but separate pricing.
11-01-2007 , 01:44 AM
1. Regarding PokerStars and their VIP program:
Is there a way to make a filter so that when your generating a graph and session report you can factor in FPPs as rakeback and money won. The system could calculate the numbers of FPPs earned and then the user could set pick there VIP Status.

Silverstar 1 FPP= 1.5FPP
GoldStar 1 Fpp= 2 FPP
etc, etc.

Also, last time i checked 1 FPP was worth 1.5 cents.

It may be to frivoulous(sp?)and there may be to many factors to make it but i think anyone with Goldstar+ or that multi tables ring a lot would want it. I think a long portion of PT users fall into this category.

2. For FullTilt Poker:
let users enter there rakeback % and have the system calculate it.

3. Any plans to add Carbon Poker to a supported site( platform?)
11-01-2007 , 02:10 AM
are we gonna have to REBUY this? or is it the same code n stuff as the the last PT??
11-01-2007 , 10:47 AM
1. Regarding PokerStars and their VIP program:
Is there a way to make a filter so that when your generating a graph and session report you can factor in FPPs as rakeback and money won. The system could calculate the numbers of FPPs earned and then the user could set pick there VIP Status.

Silverstar 1 FPP= 1.5FPP
GoldStar 1 Fpp= 2 FPP
etc, etc.

Also, last time i checked 1 FPP was worth 1.5 cents.

It may be to frivoulous(sp?)and there may be to many factors to make it but i think anyone with Goldstar+ or that multi tables ring a lot would want it. I think a long portion of PT users fall into this category.

2. For FullTilt Poker:
let users enter there rakeback % and have the system calculate it.

3. Any plans to add Carbon Poker to a supported site( platform?)
There will be rakeback functionality available. Adding support for the PS FPPs shouldn't be too difficult and setting a rakeback % will be simple.

As for Carbon Poker, I know nothing about the site, so I cannot say if PT3 can support it or not.
11-01-2007 , 10:48 AM
are we gonna have to REBUY this? or is it the same code n stuff as the the last PT??
Like with all software, there is some cost associated with a major upgrade. There is a tiered upgrade plan. See the site APerfect10 linked to above for more information.
11-02-2007 , 04:03 PM
PokerTracker 3 - Preview

I have put together the site with screenshots, FAQ's, testing signups and some more information. We will slowly be adding content to the site as development continues.

Best regards,

So you did change the logo? Cool. This one looks much better.
11-02-2007 , 04:42 PM
I bought both PokerAce and PokerTracker back in the day when I could still play on Party...only played part time but it was still super valuable.
Given how awesome this looks and how much of pain ass it must be to create and upkeep, I think I'll just buy both outright instead of upgrading for the discount.

You guys have earned the $$.
11-02-2007 , 05:20 PM
So you did change the logo? Cool. This one looks much better.
Yeah, we changed it. After looking at it hundreds of times a day, I determined the font was too different, so we used the same font for both the Poker and the Tracker.
11-02-2007 , 05:21 PM
I bought both PokerAce and PokerTracker back in the day when I could still play on Party...only played part time but it was still super valuable.
Given how awesome this looks and how much of pain ass it must be to create and upkeep, I think I'll just buy both outright instead of upgrading for the discount.

You guys have earned the $$.
11-02-2007 , 10:57 PM
All I want from pokertracker is the ability to run more complex querries
11-02-2007 , 11:20 PM
were we supposed to get an email response/confirmation after signing up for the alpha?

If not, no worries - if so, I'd like to know and I'll re-submit

New logo/font very nice, BTW.

Must have been a context issue with the preceding "c", considering the font was the same as PokerAce HUD - I never misread the K in PokerAce - but I could never stop seeing "Tracher" until I consciously corrected myself ... lol @ the human brain

11-02-2007 , 11:22 PM
what if you don't have HH files for anything in PT over a couple years old? can i somehow convert my whole database but also get the added information from the more recent HH files?
11-03-2007 , 01:47 AM
There will be a form for alpha testing signups. We'll announce the PT3 website soon.

The current plan is to integrate Hold'em, Omaha and Stud into one application. The details of this haven't been worked out, and the Omaha and Stud versions are further down the line.

The HUD will be integrated into PT3. It will be purchased separately, but run from the same application.
So HUD is going to cost us extra money? If HUD is going to be integrated into PT3, why make people buy two seperate pieces of software? Also, I know you mentioned that people with PT2 will get discounts on PT3, but will people with PAHUD get discounts on this new version of HUD, or will the current version be integrated with PT3?
11-03-2007 , 11:14 AM
All I want from pokertracker is the ability to run more complex querries
One thing wrg to this: Are we going to have to learn how to code sql-queries or are you guys crazy enough to attempt to give us some sort of easy-to-use metalanguage for constructing complex queries?
11-03-2007 , 11:58 AM
were we supposed to get an email response/confirmation after signing up for the alpha?
No confirmation email was sent after signing up. You will only receive an email if you are invited to participate in the alpha (when we are ready to begin) or when the beta/final releases occur (if you signed up for those emails).

Best regards,

11-03-2007 , 11:59 AM
what if you don't have HH files for anything in PT over a couple years old? can i somehow convert my whole database but also get the added information from the more recent HH files?
That is not a problem. You can convert your old database; however, some of the stats will not be available unless if you import the hand histories. I have been able to pull a decent amount of data from PokerTracker2 even if the stats are not available.

11-03-2007 , 12:02 PM
So HUD is going to cost us extra money? If HUD is going to be integrated into PT3, why make people buy two seperate pieces of software? Also, I know you mentioned that people with PT2 will get discounts on PT3, but will people with PAHUD get discounts on this new version of HUD, or will the current version be integrated with PT3?
Please see the FAQ at which answers this question. While the HUD will be integrated into PokerTracker for improved performance and reliability, it will be a separate purchase because not every user wants to use the HUD so why should they have to purchase it? Those users who want to purchase the HUD the price would be no different than if the two were combined into one price. We will offer a bundle so that you can purchase both in one payment.

Best regards,

11-03-2007 , 12:03 PM
All I want from pokertracker is the ability to run more complex querries
One thing wrg to this: Are we going to have to learn how to code sql-queries or are you guys crazy enough to attempt to give us some sort of easy-to-use metalanguage for constructing complex queries?
We are crazy alright! You will not need to know SQL to create your own custom queries/stats; although there will obviously be some limitations.

Best regards,

11-03-2007 , 12:40 PM
Could we have some kind of "luck factor" tab in PT3?

I would find it VERY pleasing if PT3 would be able to present some statistical information about the luck involved in poker. How often have I made/missed my flush (on 4th street, 5th street)? How often have I made my set? How often have I lost with high PP vs hands with low equity? How often was my flopped good hand butchered by bad turns and/or rivers? How often (this one is one of my favourites) was there a 4-flush on the board on turn or river? How often was I outdrawn? How often did I lose on the RIVER (after being ahead until then)?

Poker is a pretty emotional game for many people and so I think that many people would like the idea to see how much of their success/failure in the last session was due to bad/good luck.

EDIT: BTW, if one could also graph this statistics there might be the potential for a whole new dimension to BBV
11-03-2007 , 04:00 PM
Why would you want to look at how lucky/unlucky you were in a session, you should be more interested in if you made the right decision, luck shouldn't factor into at all. Those ev graphs that people post are pointless, no one cares how bad someone is running below expectation, the only thing it is useful for is complaining.
