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Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread]

07-22-2011 , 11:28 AM
nvm i
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-22-2011 , 11:37 AM
Guys, just updated Tangra to show the hand number with all that billion hand malaki so if you have an old version you would probably want to re-download it.

Also it now has a background manager executable so you get to change your backgrounds in "FTP style" fashion without having to go to 5 different windows.
Oh yes, there are some minor graphical changes too
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-22-2011 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by gzer
I was curious and did the white version, it was a 2 min job , but I still don't like it, however I'll ship the white version of this deck along with the org color version, multi-choice is always a great thing

Link plz
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-22-2011 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by gzer
hey, how do you get these "full hole cards" ???
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-23-2011 , 10:30 AM
SOLVED, no need more, ty
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-23-2011 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Firefox125
hey, how do you get these "full hole cards" ???
Originally Posted by Firefox125
SOLVED, no need more, ty
tell us too pls...
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-23-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by lien
tell us too pls...
Add this line to the end of every two card section in your gx.ini

card_spacing=32 (works well only for Hold'em hole cards. Omaha just stretches too wide)

Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-23-2011 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by lien
tell us too pls...
go here and download the gx.ini editor.

start it and open Pokerstars\themes\&default\gx.ini

on the bottom of [2x2], [6x2] and [9x2] sections add: (first number is seats, second is cards)

offset= 0
card_spacing= 32

save gx.ini and start client

Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-24-2011 , 11:28 PM
some ncie themes here will have to try some out ;o
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-25-2011 , 08:49 PM
All of my PokerStars card mods that use enhanced Onaha spacing (gx.ini edits) have been updated to Version 7.25.2011.0, .it, and .fr are all back on the same version sequence and can all be installed from the same installer - just change the destination folder as needed

The older version is causing some players to not be able to Login when using the Black Lobby
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-26-2011 , 05:15 AM
is there any (easy) way to change the slick-light template to have the hero seat centered at the 6-max table?
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-26-2011 , 08:45 AM
^^^^ I think Bar had made an installer. Check tiltbuster but i'm not 100% sure. If not, there is no easy way of changing this, and even, when you do it the seats of slick theme are too high so, if you have full cards you will end up covering the pot boxes.
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-26-2011 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by gzer
I was curious and did the white version, it was a 2 min job , but I still don't like it, however I'll ship the white version of this deck along with the org color version, multi-choice is always a great thing

What THEME are you using here? Must have
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-26-2011 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by gzer
I was curious and did the white version, it was a 2 min job , but I still don't like it, however I'll ship the white version of this deck along with the org color version, multi-choice is always a great thing

Im interested in this deck (the white one), can you upload it?
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-27-2011 , 07:48 AM
I can't seem to find the StarsModManager AHK script anywhere!?
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-27-2011 , 08:07 AM
07-27-2011 , 10:24 AM

I have searched everywhere to be able to simply have both hole cards fully shown. I got it to work by simply adding the cardspacing=32 into the gx file as stated in a few posts above.

But now every time that i open the pokerstars client, there is an update to download, and I'm guessing thats just because of the edited gx file.

I really dont want to miss an important future update by bypassing the update stage.

Is there any other method of editing the gx file without requiring to update the stars client each time you open it, or is there another way to view the full hole cards.

I am a total mod noob, so any help is appreciated

Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-27-2011 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by thedazman

Is there any other method of editing the gx file without requiring to update the stars client each time you open it, or is there another way to view the full hole cards.

don't edit the main gx.ini file but rather one of the sub files in the \Themes\xxx folders. They will be overridden far less often than the main gx.ini
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-27-2011 , 02:50 PM
Are there any free table ninja compatible card mods in the thread?

Been looking for ages
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-27-2011 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I did see that but all the links are dead
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-27-2011 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by madlion
I did see that but all the links are dead

; by _dave_ of twoplustwo software forum
; contributions by Jukofyork, Roland

SendMode Input
#SingleInstance, Force
SysGet, border, 32
SysGet, caption, 4
caption := border + caption

GroupAdd, StarsTables, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
bglist := ""
bgnames := ""
Loop, *.jpg
  bglist := bglist . A_LoopFileLongPath . "`n"
  StringTrimRight, picname, A_LoopFileName, 4
  bgnames := bgnames . picname . "`n"
StringTrimRight, bglist, bglist, 1
StringTrimRight, bgnames, bgnames, 1

;Msgbox %bgnames%


id := getid()
IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group StarsTables

  Loop, Parse, bgnames, `n
    Menu, menu, Add, %a_loopfield%, changeBackground
  Menu, menu, Show


Loop, Parse, bglist, `n
  if (A_Index = A_ThisMenuItemPos)
    newpic := A_LoopField
SetBackground(id, newpic)
WinActivate, ahk_id%id%

SetBackground(win, newpic)
  SetTitleMatchMode, 2
  WinGet, pspid, pid, PokerStars Lobby
  PostStarsClick(400, 52, win)
  WinWait, Options ahk_pid%pspid% ahk_class #32770,, 5
  If (errorLevel)
  WinGet, id, id
  Sleep, -1
  ControlFocus, Button12, ahk_id%id%
  ControlSend, Button12, {SPACE}, ahk_id%id%
  WinWait, Table Themes ahk_pid%pspid% ahk_class #32770,, 5
  If (errorLevel)
  WinGet, themes_id, id
  Sleep, -1
  ControlFocus, Button1, ahk_id%themes_id%
  ControlSend, Button1, {SPACE}, ahk_id%themes_id%
  WinWait, Background ahk_pid%pspid% ahk_class #32770,, 5
  If (errorLevel)
  WinGet, background_id, id
  Sleep, -1
  Loop, 10
    ControlGet, en_test, Enabled, , Edit1, ahk_id%background_id%
    if !(en_test)
      WinActivate, ahk_id%background_id%
      ControlClick, Button1, ahk_id%background_id%
      Sleep, 333
  ControlSetText, Edit1, %newpic%, ahk_id%background_id%
  Sleep, -1
  ControlFocus, Button4, ahk_id%background_id%
  ControlSend, Button4, {SPACE}, ahk_id%background_id%
  Loop, 9
    ControlGetText, apply_test, Button3, ahk_id%themes_id%
    if (apply_test = "Apply")
    Sleep, 333
  WinActivate, ahk_id%background_id%
  ControlFocus, Button5, ahk_id%background_id%
  ControlSend, Button5, {SPACE}, ahk_id%background_id%
  Sleep, -1
  WinActivate, ahk_id%themes_id%
  ControlFocus, Button3, ahk_id%themes_id%
  ControlSend, Button3, {SPACE}, ahk_id%themes_id%
  Sleep, -1
  WinWait, Apply Theme ahk_pid%pspid% ahk_class #32770,, 5
  If (errorLevel)
  WinGet, at_id, id
  Sleep, -1
  WinActivate, ahk_id%at_id%
  ControlFocus, Button4, ahk_id%at_id%
  ControlSend, Button4, {SPACE}, ahk_id%at_id%
  Sleep, -1
  WinActivate, ahk_id%win%

  ;MsgBox, Table Under Cursor Mode
  MouseGetPos, , , id
  return id

relStarsClientPoint(id, ByRef x, ByRef y)
  global border
  global caption
  rw := 792
  rh := 546
  WinGetPos, , , w, h, ahk_id%id%
  w := w - (2*border)
  h := h - (2*border) - caption
  x := Floor( (x / rw ) * w )
  y := Floor( (y / rh) * h  )

;Juks rocks
PostLeftClick(x, y, table_id, activate=1) {
; ### JUK: Send the down left click, then the mouse-up messages.
; NOTE: This is relative to the top left of the client area and NOT the top left of the
;       window (ie: It *doesn't* include the title-bar like AHK's MouseClick does!!!).
If activate
 WinActivate, ahk_id%table_id%
PostMessage, 0x201, 0x0001, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id%
PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id%

PostStarsClick(x, y, id)
  relStarsClientPoint(id, x, y)
  PostLeftClick(x, y, id)

Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-27-2011 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by gzer
I really like this theme, can you tell me the name ? Care to share or point me in a direction ? tia
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-27-2011 , 06:44 PM
Thanks I will ask questions over yonder.
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-27-2011 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by gridiman
I really like this theme, can you tell me the name ? Care to share or point me in a direction ? tia
It's a theme from tiltbuster called Stars Pure , here : Link
That's the base that was used, but I customized it a bit, the only thing changed is that status pad for username and stack info.

As for the new cards, I'm kinda lazy to upload it, don't ask me why .....
I'm using new deck with new royals and I changed fonts a bit for a few days now.
And that's it, I'm not going to change anything anymore.
But I'll send this one and that would be it, please don't request anything from me on PM, be that themes, cards, chips or whatever.
I'll not reply.
I did it for my own pleasure and I like this deck now very much, and of course I'm sharing it for free with you guys.

Bring It On PS deck

If you want the white version wait for I don't know how long or paint it yourself, it's not that hard. You have to paint deck.bmp , then in each of the 6 folders cardsuit.bmp and cardback.bmp.
Maybe you'll have some problems with some pictures in deck.bmp (face will get painted too) when you apply the white paint , but figure it out yourself, can't really do that job anymore.

There you go , enjoy

Last edited by gzer; 07-27-2011 at 10:20 PM.
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
07-27-2011 , 10:43 PM
Thx gzer been using your deck for the last few days it's great I am slightly curious if I would dig the white version more or less.

What's your SN so I can donate?

Edit: 5000+ 1st Woot!
Pokerstars Theme (free) [main Poker Stars mods thread] Quote
