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***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** ***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update***

08-15-2010 , 07:10 PM
limpshove, when are those cards gonna be available?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-15-2010 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by pokurz
limpshove, when are those cards gonna be available?
Within the next couple days. I've spent all weekend working on a spanking new installer and it's now being tested by a few people for problems.
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08-15-2010 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by JayLighter420
....i def will have $50 to shell out for that program once I sell 5 copies of the new theme.

Last edited by fozzy71; 08-15-2010 at 07:42 PM. Reason: It might actually be more than $50 though. Nice work on the theme, btw
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-15-2010 , 07:56 PM
Wondering if someone would kindly convert this .svg for me.
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08-15-2010 , 09:21 PM
I prefer zips to installers.. I really hate the damn exe's!
Specially when I'm combining themes.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-15-2010 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by MrDrTurtleRick
I prefer zips to installers.. I really hate the damn exe's!
Specially when I'm combining themes.
Most of them, unless the creator protected the package, can be unzipped like any other archive with 7zip. Some of the guys may encrypt or password protect them, but I dont think I ever did.

Worst case scenario you just create a new folder on the desktop, install the exe to the new folder, and backup the folder you installed the mod to, so you can pick and choose what you want to use later.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-15-2010 , 11:12 PM
Didn't somebody post a kind of step by step "modding for dummies" guide at some point?
I wouldn't mind trying to make some basic card mods for kicks, but I have no idea where to start and don't really have experience w/ inkscape.

If anybody knows this guide/post Im talking about - hook a brotha up
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-15-2010 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by limpshove!
Within the next couple days. I've spent all weekend working on a spanking new installer and it's now being tested by a few people for problems.
Is this card mod free or commercial?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-16-2010 , 02:51 AM
2 questions. dose anyone know how to get rid of the ghost cards hen you fold? you know the ones you mouse over and they pop up.

also can you get rid of the mute player and put me her buttons when you left click on a person?

thanks for helpin
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-16-2010 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by Skleice
Didn't somebody post a kind of step by step "modding for dummies" guide at some point?
I wouldn't mind trying to make some basic card mods for kicks, but I have no idea where to start and don't really have experience w/ inkscape.

If anybody knows this guide/post Im talking about - hook a brotha up
There is a ton of youtube videos explaining the basic Inkscape tools. Like how to change color etc.

Open up a FullTilt card and pull it to bits to see what is going on.

Be warned that once you start you might not be able to stop.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-16-2010 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by madlion
Wondering if someone would kindly convert this .svg for me.
convert to what?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-16-2010 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Most of them, unless the creator protected the package, can be unzipped like any other archive with 7zip. Some of the guys may encrypt or password protect them, but I dont think I ever did.

Worst case scenario you just create a new folder on the desktop, install the exe to the new folder, and backup the folder you installed the mod to, so you can pick and choose what you want to use later.
tiltbuster exes been annoying me. I forgot to copy my graphics folder. I just wanted to grab some backgrounds... so I put the temporary folder in.. twice, since it does an extraction n then another installation thing.. yet it still installed to my ftp folder and wrote over everything grrr
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-16-2010 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by odjaur
see you at the tables =)

i love this background thx alot dude! and i love the darker one even more what kind of chips are you using?[/QUOTE]

can u send me this one please?


***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:12 PM
I downloaded the pack the super ultimate pack from awhile back

(which was awesome btw, ty for putting that together)

however, only problem i'm having is with my notes. my notes are there when i hover over the names, but the colors aren't popping up. any ideas?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-16-2010 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by JayLighter420
hey fozzy! thx for the concern...
i have looked into it, i def dont have $50 to shell out for that program lol. i know there are programs that will let me build an installer for free, but i'd be tilted by trial version limitations i.e. the programs name, and the programs web site links in "my installer".
So if I wrote an application that read install data from an XML and ZIP file, would there be a lot of use for that? A GUI program that would read in theme info from an XML file to fill out preset options like cards, backgrounds, buttons, etc. Then the user could customize those if they wanted (it would get all possible options from the ZIP file). Finally it would copy the selected items into the FTP install directory.

Would I need to do any file merging? In case two files needed to make different changes to a layout.xml file depending on if they were installed?

Thoughts? Feature requests?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-16-2010 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by chessterfish
is there any way of making the full tilt fold button a different colour from the others?
Just the fold button? I don't think so. FT uses either bigbutton_on / _off or smallbutton_on / _off for all player actions. On a whim, I thought the position of said buttons might be alterable within the layout.xml, but that does not appear to be the case. I was hoping that if I could find where the client is calling the placement of the buttons, we could trick it, but to no avail unfortunately. As always, I'm happy to be wrong and others might chime in to the contrary.

If you are ok with all of your buttons being different color, let me know what you're after and I'll see if I can't help you out. Something like this?

Originally Posted by Dilznoofus
Bright red bet buttons:

Place files in FTP\Graphics\NewTable\Common\Buttons


Last edited by DaWookie; 08-16-2010 at 06:42 PM.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-16-2010 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by AllinGoodFun
So if I wrote an application that read install data from an XML and ZIP file, would there be a lot of use for that? A GUI program that would read in theme info from an XML file to fill out preset options like cards, backgrounds, buttons, etc. Then the user could customize those if they wanted (it would get all possible options from the ZIP file). Finally it would copy the selected items into the FTP install directory.

Would I need to do any file merging? In case two files needed to make different changes to a layout.xml file depending on if they were installed?

Thoughts? Feature requests?

"" for the concept

the Layout XML is updated in a large percentage of FTP updates, thus resetting most themes. something that could re-add custom lines of codes to "new" XML files would be useful. other then that, simply re-using a .exe to re-install a mod seems efficient.

"idk what im talkin about really. im not that good w/ puters"

someome smrt chime in plz

Last edited by JayLighter420; 08-16-2010 at 07:26 PM. Reason: 100 posts. lol woot!
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-16-2010 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by JayLighter420
"" for the concept

the Layout XML is updated in a large percentage of FTP updates, thus resetting most themes. something that could re-add custom lines of codes to "new" XML files would be useful. other then that, simply re-using a .exe to re-install a mod seems efficient.

"idk what im talkin about really. im not that good w/ puters"

someome smrt chime in plz
This is doable, but you'd have to write a custom XML file for the installer. I could see more people wanting a mod installer that would live longer than a few months. How many XML files does a mod normally replace? Do the changed nodes have names that stay static? PM me your Layout.xml and the original Layout.xml. I'd like to diff them.

My original question didn't really get answered, so let me give you an example. If I tell the installer to install custom empty seat images and a dealer button, would the XML layout be different than if I just wanted it to install a new dealer button? If so, it'd have to have a feature to allow injecting xml changes into the layout file, which would solve the above problem as well.

I'm not allowed to moonlight, but I can write donation based software. Basically it's free and you donate whatever you think is fair. Then I'll match the year's total donation (I'm not expecting much) and give it to Child's Play. The catch being I get to deduct it from my taxes and you don't.

Keep the ideas coming, so I can finalize a functional spec.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-16-2010 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
Cross posted from SSNL FTP Regs thread (I wasn't going to bother posting it here, since it's really not that much of a mod - but its practical and might be of use to grinders with eye-strain for table selecting!)

Sometimes I find it difficult to differentiate between some of the similar shades of note icon colours in the lobby. I decided to modify the image to make it a bit clearer:

Nothing spectacular (so it's not mod-thread worthy), but I think it's quite functional. If you like them, right-click Save As, and copy to the specified folder (save a backup copy of the original, and obv remove the "BigNotes" prefix of the linked files).

C:\Program Files (x86)\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\Lobby\Buttons\ g

Just so its all matchy-matchy, I did the same with the on-table images:

If you want the table icons changed too, here are those files:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\NewTable\Common\Pod\RankDiodes.png

C:\Program Files (x86)\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\NewTable\Common\Dialogs\PlayerNotes \Diodes.png

I moved the note icon location on the table slightly up to make it more central (the original sits in the lower left corner of the pod area). To do so, modify the Layout.xml file in the following folder (again, make a backup copy first!):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\NewTable\RaceTrack\Layout.xml

Search for the line (near the end):

<image_object x="5" y="29" url="Graphics/NewTable/Common/Pod/RankDiodes.png" id="rank_nobadges" />

and change it to

<image_object x="8" y="20" url="Graphics/NewTable/Common/Pod/RankDiodes.png" id="rank_nobadges" />

Restart client for change to take effect.

(I don't use Classic table view, so don't know what to change X/Y to in that folder's Layout.xml)

And if you want to have HEM icons that match FTP's, you can swap the smallicons.png file for this one, in folder C:\Program Files (x86)\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Images

I give up. I still haven't figured out how to get my Note pods back since the update with the f'n badges. If someone can tell me step by step and walk me through how to get these as my note pods and have them show up on the table i'll ship you 10 bucks on FT. Help! Thanks. You can pm if you like.

Note: The pods are in the lobby and in the last hand history and the notes are there when I hold the cursor over the name, but the icons are not there on the table.

Last edited by wcaseyb; 08-16-2010 at 10:04 PM.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-17-2010 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by limpshove!

* with numeric T

It's starting to look decent. Taste the rainbow :P

If anyone knows the which font the previously mentioned Copag cards use, I'd like to give that one a swing. I think it would look pretty awesome.

is this what you're looking for?

ok comparing, there are slight variations but it's close enough i guess

Last edited by nonecks; 08-17-2010 at 12:14 AM.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-17-2010 , 12:07 AM
Same font used in my Sharp/MegaSharp deck, and the ill-fated Marlboro deck, iirc.

Last edited by fozzy71; 08-17-2010 at 12:08 AM. Reason: It would be perfect if it had an open-top 4.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-17-2010 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by AllinGoodFun
Keep the ideas coming, so I can finalize a functional spec.
I've thought about this before as well. With the newer mods making changes to xml files, applying mods is no longer just a case of copying graphics files.

A tool like you are describing would be useful not only for mod designers, but to end users that like to switch their mods around from time to time (and of course to reapply them when FTP makes mod-destroying software changes!).

Using XSL, say, you could modify whatever the current layout.xml contains to include either new nodes or changes to data elements. Say, the mod developer (or end-user) provides an "updates.xml" file that your tool can load, which contains just new nodes and/or existing nodes with different data values, and you apply those changes to the correct layout.xml (remember there is one for classic and one for racetrack).

***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-17-2010 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by wcaseyb
I give up. I still haven't figured out how to get my Note pods back since the update with the f'n badges. If someone can tell me step by step and walk me through how to get these as my note pods and have them show up on the table i'll ship you 10 bucks on FT. Help! Thanks. You can pm if you like.

Note: The pods are in the lobby and in the last hand history and the notes are there when I hold the cursor over the name, but the icons are not there on the table.
What about just uninstalling and reinstalling the FTP client?
Remember to back up any and all mods, plus your player notes file first!
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-17-2010 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Same font used in my Sharp/MegaSharp deck, and the ill-fated Marlboro deck, iirc.
And my London Deck
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-17-2010 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
What about just uninstalling and reinstalling the FTP client?
Remember to back up any and all mods, plus your player notes file first!
Thanks, but I wish it were that simple. It doesn't seem to work. There were a few posts a while back about how to do it. I have the badges turned off. I tried changing the layout.xml files as directed in those posts but it didn't work for me ...... I'm a moran.

The offer still stands.

Here is an example of my note pods being in the replayer but not on the table.

In unrelated news, the new Ray Lamontagne album that came out today is spectacular.

Last edited by wcaseyb; 08-17-2010 at 10:52 AM.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
