Hi. I have a problem importing hands from my Full Tilt account to Holdem Manager 2. I usually play on Pokerstars and HM2 works with them very well, imports hands, views statistics, tracks everything. But now when I try to import hands from Full Tilt (they are saved in English language, in a folder named "HandHistory", now I've played on 1 table and it shows a notepad document with hand history written in plain text) HM2 just doesn't seem to see it.
When I try to manually import them, the program says "Files imported 1 of 1" but "Hands imported: 0" and "Errors: 35". I guess, errors here stands for the amount of hands I've played, don't know why though.
When I try to select a player, find my account name from Full Tilt in the list of all players, I can't find anything. So, hands just won't import.
Can someone give me a clue what is happening here? Should hand history be saved in a different format or something? Because I don't think so, on the official site of HM2 it says in the instruction how to make FT save hands and there isn't a word about "different formats" or anything like that.
I hope I made it clear about the problem. Looking forward to a useful answer