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Wisconsin Governor deploys "nuclear option" and takes on public unions. Wisconsin Governor deploys "nuclear option" and takes on public unions.

03-03-2011 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
They might, but not on any time frame worth mentioning.

Signatures have to be collected and then verified, then there are the appeals, blah blah blah.

Only 12% of households are union households... there just isn't enough outrage by a large enough segment of the population for any of those recall elections to help much imo.

You need to remember that the people who CAN be recalled, were elected on the same ballot as Obama. Turnout was absurd for that election, and Obamamania was in full swing.

Why does which ballot they were elected on matter outside of whether or not they can be recalled? If Walker lost, or it was a competitive district, or they barely won shouldn't they be worried? Union households may be a small percentage but they aren't the only people upset by this AFAICT.
03-03-2011 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by obsidian
Ever been to Cuba? Unemployment is very low.
Yea thats why I said in a vacuum. Mentioning high employment or low prices in a vacuum is meaningless.
03-03-2011 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Depends on how much the government mucks it up, amirite?

environment has a great deal to do with progress. The French couldn't get past the malaria issues in Panama, John Frank Stevens first cleaned up the disease issues, then was able to get the canal finished.
03-03-2011 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Why does which ballot they were elected on matter outside of whether or not they can be recalled? If Walker lost, or it was a competitive district, or they barely won shouldn't they be worried?
Makes a big difference. Obama got a LOT of new voters to the polls, many of which it is safe to assume voted democratic in other races as well. If these recall candidates "barely lost" on the Obama ballot, then it's likely that they would have won by a larger margin on a standalone ballot, like a recall election.
03-03-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Makes a big difference. Obama got a LOT of new voters to the polls, many of which it is safe to assume voted democratic in other races as well. If these recall candidates "barely lost" on the Obama ballot, then it's likely that they would have won by a larger margin on a standalone ballot, like a recall election.
I wasn't really looking at the Obama one I was looking at how Walker did last year in their district but I could how things would be different between if they barely won then and now. Turnout will be key and TBH I've never really seen the union base fired up like this so there will be a lot of movement on the ground IMO.
03-03-2011 , 02:21 PM
Typo in my post you quoted. "barley lost" should have been "barely won" but I assume you got what I meant.

You're right about unions being fired up, but I'm under the impression that union turnout is astronomically high in just about every election. So I'm not sure how being extra fired up will help them all that much.

They can whine all they want at their neighbors, but I don't see them getting a lot of public sympathy at the polls. Human nature tells me that even if a neighbor is all "rah rah rah don't take their rights away!" when you knock on his door, when it comes time for him to cast his secret vote, he's going to think about himself.
03-03-2011 , 02:24 PM
"Union turnout" might be higher than the average but I'm not sure that it is. We also have a lot of Republican, and other, members that don't vote for the endorsed candidates. Polling I've seen in WI shows those other members swinging against Walker which could be a big factor in any recall or other election coming up.
03-03-2011 , 02:33 PM
Oh snap.

The resolution says if Democrats do not return to the chamber by 4 p.m. Thursday, they are in contempt of the Senate and Fitzgerald shall order Senate Sergeant at Arms Ted Blazel to "take any and all necessary steps, with or without force, and with or without the assistance of law enforcement officers, by warrant or other legal process, as he may deem necessary in order to bring that senator to the Senate chambers so that the Senate may convene with a quorum of no less than 20 senators."
03-03-2011 , 02:33 PM
About the Milwaukee vouchers:

We have displayed a rough and limited snapshot of the average performance of Choice students in certain grades that suggests they tend to perform below national averages and state proficiency targets but at levels roughly comparable to similarly income-disadvantaged students in MPS. An initial comparison of carefully matched panels of MPCP and MPS students reports few differences that are statistically significant but some suggestive evidence that boys might be gaining somewhat more in reading if they participate in the MPCP and girls may be gaining somewhat more in reading if they are enrolled in MPS. An innovative new analysis of the effects of the MPCP on student achievement in MPS indicates that the effect has been positive, statistically significant, and modest in size.

Cliffs: no detectable improvement in students enrolled in private schools. Significant improvement in students who wanted the vouchers but were not selected.
03-03-2011 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by BCPVP
So they're authorizing them to be kidnapped? AFAIK they can't arrest them while in session so not sure how this is legit.
03-03-2011 , 02:48 PM
I thought someone might quote that report. It got a LOT of heat here locally.

There are some kids who aren't going to learn no matter where you put them. The key there is the "similarly income-disadvantaged" phrase.

Now imagine what will happen if you eliminate the income limits and sprinkle in some parents who actually care about their children's future. Suddenly the private schools who are maxed out on capacity can be a little more choosy with which students they take, and the OVERALL education level of our kids will go up.

Will there still be a segment of the student population who has parents that just don't care and wind up in prison at 17? absolutely. But those kids will eventually be quarantined to the prison schools instead of bringing everyone else down with them.

My wife teaches 7th grade. Of the horror stories I hear every day, basically ALL of them involve 3 students. In nearly all cases, she has to stop what she's doing with the rest of the class to deal with these 3 thug wannabes and it negatively affects the other 25 kids in the room.

Private schools can kick kids out FAR easily than a public one can. By giving those schools a much larger pool of kids to screen from, they will be able to more easily avoid those 3-5% of the truly bad apples that degrade educational quality for everyone.

I would much rather have all the bad applies sitting in locked classrooms at St. Charles than have them spread out over ALL classrooms creating problems. Give the St. Charles teachers big hazard pay bonuses or whatever you need to do to get people to work there imo.
03-03-2011 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
So they're authorizing them to be kidnapped? AFAIK they can't arrest them while in session so not sure how this is legit.
They are going to find them in contempt of the senate. Which typically means you can be detained. They are also considering other punishments such as censure or expulsion.
03-03-2011 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by will1530
They are going to find them in contempt of the senate. Which typically means you can be detained. They are also considering other punishments such as censure or expulsion.
Well they won't be able to expel them so that's off the table. I'm not sure how being found in contempt means you can be detained if you have immunity from arrests.
03-03-2011 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Well they won't be able to expel them so that's off the table. I'm not sure how being found in contempt means you can be detained if you have immunity from arrests.
I don't know WI law well enough to answer. I know if you're found in contempt of congress you're going to jail. So why would it be different on the state level. Also, being detained isn't the same as being arrested.

Why would the repubs not be able to expel them?
03-03-2011 , 03:11 PM
If you don't have the votes for a quorum (20) you will never have the votes to expel them (21).
03-03-2011 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
If you don't have the votes for a quorum (20) you will never have the votes to expel them (21).
Did you read the article? It said when they come back. Obviously they wouldn't have the votes needed, but they certainly could try.
03-03-2011 , 03:22 PM
I didn't say they couldn't try I just said they wouldn't be able to (unless you think they can get 4 Dems to turn on their colleagues.)
03-03-2011 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I would much rather have all the bad applies sitting in locked classrooms at St. Charles than have them spread out over ALL classrooms creating problems. Give the St. Charles teachers big hazard pay bonuses or whatever you need to do to get people to work there imo.

03-03-2011 , 04:37 PM
Pretty much.

We need more of this guy:

03-03-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
A subset of children denied even the basics of reading & writing because their parents can't financially pay. A generation of havenots formed into more street gangs, with nowhere else to go.
pvn is right, there is no chance the poor kids with ****** parents will be left out in the cold by the voucher system. None at all. That isnt the goal.

Originally Posted by Inso0
I thought someone might quote that report. It got a LOT of heat here locally.

There are some kids who aren't going to learn no matter where you put them. The key there is the "similarly income-disadvantaged" phrase.

Now imagine what will happen if you eliminate the income limits and sprinkle in some parents who actually care about their children's future. Suddenly the private schools who are maxed out on capacity can be a little more choosy with which students they take, and the OVERALL education level of our kids will go up.

Will there still be a segment of the student population who has parents that just don't care and wind up in prison at 17? absolutely. But those kids will eventually be quarantined to the prison schools instead of bringing everyone else down with them.

My wife teaches 7th grade. Of the horror stories I hear every day, basically ALL of them involve 3 students. In nearly all cases, she has to stop what she's doing with the rest of the class to deal with these 3 thug wannabes and it negatively affects the other 25 kids in the room.

Private schools can kick kids out FAR easily than a public one can. By giving those schools a much larger pool of kids to screen from, they will be able to more easily avoid those 3-5% of the truly bad apples that degrade educational quality for everyone.

I would much rather have all the bad applies sitting in locked classrooms at St. Charles than have them spread out over ALL classrooms creating problems. Give the St. Charles teachers big hazard pay bonuses or whatever you need to do to get people to work there imo.
03-03-2011 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Pretty much.

We need more of this guy:

This is actually my favorite movie. The teachers who turned things around were union and Morgan Freeman was ex-union.
03-03-2011 , 05:26 PM
Phill, the comment you quoted says that they'll be left in the streets because their parents cannot PAY.

The "lolwut" is correct in that context. It has nothing to do with payment.

Vouchers let the parents of children who want to learn who currently CAN'T afford the private tuition flee the public system so their kid has a better chance at an education.


Not all union teachers are bad, and not all bad teachers are union. However, all bad teachers who still have a job do seem to be union. That's our beef.
03-03-2011 , 05:28 PM
"They used to call me crazy Joe, now they call me Batman"
03-03-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Not all union teachers are bad, and not all bad teachers are union. However, all bad teachers who still have a job do seem to be union. That's our beef.
Why is reform not an option?
03-03-2011 , 05:35 PM
At least our representatives are going after the fat cat filthy rich teachers and protecting the hard working poorly paid bankers.
